Print: Medienfabrik Graz Layout: FTG FTG Graz University of Technology Institute of Automotive Engineering Member of [FSI] Invitation and Programme 7th Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz INSTITUTE OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 12-13th May 2016 MEMBER OF [FSI] Inffeldgasse 11/II 8010 Graz phone: +43 / 316 873 35201 web: Austria fax: +43 / 316 873 35202 email: [email protected] Innovative vehicles and light weight design | efficiency and thermal management | driver assistance systems and autonomous driving | CAE-methods in commercial vehicle development | special purpose vehicles | New: Including basic seminar ″Focus Automotive Engineering Graz“ Programme Committee: Preface: The Institute of Automotive Engineering (FTG) of Graz • Prof. Dr. G. Brasseur, EMT TU Graz University of Technology arranges for the seventh time • Dipl.-Ing. G. Brunbauer, Rosenbauer International AG, Leonding the Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz which has • Dr. M. Dekena, AVL List GmbH, Graz shown constant growth in number of participants. On • Dipl.-Ing. K.-D. Diepold, Magirus GmbH, Ulm • Prof. Dr. P. Fischer, FTG TU Graz • Dipl.-Ing. C. Gruber, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich behalf of FTG it is a great pleasure for us to introduce the workshop programme 2016 and we herewith would like to invite you to Graz. • Dipl.-Ing. E. Hipp, formerly MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich From the submitted contributions the programme committee could compile an interesting • Prof. Dr. W. Hirschberg, FTG TU Graz (Chair) and diversified programme of the day. It is focussing on the topics innovative commercial • Prof. Dr. A. Lion, UniBw, Munich vehicles and light weight design, efficiency and thermal management, driver assistance • Prof. Dr. H.-C. Pflug, CVE NutzfahrzeugTechnik, Remshalden • Dr. G. Schlager, MAGNA POWERTRAIN ECS GmbH & Co KG, St. Valentin • Prof. Dr. H. Steffan, VSI TU Graz and CAE-methods, all having high actuality. We suppose that the programme 2014 will find your interest. In particular, we are looking forward to an informative exchange of experience with and between the commercial vehicle experts. This will take place in the well known familiar environment of the workshop. As an innovation we additionally offer this year the basic seminar ″Focus Automotive Conference chair Engineering Graz“. This seminar will initiate the Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer addresses basics of Automotive Engineering - this time particularly dealing with truck tyres. Finally, we would like to invite for a visit to our institute, the laboratories and the ″Get Chair ″Focus Automotive Engineering Graz“ Dr. Cornelia Lex Together“ at the town hall of Graz on behalf of the Mayor which will take place in the eveOrganisation ning before the workshop. Mrs. Lisa Lebitsch We also would like to warmly invite you to this event. Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz Inffeldgasse 11, OG II, 8010 Graz, Austria Phone: +43 / 316 873-35201 Fax: +43 / 316 873-35202 E-Mail: [email protected] General Information: after each presentation Basic-Seminar ″Focus Automotive Discussion Engineering Graz“: Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz, 13th May 2016 Focus Automotive Engineering Graz, 12th May 2016 (basic seminar) LOCATION Graz University of Technology, Old Campus Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Lecture hall I LOCATION Graz University of Technology, Campus Inffeldgasse Inffeldgasse 11, 8010 Graz, Lecture hall FSI1 CONFERENCE FEE The conference fee including ″Get together“, workshop documentation, lunch, coffee breaks amounts to € 300 for university members € 150 for students € 40 CONFERENCE FEE The conference fee including ″Get together“, semiar documentation, snacks, coffee amounts to € 100 for university members € 50 for students € 15 No value added tax is included. Please transfer the conference fee latest May 9, 2016 - free of charge for the receiver – on the account: Bank: Bank Austria IBAN: AT51 1200 0516 5610 1835 Purpose: 7th Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz BIC: BKAUATWW Thursday 12th May 2016 10:00 Registration 11:00 Welcome Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz 11:15 Comparison of passenger car and heavy truck tyres: Target criteria, measurement, simulation Prof. Dr. W. Hirschberg, Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz 12:00 Semi-physical modelling of tyres and parameterisation Prof. Dr. G. Rill, University of Applied Science Regensburg 12:45 Common discussion of the opening lectures 13:00 Lunch snacks 14:00 Influences on the rolling resistance of heavy truck tyres on actual roadways Prof. Dr. H.