ii M l TRANSVAAL CARNEGIE NON-EUROPEAN LIBRARY. VERNACULAR Suggested list of additions. Northern Sotho 4 Franz, G.H. 2 do 3 Hoffnann, C. 2 Machaba, Ch* 4 4 2 2 6 2 4 4 Madiba, M.y. do " « Ifake, H.I. Matlala, E.K.K. do Mphahlele,S.M, & Phaladi, S.M. 4 Phala, D.M. 4 Phalane, A, 4 Ranaila, E.M. 4 4 u 4 6 6 4 © each Nas. Pers. 1/6 Afr. Pers, 2/6 N.Soth. Depot. 2/- 2 Matlosa, S. Moerane, Mofclo, Th. do I! Moikangoa, Motsanai, E. do Nqheku, Ntsane, K.E. do Segoete, E. do Sekese, Sentso. do l/ 3/Q 1/3 Sediba sa Thuto 1/4 do 1/7 Van Schaik 1/6 Nas. Pers. 2/Van Schaik 4/9 Ea-Xa-Mphahlele Kxono *a thswa Motangtang Bophelo bya Moruti Abrahan Serote Setloxo sa Batau Schwellnus, P.E. Kina le localo le ne£ito ya direto do T5a MaxoSi le dilete n Thlaolo5a-Polelo Sehlodinela. M.M. Bala o tsebe do Moelelwa Serote, I.J. Molato Ziervogel, D. NoordSotho-LeerboeJ Danane, M. Khaketla, Lekhethoa, H. Leoatle, Machobane, do ngoaela, Z.D. 2 Mapetla, J. 2 4 3 4 4 2 Maaberone Thellenyane Mebu5o Bophelo bya Moruti Charles Machaba Thuto ya Polelo Tsivi Mahlontebe A Mahlontebe B Sello sa Tonki le Pere ThSukudu Sorogole Southern Sotho Moorosi Morena oa Baphuti Moshoeshoe le Baruti Tokoloho bokhobeng Morena Moshoeshoe Mahaheng a natso Mphatlalatsane Tsoelo-pele ea Lesotho Liphoofolo, linonyana le lithoko tsa tsona Molahlehi Liphala Chafe. Moeti oa Bochabela Pitseng Sebogoli sa Ntsoana-Tsatsi Mehla ea nalino Morena Moshoeshoe Ngoana ha a botsa telejane Arola naheng ea Maburu Masoabi 'Musa-pelo Raphepheng Monono ke- noholi ke nouoane Mekhoa le naele a Easotho Matlakala - '.s, Pers. do Van Schaik £ 2 15 5 2 3 9 4 19 4 2/2/6 2/- 3 10 8 N.Soth. Depot' 2/do 2/6 ii ii Blackie SCo Van Schaik Nas. Pers. do Van Schaik Morija do rt it ii n ii n ii Lov. Press. Morija Lov. Press Morija do ii ii ii ii ii ii Lov. Press. do Morija c/f....Page 2.../ s 6 5 6 * 2/9 2/3/9 1/6 1/3 1/9 10/6 2 3/3 3/3 5/3 2/9 1/1 3/3 1/9 1 1/6 2/3 —/ 6 3/2/3 4/4/2/- 8 10 11 8 15 6 7 10 2 6 6 1 5 2 9 3 3 4. 1 12 6 16 16 4 8 V1/9 2/5/9 2/3 2/3 2/3 7/1/9 3 4 5 4 4 4 14 5 19 9 3 2 2 2 2 3 Lastrade, G.P. Leseyane, P, Mafoyane, S.S. Moloto, D. do Plaatjie, 4 Raditladi 3 Schapera, I, 4- do 4. Seboni, M. Sonc Kgatla aninal stories Buka ea go buisa Moretlo Mosinane notshabadire Mokwena Ditshontsho tsa bo-Julise Kesara Motswasele II Ditirafalo tsa narafo ya Batswana Mekgoa le nelao ya BaTswana Rarnone oa Kgalagadi b/f...... 19 Lovedal6/:;'Qo2.^S/9cecilh ~ran Schaik 3/3/6 '.tiger Kloof 1/3 2/9 Nasionale P. 55/3 Wits. Univ. do d 9 8 7 2 5 6 6 6 10 4/9 2/6 14 Loved&le Pr»;v 4/~ 12 do «J-S 3 10 3/3 4/8 13 18 8 GQOQOQGOGQa.OGXOGOGu: £ 4.