267 Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-904 Korea Tel : 82-2-789-3715 Fax : 82-2-789-3749 For more details : http://content.mbc.co.kr | E-mail : [email protected] Synopsis Geum Sa-weol is a genius architect who grew up in an orphanage. Despite the hardships she faced while growing up, she always stayed positive and never despaired no matter how tough life became. Her biological mother Deuk-ye had her through an extramarital affair with an ex-boyfriend and plots revenge on her husband and his mother. After considerable amount of time has passed, Sa-weol meets her mother but both of them do not recognize each other. Instead, they get to know each other as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. 天才建筑师琴四月从小在孤儿院长大,但遇到任何难关都不屈服,顽强地生活。在仅有一次的外遇后生下琴四月的德 艺因为遭到丈夫和婆家的背叛,出于对他们的憎恶在心中暗藏复仇的利刃。时间流逝,她俩作为婆媳重逢。讲述家庭因为父母 不负责任的欲望与自私心理土崩瓦解,此后通过“建筑房屋”治愈过去的创伤并恢复关系的过程。 天才的建築士クム・サウォルは保育園で育てられたが、どんな困難にも負けずにまっすぐ生きていく。一度きりの浮気 でサウォルを産んだドゥゲは、夫と嫁ぎ先の裏切りに憎悪を募らせ、復讐の時を待ちながら暮らしている。時が経ち、二人は 姑と嫁として再会する。無責任な親たちの欲望と利己心によってバラバラになった家族関係を‘家造り’を通じて、過去の傷を癒 して関係を回復していく過程が描かれる。 Geum Sa-weol Kang Chan-bin She is the daughter from Deuk-ye’s extramarital affair who was abandoned at an orphanage. She has a cheerful disposition and never despairs no matter how hard life gets. After becoming an architect, a terrible accident happened to one of the workers at the construction site and she takes it upon herself to support the family of the injured worker. Through another series of unfortunate events, she finds herself also supporting Joo Se-hoon who is a victim of a hit-and-run accident. One day she falls in love with Kang Chan-bin who is the stepson of her biological mother and this causes a terribly awkward situation once the truth about her mother is revealed. The scion of the family that owns Bogeum Constructions, who currently works in the family business as a vice president. His interactions with women are always professional and he keeps it strictly about business. He becomes enamored with Geum Sa-weol, who is unconventional and clumsy to a fault, and his relationship with her causes friction with his disapproving father whom he had never dared to disobey before. He is passionately in love with Saweol but has a difficult time expressing his emotions and becomes consumed with jealousy when he witnesses Sa-weol hanging out with her male friend Joo Se-hoon. 琴四月 l 白珍熙饰 Geum Sa-weol 姜灿彬 l 尹贤旻饰 因为德艺有外遇而来到人世,在孤儿院长大。天性开朗 愉快,再艰辛也不肯放弃。对于建筑很有天赋。成为建筑师后, 不得不抚养在工地出事故的工人家属,还负责照顾车祸受害者周 世勋,更与亲生母亲的养子姜灿彬相爱,经历坎坷的命运。 宝金建筑公司的继承人和本部长,典型的高傲上流阶层男 人,坚信金钱就意味着权力,出于生意考虑利用女人。遇到漏洞百 出的琴四月并爱上她,与原本至高无上的父亲也发生冲突。虽然热 烈地爱四月,但不善于表达,两人总是争执不休,得知朋友世勋与 四月关系亲密后非常嫉妒。 クム・サウォル l 俳優 ペク・ジニ カン・チャンビン l 俳優 ユン・ヒョンミン ドゥゲの不倫の末に生まれ、保育園で育てられる。天性 の明るさで、どんなつらい状況でもあきらめない。建築に対す る天性の感覚を持つ。建築士になった後、工事現場で事故に遭っ た家族たちの面倒を見ざるを得なくなり、しかも交通事故の被害 者であるチュ・セフンの世話まで見ることに。血は繋がってない が、実母の息子であるカン・チャンビンと恋におちるという数奇 な運命に立たされる。 ボグム建設の後継者であり本部長。典型的なプライドの高 い上流階級の男。金イコール権力と信じ、女との付き合いも徹底し てビジネスだけの関係だ。欠点だらけの変わった女クム・サウォル に会って恋におち、神様のような存在だった父親とも衝突するよう になる。サウォルを心から愛するが、素直になれず。そんななか友 達セフンとサウォルの親密な仲を知り、抑え難い嫉妬にかられる。 v Starring actor Yoon Hyun-min v v Starring actress Baek Jin-hee v Shin Deuk-ye Oh Hye-sang She is the biological mother of Geum Sa-weol and the stepmother of Kang Chan-bin. After the sudden death of her father, her once wealthy family fell on hard times and she later finds out that her husband had played a sinister role in the reversal of her family fortunes. This enrages her so she has an affair with an old flame and promptly gets pregnant. She has to secretly give birth without her husband knowing and she leaves her baby in the care of a nurse friend who then sends it to an orphanage. Deuk-ye mistakenly identifies Hye-sang as her daughter and supports her financially anonymously. When she does not get her way, she will immediately start crying to engender compassion and pity. She is a manipulative fox. Deuk-ye mistakes her for her own daughter and pays for her abroad studies and cares about her well-being. Hye-sang grew up with Geum Sa-weol at the same orphanage and they were best friends as children but as she became older, she started to get jealous of Sa-weol to the point that it poisoned their friendship. 申德艺 l 钱忍和饰 琴四月的亲生母亲和江灿彬户口上的母亲。得知导致父 亲去世和家境衰落的幕后人物就是自己的丈夫后,出于对丈夫的 愤怒和复仇心理,一时冲动地与昔日恋人偷情,瞒着家人生下了 四月。她托付当护士的朋友照顾四月,后来四月被送进孤儿院, 她误以为惠尚是自己的亲生女儿而暗中资助。 シン・ドゥゲ l 俳優 チョン・イナ Shin Deuk-ye v Starring actress Jeon In-hwa v Kang Chan-bin クム・サウォルの実母であり、カン・チャンビンの戸籍 上の母親。父親の死と家の没落の背後に夫の存在があったことを 知ってから、夫に対する怒りと復讐心から思わず昔の恋人と関係 を持ち、家族に内緒でサウォルを産んだ。看護師の友達に預けら れたサウォルは保育園に行くようになり、ヘサンを実の娘と勘違 いし、人知れず手を差し伸べる。 吴惠尚 l 朴世荣饰 如果不能如愿就会流泪,装作可怜,善于讨好别人的狡猾女 孩。德艺误以为她是自己的亲生女儿,送她到外国留学,对她悉心关 照。她和孤儿院的好友琴四月彼此安慰和依赖,但随着时间的流逝, 越来越嫉妒四月,两人的关系变得错综复杂。 オ・ヘサン l 俳優 パク・セヨン 自分の思い通りにならなければ涙を流して哀れな振りを し、人々の歓心を買う計算高い女。ドゥゲが自分の娘と勘違いし て留学費用を出すなど大事にされる。保育園の時からの親友だっ たサウォルとは互いに慰め、助け合う仲だったが、時が経つほど にサウォルに対する嫉妬が雪だるまのように膨れ上がり、二人の 関係は完全にもつれてしまう。 Oh Hye-sang v Starring actress Park Sae-young v
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