Title: Low power IoT wireless LAN module SX-ULPAN-2400 製品仕様書 Drawing Type : Product Specifications Drawing No.: JW201400AA Date : February 04, 2015 © silex technology, Inc. (1/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 改版履歴 (Revision History) Rev. AX Description 初版 The first edition as the official version. Date Prepared Checked Approved Dec.25,14 K.Yoshikawa Y.Shibuya T.Kometani Feb.04,15 M.Ieda Y.Shibuya T.Kometani 4.6 章, Section 4.6 AA US/Canada 地域対応のため、送信電力テーブルを変更 Changed Tx Power table for US and Canada region. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (2/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 目次 (Contents) 1. はじめに (Introduction) ...................................................................................................................................................4 2. 概要 (Overview) ................................................................................................................................................................4 3. ハードウェアシステムブロック図 (Hardware system block diagram) ....................................................................6 4. 基板仕様 (Board specifications).......................................................................................................................................7 4.1. 一般仕様 (General specifications) ............................................................................................................ 7 4.2. 環境条件 (Environmental specifications) ................................................................................................. 8 4.3. 電気的仕様 (Electrical specifications) ...................................................................................................... 9 4.4. 消費電流 (Current consumption specifications) .................................................................................... 10 4.5. 無線 LAN 一般仕様 (Wireless LAN general specifications) .................................................................... 11 4.6. 無線 LAN 送信仕様 (Wireless LAN Transmitter specifications).............................................................. 12 4.7. 無線 LAN 受信仕様 (Wireless LAN Receiver specifications) .................................................................. 16 コネクタ仕様 (Connector interface specifications).................................................................................................... 18 5. 5.1. ピン配置 (Pin locations) ......................................................................................................................... 18 5.2. 信号仕様 (Signal descriptions) ............................................................................................................... 19 5.3. ブートストラップオプション (Bootstrap configurations) .................................................................. 23 インターフェイス仕様 (Interface specifications) ..................................................................................................... 24 6. 6.1. SPI 仕様 (SPI Interface specifications)..................................................................................................... 24 6.2. パワーON/OFF, リセットタイミング (Power on/off and reset timing) ............................................. 25 7. 適合規格 (Standards Compliance)................................................................................................................................ 26 8. 機械的仕様 (Mechanical Specifications)...................................................................................................................... 28 9. マーキング仕様 (Marking specifications) ................................................................................................................... 29 10. 構成リスト (Components composition List)........................................................................................................... 29 11. 梱包仕様 (Packing specifications) ............................................................................................................................ 30 12. 信頼性試験 (Reliability test) ..................................................................................................................................... 32 13. 使用上の注意 (Notification)..................................................................................................................................... 34 14. 付録 A アンテナ性能 (Appendix -A Antenna performance) .......................................................................... 