---------4------------ 2 Junod, H.A. 2 Juncd. H.A. do do ^Mapt Maphophe, C. 4- Marivate, D.C. 4 ---------- - 2 ---------2 — --------K ------------------------------------------------ 2 Dhlomo, R.R.R. 3 do do 4. n « 3 t» tt + « 4- Doke,C. 2 Dube, V. 4- Haggard, Sir R. d 2 Jolobe, J.J.R. 3 do do I U M3hladhla and Mbata 4- Mseleku, 3 Mthiya, 2 Rudolph, C.J. 2 2 Suter, 4- Thwala, G.B. 4- Vilakazi, E.W, 4do 4" 4" 4. Zaloj* 4- Zungu, A. Shangaan/Ts onga Buku ya vahlayi III do 17do V Elementary Graruar NNwanpfundla-Nwasisana VWfcivi Mahlonulo Ta vutoni bya riina Sasavona Milawo ya xitxhavo Ruti Sivulavuri Ta ndyango Tinoto (Hynns) Tinoto ta swikolo Tinsinu Vusungukati C tral M. Pr. 2/3 do 3/3 do Vit 3/6 11 ■2/6 :t 4-/6 it -/6 it ~/6 tt Vtt -A tt 2/6 tt — */6 ti -/6 it n'r tt 1/6 tt 2/6 it -/6 v9 13 16 7 5 9 2 3 411 10 1 1 u 6 5 2 Zulu. Indicia yababi Shu,thnt&rS&o8Sieri cr3/U-Dingane 3/r U-Nonalanga ka Ndengezi « 3/9 U-Mpande « 2/9 U-Shaka tt 3/9 Text book of Zulu Granmar " 11/9 Wozanazoi izindaba zikn Phoshozwayo " 1/3 Ifciouso ka Shaka Marianhftlll 3/6 Amvo Shuter & Shooter 2/6 U-Zagula do 2/9 Zulu nanual for Native it Primary Schools 2 /6 t t U-Vunindaba 1/9 tt U-Velngazi 3/A guide for the Zulu tt court Interpreter 5/~ n Lessens in Zulu wi/Izinkukhu nokupMthwa kwazo A. 2/Anal'Ezulu Wits. Univ. Press 2/6 Inkondlo ka Zulu do 3/6 Nje-Nenpela Mar ‘ ' ihill 5/Worn nini do 2/6 Akusenjalo Shuter & Shooter 3/6 Usuknbe kuluna do 2/6 c/f ...Page 3.., 6 9 15 8 15 7 3 « - 2 145 8 10 7 10 10 8 10 24 10 U 10 4-3 10 - ~ - 3 Xhosa 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 b/f..... U-Jujuju Lov. Press E-Jerusalen do ti Uhyezo it U-Zangula ii U-Noliswa U-Nonathansanga no sigebenga ti Unonsa Uhzali wolahleko Futshane, Javabu, D.D.T. Jolobe, do Ndawo, do Sinxo, do G 1/3 each 2/3 2/9 2/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 £ s U3 10 1 6 5 2 3 3 1 1 d d 9 3 9 6 9 6 6 9 9 GGCGCCGGGGGCGCGGGGGQGGC Vmda • 3 ________ ___ 6 Dzivhani, 2 - — -------- --— — 6 M6tend^,3.r, 4 ------ — -------— — l\. — ■-- .------------- . 4- Dzipsalne Mahosi a Venda Katikisina thukhu Eanabulank-'1' 1 Mutakalo Myinbo Ndede ya Luanbo lwa Tshivenda Ndcndezi A. do B. - - I /| ■«■ « 1 “>■ ™ ™ ■ •" I I ---------------------- I I I 4 ------------------------- I V 4. — ----------- --------- -- V V I U S c h w e l l n u s , 2 — P . E -------------------- - . PhendSwIuanbo Testanente ntswa Venda Lit. Depot. do ii Govt. Printer Venda Lit. Depot. do ti ii ii ii ti ii ii !f If II -/6 -/3 -/6 -/3 2/3/1/9 1/1/3 1/6 1/9 2 / - 2/3 2/6 2/9 2/1/3 1 6 1 6 1 — 1 6 8 12 7 - U — 5 - £ - 7 8 9 10 11 8 2 £ 50.it — — — — — 6 6 f TRANSVAAL CARNEGIE NON«flUROEEM LIBRARY: STUDENTS1 SECTION. Proposed list of additions. Septenber 1949. Boolcs obtainable from Pilgrims. £ AUDEN,W.H. comp. BACHARACH, A,L. ed. BEEBE,W.S, EENNET,B, BENNET, B. BLAKE, W. B0CCACCI0,G, BORROW, G. ii B0WI£Y,A. BROWN, IVOR BROWNING, ROBERT BUNYAN, J. BUSH, R. Bush, R. BUTIER, S. BUXTON, P.A. CARLYLE, T. Oxford book of light verse, (O.U.P., 194-1). The nosic of the Misters f r m the 16th century to Beethoven.