Published by lnuyama City Hall Edited by Inuyama International Association 2015 English AUTUMN No.81 CONTENTS P.1 Health checkup for newly enrolling students City tax deadlines and open hours of tax office on holidays P.2 Please separate and take out the garbage properly P.3 Say hello to your neighbors-Mario KaneshiroP.4 Medical clinics open on Sundays 1. Health checkup for newly enrolling students ▼ In Japan, children born between April 2, 2009 and April 1, 2010 are due to enter elementary school in April 2016. These children need to have health checkups before they start school. The date when your child will have a checkup is written on the documents you should have already received. On that day, you have to go to school with your child at the time written on the documents. If you have not received the document yet and you want to have your child go to Japanese public school, please contact the School Education Division of City Hall. ■ The School Education Division (tel. 44-0350) 2. City tax deadlines (October - December 2015) ▼November 2 3rd installment of municipal/prefectural tax 5th installment of national health insurance tax 7th installment of nursing-care insurance 3rd installment of medical insurance system for the elderly, aged 75 or over November 30 6th installment of national health insurance tax 8th installment of nursing-care insurance 4th installment of medical insurance system for the elderly, aged 75 or over December 25 3rd installment of real estate tax 7th installment of national health insurance tax 9th installment of nursing-care insurance 5th installment of medical insurance system for the elderly, aged 75 or over 3. Tax office open hours on Sundays For your convenience, the tax office is open on Sundays. So you can pay taxes, consult about taxes, get the certificate of tax payment even on Sundays. Be sure to get an appointment with the Revenue Section before you visit the office. ▼ Place: the Revenue Section on the first floor of city hall ▼ Open time: 9 a.m. - noon, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. ■ Inquiries: The Revenue Section (tel. 44-0317) 2 Inuyama NewsLetter Please follow the rules and cooperate in waste reduction. ~ How to Sort Your Waste ~ ① ● Kitchen waste, rubber goods, leather and plastic products, pruned branches, etc. Combustibles ● Items with any metal attached are non-compustible waste ● Pruned branches must be cut to lengths not exceeding 50 cm and must not be wider than 10 cm, and should be bundled. ● Everything besides pruned branches, e.g. wooden boards and flower stems, must be put into the designated garbage bags. ② ● Ceramics, metals, small electrical appliances, etc. Non- ● Items which height, width, or depth exceeds 50cm are considered bulky waste combustibles ● Washing machines, electric clothes dryer, TV, refrigerators ● Dismantled air conditioners cannot be collected by the city. (As for disposing of the above electrical appliances, please ask your sales agents or manufacturers.) ③ ● Butane gas cartridge, Spray Cans ④ ● Various dry-cell pesticide spray, spray paint Dry-cell cans, etc. battery ⑤ batteries Fluorescen t Lamp ● Fluorescent ● Don't forget to make tubes and bulbs ● Button cells and a hole in the can. secondary cells cannnot be ● Don't dispose of them as collected. non-combustible waste. ⑥ Empty Bottles R ● Dressing bottles, instant coffee glass jars, non-colored c bottles c ⑧ ● Energy drinks, beer ・ Empty sake ・ soy sauce ・ other Empty bottles brown bottles bottles and other (Non-color) e y ⑦ ⑨ other colored bottles (brown) (others) ● Plastic bags ・ cups ・ bottles ・ ketchup cups/bottles ・ trays ・ PET bottle caps ・ styrofoam etc. Plastic wrappings l ● Plastic containers and wrappings a ● If leftovers cannot be removed, dispose of them as combustible waste. b ⑩ l Aluminum cans e ● Whisky ・ wine ・ ⑫ s PET bottles ● Cans of beer and juice etc. ● PET bottles (tea, liquids, etc.) ⑪ Steel cans ⑬ ● Clean the inside of the Paper bottles with water, and remove Drink lids and labels. Boxes ● Beverage cans ・ candy cans, any type of cans etc. ● Milk cartons and juice boxes ● Rinse, cut open, fold out and let it dry. ● Put lids and labels in plastic containers. ● If the inside of the carton is coated with aluminium foil, dispose of it as combustible waste. 2015 AUTUMN ⑭ News Papers R e c y c l a b l e s 3 ●Ne ws P a pe r s , fl ye r s *P l e a s e c oope r a te in r e c yc l in g the pa pe r s fr om P T A a n d Kodomok a i a s we l l . ● Ma ga zin e s ・ b ook s ・ dic tion a r ie s ・ n ote b ook s ・ b r oc hu r e s ・ wr a ppin g pa pe r s ・ c opy pa pe r s ・ c oa r s e pa pe r s ・ e n ve l ope s ・ pos t c a r ds ・ c a n dy b oxe s ・ c a l e n da r s , e tc .* A l u min iu m c oa te dpa pe r ⑮ l ik e pa pe r c u ps a r e c omb u s tib l e . magazines・ * P l e a s e dis pos e s tr on g-s me l l in g other c on ta in e r s l ik e l a u n dr y recyclable de te r ge n t or in c e n s e products s tic k s b oxe s pl e a s e of a s c omb u s tib l e wa s te . 