36 15. 付録 B SMT リフロー条件 (Appendix -B SMT reflow profiles)....................................................................... 47 © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (3/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 1. はじめに (Introduction) 本書は SX-ULPAN-2400(以下 SX-ULPAN)について説明するものです。 This document describes about “SX-ULPAN-2400” (SX-ULPAN). 2. 概要 (Overview) 表面実装型低消費電力 SPI - 無線 LAN モジュール SX-ULPAN は、1x1 SISO Dual Band IEEE802.11a/b/g/n に 準拠しています。11n のサポートは HT20 のみで HT40 には対応しません。本モジュールは EU RoHS 指令 2011/65/EC(Lead Free)に適合しています。無線チップとして Qualcomm 社 QCA4004X を採用しています。 The surface mount type low power SPI to wireless LAN module, SX-ULPAN, is compliant with dual band IEEE802.11a/b/g/n standard. HT20 is supported for 11n, but HT40 is not. Also the SX-ULPAN is compliant with EU RoHs direction 2011/65/EC (Lead Free). The SX-ULPAN uses a RF chip, Qualcomm QCA4004X. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (4/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 特徴 (Features) ❑IEEE802.11a/b/g/n (IEEE802.11-2012)準拠 (2.4GHz,5GHz) IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n (IEEE802.11-2012) conformity (2.4GHz & 5GHz) ❑1 ストリーム 1 x 1 SISO システム及び 20MHz 帯域幅モード対応 Supports the single stream 1 x 1 SISO system and 20MHz. ❑データレート 802.11b/g 1-54Mbps, 802.11a 6-54Mbps, 802.11n MCS0-7 対応 Supports data rates 1 - 54 Mbps for 802.11b/g, 6 - 54 Mbps for 802.11a and MCS0-7 for 802.11n. ❑オンボード PCB アンテナとアドオンアンテナ用 U.FL 端子を選択可能 Selectable an onboard printed antenna and an U.FL connector for an add-on antenna. ❑ソフトウェア受信ダイバーシティ対応 Supports software receive diversity. ❑Wireless LAN ホスト IF として SPI (SPI : 10Mbps) Supports SPI for the host IF of wireless LAN (10 Mbps for SPI) ❑送信電力全数個別調整 Calibrates Tx power per module. ❑セキュリティ WPS, WPA, WPA2 ハードウェア対応。 Hardware supports security such as WPS, WPA and WPA2. ❑IPv4, TCP, UDP 対応 Supports on chip IPv4, TCP and UDP protocol. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (5/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 3. ハードウェアシステムブロック図 (Hardware system block diagram) SX-ULPAN-2400 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM Selectable QCA4004X Debug UART SPI Slave UART SPI Master SPI Flash 4Mb Quad Host Interfaces 2G Tx 2 x I2S Interfaces 5G Rx IPD Balun Discrete Filter 2G Tx Discrete Balun Discrete Filter 5G Rx IPD Balun 2G Rx 2G Rx Discrete Balun I2C Interfaces Clock 40MHz Oscillator GPIOs PMU USB Interfaces (Main) 5G Tx 5G Tx (4 Control) VDD_HOST Printed ANT RF out (Option) SP3T RFSW SPDT RFSW Discrete Diplexer U.FL (Diversity) Power Inductor VDD_GPIO +1.2VDC Supported Limited for specific purposes VDD33 SP3T RFSW SPDT RFSW IPD U.FL Printed ANT Flash ROM PMU © silex technology, Inc. Not supported Single pole triple throw radio switch Single pole double throw radio switch Integrated Passive Device Hirose U.FL alternative connector Printed on board antenna 4Mbits serial flash memory Power management unit Date:February 04, 2015 (6/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4. 基板仕様 (Board specifications) 4.1. 一般仕様 (General specifications) Items 機械的接続方法 Mechanical interface アンテナコネクタ Antenna connectors オンボードアンテナ On board antenna インターフェイス Device Interfaces 無線規格 Radio standards 重さ Weight Specifications Units Surface mount type 40 signal + 16 exposed ground - U.FL 互換コネクタ x 1 U.FL Alternative connector x 1 - 2.4GHz +2.1 dBi 5GHz LGA type pads. アンテナ最大利得 Peak Antenna Gain *14 章参照。See chapter 14. +2.2 SPI Slave - ホストの SPI Master に接続 IEEE802.11a/b/g/n - IEEE802.11-2012 1.50 +/- 0.1 g 寸法 Dimensions W x HxD MTBF 90,000 リフロー回数 Reflow Number 1 ESD 耐性 ESD resistance Antenna pins ハードウェア暗号エンジン Hardware encryption engine アンテナポートインピーダンス Antenna port impedance RC4 128 bits AES 128 bits - 50 +/-20% Ω © silex technology, Inc. Notes 20 x 15 x 2.2 mm +/-0.25 mm Connect to the SPI Master to the Host * 8.章参照。 See chapter 8. h Min. Time Max. Max. +/- 2000 V Human Body Model at RF Port. JESD22-A114F (JS-001-2012) Class 2 device VSWR < 2.6 Date:February 04, 2015 (7/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4.2. 環境条件 (Environmental specifications) Items Specifications 動作温度 Operating Temperature -40 to +85 動作湿度 Operating humidity 10 to 95 保存温度 Assembled storage temperature -40 to +105 Units ℃ %RH 実装後電源電圧無印加時 After assembled with no-powered 結露無きこと Non condensing 実装後電源電圧無印加時 After assembled with no-powered 10 to 95 %RH 保管温度 Storage temperature 5 to +35 ℃ 20 to 60 Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 © silex technology, Inc. 