(M.Fridberg, 194-9). The book of naturalists. (Hale, 194-9). The clues condemn. (Timmins, 194-9). Too late for tears. Blake's poens and prophes:' (Dent) Boccaccio's Decaneron, 1 7 11 (Dent), Borrow's Lavengro. (Dent), Borrow's Romany Rye. (Dent, 194-8). Everyday probleus of the school child.(Livingstone, 194-9). No idle words. (Cape, 194-9). Browning's The ring and the book, (Dent, 194-8) Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress. (Dent, 194-8), Tree fruit growing,,2nd. ed. (Penguin Books, 194-9) Soft fruit growing.,3rd. ed.. (Penguin Books, 194-9). Butler's Way of all flesh. (Dont, 194-8). Trypanosomiasis in Eastern Africa. (H.M.Stationery Off., 194-7) Carlyle's French Revni”+.ion,Vols 1 & 11, (Dent, 194-8) . s 15 d 9 15 15 10 0 0 6 44U 4- 6 6 6 6 7 6 4L 3 1 K 6 0 6 6 0 9 6 3 9 0 0 6 The wal«z.(Max Parrish, 194-9). Min, the Unknown. (Penguin Books, 194-9). 1 The Colonial Office list. (H.M.Stationery Off.,194-9) 15 ii ii The Colonial Office list m p supplement. (H.M.Station 1 ery Off,, 194-9) * , 1 CORRIE, F.E. Some elements of plants and animals/Fertiliser . 8 Journal, 194-9). DAKERS, J.S. 1 Modern gardening, (Cassel, 194-9). 1 DANTE, A. Dante's Divine Comedy. (Dent, 194-8) 4DAVEY, T.H. Trypanosoniassi in British West Africa, (H.M.Station 2 ery Office, 194-9) DAVIS, D.H. The earth and man. (lfe.cMLllan,1948) 1 14 DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Agro-£cononic survey of the Union, 3 ii n Vegetable products in Sou+% "frica. 1 ii n Poultry farming. 1 DICKENS, C. Dickens' Old curiosity shop, (^ent, 194-8) K DODD, & CORDINGLY Juta's revised Senior history course,(Juta) 9 DODS, D.A. J.C. history notes.(Juta) 2 Eighteenth~century plays. (Dent5194-8) 4. ftlOT, GEORGE George Eliot's Adam Bede. (Dont. 194-8) K ■• « . isllis,c .& w »a n e y Jm .y . Soilless growth of plants. (Reinhold Publ, Co,,194-7) 1 12 EMERSON, R.W, Emerson's Essays, (Dent, 194-8) 4. EURIPIDES, Euripedes' plays, (Dent) 4FLECKER, J.E. Hassan... (Penguin Books, 194-9). 1 FOWLER, J.J.& SMIT New history for Senior certificate, (Miller) 9 FRANKLIN, B. Franklin's Autobiography. (Dent, 194-8). 4. FRASER, A. Sheep production. (Nelson, 194-7) 9 GARNER, R.J. The grafter's handbook. (Faber, 194-9) 19 GEEN, M.S. The making of the Union o f ; South Africa. (Longmans, 11 194-7) GOODALL'S ed. Muir's new school atlas of universal history. (Phillip, 194-7) 12 GRAY, THOMAS Gray's poems and letters. (Dent, 194-8) 4GREEN, L.G. Where men still dream. (Timmins^ 12 HAM OND, J. Farm animals. (Arnold, 194-8). 19 HAPPOID, C.F. Vision and craftsmanship. (Faber, 194-9) 12 HASTINGS, PATRICK Autobiography of Sir Patrick Hastings. (Heinemann, 194-9) 15 HENRY, 0. Cabbages and kings. (Pan Boolcs, 194-9) 1 HERD, N.. Writing for tho South African press, (v. Schaik,1939) 6 H.M.STN. OFF. Britain and the Colonies. HORLACHER, L.T. Sheep producti on. (MsGraw-fll 1.1.1927) 1 10 HORNBY,A.S. and 16 A learner's dictionary of -ent Fnglish/O.U.P., OTHERS. 