3 ⑯ Fabrics ⑱ Bulky Waste ●Cl othe s ・ Kimon os ・ U n de r we a r s ・ Soc k s ・ Bl a n k e ts ・ T owe l s ・ She e ts ( Fu ton s ・ Cu r ta in s a r e b u l k y wa s te ) *P l e a s e pu t fa b r ic s in to tr a n s pa r e n t or s e mi-tr a n s pa r e n t pl a s tic b a gs . * P l e a s e fl a tte n the b oxe s a n d tie the m u p with ⑰ Ca r db oa r d a s tr in g. Boxe s ● I te ms l ik e fu r n itu r e ・ Be ddin gs ・ He a l th, E l e c tr ic , O il b u r n in g a ppl ia n c e s , whic h "l e n gth, width or he ight e xc e e ds 50c m" a n d "is n o l a r ge r tha n 200c m×150c m×100 c m" *R e qu e s t a Bu l k Wa s te Col l e c tion b y P hon e : Ca l l Bu l k y Wa s te A ppoin tme n t Ce n te r a t 0120-484-530 ( 1,000 Y e n for e a c h ite m, l imite d to 5 b u l k y ite ms a t a time ) Inuyama City Hall Garbage Reduction Promotion Division at TEL: 0568-44-0344 Say hello to your neighbors This time, we would like to introduce a very popular fitness dance instructor, Mr. Mario Kaneshiro, from Peru. Q When and why did you come to Inuyama? A I came from Lima, Peru at the age of ten when my father needed to relocate his job to Japan. Q How did you start the fitness dance and what do you always keep in your mind when you are dancing? A When I took my first lesson, I felt it was so much fun and found my interest in it, so I wanted to become an instructor while I was taking more lessons. I started to research and train myself and became an instructor. When you dance to Latin music like merengue, salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton, it helps to burn fat, to increase the strength of your body, and to gain knowledge of dance as well. I always try to attempt new things and keep in my mind having fun. Q What do you like to do when you have free time? A I do my workout first! I would rather use my body and be mindful of all my time than lay around. That will make my day feel fulfilled. I enjoy listening to music. It helps get rid of my stress. I listen to different genres of music at home, like rock, pop, etc. I do video games sometimes, too. Q Do you have a message for Inuyama citizens? A I recommend everyone to exercise as a part of your daily schedule. You will be able to build muscle, to improve blood circulation, and to refresh your body and mind. Your days will be brighter, as a whole. 4 Inuyama NewsLetter In case you get sick on a holiday Holiday (day time) Clinic . Place:Inuyama City Holiday Emergency Clinic Add: 1-70、Goromaru Higashi,Inuyama City TEL0568-62-8100 Consultation hours:8:30a.m.- 11:30a.m., 1:30p.m.-4:15p.m. Holiday (night time) Clinic Place: Please see the following list of duty clinics Consultation hours: 5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. For more information, contact the Inuyama City Hall,s Health Promotion Section (Shimin Kenko Kan) TEL:568-63-3800 M 10 D 4 Internal Medicine Name of Medical Institution Tel Midori shinryojo 67-3311 Location Chojamachi Surgery Name of Medical Institution Tel Niwa Jibiinkoka(ENT) 67-6868 11 Kimura Naika 67-0008 jonan Kobayashi Jibiinkoka(ENT) 12 Okabe Iin 62-7121 Uchida 18 Kurokawa Sukoyaka Clinic 61-0083 25 Itatsu Naika Clinic 67-6333 1 Miyata Iin 67-5566 3 Kurokawa Sukoyaka Clinic Miyazaki Seikei Geka, Geka,Nika 61-0083 15 Inuyamaeki nishi Byoin 61-2017 22 Murakami Naika 62-2201 23 Ando Iin 61-0316 29 Ando Clinic 62-8881 6 Yoshida Naika Clinic 62-9222 13 Sumire Naika Clinic 68-0025 20 Midori shinryojo 67-3311 23 Kimura Naika 67-0008 27 Okabe Iin 62-7121 31 Okabe Iin 62-7121 8 11 68-0461 12 犬山ニュースレター Takeuchi Hifuka Cliniv (Dermatology) Takuya Seikeigeka Shimodaihoncho (Orthopedics) Hongo Matsumura Clinic Kobayashi Ganka Inaba (Ophthalmology) Shimodaihoncho Mother Clinic Happiness Ishihara Geka Semiya (Surgery) Miyata Ganka Takamicho (Ophthalmology) Maruyama Sato Byoin NIshishin Kawamura Seikeigeka michi (Orthopedics) Tonoji Kuwabara Clinic Higashima Yamamoto Hifuka Clinic tsumotocho (Dermatology) Wakamiya Funabiki Clinic Satoshi Ganka Clinic Chojamachi (Ophthalmology) Takeuchi Seikeigeka Clinic jonan (Orthopedics) Uchida Niwa Jibiinkoka(ENT) Yamamoto Hifuka Clinic Uchida (Dermatology) 61-3154 Location Hotta Higashima tsumotocho 62-7511 Maruyama 69-1800 Kobari 61-1488 Kamisaka 62-7278 Fujimicho 63-4103 61-1118 Tonoji Hashizume Kami Matsumoto cho Shimodainichi Ninomiya Danchi Tonoji 62-6855 Takamicho 62-8811 Maehara Narumi Minami 62-2855 61-0200 67-7660 67-1134 68-3104 61-7311 Senshojicho 67-6868 Hotta 62-6855 Takamicho 発行 犬 山 市 役 所 〒484‐8501 愛知県犬山市大字犬山字東畑 36 編集 犬山国際交流協会 〒484‐0086 愛知県犬山市松本町 4-21 犬山国際観光センター『フロイデ』内 TEL:(0568) 61-1000 FAX:(0568) 63-0156 E-mail: [email protected] Homepage http://www.gld.mmtr. inuyama newsletter 検索 スタッフ:日下部和朗、小田博子、Sally Wakasugi、中村順子、内村英智、Emanuele Ito、伊藤博、岩田常明、 安村めぐみ、柴田篤行、菱川ちづ子、 Ricardo Arturo、小松潤、Lucimare Terada、Ikeda Lilian Izumi、末石ブルノ、 柿原エジソン孝一、田原カルロス、屋良マルコス、武慧星、針田見佐子、福田一枝、何小艶、馬先園、 何玉芬、Virgie Ishihara、Margie Ieda、
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