M PRA Munich Personal RePEc Archive Comment on ’A Forecasting Equation for the Canada-US Dollar Real Exchange Rate’ Robert Kollmann ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR 1993 Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/69893/ MPRA Paper No. 69893, posted 10 March 2016 06:00 UTC 7.1 o2:35Pr4 BAI''K0F CANADCf'FR JL|N 11 '93 " (o^r,,*1D,,'i' A D.tlr* €^tiu/ty ttq. Tk trJ,,.l'y t1^*h --' fFx''"^t;5 "VY K K"{"', R.elz ,^i i t ) t Z B , o , A1 ' { ' ^ ^ ^ , A y'n,.'o' H" G '"+' o '/ 11" Ec,^on.7 1 f'o 6t-,/.*,>,^;B,*rV 6,-^,L /-l7t'3, OHnut- m.2tlt'Z ] t Discussion RobertKollmann* rcrdingRobenAmanourd Simonvur l'Iqdea'l rtudyon I geadyenjoyed rarc(RPF)Oand rcaJexchurge rhccana&-u.s.bilareral berwecn rhereiarionship focul rerrnsof sa& drringthe1971'91period.Thegutbonspec{ficelly Canada's on energyErms of uade (TOTENRGY)urd oa cornmoditiesrcrms of tradc (TOTCOMOD). Theylrg,uethatRPFX,TOTENRGYurd TQTCOMOD(in logs) vrriablesarecohtegnted- i.0.,tbatthcrc andthatthese processes followunit-root of thesevrriables.The is Elineu resrictionrhattiestogetheltherend behaviour ontbcbssis forecutsof RPFX,whicbarcSpoeta6d papErshowsrhatout.of.samplc of past valuesof RPFX,TOTENRGY'TOTCOMODand RDIFF,ourperfcnt modtl of therealexcbrngetltc' Thisis an genetatcd usingarandom-walk forrcas:,s rcsult,giventhefiadingby Meeseurd Rogoff(1933)thgta random' intercsring rate oulpcrfonnsscveralrtnrcturslrnodclsof the w{k modelof rhe exchange rate. exchange concernintunitrootr utd $e I wiJlfocusontheevidonce In my commcnts, The issueof cointegrrtionbctwccn,ht *l cxchurgcrete8ndthecrms of radc' uscdin theirstudy' kindlymgdervailable19mc thcd.ctE aurhors Dickey'Fullcr(ADF)(19?9)unlt-roottts!' I fnd ApplyingtheAugrncnted utd no evidenceagainstthe unir-roothlpotheslsfor the loguithml of RPFX the ToTENRGXwhichconfirmsthcurdydr of Amanornd vur Nordcn.llowevcr' . for weful illscutsbns' I thankR, Anunoard S,wn Norden 266 t lt ,, f ' (ct's N'tii'n ' JUN 11 '93 P g?I36PN BRNK OF CRNADRI'1FR 1 267 D lsc ttsslon : Robt rt K ollnuwt is incoucludw.Tlble I reputr aunitrootin ID(TOTCOMOD) cvidenceconcerning resultsfrom rhc ADF rcsuWc scothrt thc ouromc of tlrc ADF talt &pcadr crirically on thc lag lengh uscdin rhe tesu fsr low lrg lcngrhr,dro unit'nrot hyporhesis is notrcjcced,whilofor lag lcnghslrcsttr thur 6, thenull hpotbcsir of r unit rootin thelog of TOTCDMODis rejecrcdu 10pcr cent. Tlble I ADF Testsfor Unlt Rootsin Log of Non.EnergyCommodity Tbrrnsof Trade Leg length Teststatlstic 8 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 -2,26 -2.08 .2.t2 |2,42 -2.68 .2.80 -3.34 -3,U (') Lsg length Teststatistic (+) 14 15 13 9 1 0 1 1 L2 -3.91 -4.28 -3.26 -3.73 -3.91 .3.66 -4.05 (r) (r+) (.