Survey of Global Personnel Development and Long-term Impact of Study Abroad The number of international students worldwide has now reached 4.5 million. Against the background of a debate surrounding the quality assurance of higher education, there is a demand for personnel with the potential to play an active role in global society. Higher education institutions are encouraging their students to study abroad, and the development of diverse and effective international collaborative programs is required. The question of how to ensure that the quality assurance of education and the enhancement of learning lead to the concrete outcome of global personnel development is an urgent task for the higher education sector. In the light of these global trends, this large-scale retrospective survey of people who had studied abroad was undertaken. Its aim was to reveal the issues with the development of global personnel in Japan, as well as the directions it is taking. The results have shed light upon the impact of study abroad experiences on students’ subsequent career development and lives. JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Scientific Research (A), Research Project Number 25245078 Principle Investigator: Professor Masahiro Yokota, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University Overview: Survey of Global Personnel Development and Long-term Impact of Study Abroad In this research, people who had studied abroad were surveyed on a variety of topics, including their experiences and the improvement in their abilities while studying abroad, the effects on their subsequent employment and careers, changes in their values and behaviors, and degree of satisfaction with life. In addition, in order to act as a control group for comparison, people who had not studied abroad were also surveyed on their experiences and the improvement in their abilities while studying on undergraduate and/or graduate programs in Japan, and on their subsequent careers. Given the current decline in the number of Japanese studying abroad, this demonstration of the significance and the outcomes of study abroad, as well as of their effects and influence in the med- and long-term, can be thought to provide valuable implications for universities and companies working to address the urgent issue of developing personnel with global competencies. Survey period and respondents People with study abroad experience Period: January-May, 2015 Number of respondents: 4,489 People without study abroad experience Period: August-September, 2015 Number of respondents: 1,298 Survey method Online survey: As well as making direct requests for participants, the researchers also obtained the participation of monitors from a research company Conditions for participation People with study abroad experience (1) At the least, lived primarily in Japan during elementary and junior high school; studied abroad for three months or more after graduation from a Japanese senior high school. However, as long as participants studied abroad after graduation from a Japanese senior high school, they were also permitted to have studied abroad during senior high school. (2) Overseas study destination was a senior high school, university, vocational college, or/and language school. Those who studied at international schools/schools teaching the International Baccalaureate, private dance schools, junior sports teams affiliated with professional clubs (not part of vocational colleges), or private business research institutes were not eligible. (3) The aim of study abroad was to learn a language, obtain a degree; or earn credits, those who simply volunteered or went on a working holiday were not included. People without study abroad experience (1) Graduated from a Japanese university (2) Working for a company located in Japan (foreign-owned companies located in Japan were eligible), housewife, or unemployed (3) No experiences of studying or living abroad for longer than three months, did not live overseas as a child (overseas trips of under three months were permitted) (4) Experiences prior to entering a Japanese university were as follows: Had not acquired foreign language proficiency, did not use a foreign language at home Had not studied at an international school in Japan Explanations about the classification of people with study abroad experience Refer to pages 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, and 19 Those who had experience of more than one type of study abroad were classified under the study abroad destination which they responded was the most important. About those who studied at an overseas university (undergraduate program or/and graduate program) (1) Restricted to those on scholarships or self-funded (those who were funded by their employer were excluded) (2) Restricted to the following periods of study - study for an undergraduate degree: three years or more; undergraduate credit-bearing/other study abroad: less than one year; graduate study: one year or more (3) Study abroad for an undergraduate degree or a graduate degree (Masters/Doctorate) means that he or she studied abroad with the aim of obtaining a degree. Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 2 Demographic and Attribute Data 50's Men High School Undergraduate People with study abroad experience: 4,489 * Classified by the type of institution which they responded was their most important study abroad destination Masters Doctorate Language School Others Total People without study abroad experience: 1,298 * Classified by the highest level of institution they attended Undergraduate Masters Doctorate Total 4 2.8% 232 12.4% 160 28.2% 69 34.2% 119 8.6% 45 14.3% 629 14% 100 14.1% 44 9.5% 24 1.8% 168 12.9% 40's Women Total 10 14 7% 9.8% 84 316 4.5% 16.9% 26 186 4.6% 32.7% 10 79 5% 39.1% 127 246 9.1% 17.7% 21 66 6.7% 21% 278 907 6.2% 20.2% 44 6.2% 8 1.7% 1 0.1% 53 4.1% 144 20.3% 52 11.3% 25 1.9% 221 17% Men 8 5.6% 345 18.4% 127 22.4% 48 23.8% 211 15.2% 40 12.7% 779 17.4% 30's Women Total 13 21 9.1% 14.7% 281 626 15% 33.5% 63 190 11.1% 33.5% 18 66 8.9% 32.7% 353 564 25.4% 40.5% 75 115 23.8% 36.5% 803 1582 17.9% 35.2% 114 16.1% 101 21.9% 39 3% 254 19.6% 130 18.3% 48 10.4% 19 1.5% 197 15.2% 244 34.4% 149 32.3% 58 4.5% 451 34.7% Men 24 16.8% 265 14.2% 75 13.2% 33 16.3% 130 9.3% 35 11.1% 562 12.5% 100 14.1% 68 14.8% 16 1.2% 184 14.2% 20's Women Total 34 58 23.8% 40.6% 347 612 18.6% 32.7% 75 150 13.2% 26.4% 17 50 8.4% 24.8% 320 450 23% 32.4% 60 95 19% 30.2% 853 1415 19% 31.5% 127 17.9% 109 23.6% 17 1.3% 253 19.5% 227 32% 177 38.4% 33 2.5% 437 33.7% Men 15 10.5% 131 7% 26 4.6% 4 2% 49 3.5% 10 3.2% 235 5.2% 20 2.8% 18 3.9% 3 0.2% 41 3.2% Women Total 35 50 24.5% 35% 185 316 9.9% 16.9% 16 42 2.8% 7.4% 3 7 1.5% 3.5% 82 131 5.9% 9.4% 29 39 9.2% 12.4% 350 585 7.8% 13% 75 10.6% 65 14.1% 8 0.6% 148 11.4% 95 13.4% 83 18% 11 0.8% 189 14.6% Total 143 1,870 568 202 1,391 315 4,489 710 461 127 1,298 People with study abroad experience: 4,489 * Classified by the type of institution which they responded was their most important study abroad destination Destination Country United States High Shool Undergraduate Masters Doctorate Language School Others Total High Shool Undergraduate Masters Doctorate Language School Others Total China, South Korea, Taiwan English Speaking Oceania Countries in Europe NonEnglish Speaking Countries in Europe 91 63.6% 2 1.4% 8 5.6% 24 16.8% 5 3.5% 1082 57.9% 339 59.7% 118 58.4% 349 25.1% 100 31.7% 2079 46.3% 226 12.1% 16 2.8% 8 4% 148 10.6% 9 2.9% 409 9.1% 153 8.2% 101 17.8% 27 13.4% 288 20.7% 42 13.3% 619 13.8% 102 5.5% 20 3.5% 13 6.4% 234 16.8% 47 14.9% 440 9.8% 158 8.4% 56 9.9% 30 14.9% 152 10.9% 58 18.4% 459 10.2% Type of study abroad English Speaking Countries Other in North English Others and Speaking Central Countries America other than US 9 0 4 6.3% 0% 2.8% 85 4.5% 14 2.5% 5 2.5% 145 10.4% 39 12.4% 297 6.6% 11 0.6% 8 1.4% 0 0% 33 2.4% 8 2.5% 60 1.3% 53 2.8% 14 2.5% 1 0.5% 42 3% 12 3.8% 126 2.8% Creditbearing Degree (exchange seeking student, etc.) Others 43 30.1% 82 57.3% 18 12.6% 747 39.9% 471 82.9% 130 64.4% 125 9% 92 29.2% 1608 35.8% 741 39.6% 62 10.9% 17 8.4% 102 7.3% 12 3.8% 1016 22.6% 382 20.4% 35 6.2% 55 27.2% 1164 83.7% 211 67% 1865 41.5% Duration of study abroad 6 3 2 years 6 years 3 years or 4 years months 1 year or months 5 years or or longer longer or or or longer or longer longer longer longer longer 23 66 29 9 12 1 0 3 16.1% 46.2% 20.3% 6.3% 8.4% 0.7% 0% 2.1% 284 609 346 196 186 153 51 45 15.2% 32.6% 18.5% 10.5% 9.9% 8.2% 2.7% 2.4% 26 72 267 154 24 10 5 10 4.6% 12.7% 47% 27.1% 4.2% 1.8% 0.9% 1.8% 11 24 37 27 34 25 18 26 5.4% 11.9% 18.3% 13.4% 16.8% 12.4% 8.9% 12.9% 408 582 297 55 22 8 11 8 29.3% 41.8% 21.4% 4% 1.6% 0.6% 0.8% 0.6% 74 82 89 34 15 7 4 10 23.5% 26% 28.3% 10.8% 4.8% 2.2% 1.3% 3.2% 826 1435 1065 475 293 204 89 102 18.4% 32% 23.7% 10.6% 6.5% 4.5% 2% 2.3% Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 3 Comparison of the numbers of Japanese studying abroad Data sources: Survey of people with study abroad