周囲温度 Ambient 実装後電源電圧無印加時 After assembled with powered 結露無きこと Non condensing 実装後電源電圧印加時 After assembled with powered ℃ 保存湿度 Assembled storage humidity 保管湿度 Storage humidity Notes %RH - 梱包時。開封後は MSL に従う。 Packaged. Apply MSL after unpackaged. 結露無きこと Non condensing 梱包時。開封後は MSL に従う。 Packaged. Apply MSL after unpackaged. IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D 取り扱いについては下記を参照のこと。 See below standard for handling. IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033C Date:February 04, 2015 (8/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4.3. 電気的仕様 (Electrical specifications) Specifications Items Units Min. Typ. Max. -0.3 - +4.0 V +3.14 +3.3 +3.46 V 最大 IO 入力電圧 Maximum IO input voltage -0.3 - Vdd+0.3 V 最大 RF 入力電力 Maximum RF input power - - 0 dBm - - -20 dBm - - -30 dBm 主電源電圧 (VDD33/VDD33_A) Main Power supply voltage Symbols Parameters Conditions Notes 絶対最大定格 Absolute Maximum Ratings 推奨動作条件 Recommended Operating Conditions 絶対最大定格 Absolute Maximum Ratings Vdd=VDD_GPIO or VDDIO_HOST 絶対最大定格 Absolute Maximum Ratings 2.4GHz 推奨動作条件 2.4GHz Recommended Operating Conditions 5GHz 推奨動作条件 5GHz Recommended Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units VIH Input High Voltage +1.8 - +3.6 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 - 0.3 V VOH Output High Voltage IOH = 20mA +2.2 - +3.3 V VOL Output Low Voltage IOL = 20mA 0 - 0.4 V © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (9/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4.4. 消費電流 (Current consumption specifications) WLAN Specifications Items 消費電流 Mode Typ. Units 6 Mbps 260 mA 54 Mbps 220 mA MCS0 270 mA MCS7 230 mA 90 mA 1 Mbps 250 mA 11 Mbps 250 mA 6 Mbps 250 mA 54 Mbps 210 mA MCS0 250 mA MCS7 210 mA 90 mA 5GHz DTIM = 1 1.3 mA Current consumption 5GHz DTIM = 5 0.5 mA Low power mode 5GHz DTIM = 10 0.4 mA 2.4GHz DTIM = 1 2.2 mA 2.4GHz DTIM = 5 0.9 mA 2.4GHz DTIM = 10 0.5 mA 5 uA Tx Current consumption 5GHz 11a 11na HT20 1 chain All mode Rx 消費電流 Tx Current consumption 2.4GHz 11b 11g 11ng HT20 1 chain All mode Rx 消費電流 IEEE PS Standby Suspend mode Notes Measured at VDD33 power source. Beacon interval from APs is 100 msec © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (10/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 無線 LAN 一般仕様 (Wireless LAN general specifications) 4.5. Item Chipset 国/地域コード Country/Domain code Specification QCA4004X (Qualcomm Atheros) - 0x0000 - 中心周波数 11a 5180 - 5825 (Ch.36-Ch.165) Center frequency 11na HT20 5180 - 5825 (Ch.36-Ch.165) 11b 2412 - 2472 (Ch.1-Ch.13) 11g 2412 - 2472 (Ch.1-Ch.13) 11ng HT20 2412 - 2472 (Ch.1-Ch.13) チャネル間隔 11a/11naHT20 20 Channel Spacing 11b/11g/11ng HT20 5 リンクデータレート 11b 1, 2, 5.5L, 5.5S, 11L, 11S Link Data Rate 11a/g 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 11na/11ng MCS0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 変調方式 11a/11na OFDM(64QAM,16QAM,QPSK,BPSK) Modulation type 11b DSSS(CCK,DQPSK,DBPSK) 11g/11ng DSSS-OFDM 64QAM,16QAM,QPSK,BPSK) *1: Unit MHz Note *1 Japan : W52, W53, W56 US: W52, W53, W56, W58 MHz Japan : Ch.1-13 US : Ch.1-11 MHz Japan : Ch.1-13 US : Ch.1-11 MHz Mbps - - 国/地域コードについて (For Country / Region code) モジュールにはデフォルトで国/地域コードとして 0x0000 が書かれています。モジュールのロード 時に任意のコードに書き換えてご使用ください。 0x0000 is programed into the memory of the module as the default value. Change this code to preferred when the module is loaded. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (11/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4.6. 無線 LAN 送信仕様 (Wireless LAN Transmitter specifications) Specification Item 送信電力 (日本) Mode 11a TX power (Japan) © silex technology, Inc. Typ. Max. Unit Ch.36 - Ch.48 6-24Mbps +8.5 +11.0 +13.5 dBm W52 36Mbps +6.5 +9.0 +11.5 dBm 48-54 Mbps +4.5 +7.0 +9.5 dBm Ch.52 - Ch.64 6-24Mbps +8.0 +10.5 +13.0 dBm W53 36 Mbps +6.0 +8.5 +11.0 dBm 48-54 Mbps +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm Ch.100 - Ch.140 6-24Mbps +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W56 36 Mbps +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm 48-54 Mbps +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm Ch.149 - Ch.165 6-24Mbps +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W58 36 Mbps +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm 48-54 Mbps +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm Ch.36 - Ch.48 MCS0-3 +8.5 +11.0 +13.5 dBm W52 MCS4 +6.5 +9.0 +11.5 dBm MCS5-6 +4.5 +7.0 +9.5 dBm MCS7 +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm Ch.52 - Ch.64 MCS0-3 +8.0 +10.5 +13.0 dBm W53 MCS4 +6.0 +8.5 +11.0 dBm MCS5-6 +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm MCS7 +3.5 +6.0 +8.5 dBm Ch.100 - Ch.140 MCS0-3 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W56 MCS4 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm MCS5-6 +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm MCS7 +1.5 +4.0 +6.5 dBm Ch.149 - Ch.165 MCS0-3 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W58 MCS4 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm MCS5-6 +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm MCS7 +1.5 +4.0 +6.5 dBm 5GHz 11na HT20 Min. Note *1 Date:February 04, 2015 (12/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Specification Item Mode Min. Typ. Max. Unit 送信電力 (日本) 11b Ch.1 - Ch.13 1-11Mbps +13.0 +15.5 +18.0 dBm TX power (Japan) 11g Ch.1 - Ch.13 6-36Mbps +14.0 +16.5 +19.0 dBm 48-54 Mbps +12.0 +14.5 +17.0 dBm MCS0-4 +14.0 +16.5 +19.0 dBm MCS5-6 +12.0 +14.5 +17.0 dBm MCS7 +7.5 +10.0 +12.5 dBm 2.4GHz 11ng HT20 © silex technology, Inc. Ch.1 - Ch.13 Note *1 Date:February 04, 2015 (13/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Specification Item 送信電力 Mode 11a (アメリカ, カナダ) Min. Typ. Max. Unit Ch.36 - Ch.48 6-24Mbps +8.5 +11.0 +13.5 dBm W52 36Mbps +6.5 +9.0 +11.5 dBm 48-54 Mbps +4.5 +7.0 +9.5 dBm TX power (US, Canada) Ch.52 - Ch.64 6-24Mbps +8.0 +10.5 +13.0 dBm 5GHz W53 36 Mbps +6.0 +8.5 +11.0 dBm 48-54 Mbps +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm Ch.100 - Ch.140 6-36Mbps +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W56 48-54 Mbps +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm 6-54Mbps +1.5 +4.0 +6.5 dBm Ch.36 - Ch.48 MCS0-3 +8.5 +11.0 +13.5 dBm W52 MCS4 +6.5 +9.0 +11.5 dBm MCS5-6 +4.5 +7.0 +9.5 dBm MCS7 +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm Ch.52 - Ch.64 MCS0-3 +8.0 +10.5 +13.0 dBm W53 MCS4 +6.0 +8.5 +11.0 dBm MCS5-6 +4.0 +6.5 +9.0 dBm MCS7 +3.5 +6.0 +8.5 dBm Ch.100 - Ch.140 MCS0-3 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm W56 MCS4 +5.0 +7.5 +10.0 dBm MCS5-6 +3.0 +5.5 +8.0 dBm MCS7 +1.5 +4.0 +6.5 dBm MCS0-7 +1.5 +4.0 +6.5 dBm Ch.149 - Ch.165 W58 11na HT20 Ch.149 - Ch.165 W58 © silex technology, Inc. Note *1 Date:February 04, 2015 (14/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Specification Item 送信電力 Mode 11b Min. Typ. Max. Unit Ch.1 1-11Mbps +11.5 +14.0 +16.5 dBm (アメリカ, カナダ) Ch.2 - Ch.3 1-11Mbps +11.0 +13.5 +16.0 dBm TX power Ch.4 - Ch.6 1-11Mbps +10.5 +13.0 +15.5 dBm (US, Canada) Ch.7 - Ch.8 1-11Mbps +10.0 +12.5 +15.0 dBm 2.4GHz Ch.9 - Ch.11 1-11Mbps +9.5 +12.0 +14.5 dBm Ch.1 6-54Mbps +9.5 +12.0 +14.5 dBm Ch.2 - Ch.10 6-54 Mbps +10.5 +13.0 +15.5 dBm Ch.11 6-54 Mbps +7.5 +10.0 +12.5 dBm Ch.1 MCS0-6 +9.5 +12.0 +14.5 dBm MCS7 +7.5 +10.0 +12.5 dBm MCS0-6 +12.0 +14.5 +17.0 dBm MCS7 +7.5 +10.0 +12.5 dBm MCS0-7 +7.5 +10.0 +12.5 dBm 11g 11ng HT20 Ch.2 - Ch.10 Ch.11 Specification Item 送信パワー温度 変化量 Temperature Power drift level Mode *1: *2: Typ. Max. Unit 802.11a 6-54Mbps -1.5 - +1.5 dB 802.11na MSC0-7 -1.5 - +1.5 dB 802.11b 1-11Mbps -1.5 - +1.5 dB 802.11g 6-54Mbps -1.5 - +1.5 dB 802.11ng MSC0-7 -1.5 - +1.5 dB Min. Typ. Max. -20 0 +20 Specification Item 中心周波数 Center Frequency Min. Mode 11a/11b/11g/11n *1 Note *2 Unit ppm Note Note *2 常温 Room temperature (+25℃) 動作温度 Operating temperature © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (15/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 4.7. 無線 LAN 受信仕様 (Wireless LAN Receiver specifications) Specifications Item Mode Typ. Max. Unit 最小受信感度 11a 6Mbps -90 -82 dBm Receiver minimum (PER<10%) 9Mbps -89 -81 dBm Sensitivity 12Mbps -87 -79 dBm 5GHz 18Mbps -85 -77 dBm 24Mbps -81 -74 dBm 36Mbps -78 -70 dBm 48Mbps -74 -66 dBm 54Mbps -72 -65 dBm 11na HT20 MCS0 -90 -82 dBm (PER<10%) MCS1 -87 -79 dBm MCS2 -85 -77 dBm MCS3 -80 -74 dBm MCS4 -77 -70 dBm MCS5 -73 -66 dBm MCS6 -71 -65 dBm MCS7 -69 -64 dBm © silex technology, Inc. Note *1 Date:February 04, 2015 (16/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Specification Item Mode Typ. Max. Unit 最小受信感度 11b 1Mbps -89 -80 dBm Receiver minimum (FER<8%) 2Mbps -88 -80 dBm Sensitivity 5.5Mbps -87 -76 dBm 2.4GHz 11Mbps -84 -76 dBm 11g 6Mbps -88 -82 dBm (PER<10%) 9Mbps -87 -81 dBm 12Mbps -86 -79 dBm 18Mbps -84 -77 dBm 24Mbps -81 -74 dBm 36Mbps -77 -70 dBm 48Mbps -73 -66 dBm 54Mbps -72 -65 dBm 11ng HT20 MCS0 -88 -82 dBm (PER<10%) MCS1 -86 -79 dBm MCS2 -84 -77 dBm MCS3 -80 -74 dBm MCS4 -76 -70 dBm MCS5 -72 -66 dBm MCS6 -70 -65 dBm MCS7 -69 -64 dBm *1: Note *1 動作温度 Operating temperature © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (17/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 5. 