+) (rf) (rrr) (rr*) (**) of rtrcnullhypohcsirthatthcrricl hara unittootg Note: (.). (r.) rrd C") denotcrcjectioru Thcublc dlowr fa r linsar drcl0 percgnt,5 pcrcentutd I pcrccntlcvclt,resgcctiveJy. dcrcrministicrend h dre prcccetfor In(IOTCOMOD).Unda thc oull hypothceir ,r+b'r+2, holds,whcrt (2,) hrs mesttzoro,lf (2,) followr u ln(fOTCOlvlOD) 1N (k+ l) procsr! with s unit root hcn 0 ' 0 holdr in thc following mod!l': l vrluerof tbc &r - c + p.r + 0.rr- I * Ef-I,' &,-i+ 3,. Tle abterepoructudcntizcd choiccrof rhclaglength'1c'Ctitictlvtluct arctrbuhtcd of g for <li.ffercnt OLSesdmarcr in Fullcr(1976). asB &$cribedby cointegration I appliedrhe 2o urd 2, single+quation Tbtt phillipsandouliads(1990)todataonRPFX,TOIENRGYrndTOTCOMOD. rcsuls areshowrrin Tlblc 2. Accordingto thoscrtsultg,onectnnoSrcjecttbc null lcvelir u.redt cvcnwhena 50perceotsignifcancc of nocointegrEtion, hyporhesis coinrgrrtiontcltt prcrcntedby Arnrnoutd In consast,thesingle+quadon (rcc wlth colnteEation va1 Nordcnyield resultsthgtEremucbmolt conslstent TEbles 3 and4 of DeirPaPer). L JLh{ 11 '93 P.4 Ba:36Pf1 B$0< 0F C$IADA lfA Discttttion : R obcri Eollmann 26E Trble 2 Phillips and Oullarls (1988)libstsof No-ColntegratlonHypothesis Left -hand-gidevariable ln(RPFX) ln(TOTCOMOD) rnFOrrxRGY) 2o 2, -8.00 -13.25 -8.41 -1.95 -2.68 -2.10 Notc: Tlrt rsruls rrc rporud for all possiblccholccrfc thc b!'hrnd'd& vsrirblc rsod in thc coinogntingngrcsrion.llro 6rrt columnhdisrtcr whrt 'ln'Ffcrt vrriableis usedon theleft-handridcof thocoinagruingn5reslon o thcnaucl logarithm, To computettrc teet $$istics, lt ir nccssrry b concct fu tcrisl of he residurlsof he cdntcsndnSrc3rurionr. in the6nt rti.Ecrcnces conelatjon Thc Neweyurd Wcrt (l9n) mcdrodwrs uscdfor thu p{ttPostrdlowing for ($c gulS 11! not rcnsi[veO drc relcctednumbcrof l0 autoconeladons A tincertinc Ecndw8sincludodin Orecoinngratiryagrcsion autoconeladons). The gridcrl vrluel for thc 2s srd,2, w rlslisdcr rrc .15.89tld '2.E5, at rlrc50 pcr centlcvel (0renull hlpo0resbis rcjectcdif ttc tcst respecdvely. suusic is smajlerhan rhccriticrt vdue).Thac cridcrl vduel wcreobaincd usinga MonloCulo erpcrimcntwith 2,000rtplicrtionr of rivrrirta rgtdom' . innovrdone Gauesirn 500)widrindcpendeot walkdmexries (of lenStn (1988)multi-e4uation rcstfor alsoapplylohurscn's Amuo ud vanNorden follow a thgtthe vadablesundsrconsidcration This tcstsssumes coinregrarion. I with &e (VAR)wirh Gaussluergrs.Whilc experimenting vectorauroreglsslon of the VAR ic criticelfor the tesqI foundthst thc choiccof the osd€E Johansen of thetcst.Thc Schwancriterion(seeludgeet 81.,1985),rclectea VAR outcome of crrdcr1 whenappliedto the systemof variablcsconsisdngof ln@PFlQ, Amuro lnd YEnNordcnwork ln contrast, andIn(TOTEI'IRGY). InCIOTCOMOD) by Doan(1990) with a VARof order20 (theyusea likelihood'ndotestsutgested o dercrmiocthc lag lcng$). Teblc3 showsrssultsftom lohanscntrsts tbat st1? level,we concludlfrom bgsed on EVARof ordsr2.Usinga 5 percentrignif,cance .) ) '93 JLIN 11 9 q @.?37Pt1 BRI'K 0F C${ADC l'lFR 269 : RobcrtKoUmann Discnssion cointcslatiagvlctcr ln tbc tytlcll Tbble3 tharrhctearctwo linerrly indcpendcnt of In(RPniO,hCfOTEI'fROl)rnd hCfOTCOlrlOD)'md of variablesconsisdng notjus3onecointegnthSvects, ar rirggesedby Amurorad vur Nordcn Appl>"ngths lohursentrJt o tboblvariatctytrn condsdntof b(RPF& and InGOTENRGY),ar woll ar to tho fyttrm corlsdng of InRPt 0 tnd yieldsno cvidcnccof cointrgrldon.It rppcan,howswr, thu InCIOTCOMOD), In(TOTENRGY)and In(TOTC\IMOD) ara colnagrarc4 r.r can bc reclr ftlst Table4. In fact, Table4 ruggesu(at thc I per cent