194-9) £24-- 7m o sco CARREL, AUCXIS COLONIAL OFFICE 0 6 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 3 6 6 „ 3 6 46 6 6 6 0 0 3 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 7 £ 24 s 7 lu d 7 0 8 1 14 6 0 6 12 4 1 6 6 0 18 16 4 0 0 6 0 8 15 4 1 4 13 3 10 11 10 18 2 16 0 3 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 2. 12 17 6 6 6 3 10 6 0 2 6 11 3 15 4 6 13 6 6 0 6 9 6 0 6 4 6 8 12 0 6 The Oxford book of English prose,(0.U.P,,1926). 15 9 Oxford book of ballads. (Clarendon Pr.,1924). 15 9 174 4 6 19 3 6 6 3 0 11 16 0 4 4 4 3 9 1 3 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 6 Bt. Fd. Juta’s history for senior certificate and matriculation. (Juta). Biological drawings with notes,parts l&ll. (Murray). How to.landscape your grounds. (N.Y. de la Mire,1949). Poultry husbandry. (MicGraw-Hill, 1938). HOWES, & MANDELEROTE JEPSON, M. JOHNSON, L.R. 1 JULL, A.M. 1 KEATS t ^ MURRY, J.M. Poems. (Peter Nevill, 194-9). KEATS, JOHN Keats T Poems. (Dent, 194-8). KENT, WILLIAM London for the literary pilgrin. (Rocldiff, 194-9) KLEIN, G.T. & ROBINSON Starting right with poultry. (MacGraw, 194-7). KUPER, HILDA African democracy. (0,U.P,, 1947). LAMB. CHARIES Lamb’s Essays of Elia. (Dent, 1948). LARSON, G.E. & TELLER,W.M. What is faming? (N.York, van Nostrand, 1945). LINEEQUE, History for Std 8. (Juta). LUGG, H.G. Historic Natal and Zululand. (Shutcr & Shooter,1949). MACHIAVELLI, 1’ fochiavelli’s The Prince. (Dent, 1948) MALHERBE, L.deV. Soil fertility.(0.U.P., 1948). MANN, T. “ Thorns Minn’s Stories and episodes, (Dent,1948) MARA IS. J.S. Miynier and the first Boer Republic{r(M,Miller, 1949)* MARKHAM, S.F. Climate and the energy of nations.(O.U.P.,1947). MARSH, J.H, Skeleton coast. (Timmins, 1949). 14ARC0NiiE,E. de Shorter physical geography. (Christopher’s ,1944-) ^PIASSEY, A. ed Modern trends in public health. (Lutterworth. 1949). MATTHISSEN,F*Q The achievement of T.S.Eliot. (0,U.P.,*1949). MIDGLEY, Europe including the British Isles. (Juta,1937) MILLIN, S.G. The pit of the abyss.(Faber) MINISTRY QF AGR. & FISHERIES, Crop production in frames and cloches.(H.M.Stn.,Off.,1949). MISSINGHAM,H. An animal anthology.(Shepherd Pr,.Sydney,Austral.,1949) MORilN, C.G. Heralds of the law. (Stevens,1949; NASH, T.A.M. The Anchau rural development and settlement scheme,(H.M. Stn., Off., 1949). NASH, T.A.M. Tsetse flies in British West Africa. (H.M.Stn.,Off.,1949). OAKLEY, K.P.& MUZRWOGD H. The succession of life through geological time.(British Museum of Natural History,1949). OLSON, T.M, Elements of dairying.(MacGraw,193 8). PATTERSON,J.W. Science in agriculture.(Longmans,1948). PICKIES, T. Australia and New Zealand.