5.1. コネクタ仕様 (Connector interface specifications) ピン配置 (Pin locations) 11 20 10 21 1 30 40 31 Bottom View © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (18/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 5.2. 信号仕様 (Signal descriptions) Pin Number Pin Name Type I/O Domain Descriptions 1 HSPI_CLK I VDD33 Host interface slave SPI:SPI Clock 2 HSPI_MISO O VDD33 Host interface slave SPI:SPI Data output 3 HSPI_INT I VDD33 Host interface slave SPI:SPI Initial 4 HM0 I VDD33 ブートストラップオプションピン。*5-3 参照 The boot strap option pin. See *5-3 5 HSPI_MOSI I VDD33 Host interface slave SPI:Data input 6 HSPI_CS/HM1 I VDD33 ブートストラップオプションピン。*5-3 参照 The boot strap option pin. See *5-3 Host interface slave SPI:Selectable SPI Chip select (Low active) 7 CHIP_PWD_L I VDD33 リセット信号。Low Active. *参照。Reset signal. See *. ボード上 56kohm で Pull-up. Pull-up by 56kohm on the board. 8 VDD33 P NA +3.3VDC 9 VDD33 P NA +3.3VDC 10 VDD33 P NA +3.3VDC © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (19/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Pin Number Pin Name Type I/O Domain Descriptions 11 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 12 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 13 VDD33 P NA +3.3VDC 14 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 15 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 16 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 17 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 18 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 19 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 20 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (20/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Pin Number Pin Name Type I/O Domain Descriptions 21 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 22 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 23 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 24 VDD33_A P NA アナログ+3.3VDC (要クリーンパワー) Analog +3.3VDC. Need clean power. 25 VDD33_A P NA アナログ+3.3VDC (要クリーンパワー) Analog +3.3VDC. Need clean power. 26 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 27 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 28 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 29 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 30 IOT_MODE_EN I VDD33 © silex technology, Inc. VDD33 に接続。 Connect to VDD33. Date:February 04, 2015 (21/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Pin Number Pin Name Type I/O Domain NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. P NA Ground Descriptions 31 Reserved 32 GND 33 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 34 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 35 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 36 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 37 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 38 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 39 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. 40 Reserved NA NA Open を保持。Leave open. Type I/O Domain P NA Pin Number Pin Name EPGND Exposed ground Descriptions Ground. ボトムに 16 個。x16 on the bottom side. NC: No Connection, _L: Active low, A_I/O: Analog bidirectional, I: Digital input, PU: Weak internal pull-up, PD: Weak internal pull-down I/O: Digital bidirectional, O: Digital output, P: power or ground, NA: Not applicable, Floating: Indeterminate- floating input must be external driven High or Low. ※All pulls are typical value. SEL: Selectable interface which is depends on configulation.. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (22/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 5.3. ブートストラップオプション (Bootstrap configurations) Pin4 と Pin6 は、ホストモードに合わせて起動時にレベル固定する必要があります。 