『新 TOEIC ®テスト 直前の技術』

ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
『新 TOEIC®テスト 直前の技術』
ロバート・ヒルキ ミニセミナー
CD-1 Track 1 & 95
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
CD-1 Track 1
Hello. My name is Robert Hilke and on behalf of Paul Wadden
and Maeda Hiroyuki, I would like to welcome you to the ALC
TOEIC Test Chokuzen no tekunikku book that you have just
purchased. Before we talk about the specific strategies and
Tsukaikata for the book, I would like to talk a little bit about the
history of TOEIC because it’s related to how you should study and
what you need to look for on the test. First of all, the TOEIC
began in Japan in 1979, that’s Shouwa 54 nen desune one year
after, actually, I arrived in Japan. At that time there was no good
test for businesses to use to test their employees’ ability to
function in English. So ETS in Princeton, New Jersey—the maker
of TOEFL and SAT and many standardized tests—was contacted
to make a test for the Japanese market. It started, as I mentioned,
in 1979. Three years later it went to Korea, in 1982. But for many,
many years it was only a Japanese and Korean test, and actually
that tendency even continues today. Now that TOEIC has spread
to many different countries around the world, most of the test
takers are in Korea and Japan. And the types of mistakes that
Korean speakers of English and Japanese speakers of English
make are very, very similar. So these become the main testing
points for the TOEIC.
Now, in order to improve your score on the TOEIC test, in other
words, to get your target score, there are several things that you
need to keep in mind. Probably the most important of these things
is time management. You need to manage your time well. You’ve
probably taken the TOEIC test a number of times. Were you able
to finish the test easily? Actually, to be honest, I think I know the
answer to that question already. In the number of years that I
have been teaching TOEIC in Japan, I’ve worked with thousands
and thousands of Japanese students to help them to improve their
scores, and to be honest, most people do not finish the test easily.
Now, I know that with my own eyes. In fact, all of your authors,
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
all three of us, if you put our total number times of taking the
TOEIC test together, it’s more than 70 times that we’ve actually
taken the test. Now, we don’t take the test to check our English
ability; I think that my English is pretty good. But the reason why
we take the test, first of all, we want to see, are there new
tendencies, Atarashi keikouga aruka douka? And the second
reason is related to the first reason: are the strategies, the
Sakusen, the Senryaku that we teach, are they still valid, do they
work? To be honest, I have to say usually they work very, very
well. But sometimes the TOEIC changes so we also need to
change our strategy as well. But the most important reason also
why we take the test is we want to look at you, the test taker, to
see how you take the test. To be honest, most people do not really
finish the test very easily. In fact, for many people on Part 7, they
suddenly look up and they notice that it’s 2:58 and only 2 minutes
are remaining so, “Oh, no!” And then suddenly, B, B, B, B, B. They
have to answer the same answer in order to put marks on the
answer sheet. Most people do not finish the test. So how to
improve your time management is one of the key aspects of this
book. To be able to work very quickly through Part 5 and Part 6 to
save enough time for Part 7. Actually Part 7 is not really that
difficult if you have enough time. Of course, the reading section
vocabulary is an important issue. But if you have enough time,
basically, you should be able to do well in that section. So then the
key is, how do you manage your time in order to save enough time
to work through Part 7? Well, the way that you do that, of course,
is by having effective strategies. And that’s what we present in
this book.
My many years of teaching TOEIC in Japan over the past 25
years has been to show you how you can use effective guessing
strategies. Now the word “guessing” is very important. Souzou
shinakya ikenai. You will not understand everything. If you
understand everything, you probably don’t need to take the
TOEIC test to begin with, right? So the question is how do you get
the right answer, even when you’re not sure? And that’s where
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
you need to use the strategies. We have developed many, many
strategies that will help you to move very quickly through the test
so that you use your time effectively and not only move more
quickly, Demo sukoa mo agaru. Nazekatoiuto, you are using very,
very effective, systematic strategies that help you to approach the
test in the most efficient and effective way. But even if you
manage your time well in the reading section, you need to manage
your time well in the listening section as well. The strategies that
we will show you in this book will show you how to use your time
well between the conversations, between the utterances, the
Hatsuwa in the listening section. You are not a slave to the tape.
You can be very, very proactive in how you use your time, even in
the listening section.