-C. Pflug*, M. Bode, Dr. O. Bode, B. Lange, *CVE NutzfahrzeugTechnik, Remshalden REGISTRATION Through enclosed form or online until Mai 9, 2016 latest 14:40 Parameterising tyre models, with a focus on commercial vehicle tyres Dr. S. M. Waser, Magna Powertrain ECS, St. Valentin CANCELLATION A refund of in-paid fee shall not be possible after May 9, 2016. 15:20 Grip, rolling resistance and rolling noise – the contribution of the roadway Dipl.-Ing. R. Spielhofer, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna ARRIVE/INFORMATION ABOUT ACCOMMODATION. Please find on the following web pages further information about Graz as well as a hotel guide: Link for hotel registration: Responsible for the hotel reservation at Graz tourism is Mrs. Almut Fuchs-Fehringer Tel.: +43/ 316 8075-42 Email: [email protected] From the airport Graz Thalerhof all hotels are best reachable by taxi. 16:00 Common discussion and closing Cordial welcome: 16:30 Visit to FSI, Inffeldgasse 11, 8010 Graz 19:00 ″Get Together“ in the town hall of Graz Evening reception by the Mayor of Graz Mag. Siegfried Nagl Hauptplatz 1, 8010 Graz, 2nd floor, Council board hall Programme Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz: Friday 13th May 2016 CAE-Methods 8:00 Registration 8:45 Welcome Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg, Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz Driver assistance systems & autonomous driving 9:00 9:30 Discussion after each presentation Chair: Prof. Dr. P. Fischer Accident occurence and fields of effects of driver assistance systems in heavy commercial vehicles Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Berg, DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Stuttgart, Dipl.-Ing. Kay Morschheuser, Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Dr. Stefan Guserle, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich The challenge of occupant safety of a 39 tons-special vehicle DI Markus Schachner, Rosenbauer International AG, Leonding Chair: Prof. Dr. A. Lion 13:30 Simulation process for the layout of cardan shafts of commercial vehicle drivelines M.Sc. Christina Braun, Prof. Dr. Alexander Lion, Institute of Mechanics, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich Dr. Jan Fleischhacker, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich 14:00 Efficient contact analyses of dynamically loaded attaching parts Dr. Oliver Grieshofer, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Hübsch, Dipl.-Ing. Markus Breitfuss MAGNA POWERTRAIN Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & CoKG, St.Valentin 14:30 Objective evaluation of vehicle dynamics of heavy commercial vehicles Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Mayrock, Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Özkan Ulukan, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gruber MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich 15:00 Coffee break 10:00 Pedestrian-Truck Interactions on Crossings for Improved Pedestrian Safety Systems Dipl.-Ing. Jens Kotte, Dr. Adrian Zlocki, Prof. Dr. Lutz Eckstein, Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen Aachen, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Pütz, Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen Innovative vehicles & light weight design 10:30 16:00 Implementation and evaluation of a semiactive electro-rheologic damper system for heavy commercial vehicles Dipl.-Ing. Martin Gleichweit, Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz, Dr. Joachim Funke, Fludicon GmbH, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Martin Horn, Institute of Automation and Control, TU Graz, Dr.-Ing. Philipp Wagner, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munich Coffee break Efficiency & thermal management 11:00 11:30 Chair: Prof. Dr. H.-C. Pflug Influence of hill-length on energy consumption for hybridized heavy transports in long-haul transports Pär Pettersson MSc, Prof. Bengt Jacobson PhD, Vehicle Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Pär Johannesson PhD, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Borås, Sixten Berglund PhD, Leo Laine PhD, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Göteborg Simulating the power demand of engine auxiliary consumers of heavy duty vehicles Dipl.