活動 ボーイング高等教育プログラム 国際宇宙大学派遣制度 博士前期

Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Vitalizing Brain Circulation
―Strategic International Multiple Collaborative Research Project on
Advanced Basic Fluid Science to Support Life and Energy
本プログラムでは、過去 3 年間実施したプログラムの成果を基に、社会が要請する研究分野で流体
The current program builds off of the success of the previous three year program, and specializes in
cutting edge core fluid science research that supports important research on "life" and "energy", two
fields which society is calling for advances in, by making critical contributions through fluid science.
Through the program, the researchers from last time's project and the current project work together
with collaborating research institutes to strategically implement an array of international collaborative
1. 本研究所と海外研究機関との協力関係の多重化
2. 若手研究者派遣による国際ネットワークの多元化
Multiplexing of the collaborative relationship with
international research institutes and the IFS
教 員 名:廣田 真 助教 Assistant Prof. Makoto Hirota
期 間:2014 年 7 月~ 2015 年 8 月 July. 2014 ‒ Aug. 2015
派 遣 先:テキサス大学 オースティン校(エネルギー、複雑流解析)
University of Texas at Austin (energy, complex flow analytics)
研 究 内 容:複雑な流体モデルに備わっているハミルトン力学的な構
This study focuses on a model of complex fluids incorporating
Hamilton mechanics, and investigates stability discrimination and
non-stable modes by constructing a new method for solving variation
problems and developing an efficient algorithm. It also applies this to
electromagnetic fluids and two fluid plasma flows, showing a law of
教 員 名:吉野 大輔 助教 Assistant Prof. Daisuke Yoshino
期 間:2014 年 10 月~ 2015 年 7 月 Oct. 2014 ‒ July. 2015
派 遣 先:シンガポール国立大学(生命、高度医療)National University of Singapore(Life, Advanced medicine)
研 究 内 容:血行力学などの物理刺激に対する細胞の形態的応答および遺伝子群発現やタンパク質発現による細胞の物理刺激応答機構を明らか
This study shows cellular response mechanisms to physical stimulus that lead to the manifestation of proteins and gene cluster expression, and
cellular morphological responses to physical stimulation, such as in hemodynamics. It also investigates pathogenic mechanisms for
cardiovascular disease on a cellular/protein level.
教 員 名:早川 晃弘 助教 Assistant Prof. Akihiro Hayakawa
期 間:2014 年 9 月~ 2016 年 3 月 Sep.2014 ‒ Mar. 2016
派 遣 先:ケンブリッジ大学(エネルギー、次世代燃料)University of Cambridge(Energy, Next generation fuels)
研 究 内 容:次世代燃料の層流および乱流火炎の火炎構造を明らかにして、燃焼生成物の生成やその影響因子、水素付加燃焼強化による火炎構
This study shows the laminar flow of next generation fuels and the flame structure of turbulent flames. It also investigates the influential factors
of the by-products that their combustion creates and the change in flame structure due to hydrogenated combustion intensification, while
examining the phenomenon of the turbulent combustion and improvement of chemical reaction mechanisms.
Boeing Higher Education Program
東 北 大 学 は 2012 年 度 よ り、米 国 The Boeing Company(以 下
Boeing 社)が 世 界 的 に 展 開 す る 教 育 プ ロ グ ラ ム Boeing Higher
Education Program に参加し、Boeing 社より Grant を受けて「世
Starting from 2012, Tohoku University participates in Boeing
Higher Education Program that The Boeing Company presents
worldwide and receives Grant from The Boeing Company to bring
up excellent scientists and engineers who should carry the world
International Space University -Space Studies Program 流体科学研究所は流体科学に関わる国際研究教育拠点として,流動
ています。毎年夏期に世界 30 カ国から第一線の若手研究者や学生が
100 人ほど参加する国際宇宙大学 SSP は独自の教育プログラムを有し、
Every summer, IFS holds an international Space University Studies
Program, SSP, where about 100 top level young researchers and
students from 30 countries around the world participate in an original educational program for training and development of future
researchers in the field of fluid science.
Graduate Student Overseas Presentation Promotion Program
Institute of Fluid Science, which is an international research and
education center in the field of fluid science, is actively involved in
the training of talented young people who can play an active role
internationally in the field of fluid science. To this end, master
degree students are given the chance and encouraged to participate in international conferences in order build up their record of
practical experience with the support of IFS.
Graduate Student Exchange Program based on the Academic Exchange Agreement
教 員 名:岡島 淳之介 助教 Assistant Prof. Junnosuke Okajima
期 間:2015 年 4 月~ 2016 年 3 月 Apr. 2015 ‒ Mar. 2016
派 遣 先:ダルムシュタット工科大学(生命、先端医療技術)Technische Universität Darmstadt(Life, Advanced Medical Technology)
研 究 内 容:沸騰・蒸発現象において重要であり、エネルギー輸送を支配している相変化界面について、特にマイクロチャンネル内の相変化伝
This study focuses on surface phase change, an important part of boiling and evaporation phenomenon that controls energy transfer,
investigating them and their mechanisms from a nano- to a micro-scale, brining about high heat-flux cooling mechanisms.
23 Tohoku University
The university has scientific exchange agreements with other universities and such agreements between departments. Detailed rules of student exchanges have been concluded, which include the
waiver of tuition for exchange students. To help graduate exchange students meet their living
expenses, employment is also available.
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