(Dent,1946). PFEIFFER, E. Soil fertility,renewal and preservation. (Faber,1947). JPLATO, Plato’s Republic.(Dent,1948). LESSIS,I.D.du Tales from the Malay quarter. (Miller,1949). PLUTARCH, Plutarch’s Lives, Books 1, 11 & 111. (Dent,1948.) POPE, A FREECE, D. & WOOD, H.R.B. Pope’s Complete works.(Dent,1948). Foundations of geofraphy.(Univ. Tut. Pr.,1948). QUILLCR-COUCH, The Oxford book of English verse:If;50-1918. (O.U.P.,1949). A. ed. IT It It t! comp. R 0fiN S,W .W . §c others. R US ION, JOHN Weed control,(MacGraw,1942). Ruskin’s Sesame and lilies. (Dent,1948). n it Buskin’s Seven lamps of architecture, (Dent, 1948). RUSSEL, E.J. Manuring for higher crop production,(6.U.P,, 1921), SCHAPERA, I. Married life in an African tribe. (Faber, 1940•). SCHAPERA, I. Native land tenure in the Bochuanaland Protectorate. (Lovedale Press,1943). SEARS, C.F. Productive orcharding. (Lippincott Co.). SEIDEN, R. Poultry handbook,(N.Y, van Nostrand,1947). SHAKESPEARE,.'. Shakespeare’s Comedies, (Dent, 1948;. it Shakespeare’s Histories. (Dent, 1948). n Shakespeare’s Tragedies. (Dent, 1948). SHANAHAN, W. South America, (Methuen,1949). SHELLEY, P.B. Shelley’s Poetical works,Books 1, 11 & 1 H. (Dent,1948). SITWELL,SIR 0. Triple fugue. (Penguin Bocks,1949). £64- 8- 7 Bt. Fd, SMITH, C.W. SMITH, W.W. SOUTHEY, R. STAMP, L.D. STAMP,L.D. STAMP,L.D. & JAMESON SfSMBRIIXffi, J.H. & JOHNSTON,D STERNE, £ 64 s 8 10 Home gardening in South Africa.(C.N.A.,1947). Elements of livestock judging. (Chicago, Lippincott,1941). 1 Southey’s Life of Nelson. (Dent, 1948). An intermediate geography.(Longmans, 1948). 1 Asia. (Methuen^. 1 11 16 The world. (Longmans,1949). 15 The world. (O.U.P., 1948). Sterne’s Sentimental journey,journals and letters to Eliza, (Dent, 1948). Character and motive in Shakespeare..(Longmans,1949). STEWART, J.I. 1 SUNDKLER, B.G.M, Bantu prophets in South Africa.(Lutterworth Pr.,1949) Farewell my friend. (New Ind.,PiiM Co.,1949). TAGORE, R. Unknown Westminster Abbey. (Pen^u^n Books,1949). TANNER, L.E. TAYLOR, GRIFFITH Australia, (Methuen,1949). 1 TENNYSON, LORD Tennyson’s Poems. (Dent, 1948). TENNYSON, LORD Tennyson’s Poems 11. (Dent, 1948). Thackeray's English humorists of the Four Georges.(Dent. THACKERAY,W.M. 1948). THORNTON, J.C. Table talk. (Dent, 1948). Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, 1 & 11. (Dent, 1948). ®)ISTO*, IEO n Tolstoy’s Master and man.(Dent,1948). UNSTEAD, J.F. Europe. (Univ. Lond. Pr.,193 VILLIERS,de & New Junior Certificate history.(M.Miller}. OTHERS. Virgil’s Aeneid.(Dent, 1948). VIRGIL. South Africa. (Dent, 1949). WE LIS, A.W. Diseases of potatoes, sugar beet and legumes.(Longmans, WESTON, W.D. 1949). WHITBEC K, and Economic geography. (MicGtaw, 19tt). FINCH, V.C. The picture of Dorian Grey.(CactJc Press,1949). WILDE. OSCAR Principles of agriculture.