Application form in English

Student Services
Admissions Office
University of Zurich
Student Services
Admissions Office
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich
Telefon +41 44 634 22 36
Application for Matriculation at the University of Zurich – Master’s Degree
For Applicants with Foreign Qualifications
Student ID Number
(Only if you have been matriculated at UZH and/or another Swiss university)
Begin of Studies
! Fall Semester
2 0
! Spring Semester
! Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Medicine
! Vetsuisse Faculty
! Faculty of Law
! Human Medicine
! Faculty of Science
! Faculty of Business,
Economics and Informatics
! Dental Medicine
! Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Degree Program/Study Program (Degree and study programs are listed on
Degree Program: Master of
(Arts, Science, Law, etc.)
ECTS Credits
Concentration: (if applicable)
Minor: (if applicable)
ECTS Credits
Minor: (if applicable)
ECTS Credits
Personal Data
! Ms.
! Mr.
Last name
Date of birth
First name
First language
! German
! French
! Italian
! English
! Other
Residency Status in Switzerland
! No residence permit yet
! Residence permit B
! Residence permit C
! Refugee status
! Diplomatic status
Address (Primary Correspondence Address)
Extra line (c/o)
Street, house no.
Postal code, city
Alternative Address (If Applicable)
Extra line (c/o)
Street, house no.
Postal code, city
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Student Services
Admissions Office
Details of Secondary School Education
Name of school
Title of secondary school-leaving certificate
Date of secondary school graduation (
Residence at the time of school graduation (city, country)
Previous University Education
Field(s) of study
Name of university
City, country
Matriculated (
Degree(s) earned
Date of degree conferral
Final result(s)
Are any examinations outstanding whose failure or non-attendance could lead to an exclusion from the chosen
! Yes
! No
Voluntary Semester Contributions/Membership of the University of Zurich Student Association VSUZH
(More information on
“Student Body Loan Association” foundation, CHF 7.— per semester
! Yes
! No
“Solidarity Fund for foreign Students” foundation, CHF 5.— per semester
! Yes
! No
Membership fee for VSUZH, CHF 14.— per semester
! Yes
! No
Address Usage Agreement
Please agree to one of the following usages of your postal and Email addresses:
! Only for study-related matters
! Only within the university (e.g. study-related matters, university events, questionnaires, etc.)
! Within the university and in external organizations and companies (e.g. job offers, company presentation, etc.)
Please check your information and confirm with your signature your intention to apply.
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Town, city
Abteilung Studierende
Universität Zürich
Abteilung Studierende
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 634 22 36
Matrikel Nr./Student ID No.
(falls vorhanden/if applicable)
Declaration of Consent
Diese Einverständniserklärung ist vollständig
ausgefüllt und persönlich unterschrieben zusammen
mit den Bewerbungsunterlagen fristgerecht der
Zulassungsstelle einzureichen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Bewerbung ohne
dieses Dokument als unvollständig gilt und deshalb
nicht weiterbearbeitet werden kann.
The Declaration of Consent must be filled in
completely, signed, and submitted to the Admissions
Office on time together with your other application
Please note that applications submitted without this
document are deemed incomplete and will not be
Mit Ihrer nachfolgenden, persönlichen Unterschrift
bestätigen Sie:
With your signature, you confirm the following:
- Dass Ihre Angaben im Bewerbungsprozess an der
Universität Zürich vollständig und wahrheitsgetreu
sind. Sie nehmen zur Kenntnis, dass Sie andernfalls
vom Bewerbungsprozess/Studium ausgeschlossen
werden können.
- The information provided in your application to the
University of Zurich is complete and true to the best
of your knowledge. You understand that false
information can lead to expulsion from the application
process/from studies.
- Dass Sie nachfolgend sämtliche allfällig vorliegende, - You have declared (below) any current, definitive, or
definitive oder noch ausstehende Ausschlüsse oder
prospective exclusions or bans from degree
Sperrungen von Studiengängen oder -programmen
programs or programs of study:
- Dass Sie die Universität Zürich ermächtigen, die von
Ihnen eingereichten Unterlagen auf deren Echtheit
zu überprüfen sowie studienrelevante Auskünfte von
den Herkunftshochschulen einzuholen.
- You give the University of Zurich permission to
control the submitted documents for authenticity and
to obtain relevant information from your previous
institutions of higher learning.
- Dass Sie sich bewusst sind, dass diese Bewerbung
keine automatische Zulassung, sondern lediglich
einen Antrag um Zulassung darstellt und mit einer
Gebühr versehen ist, die nicht zurückerstattet wird.
- You understand that your application does not lead
automatically to admission but that it is a request for
admission and is liable to a non-refundable fee.
- Dass Sie Kenntnis davon haben, dass eine
Immatrikulation an mehreren Hochschulen sowie ein
Mehrfachstudium an der Universität Zürich
bewilligungspflichtig sind.
- You understand that matriculation at other
universities and studying in more than one degree
program at the University of Zurich requires
- Dass Sie zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass die erhobenen
Daten in rechtlich autorisierten Fällen an Dritte
weitergegeben werden.
- You understand that the data gathered during the
application process may be given to third parties in
legally authorized cases.
Persönliche Angaben/Personal Details
! Frau/Ms.
! Herr/Mr.
Name/Last name
Vorname/First name
Geburtsdatum/Date of birth
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Ort/Town, city
Student Services
Admissions Office
University of Zurich
Student Services
Admissions Office
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich
Telefon +41 44 634 22 36
Information on Application Procedure
For Applicants with Foreign Qualifications
For information on degree and study programs please refer to the following website:
Application Fee
An application fee of CHF 100.— must be paid to the following account:
University of Zurich, Finanzabteilung, Anmeldegebühr
IBAN-No. CH76 0070 0110 0007 6127 5, Swift-Code: ZKBKCHZZ80A
Zürcher Kantonalbank, CH-8001 Zurich, Account no. 1100-0761.275, BC-No. 700
Please note: Be sure to include your name. Be aware of bank transfer charges when transferring from a bank
outside of Switzerland. We do not accept checks and cash.
