Modulbezeichnung/ Title of module: GIS Programming Kürzel/ Module code: GPR Semester: PG 2 Modulverantwortliche(r)/ Responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schröder Dozent(in)/ Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr/ Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schröder Zuordnung zum Curriculum/ Relation to curriculum: Elective subject MSc Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Lehrform/Teaching methods SWS/hours per week: In the lecture part the theoretical background in the use of a modern scripting language like Python will be discussed. The focus will be in using the scripting language in the context of geoprocessing in proprietary GIS like ArcGIS as well as Open Source GIS. Arbeitsaufwand/Workload: The lectures are accompanied by guided practices and intensive hand-on workshops in the computer lab. (2 SWS) contact hours 30 self-study 30 Kreditpunkte/ Credit points: Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse/ Recommended prerequisite subjects: Lernziele/ Learning outcomes: 2 Basic knowledge of a programming language Inhalt/Content: Programming techniques using Python - Python as scripting language - Classes and objects: properties, methods and events - scripting for geoprocessing with ArcGIS - scripting for customizing ArcGIS projects - geoprocessing with Python in an open source environment Studien- Prüfungsleistung/ Study assessment and Examination: On completion of this module, the learner will be able to - to use Python as a programming tool - to apply the basic concepts of object-oriented programming to solve geoprocessing problems in an application oriented manner - to transform a typical abstract geoprocessing task into an executable tool - to integrate scripting tools into a proprietary and open source GIS environment - to extend and customize existing component-based software programs using a scripting language. written exam Medienformen/ Forms of media: Lecture and guided exercises in the lab, self-study Literatur/ Literature: Python org (2015): Beginner's Guide to Python Modulbezeichnung/ Title of module: GIS Programming Allen, David (2014): GIS Tutorial for Python Scripting. ESRI Press Jennings, Nathan (2011): A Python Primer for ArcGIS. Zandbergen, Paul (2014): Python Scripting for ArcGIS. ESRI Press Chris Garrard (2009): Geoprocessing with Python using Open Source GIS. Course material Software: Eclipse, Python, ESRI ArcGIS, QGIS, OGR/GDAL
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