(Hutchinson,1948). WILLIAMS,W.R. Days with Bernard Shaw.(Hutchinson,1949). WINSTON, S. Memories of a game ranger.(C.N.A.,1948). WOLHUTER, The message and reports of the first assembly of the WORID COUNCIL world Council of Churches.(S.C,M.Press,1949). OF CHURCHLS Public speaking and broadcasting. (Littlebury,Worcester, WRIGHT, WALTER _ 1949). ™ A T S , W.B. ed. Oxford book of modern verse. 1892-1935. (Cl. Pr,,194l). ZOLA, E. Zola’s Germinal.(Dent, 1948y. TOTAL i £85- 3 4 d 7 0 0 6 6 0 13 4 7 10 7 2 6 4 4 4 9 4 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 6 0 9 4 16 6 11 12 19 18 1 6 10 15 _A. 6 9 6 1- 1 0 0 0 0 0 PUBLICATIONS AFFECTING NON-£ URCPEANS. LEGISLATION. Asiatics (Transvaal Land and Trading) Act No, 28 of 1939.(Pretoria, Union Government Printer, 1939). Native Adninistration (Anendnent) Act of No. 9 of 1939.(Pretoria, Union Gov. Printer, 1939). Native Trust and Land Anendnent Act No. 17 of 1939.(Pretoria, Union Gov. Printer, 1939). Natives Taxation (Anendnent) Act No. 25 of 1939. (Pretoria, Union Gov. Fr., 1939). IiEPORTS ETC. Bulletin of educational statistics for South Africa. (Pretoria, Union Gov, Printer, 1939). 103. Report of the Native Affairs Comission. (Fretcria, Union Gov. Printer, 1939). 46. U.G, No. 54-'39, Report of Native F a m Labour Cormittee, 1937-39. (Pretoria, Union Gov. Pr.? 1939). 95. Report of Provincial Education Connission. (Pretoria, Union Gov. Printer, ^ 1939). 302. T.F, No. 5-*39. fWeport of the Asiatic Land Laws Connission. (Pretoria, Union Gov. Printer, 1939). 72. U.G. l6-»39. Report of the Cormittee to consider the adninistration of urban areas which are beconing urbanised but which are not under local gov.ernnent control.(Fretoria,Un. Gov. Fr.,1939). U.G. No.8-’40. Report of the Cormittee on Medical Training in S.A. (Pretoria, Un. Gov. Fr.,1^39.). 73. U.G. 25-'39. Report of the tormission on Mixed Marriages in S ,A.(Pretoria, Un. Gov, Fr., 1939). 56. 3C’-»39. Report of the Departnental Connittee of Enquiry into the collection ofthe Native Tax.(Pretoria, Un. Gov, Pr.nl939).22. Report of the third session of the Natives Representative Council.(Pretoria Union Gov. I^inter, 1940-. U.G.No, ll-'^O. Report of the proceedings of the * / eighth Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia.(Lovedale, Lovedale Press,1939).110. Report of the proceedings of the Natives Representative Council, _1938. (Pretoria, Union Gov, Fr.,1939).No. 27 U.G. 10-'39. Report of the Rhodesia-Nyasaland Royal Connission(Lone.on,PI.M.Stn. Off,, ^ 1939),283. Cnd. 5949. ^lurvey of vocational technical education in the Colonial Empire.(London, H.M. Stn, Off.,1940). Collection Number: AD1715 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS (SAIRR), 1892-1974 PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. 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