Level of the Pin4 and the Pin6 must be fixed during power-on cycle depending on the host mode. Reserved SPI Reserved Reserved 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 HM0 (Pin 4) HM1 (Pin 6) © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (23/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 6. インターフェイス仕様 (Interface specifications) 6.1. SPI 仕様 (SPI Interface specifications) Slave mode HSPI_CLK HSPI_MOSI HSPI_CS HSPI_MISO © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (24/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 6.2. パワーON/OFF, リセットタイミング (Power on/off and reset timing) © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (25/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 7. 適合規格 (Standards Compliance) 適合規格 : Standards conformity ● IEEE802.11-2012 (a/b/g/n) 適合法規制 (子機) : Law regulation compliance (Station mode) ● 日本電波法 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 の 3 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 の 3 の 2 Japan Radio Law Article 2 Section 1 Number 19 Article 2 Section 1 Number 19-3 Article 2 Section 1 Number 19-3-2 Certification number : 007-AC0240 ● FCC Part15 (Subpart C, Subpart E (UNII-1/2/2Ext/3)) ID:N6C-SXULPAN ● IC RSS(Gen, 210 (UNII-1/2/2Ext/3)) ID:4908A-SXULPAN ● CE RoHS Directive 対応国 : Countries ● Asia ・ Japan ● North America ・ United States ・ Canada ● Europe ※ European regulation is currently not supported. (Planning as future support) © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (26/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 推奨アンテナリスト Recommended Antenna List Standards Compliance Antenna ● 日本電波法 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 の 3 証明規則第 2 条第 1 項第 19 の 3 の 2 Japan Radio Law Article 2 Section 1 Number 19 Article 2 Section 1 Number 19-3 Article 2 Section 1 Number 19-3-2 ● FCC Part15 (Subpart C, Subpart E (UNII-1/2/2Ext/3)) ID:N6C-SXULPAN Vender H2B1PC1A1C 2.4GHz:+1.9 dBi (Peak) 5GHz:+3.9 dBi (Peak) *ケーブルロス含む Including cable loss Unictron SXANTFDB24A55-01 (On Board Printed Antenna) 2.4GHz:+2.1 dBi (Peak) 5GHz:+2.2 dBi (Peak) Silex ※ 各国の EMC 認証は最終製品形態での試験が必要です。 EMC certification of each country might be required as the final product. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (27/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 8. 機械的仕様 (Mechanical Specifications) Top view Right angle view 2.20 mm +/-0.25 20.00 mm +/-0.25 2.00 mm +/-0.10 4.20 mm +/-0.10 0.80 mm 0.15 +/-0.10 13.00 mm 15.00 mm +/-0.25 1.00 mm +/-0.10 2.05 mm 1.70 mm +/-0.15 2.70 mm +/-0.15 0.50 mm +/-0.05 Bottom view 1.00 mm +/-0.05 11 8.30 mm +/-0.15 20 21 1 30 0.80 mm +/-0.05 2.50 mm 3.00 mm +/-0.05 1.00 mm +/-0.05 10 40 0.60 mm 2.00 mm 3.00 mm +/-0.05 +/-0.05 +/-0.05 31 1.00 mm +/-0.05 Other 1.00 x 1.00 pads are exposed ground pads. U.FL コネクタ勘合時高さ :2.9mm Max, 3.4mm Max, 4.1mm Max (H2B1PC1A1C :3.4mm Max) Height with U.FL Mating © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (28/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 9. マーキング仕様 (Marking specifications) Japanese certification No. 2D code 10. 構成リスト (Components composition List) Division Item Note Product No. ( SX-ULPAN-2400) ZXE03160 (Reel) ZXE03199 -SP(Reel) 1 1 Board Main board Label Packing Bag Label 1/500 1/4 Caution Label 1/500 1/4 Packing Label 1/500 1/4 Carton Label 1/3500 1/28 Humidity Indicator 1/500 1/4 Packing Box 1/500 1/4 Carton Box 1/3500 1/28 Aluminum lamination bag 1/500 1/4 Reel Set 1/500 1/4 Silicagel 2/500 2/4 Accessory Packing *アンテナはオプションです。 Antenna is optional. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (29/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 11. 梱包仕様 (Packing specifications) Reel Spec Center dimension Reel side Label side Reel side Tailer Product Reader More than 500 More than 500 © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (30/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Taping Spec Packing Spec Label Label Aluminum lamination bag Reel Silicagel Humidity Indicator Label Packing Box Label Carton Box Label Spec W52/W53 は法令により屋外での利用は禁止されています © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (31/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 12. 信頼性試験 (Reliability test) Test items DC 電圧試験 STDs - DC Voltage 温度上昇試験 Electricity Appearance Workable NA Workable NA Workable NA Workable NA Workable NA Meet to spec Not damaged Meet to spec Not damaged Meet to NA 電源電圧3.0 V ~ 3.6 Vで実施。 Expose to 3.0 V to 3.6 V and confirm DUT is working. - Temperature rise 温湿度耐性試験 Requirements Descriptions 20℃/ H以上の環境下で実施。 Change temperature 20℃/ H or more and confirm DUT is working. - Temp moisture cycle 下記条件で実施。 