But even if you have very good time management, and even if you
know all of the strategies very, very well, still not enough. We
need vocabulary; so vocabulary is a very important part of taking
the test. Vocabulary mixed together with good strategies, mixed
together with your good time management will enable you to get a
very, very high score. But you also need to maintain your
concentration. Concentration is very, very important. I remember
the very first time that I took the TOEIC test many, many years
ago. I didn’t get Manten. Well, I know what happened: during
Part 4 the Nagai choubun that are spoken—like advertisement
for example, or announcement—they used to be very, very long.
Sometimes even more than one minute. In a sense, it wasn’t only
a language test; it was a kind of Kioku no tesuto, kioku tesuto, a
memory test. And I remember, particularly in one passage, I was
kind of hungry, and I was thinking about what will I make for
dinner that evening, so my concentration went away from the test
and then I couldn’t remember what the person had said. So
maintaining concentration is very, very important. Well, how do
you do that? Well, the way that you implement all of this is course
is by practice, focused practice, Hampuku renshu. You do it over,
and over, and over, and over again. That’s why in this book we
have not only introduced the strategies, but we have given you
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
also review problems Renshu mondai that you can use in order to
confirm your understanding of these various strategies that we
present. If you practice in a real situation, you go into your room,
you turn off all the music, you turn off your Keitai and you just
concentrate on the test, you create a real TOEIC situation as
much as possible, and you do this at least 10 times, that’s the
magic number, 10 times we want you to practice. And of course
this book will offer you one complete practice test. So you have the
first practice test already. But you need to practice, practice, and
practice using items which are the same quality as the test.
As a result of our TOEIC seminars, many people are able to
improve their score 100 points, 150 points, even 200 points. Two
hundred points up is Tadano eigyou dakeja nakute it’s actually
true. People really do improve their score more than 200 points.
But they don’t only do it by attending an ALC seminar that we
teach, or by just studying only one book. They need to practice,
and practice, and practice. Fortunately, ALC has a series of
practice test books that you can work with in order to get the
practice tests that you need. The 600 series is very, very useful for
you, each book containing three practice tests. And this will help
you to get the focused practice that you need.
Now we just discussed what the specific things you need to do are.
In other words, what the approach is: time management, and
learning the strategies, and vocabulary, and concentration, and
practice, and improving your English ability, of course.
Specifically speaking for this particular book, working with the
TOEIC test Chokuzen no tekunikku, there is a special way that
we want you to go through the book. Now, you’ll notice from the
introduction of the book that the order of sections, order of the
Parts that we recommend you study is not chronological. In other
words, we don’t recommend that you start with Part 1 and then
follow it with Part 2, then Part 3, Part 4. Of course, you can do
that if you want to. But we think a more effective approach is to
begin with Part 2, then to follow it with Part 5, then Part 6, go
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
back to Part 1, then jump ahead to Part 7, and finally finish with
Parts 3 and 4. There is a very specific reason why we want you to
study in this order. The first reason is because Part 2 is the
section on the test where you can very, very quickly improve your
score the most. Part 2 is very, very open to the Sakusen that we
teach. If you learn these strategies, and you apply them, your part
score will go up very, very quickly. You can look to improve your
score in Part 2 by 30, 40, 50 points without much effort, simply by
learning the strategies that we teach. Part 5 we recommend you
study next and the reason is because Part 5 also, if you learn the
various patterns, and you know them very, very well Nanka
saibou no reberu made desune, you know them almost Jibun no
namae to onajikurai, so you can look very quickly De, hidarikara
migini yomunja nakute, mazu sono sentakushiwo mitekarane
sentakushi mite, ma, douiu mondai ka tokuteidekiru you can
identify what kind of problem it is, and then you notice
automatically what kind of strategy that you need to use to
effectively answer that question. If you do that you can answer
every question in Part 5, 20 byoukan inai within 20 seconds. Now
before you learn the technique, probably your first impression,
your Dai ichi inshou, is “e, niju byoukan ha dekinaindesune.”
Many students say like that. But after learning the method, and
really learning the strategies well, 20 seconds is enough time.
