Lesson 11 : How much do you pay for the gym monthly?

Lesson 11 : How much do you pay for the gym monthly?
Today’s GOAL
『when / how much』 in simple present tense.
(現在形の『いつ いくら』について話す事が出来るようになる。)
To be able to talk about
Today’s Phrase
How much do you pay for the gym monthly?
I pay $80 monthly.
(月に 80 ドル払っています。)
New Words / Expressions
Directions : Listen and repeat after your instructor.
pay for~(~の支払いをする)
That’s not too bad. (悪くないね。)
For real?
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For real?
I pay $80 for the gym.
How much do you pay for the gym monthly?
It’s a little expensive.
I take classes there.
That’s not too bad.
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Short Conversation
Directions : Read the following conversation with your instructor.
Layla and James’ brother David run into each other on the street.
: Hey…David, is that you?
David : Hey Layla. What are you doing here?
: I’m going to “24 hour fitness” on Maple Street.
(メープル通りにある『24 時間フィットネス』に行くところなの。)
David : For real? I go there, too. When do you usually go there?
: I usually go there in the morning because I take yoga classes.
David : Oh I see. I never take any classes. How much do you pay for the gym monthly?
: I pay $80 monthly. It’s a little expensive but I go there very often and take classes.
(月に 80 ドル払ってるわ。少し高いけど頻繁に通ってるしクラスもとってるしね。)
David : That’s not too bad.
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Direction : Answer the questions about the story.
1. How often does Layla go to the gym?
2. When does Layla go to the gym?
3. How much does Layla pay for the gym monthly?
Direction : Look at the following picture and sort the words to complete the sentences.
pay (支払う)>> pay for~(~の支払いをする)/ spend(〔お金などを〕費やす>> spend on~(~に費やす)
【 do / when / they / go / the gym / usually / to / ? 】
Teacher : They usually go to the gym in the evening.
【do / pay / for / how / the gym / much / they / monthly / ? 】
Teacher : They pay $50 monthly.
You :
【 supermarket / does / when / he / usually / to / go / the / ? 】
Teacher : He usually goes to the supermarket after work.
You :
【 much / how / spend / he / does / food / on / monthly / ? 】
Teacher : He spends $300 monthly.
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You :
【 when / the hotel / go / to / he / does / ? 】
Teacher : He goes to the hotel every Monday.
You :
【 much / he / does / pay / how / one night / for / ? 】
Teacher : This is his hotel. He never pays for anything.
You :
【 they / when / go / do / the bar / to / ? 】
Teacher : They go to the bar every weekend.
You : 【 spend / do / much / on / drinks/ how / they / monthly / ? 】
Teacher : I don’t know how much, but they spend a lot of money
on drinks.
Free Conversation
Direction : Now use the phrases/words you learned during the lesson and talk about it freely.
1. When do you usually go to the supermarket?
2. How much do you spend on food monthly?
3. When do you go to the hair salon? How much do you spend on it?
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