Expose to the following conditions. [Time h:min] Condition 1 Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ℃ +25 -40 -40 +90 +90 -40 -40 +85 +85 +85 +25 %RH OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 95 50 Time 0:05 0:30 4:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 6:00 1:00 Condition 2 高温動作試験 - Functional hot temp 低温動作試験 - - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ℃ -40 +90 +90 -40 -40 +90 +90 +90 +90 +25 %RH OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 10 90 90 30 Time 0:05 1:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 4:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 6:00 1:00 +90℃の環境下で動作すること。 -40℃の環境下で動作すること。 +105℃環境下で8時間放置する。その後、室温で2時間放置する。 Expose at +90℃for 8 hours. Leave at room temp for 2 hours after taking out from chamber. - Cold resistance 部品温度上昇試験 2 -40 Workable at -40℃ Heat resistance 低温耐性試験 1 +25 Workable at +95℃ Functional cold temp 高温耐性試験 Step -40℃環境下で8時間放置する。その後、室温で2時間放置する。 Expose at -40℃for 8 hours. Leave at room temp for 2 hours after r taking out from chamber. - Device temp rise © silex technology, Inc. +85℃の時の各主要部品の温度を測定する。 Measure temperature on each device with exposing at +90℃. Device’s spec Date:February 04, 2015 (32/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA Test items STDs 梱包落下試験 ISO 4180 Drop with package (JIS Z0200 Level II) 衝撃試験 MIL-STD-202 Functional shock Method 213B Condition A 振動試験 MIL-STD-202 Functional vibration Method 204D Condition D Requirements Descriptions 梱包箱状態で60cmの高さより木の板に落下させる。(6面、3辺、1稜) Electricity Appearance Meet to spec Not damaged Meet to spec Not damaged Meet to spec Not damaged Meet to spec Not damaged Drop with the package from 60cm height to the wood board. (6 faces, 3 edges, 1 corner). 最大加速度 = 50g, 期間 = 11ms, 波形 = ハーフサイン波, 速度変化 = 11.3ft/sec Peak g's = 50g, Duration = 11ms, Waveform = Half-sine, Vi = 11.3ft/sec 最大加速度 = 20g, 10 <> 2000HzでX/Y/Z軸方向に各20分、12回実施。 Peak g's = 20g, 10 <> 2000Hz at 20min/cycle for each X/Y/Z axis, Perform 12 times 温度衝撃試験 MIL-STD-833E 変遷時間は10秒以内で、常温>step1 > step2>…>step1>step2>常温のサイクルに晒す。 Thermal shock Method 1011.9 20 Cycle, 500 Cycle 毎に確認。 Room temp.>step1>step2>…>step1>step2>Room temp with Transition time 10sec. Confirm at 20 Cycles and 500 Cycles Step1 : Temp +125 +10/-0℃, Time 2 ~ 5min Step2 : Temp -55 +0/-10℃, Time 2 ~ 5min Criteria Descriptions Not damaged 試験後外観に損傷が無いこと。 No damage on the appearance after test. Meet to spec “4. specifications”に掲げる仕様を満たすこと。 Meet to “4. specifications”. Workable 試験中動作が確認できること。 Can confirm working during test. Meet to device’s spec 各デバイス仕様書の動作温度を満たすこと。 Meet to operation temperature range of each device. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (33/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 13. 使用上の注意 (Notification) ● 本製品の仕様は、7. Standards Compliance に掲げる法規制に適合していますが、以下の場合は仕様が変 更になる可能性があります。 Specifications of this module are compliant to law regulations of 7. Standards Compliance, but this shall not apply to following cases. ・7. Standards Compliance に掲げるアンテナ以外を使う場合。 In case this module is used with different antenna from the antenna list of 7. Standards Compliance. ・7. Standards Compliance に掲げる国以外で使う場合。 In case this module is used in the different country from the list of 7. Standards Compliance. ・認可の更新が必要な場合。 In case the certification must be renewed. ● 本製品は 2.4GHz 帯と 5GHz 帯の電波を媒体とする無線通信機です。法令により 5.15-5.35GHz 帯域(11a モード/ W52, W53)を屋外で利用する事は禁止されております。 This module uses 2.4GHz / 5GHz band radio. As these bands are prohibited to use at outdoor by low restriction, 5.15-5.35GHz bands (W52, W53). ● 本製品は一般電子機器への組込みを目的に設計された物であり、航空機器,原子力制御,高信頼性医 療器,高信頼性セ キュリティ機器等極めて高い水準の信頼性・品質を要求される機器への組込みを 意図した物ではありません。医療機器に組込む際は医療機器クラスに関係なくお問い合わせください。 This module is designed for embedded purpose into the general electric devices, and is not designed for high reliability demands like aircraft instruments, nuclear control instruments, high reliability medical instruments, high reliability security instruments or any other devices required extremely high reliability and quality. In case embedded into the medical instrument, please ask to silex despite the medical class. ● 本製品は電波を媒体として通信を行いますので、第三者への情報漏洩を防ぐ為にもセキュリティに関 する設定を実施いただく事を強く推奨します。 As this module communicates by radio wave, to use some security encryption is strongly recommended to prevent unexpected information leakage. ● 本製品は組込みを意図した無線装置です。本製品の機能,特性をご理解の上,組込み最終製品での評 価をお願いいたします。又、本無線装置単品での EMC 測定は実施しておりませんので,本無線装置を 組み込んだ製品形態での EMC 試験の実施,及び認可申請を行う必要があります。 