Your application will only be processed after paying the application fee and submitting the application documents
listed below.
Application Documents
The documents listed below have to be submitted as early as possible in the application period. Documents
which are not available to you at the time of application have to be submitted immediately after being received.
Incomplete documents can delay the processing of your application and your desired start of studies.
Completed form Application for matriculation at the University of Zurich
Completed form Einverständniserklärung/Declaration of Consent
Proof of payment of the application fee of CHF 100.—
Letter of application/motivation
Copy of personal identification (passport or identity card)
Secondary school-leaving certificate (simple copy; a translation is only necessary for documents not issued in
the Roman, Greek, or Cyrillic alphabet)
Bachelor’s degree certificate or certificate of an equivalent university degree, Diploma Supplement and
Academic Record/Transcript of Records (certified copies)
If your Bachelor’s degree or equivalent university degree has not yet been awarded: current Academic
Record/Transcript of Records (certified copy) and information on your current level of study (outstanding
credits/courses and anticipated date of completion)
Curriculum/syllabus: a brief summary of the content of the completed courses, including workload (in credits or
General information on completed university studies: addresses, links, contact addresses of university units
responsible for questions about study program, modules, credits, etc.
English or German language certificate (certified copy), depending on the language requirement for the chosen
program. You can find a list of recognized certificates on the link below:
If you have participated in an exchange program: Academic Record/Transcript of Records issued by the
partner university (certified copy)
For each document which is not in German, English or French, a certified translation must be submitted.
Please read carefully through our guidelines for certified copies and translations on the last page of this
document. If the above-mentioned application documents do not conform to our guidelines, your
application will be considered incomplete.
Please note that applications for programs at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of
Business, Economics and Informatics require additional application documents. Therefore, please read
carefully through the information on the following page.
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Student Services
Admissions Office
Additionally required application documents if applying for a program at the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences or the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Proof of Latin language skills; only if applying for a language/literature, philosophy or history subject
The following document is only required for the Master of Science in Psychology:
- Confirmation of a place of study in a Master’s degree program in Psychology at your home university (e.g.
admission letter)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
- Completed Recommendation Form (original) signed by a professor at your home university:
- GMAT (please submit scores to institution code XZM-HL-36, University of Zurich – All other Masters) or GRE
(institution code 7136). More information is available on the following links:
Economics and Business Administration:
The following application document listed on page 4 is not required:
- Curriculum/syllabus
Faculty of Sciences
The following document is only required for the Master of Science in Biology:
- Confirmation of a place of study in a Master’s degree program in Biology at your home university (e.g.
admission letter)
Please send your application documents to the following address:
University of Zurich, Admissions Office, KOL F107, Rämistrasse 71, CH-8006 Zurich
Application Deadlines
Fall Semester
1 December - 30 April
Spring Semester
1 May - 30 November
If a visa for Switzerland is
required, we recommended
the following deadlines:
1 December - 28 February
1 May - 30 September
Late applications will not be considered.
Assessment of Application
Your application material will be assessed individually in order to establish whether and in what form you are
eligible for matriculation. Please note that it can take one to three months to assess your application once your
documents have been received. You will be notified in writing of your admission.
Matriculation in Person
If you are admitted to the University of Zurich, you will receive an invitation to matriculate in person. You are
required to bring the following documents in original:
Your secondary school-leaving certificate, and (if already on hand) your Bachelor’s degree certificate.
Swiss universities require the original secondary school-leaving certificate in order to assign – or where a number
has already been assigned, to control – an individual Swiss student ID number (matriculation number). This number
is on a small sticker that is usually placed on the back of the document. If you cannot present your secondary
school-leaving certificate, the sticker can be instead placed on the back of your Bachelor’s degree certificate.
Fees and Contributions
Information on accommodation is available on following link:
Information on accommodation is available on following link:
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Student Services
Admissions Office
Certified Copies and Translations
Certified Copies
An application for matriculation at the University of Zurich requires certified copies of the official documents which
are relevant for the applicant’s matriculation (secondary school-leaving certificate, university degrees, Transcript
of Records, etc.).
A copy has been certified if one of the following agencies has confirmed with an official stamp and
signature that the copy corresponds to the original document:
- the institution which issued the original document (e.g. copy of Bachelor’s degree certificate certified by the
- an authority who is authorized to certify copies (e.g. notary public)
- an authority who is authorized to certify copies with the Apostille of the Hague Convention
A certification or the Apostille only confirms that the signature, seal and/or stamp on the original document are
genuine and that the certified copy is true to the original. It does not include a statement regarding the
authenticity or significance of the original document.
Certified Translations
If the original document is written in a language other than German, English or French, a certified translation in
German, English or French must be submitted along with a certified copy of the original foreign language
A translation has been certified if one of the following agencies has performed the translation and
confirmed it with a stamp and signature:
- the institution which issued the original document (e.g. translation of Transcript of Records provided by the
- a sworn translating expert
The translation must be based on a certified copy of the original foreign language document which has to be
submitted along with the translation. Translations with more than one page must be attached in a way that makes
manipulation easily detectable (e.g. a stamp across several pages, pages glued together, stitched or bound
together with thread or seal).
The Swiss Association of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists provides a database with sworn translating
experts which can help you to find a suitable translator (
Please note: The University of Zurich reserves the right to verify the authenticity of all documents at the issuing
institution or other competent authority. The university also reserves the right to reject faulty translations or to
verify a translation’s accuracy through competent authorities at the University of Zurich.
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