-Ing. Antonius Kies, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hausberger, Institute of ICE and Thermodynamics, Graz University of Technology 12:00 Lunch Poster presentation 15:30 Chair: Dipl.-Ing. E. Hipp Reduced fuel consumption of tractor-semitrailers by a variable roof conture Dipl.-Ing. Martin Prenner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mario Hirz, Dipl.-Ing. Severin Stadler, Dr. Jürgen Fabian, Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz 16:30 Self balancing electric vehicles – urban commercial vehicles of the future? Prof. Dr. Andreas Daberkow, M.Sc. Kai Rösinger, University of Applied Science Heilbronn 17:00 Closing remarks Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschberg, Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer, Institute of Automotive Engineering, TU Graz Get together for closing the day GRAZ - World Cultural Heritage Institute of Automotive Engineering - Member of [FSI] As the second largest Austrian city, Graz is at the same time a trade fair, conference, university and garden city. About 250.000 inhabitants, over 50.000 students at three universities and numerous studies at the universities of applied sciences create a lot of movement. Graz, the gate to the southeast, proves this as an economic, technological and scientific centre, as a renowned “know-how-pool” and of course as the European Cultural Capital 2003. At the intersection of European cultures, the Styrian capital is aware of its cultural responsibility, trusts in its strengths and realises its visions: Contemporary architecture finds its place next to the noteworthy literature; a free theatre scene next to galleries and museums, Nobel Prize winning intellect next to colourful festivals; prominence next to everyday culture. Graz’s bar scene is worth the trip. Lively and charming, it invites one of epicurean enjoyments, stroll and flirting; full of ideas, it convinces one with its food and ambience. Street cafes, bars, beer gardens, wine bars and jazz clubs reveal themselves to be open-minded and simply let the night end at the first sign of daybreak. To sum up: Graz has the culture of a metropolis, the charm of a well kept inside tip and the flair of the Mediterranean flavour of life. Information: Graz Tourismus GmbH, Herrengasse 16, 8010 Graz Phone: +43 / 316 8075-0 Email: [email protected] Fax: +43 / 316 8075-15 Internet: Organisation chart of Institute of Automotive Engineering Institute of Automotive Engineering - Member Inffeldgasse 11, OG II Phone: 8010 Graz, Austria Fax: Email: [email protected] Internet: of [FSI] +43 / 316 873 35201 +43 / 316 873 35202 City map of Graz: Registration form: Deadline 9th May 2016 Fax: +43 316 873 35202 Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz, 13th May 2016 Focus Automotive Engineering Graz, 12th May 2016 (basic seminar) Schlossberg ac Gl is Stadtpark KunstHaus 3 ra t hst abe El is CONFERENCE FEE Conference fee including ″Get together“, workshop documentation, lunch, coffee breaks regular € 300 for university members € 150 for students (with ID) € 40 ße a str Leo nha rd ße CONFERENCE FEE Conference fee including ″Get together“, seminar documentation, snacks, coffee regular € 100 for university members € 50 for students (with ID) € 15 Main square 1 Re chb au er s Central station JakominiPlatz M an e Radetzkystraß de llst ra tra ße ße Felix-DahnPlatz Visitation of FSI ″GET TOGETHER“ town hall Graz Mrs g rs se Mr 12th May 2016, 16.30 h 12th May 2016, 19.00 h Title: se as st ra raße f dor zen rabenst öt n-H d-vo Münzg ra Con Augarten gürtel Schönau te Pe as s G razbachg e s rga yre e t S No value added tax is included. Transfer the conference fee May 9, 2016 latest (free of charges for the receiver) on the account: Bank: Bank Austria BIC: BKAUATWW IBAN: AT51 1200 0516 5610 1835 Purpose: 7th Commercial Vehicle Workshop Graz First name / Name: S e ass dg an fel Inf . dg 2 Firm / Institution: Department: ße Address: Postal code: City: Country: Phone: 1 TU Graz, Old Campus, lecture hall 1 2 TU Graz, Campus Inffeldgasse, Institute of Automotive Eng., FSI 3 City hall Email: Date: Signature: Note: Online registration available at
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