Programa Preliminar 10 AÑOS DEL FORO ESPAÑOL DE PACIENTES Madrid, 16 y 17 de marzo 2015 Jornada European Patients’ Forum: Workshop on cross border health care directive (Reunión interna, aforo limitado). 10 años del Foro Español de Pacientes. III Congreso Español de Pacientes. March 16, 2015 (Place to be confirmed) European Patients’ Forum Workshop on cross border health care directive 9:15-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 12:30-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:30-15:30 Registration/welcome coffee Welcome and presentations Maria D. Navarro, Foro Español de Pacientes Camille Bullot, EPF Membership Officer, and participants The first Directive focussing on “Patients’ Rights”-what does this really mean for patients in this region? EC perspective: John Rowan, DG SANCO European Commission Patient Perspective: Patient’s Organisation representative Coffee-break The crucial role of National Contact Points (NCP) and creating a framework model that meets the needs of Patients – Moderator: Camille Bullot, EPF Plenary debate – What would a “model” of National Contact Point looks like? What are the critical success factors? How patient organisations should be involved in the effective evolution of National Contact Points in the selected countries? Exploring the role of NCPs and patient organisations in securing effective implementation of the Directive Representative from the Spanish National Contact Point Representative from the Portuguese National Contact Point Networking lunch The Patient Journey in Cross Border Healthcare Moderator: Camille Bullot, EPF Objectives : To address specific aspects of the Directive from the perspective of “the patient journey” and will both provide more detailed information on what aspects of the Directive are relevant at different stages and what specific information needs patients will have Aim to generate a discussion identifying critical issues from a patient’s point of view, and develop recommendations for Member States and patient organisations in this regard, to create a sense of “ownership” Coffee-break 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:45 Feedback and conclusion of “The Patient Journey in Cross Border 16:45-17:00 healthare” Panel discussion Take home message and next steps PO representative (tbc) 17 de marzo de 2015 Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz Aula Magna Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2 28040 Madrid 10 años del Foro Español de Pacientes 13:00-13:15 Acreditación Bienvenida y presentación Representante del MSSSI Representante Fundación Jiménez Díaz Maria Dolores Navarro, Presidenta FEP y Directora Instituto Albert J Jovell de Salud Pública y Pacientes-UIC. Conferencia inaugural Nicola Bedlington, Directora European Patients’ Forum An european view of patients organizations’ challenges Coffee-break Mesa redonda Moderación: representante ANIS El papel del FEP en la participación de los pacientes españoles Representantes del entorno sanitario (OMC, enfermería, sociedades científicas, industria y pacientes) Conferencia Mariano Votta, Active Citizenship Network La colaboración en red entre asociaciones de pacientes 10 años del FEP + (infografía o vídeo) 13:15 Comida asistentes cattering 9:15-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 III Congreso Español de Pacientes 14:30-15:30 Workshop: El liderzgo con alma José Luis Bimbela, Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública 15:30-16:00 Resultados del estudio “Características de los representantes de pacientes” 16:00-16:15 Conclusiones de la jornada 16:15-16:30 Clausura del acto Maria Dolores Navarro
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