石巻西高実況中継 第32号

平成27年11月27日 第32号
発行者:校 長 伊藤 俊
西高祭で集めたペットボトルの「エコキャップ」15.600 個を
した。今年は、約 20 人分のワクチンを寄付したことになり、
15.600 個のペットボトルキャップが 19.5 人分のワクチンに換え
3年2組 文化祭実行委員長 今野拓海
11 月 12 日、東日本大震災の津波で亡くなった英語指導助手テーラーアンダーソンさんのご両親が
〔3−1 須田 彩乃さんのスピーチ〕
Firstly,I appreciate that we had an
opportunity to go to New York and I join
the charity concert with a support from
Taylor Anderson commeration fund and
another organaization.
I feel pleasure for that Ms. Tayor's parents
come to this school and for that we have
this chance.
I have never been taugaht by
Ms.Taylor.But I heard that she was a
bright and cheerful person from my
freind.I also heard that she loved ARASHI
,japan singer,too.
I was imaging scenery which had changed
by the earthquake and the late Ms.Taylor
when we sang HURUSATO of ARASHI
at the time of the concert in New York. Idid not hesitate at all because I have wanted to go abroad for a
long time. But acutually when I went there , I felt a lot of difficulty with everything that I experienced for
the first time. I believed I was good at English but I felt bitter my English did not get through.
I have already passed the univertity where I want to go.
International exchange are popular among the university.
So I think I want to visit a variety of contries.
But I noticed My Englsh is not enough to go abroad so I study harder now.
This time I could touch real English and could study differnt cultures from Japan.
They were very good experience for me.
Please come to Japan.
Thank you very much for today !