Friday, August 7, 2015 6:30pm ~8:30pm 平成 27 年 8 月 7 日

Friday, August 7, 2015
平成 27 年 8 月 7 日(金)
午後 6 時 30 分~8 時
30 分
<Venue・開催場所> Courtyard & Assembly Hall, Ninomiya House, 1-6-2 Ninomiya, Tsukuba
つくば市二の宮 1-6-2 二の宮ハウス 集会室・中庭
< P r o g r a m ・ 内 容 > Bon Dance, Japanese Drum Performance, Shamisen Concert,
Yosakoi Dance, Food and Drink Stalls
<I nqu i r y・ 問 合 せ > Ninomiya House Administration Office 二の宮ハウス管理事務室
Phone: 029-858-7006, Fax: 029-858-7011, e-mail: [email protected]
<Information・詳細> URL:
The events will be held rain or shine. 雨天決行
JST International Residence for Researchers “Ninomiya House” will hold the biggest annual event,
“Summer Festival” to encourage international exchange and friendship between the foreign residents at
Ninomiya House and Takezono House, neighbors in Ninomiya district, various research institutes and
relevant organizations in Tsukuba.
As large crowds will be expected at the event, it would be appreciated if you could bring a completed
admission form, available from the above website. We are looking forward to seeing you at the festival.
当日は混雑が予想されますので、事前に上記 URL より入場券を印刷、ご記入の上、ご来場の際にお持