
Datum: 01.03.2016
Umwelt Perspektiven
8048 Zürich
+41 (0)58 344 98 54
Medienart: Print
Medientyp: Fachpresse
Auflage: 1'976
Erscheinungsweise: 6x jährlich
Themen-Nr.: 036.004
Abo-Nr.: 1095405
Seite: 28
Fläche: 82'101 mm²
Gesucht wird eine Möglichkeit, bei der Fleischproduktion Wasser zu sparen und
Quelle: Depositphotos
verbrauchtes Wasser wiederzuverwenden.
Die Schweizer Anlaufstelle des Enterprise Europe Networks MEN) vermittelt
innovative Technologien und Partner aus
ganz Europa. Eine Auswahl an aktuellen
Technologie-Angeboten und -Gesuchen
finden Sie hier.
Innovative membrane module for
membrane bioreactors
A German company developed a new com-
petitive membrane module for membrane
bioreactors (MBR). Advantages include
lower energy requirements, long lifetime
and low manufacturing costs. Licensees
Technology Offers
from the wastewater sector interested in
Compact and mobile sensor system for
sensitive on-site detection of individual serial production and commercialization
are sought as well as partners for technical
substances in liquid samples
A Dutch monitoring tool provider has de- cooperation to realize demonstration projveloped an innovative sensor technology ects.
for rapid analysis of liquid samples. The
system detects the presence of a selected Off-grid affordable prefabricated
set of substances and measures the con- zero-carbon eco-home that integrates
novel energy-efficient features
centrations of these substances. The system is robust and easy to use for both in- A UK SME has designed an affordable, innovative eco-home that does not need
side a laboratory and in the field. The SME
is offering a joint-venture- or commercial Die ausführlichen Profile können Sie
agreement with technical assistance to in- bei Nicolas Lentze, Euresearch/Enterdustrial or engineering companies in the prise Europe Network anfordern:
water sector or other new markets.
Tel. 031 380 60 28
ARGUS der Presse AG
Rüdigerstrasse 15, Postfach, 8027 Zürich
Tel. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01
Argus Ref.: 60790440
Ausschnitt Seite: 1/3
Datum: 01.03.2016
Umwelt Perspektiven
8048 Zürich
+41 (0)58 344 98 54
Medienart: Print
Medientyp: Fachpresse
Auflage: 1'976
Erscheinungsweise: 6x jährlich
Themen-Nr.: 036.004
Abo-Nr.: 1095405
Seite: 28
Fläche: 82'101 mm²
E-Mail: [email protected]
www. swisseen. ch /marketplace
A flexible recycling system to convert
plastics and oils into standard fuels
connection to electricity, gas, sewerage or An Irish SME has developed a portable,
water. The design not only minimises ener cost-effective modular flexible recycling
gy and water use but integrates a number of
process using pyrolysis as the catalyst to
novel features that make off-grid living manage waste oil & non recycled plastics &
possible. The eco-home would suit social conversion into upgraded oil & fuel. They
housing needs or holiday park dwellings as
offer commercial agreement with techniwell as private builders interested in new
cal assistance to expand the market potenbuild. The SME is looking for a partner for
tial; manufacturing agreement using the
joint venture and/or financial agreements
potential extra capacity & methods with a
in order to build a prototype house.
possibility of sharing intellectual property
rights (IPR) & fmancial agreements with
Environmental engineering and plasma
full assignment of the technology & IPR.
technology for decontamination of
exhaust gases, air pollution control and
Fog collecting technique for drinking
elimination of odour
water abstraction
A German SME active in environmental A German university works on an improved
engineering has developed products and fog collecting technique for drinking water
processes based on plasma or scrubber abstraction. So far the standard method
technology to reduce air pollution through
purification of exhaust gases. Application
areas are all industries where exhaust gases
play a role (e.g. chemical and semi- conductor industries). The SME is interested
in commercial agreements with technical
could be improved due to the use of nanofiber for the fog collectors' coating. However
there is still space for improvements
regarding the collectors' positioning. The
research team is looking for partners from
industry and academia interested in apassistance and in technological and replying the developed method or in jointing
search co-operations to improve the pro ducts/processes and to identify new appli- further development under technical cooperation or research agreements.
cation areas.
Powerful composite sorbent for the
Technology Requests
removal of contaminants from water
An established Slovak research institute has
developed a highly effective composite sor- New methods to reduce water
bent for the removal of contaminants from consumption and reuse water for
water. This includes heavy metals such as food industry
A large Danish meat-producing corporation
arsenic, antimony, chromium, cadmium, is looking for methods to reduce water
lead and others. The composite sorbent can
consumption and recycle water from the
be also used in wastewater treatment, in- production cycle. They are looking for including wastewater from chemical and sights in state -of-the-art technologies that
electronic industry. Partners are sought theventually can lead to technical cooperation
rough licensing agreement, financial agreeor a commercial agreement with technical
ment or technical cooperation agreement.
ARGUS der Presse AG
Rüdigerstrasse 15, Postfach, 8027 Zürich
Tel. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01
Argus Ref.: 60790440
Ausschnitt Seite: 2/3
Datum: 01.03.2016
Umwelt Perspektiven
8048 Zürich
+41 (0)58 344 98 54
Medienart: Print
Medientyp: Fachpresse
Auflage: 1'976
Erscheinungsweise: 6x jährlich
Themen-Nr.: 036.004
Abo-Nr.: 1095405
Seite: 28
Fläche: 82'101 mm²
assistance with companies or knowledge in- available for licensing agreement and rese stitutions offering this kind of technology. arch cooperation agreement.
Request for biodiesel production technology using high FFA (free fatty acid)
especially on pre-treatment and
post-treatment process
A Korean SME is looking for a biodiesel
production technology using high FFA (free
fatty acid) UCO (used cooking oil) especi-
Spanish technology center Looks for
partners to develop and improve the
filtering applications by means of
ceramic and clay materials
Spanish private technology centre, which
is specializing in clay and ceramic materials, requests partners to develop technolo -
ally on pretreatment (transesterification) gies related with the use of clays and
and post-treatment (separation, washing, clay-based ceramics as a filier material and
refming, etc.). The sought partner should to deepen the potential of their practical
have references in manufacturing and ins - applications. Research cooperation and
talling a corrosion resistance module. They technical cooperation agreements are
have only completedreactionprocess using sought.
catalyst. They are looking for a partner
Technologieangebot: Vorfabrizierte Ökohäuser, die keinen Anschluss an Strom- und Wasserversorgung benötigen.
ARGUS der Presse AG
Rüdigerstrasse 15, Postfach, 8027 Zürich
Tel. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01
Argus Ref.: 60790440
Ausschnitt Seite: 3/3