As this module is an embedded purpose radio module, please understand functions and features of this module, and evaluate as the end product containing this module. Also, as evaluation of EMC conformity of this module has not been performed, EMC conformity evaluation and application must be performed with the end product containing this module. ● 本製品が使用する無線帯域において、同一周波数帯を利用する装置への影響、又は装置からの影響を 受ける場合がありますので、設置においては事前に環境の調査を実施してください。 This module will effect to some other device or be affected by the some other device using the same frequency band. Please investigate the environment to use this module beforehand. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (34/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA ● 本製品について分解や改造を行うと電波法に基づいた処罰を受ける事があります。 Disassembling or modifying the radio module shall lead to punishment based on radio law. ● 本製品は端子や部品が露出した組込み用モジュールです。製品組込み時には静電気(本製品には静電 気に弱い高周波デバイスを使用しております)や水滴,その他粉塵等には十分注意願います。 As this module embedded module has the exposed connectors or components, please be careful for electro static, condensing, dusts and something damages the module. ● 周辺で同一周波数帯を使う他の無線機器を使う場合、以下に特に注意してください。 In case using the other wireless devices using same frequency band around this product, please take care below. 1. 本モジュールの中心周波数から+/- 25MHz (5Ch) 以上の間隔をあけて使用することが推奨されます。 It’s recommended that the frequency separation from the center frequency of this module must be +/-25MHz (+/-25MHz) or more. 2. 隣接チャネル及び非隣接チャネルの信号入力には十分注意して、混信を避ける環境を設定してくだ さい。 2.4GHz 隣接チャネル : 中心周波数+/-25MHz(5Ch), 非隣接チャネル : 中心周波数 +/-30MHz(6Ch) 5GHz HT20 隣接チャネル : 中心周波数+/-20MHz(4Ch), 非隣接チャネル : 中心周波数 +/-40MHz(8Ch) Should be considered on the signal input level from the adjacent channel and the Non adjacent channel and avoid to be jammed. 2.4GHz: Center frequency +/-25MHz(5Ch), Non Adjacent channel : Center frequency +/-30MHz(6Ch) 5GHz HT20: Center frequency +/-20MHz(4Ch), Non Adjacent channel : Center frequency +/-40MHz(8Ch) ● 対向機からの入力は、アンテナゲインを含み 2.4GHz 帯で-20dBm 以下、5GHz 帯で-30dBm 以下として ください。 The input level from the opponent device must be -20dBm or less at 2.4GHz, -30dBm or less at 5GHz with including antenna gain. © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (35/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 14. 付録 A アンテナ性能 (Appendix -A Antenna performance) SX-ULPAN On board printed antenna performance Y X Z XY ZX YZ © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (36/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA XY 0° 90° 270° 180° YZ 90° 180° 0° 270° ZX 0° 270° 90° 180° © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (37/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA XY © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (38/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (39/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (40/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA ZX © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (41/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (42/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (43/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA YZ © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (44/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (45/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (46/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA 15. 付録 B SMT リフロー条件 (Appendix -B SMT reflow profiles) 本推奨条件は、Sn/Ag/Cu Pb-Free ハンダを使用した場合のものです。使用するハンダの種類によって最適化することを 推奨します。 This recommended condition assumes Sn/Ag/Cu solder. This condition should be optimized per using solder type. Sn/Ag/Cu Pb-Free Assembly Profile Feature Parametric Conditions Average ramp-up rate Preheat TL to Tp Temperature Min Tsmin Temperature Max Tsmax Time (Min to Max) ts Temperature TL Time tL Tp tp - - 1.5 ℃/seconds (max.) 150 ℃ 200 ℃ 60 to 120 seconds 217 ℃ 30 to 40 seconds 245 +5/-5 ℃ 20 seconds 3 ℃/seconds (max.) 8 minutes (max.) Time maintained above Peak Temperature Time within 5℃ of Actual Peak Temperature Average ramp-down rate Time 25℃ to Peak Temperature Profile Data © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (47/48) CONFIDENTIAL Drawing No.:JW201400AA ●:推奨測定ポイント Recommended measure point 1. 2. 3. 4. ● RF baseband IC (Inside) ● RF component (Surface) ● Substrate (Surface) ● Metal Lid (Surface) © silex technology, Inc. Date:February 04, 2015 (48/48) CONFIDENTIAL
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