COME TO NEEK´ICH -‐ ECO PARK SISAL YUCATÁN MÉXICO TRAVEL AND STAY AT OCEANUS -‐ BOAT HOTEL MAGIC PLACE OF INTERCULTURAL DANCES WORKSHOPS, HEALTH & RELAX Neek´ich Eco Park Prehispanic Spa and Entrepreneurs School Sisal Yucatán México. Tel. (00 52999) 6886102 Cel. (00521) 9991270524 Email: [email protected] http:// Guía Espiritual de NEEK´ICH Patricia Elizabeth Torres Villanueva Ph.D. Psicoanalista, Antropóloga, Danzante, Lingüista, Portadora de la palabra de la Tradición Oral Mexhica § Conferencista y ponente en más de 40 países en 200 museos, universidades, institutos y congresos alrededor del mundo § Premio Jalisco en la cultura 2007 § Fundadora del Instituto de Psicoterapia Corporal APCI y el Instituto de Investigación Antropológica Interdisciplinaria Hueitlahtolli A.C. § Certificación y registro del uso terapéutico y pedagógico de la danza precolombina CID-UNESCO § Voluntaria en Psicología del Deporte en los juegos olímpicos y participación activa en SportAccord § Conductora en programas de radio y televisión de ayuda social a la mujer. § Participa en Apostolados de la Fe para la integración de la Familia. § Coordinadora de exposiciones en Museos Etnográficos de Viena, Londres, Berlín, Francia y China. § Actualmente acredita cursos de identidad cultural en el Instituto de Bellas de la Universidad de Colima Infraestructura del barco • 7 Camarotes dobles con lavamanos integrado Neek´ich in Sisal Yucatán. Unexplored frontiers, visions of human possibilities yet to be realized. There is the adventure of the place itself, nature, ocean, sand, safari, wild animals, jungle, beach, history, food sea, spiritual and ancestral ceremonies and more. Neek´ich it’s a mayan word that means iris (eye) it controls the exactly amount of light we need to see. Neek´ich wants to be the catalyzer to promote the good vision we need to live in Armony. TRAVEL AND STAY at Oceans Boat Hotel and live a martim experience doing a stop at Coloradas a marvelous woodland made of salt and havin a final destinantion Sisal port of Yucatán. Our rituals and ceremonies give you the opportunity for a true spiritual retreat in silence, embraced by the beauty of surrounding nature with sounds and colours. Unmatched! superb self improvement workshops and healing practices for self change and community spirit. Our 7 Day Workshops offer a choice of Ritual Circle Dance, Myth, Meditation, Shamanism, Inner Practice, Massage & Body Work, planting seeds, ancestral construction methods, bird watching, etc. This is a special opportunity for people to reflect on their personal journeys, through writing, singing, drawing, woodworking, painting, therapeutic dances, drumming and massage therapy school opening to the natural joy of being in the middle of embracing nature. Walking the magical land of SISAL allows us to grow and feel deeper into the roots of ancestral knowledge and a Colonial and Pirate place from XVIII century. The healthier and more realized mind/body/spirit/community we are, the better we can support those who come visit us, and the greater our own personal contribution to our lives and to the world. Our long-term programs are designed to change you from inside out by helping you grow, develop, and become more fully yourself. They provide you with the skills and awareness necessary to take your inner work out into the world and help others transform Our mission during Your time here Is to help you become a whole and vibrant global change agent. All of our Extended programs are designed to: • • • • Support the personal growth and development of our staff and longterm student Support the integration of learning into real-life change – both within our beach and into a post HUEI TLAHTOLLI – NEEK´ICH life style. Create evaluations and feedback to improve our programs and support. Help contribute to a world where each of us is capable of the extraordinary effort to help others to improve their lives. We have rich and varied educational programs to reach these goals designed and scheduled with our staff and extended students in mind. Work and study at HUEI TLAHTOLLI – NEEK´ICH in Sisal for 7 days and immerse yourself in a chosen magic course of study. Extended student program. Learn more about our work study program. write to [email protected] Our Mission & Values HUEI TLAHTOLLI & NEEK´ICH get together to create a training place in Sisal for exploring human potential through ancient knowledge, experience, education, and research. We work toward the realization of a more loving and all-embracing world. We offer training courses generating and promoting new ideas, methods, and connections of creative influence, we honor our rich legacy in oral tradition and practices, celebrate the eternal present, embrace our common human future in an emergent world culture of tomorrow. We believe in the deeply transformative power of this place, the embracing energy from the earth and the migrant birds, our crocodile guardians, recognizing that retreat and reflection must always be, ultimately, in the service of something larger than yourself. So we are organized to give you the tools to unleash latent abilities and re-energize your sense of purpose — for yourself and the world. We look beyond dogma to explore deeper spiritual possibilities, forge new understandings of self and society, and pioneer new paths for change, tracing the ancient values and philosophy. Human possibilities vastly exceed our imagination. Realization of the human potential transcends religious and scientific dogma. Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social dimensions of our being are inextricably joined. Transformation of consciousness is the basis for transformation of the world; individually, collectively, and in social systems. We all share the potential to love, learn, feel, and create. We help you explore these possibilities and celebrate unity in diversity. One week program including lodging in dormitory all meals, workshops, tours and Transfers to and from Cancun airport. Bed **** Boat hotel US$ 3,500.00 add US 200 person
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