Datte kangaete. 20 byoukan koerutone, probably you miss that
question anyway. So just recognize which question you can
answer quickly, and the question that you can’t answer quickly,
that you cannot answer quickly, Ma donnani nayandetemo, the
right answer is not going to come up quickly, just Mizuni
nagashite and you go to the next question. If you do this, you will
save enough time for part 7 later on. As I mentioned, Part 7 is
mainly a function of having enough time and enough vocabulary.
So Part 2, followed by Part 5, Part 6, then Part 1, Part 7, Part 3,
and Part 4, this is the order that we recommend for this book.
Now I mentioned earlier about the quality of items. This is crucial
to your practice, to your score improvement. I often go to the
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
major bookstores in the Tokyo area, or Nagoya area, Osaka area,
Fukuoka area, and so forth. And I look to see what kind of TOEIC
books are on the market. And to be honest, most of the books that
are on the market are not really reflective of the actual TOEIC
Honkakuteki janai. They are often written by Jukuno sensei and
it’s a kind of Juken eigo. Now Juken eigo is very useful to improve
English, I will admit that. But it’s mainly focused on preparing for
Nyushi for high school, or for university. It doesn’t really help you
to prepare for the TOEIC test. When you study for the TOEIC test,
you need to work with materials that are exactly the same as
what you will find on the real TOEIC test. When you take the real
TOEIC test, you don’t want the materials that you studied to be
different from the test, because that causes you some kind of
Konran, some confusion. You want the same type of materials
that you studied to lead into the actual test so that you can
maximize your own ability.
Finally, TOEIC is a driver’s license. It’s just a way to drive your
dreams. If you can get the TOEIC score that you want, then
people will look at you in a different way. They will give you
opportunities to speak English. They’ll give you opportunities to
work with non-Japanese who come from overseas, or maybe even
they will send you overseas. The best way to improve your
language, of course, is to be in the environment where people are
speaking that language. So if you can get the TOEIC score that
you want, other people will give you the opportunity to be in that
type of language learning situation where you have to use English
everyday for your job, for your daily life.
But even more important than that is how you feel about yourself.
Japan and Korea are both Shikaku-based societies. If you have
the right Shikaku—which university did you go to, which test did
you pass, which degree do you have, and so forth—then not only
do other people look at you in a certain way, but you also by
yourself gain confidence because you feel you accomplished
something important. N, oremo dekiru. I can do it. If you get the
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
TOEIC score that you want, it gives you the confidence to search
actively for opportunities to use your English. If you put yourself
into that situation where you must use English, then you gain
some positive feedback when people understand you. That
positive feedback then helps you to improve your confidence, so
you look for more opportunities. It’s a kind of positive Niwatori
and tamago. TOEIC is just the driver’s license that enables you to
take the next the next step in your English study. We are
confident that this book will help you do that. And we wish you
good luck in your further English study.
CD-2 Track 95 (After Part 4)
Otsukare sama deshita. Well, now that you’ve finished learning
all of the strategies, and you know them very well, it’s time to put
them into practice. OK, we’d like you know to move onto the
Kanzen moshi which is in the later half of the book. As I
mentioned earlier, try to create the real situation. Set aside two
hours, concentrate on the test, take it as if it were a real test.
Once you finish taking the test, then of course look at all of the
Kaisetsu and review. Look for the places where you made errors.
Start to notice if there’s some kind of common pattern. In other
words, if you are always making the same type of mistake, that’s
the place that you want to focus in order to improve your score. If
you can fix the places where you commonly make mistakes,
through constant practice and your Kyakkantekina attention to
detail, you can greatly improve your TOEIC score and you can get
the driver’s license; you can get the score you need. Dewa
gambatte kudasai. You can do it!
ALC Quick and Effective Strategies “Reloaded” for the TOEIC TEST
Mini Lectures from Robert Hilke
『新TOEIC®テスト 直前の技術』
ロバート・ヒルキ ミニセミナー トランスクリプト CD-1 Track 1 & 95
編集:ヒロ前田(『新TOEIC®テスト 直前の技術』共著者/TOEICトレーナー)
2004年12月 「TOEICテスト 直前の技術」 (コラム)
2005年11月 「新TOEICテスト完全攻略ガイド」(共著)
2006年03月 「English Journal」4月号∼ (連載中)
2006年12月 「新TOEICテスト 直前の技術」 (共著)
【 ダ ッ シ ュ で 奪 取 】 TOEIC
【ダッシュで奪取】 TOEIC
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