lcvel) hat then lre two coinrcgnting vectors in ttrc lystem conrisdng of h$OTEI'IRGY) and hCrOTCOMOD).which cur only bc suc if both variablerrre aend'nadonlry witb the in TbblcI rls notlnconristeat (rccallthEttheADF unit-roottestrprescnted thatthc npo Thir suggestr is Eend.cutionary). thsrInCIOTCOMOD) hypothesis relationsin the aivariatesystcm,ln(RPF)Q,I1(TOTENRGY)and cointegradng merclyrcffcctrhofact that the last Fpo variables!rc rcnd' 11(TOTCOMOD), stadonary. Table3 Varlables in System(19tt) Testsfor Cointegratlon: Johansen 1n(TOTCOMOD) 1n(RPFX),1n(TOTENRGY)' Numberof cointegrating vcctorS <3 <2 <1 Maxlmum. Tbsce stattstic llkellhood rtatlstic (rr*) 47,89 1t.601*r; 3.14 29.2t('rf) 15.46 1**1 3,14 orrrVARof ordcrI A$rilb er) Notc: Thcrcsrrutisticlreporadin tlb trblcrn bascd pcr cartlcvotr,rupccdwln(Gidcal atJ pcrccntandI and(mr1dcnoasignificrncc urdluscllrs,1990') fromTbbteA2of Johansen valuqs ,1 J|JN 11 '93 q$nDR @:38P11 BRI'K OF F.b |'FR DIscussb n: Robert Kolhrlp,nn 270 tn thesccomneaudi$srfu tbose thete3tFsuln dcscribcd Vn conclusion, prcsenrcd by Amanourd vur Nordcn.Thc frct thatdiCorentnrdrded methods urdtrcotrurd colncgndnl eleuonr most yleldwi&ly varyingrtsuls conccrning lilely rcf,ecu tre shonncssof the ramplc pcrtod corrldcred ln tbe P$ct bo rn taarerdngtrrk gorfunuc (approximately 20 p,rrs of data).filencc,lt woul,cl t8tr urd tho therelcdonship betwpcnCrnada'rrcalcxcbange o invcstigatc 1gscrrch termsof mds usinga longerrarnplcPcriod. Thble4 ln SystemVarlgbles (19E9) Testsfor Colntegration: Johensen tn(RPffi ), ln (TOTEhIRGD'1n(TOTCOMOD) Numberol cointegrating vcct0rs <2 <l Tlace statistic Madrmrm. likcllhood rtatlstlc 33,34(+**) (rrr) 13.40 19.94('**) 13.40(.r.) !,iote: Secnoteo Trbtc3. Refercnces "DisEribudons Tlme of theEstimatonfsr AuorcSressive Dickey,D. andW.Fuller, Sericswirtr a Unit Root""fotrnal of the AntericanStat'stlcalAssoctation 74 (June1979):427'43L 19E8. VAREconomcuicc, Evanstoni Dou1,T.Llst's lv{antul&{fSVtstott3.O0. ' scrles.NcwYolk:Johnwiley,1976. Futier,w, Inrodrctlonto srcttsttcalTlme of MovtngAverageP8lEmetets." for a unit Rootin thePrcsence Hali, A. .,Tusting 49'56. Z6(1989): Btometrika Vcctqr."Jotaml of Ecorcmic S."statisticalfuralysisof CoinrcSration Johansen, l98E):Z3l'254' andControt12(Junc'september Dynamics 5 '93 Jl$l 11 q{'trDn llFn @:38PN Bgt'{< OF 27I Dltclrrslon'RoDtrl Kohminn Esdnuionrndlnftroncson s. andK lussllus"'MSxinum'Liksubood fu lvloacy: oiord Johanscn, ro the Dcmrnd Appticadonr coinagnti;;;,h 52Otry 1990):169'210. atisrcrlsrtcs BullertnoTicorumtcs Iudge,o.lW.Grifith;RCaners!,H.LutkgPohl;uldT.l,,l,,TtuTl|.ofyd Nlw YorlcJohnWllcy'1985' practics oiirL**rrlcs, 2ndedidon. 'dii-ot Meesc,R.andKRogof!''EmplrlcfExchur3cRrtcModslloftbsscvcnticr:Do 14 srmpto?,'7;*A of Intcrnalorcl Economics Thoy n, 1983):3'24' (FcbruarY and ilsamskcdaltisity Semi-Dcfulto Posldvc Sirnplo wsst."A K and w. Nowey, AutocontladonConsisEnr-couuianccM&trix.''Ecotwnutr|ca55 1987):703-?08' (lv{aY Phillips,P.c.B.urdS.ouliadt...AsymptotichoPeni;^lofRcsidualBcsedTbsts foCointegradon.,,economet,i'ose(January1990):165.193. (;
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