experience (4,489 people) and figures published by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan The graph compares the two sets of data by Japanese studying abroad. The fact that the recent figures for the survey of respondents with study abroad experience are lower in proportion to the figures published by MEXT may reflect the nature of this survey, which focused on the impacts after study abroad. Those who studied abroad recently have few subsequent experiences in Japan, and would have found it hard to respond to the questions in this survey. People with Study Abroad Experience MEXT's Statistics 300 90,000 80,000 250 70,000 200 60,000 50,000 150 40,000 100 30,000 20,000 50 10,000 0 0 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 People with Study Abroad Experience MEXT's Report Comparison of the age profiles of those respondents who participated in the two surveys of this research People with study abroad experience (4,489 people) and without study abroad experience (1,298 people) Looking at the age profiles for the two surveys, the distribution is very similar, with no major divergence. People with Study Abroad Experience People without Study Abroad Experience 250 60 50 200 40 150 30 100 20 50 10 0 0 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 People with Study Abroad Experience Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report People without Study Abroad Experience 4 1. Changes in perceptions and values through study abroad Experience of study abroad leads to the development of a positive set of values The values engendered include a readiness to take on new challenges without fear of risks and an openness to people with diverse sets of values. Marked differences between those with and without study abroad experience are apparent in terms of “awareness of being an Asian/a global citizen”, which are important in a global society. Those who have studied abroad are also proactive about interacting with people who have diverse sets of values and cultural backgrounds, and their study abroad experience also contributes to the development of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and a feeling of being useful. Q To what extent do you feel that your awareness of the following increased as a result of your study abroad [graduation of Japanese university]? *Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By item People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 20% Greater 1日本人としての意識が高まった awareness of being Japanese Greater awareness of being Asian 2アジア人としての意識が高まった Greater awareness of being a global 3地球市民としての意識が高まった citizen Greater interest in 5外交・国際関係への興味が高まった diplomacy/international relations 8多様な価値観や文化的背景を持つ人と Greater awareness of coexisting with people who have diverse values/cultural backgrounds 共生する意識が高まった Greater awareness of taking 12リスクを取ること、チャレンジする risks/taking on challenges ことに関する意識が高まった 41.9 20.4 15.8 22.2 Greater awareness of peace 7平和に対する意識が高まった 21.6 Became able to withhold value judgments 13価値判断を留保して、なぜそうなの and think about the reasons for a situation かを考えようとするようになった 19.8 Greater religious tolerance 11宗教に関する寛容性が高まった 21.7 Greater awareness of gender equality 9社会での男女共同参画の意識が高まっ in society た Greater self-efficacy (awareness of the 15自己効力感( 自分はやるべきことを ability to do the things one should do) 実行できるという意識)が高まった Greater14自己肯定感(自信)が高まった self-esteem (self-confidence) Greater feeling of usefulness (awareness 16自己有用感( 社会の中で自分は必要 that one is needed by society) とされているという意識)が高まった Strongly agree 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 1日本人としての意識が高まった 3.2 23.0 45.0 10.4 2.7 2アジア人としての意識が高まった 13.0 42.1 30.5 7.0 1.2 3地球市民としての意識が高まった 12.7 35.2 36.5 12.5 1.5 3.0 19.0 30.8 5外交・国際関係への興味が高まった 53.5 12.9 2.8 8多様な価値観や文化的背景を持つ人々 5.6 24.9 36.2 48.0 13.0 と共生する意識が高まった 2.8 12リスクを取ること、チャレンジする 4.2 25.6 24.6 48.4 22.7 4.3 ことに関する意識が高まった Greater4政治・社会問題への関心が高まった interest in political/social issues Greater awareness of taking on work in the 10性別に捉われず家庭内における役割 household, regardless of gender を担うことへの意識が高まった Greater awareness of global issues such as 6環境・貧困問題等の地球的課題に対す the environment, poverty etc. る意識が高まった 40% People without study abroad experience (1,298) 4政治・社会問題への関心が高まった 4.7 23.4 48.4 23.9 5.6 7平和に対する意識が高まった 3.0 19.0 46.9 25.5 5.9 13価値判断を留保して、なぜそうなの 6.0 48.7 26.9 4.6 かを考えようとするようになった 10性別に捉われず家庭内における役割 41.9 30.2 8.2 を担うことへの意識が高まった 6環境・貧困問題等の地球的課題に対す 16.9 42.8 32.7 7.6 る意識が高まった 9社会での男女共同参画の意識が高まっ 16.5 40.3 34.5 8.6 た 15自己効力感(自分はやるべきことを 21.0 53.3 21.8 3.9 実行できるという意識)が高まった 21.5 14.5 14自己肯定感(自信)が高まった 4.7 50.2 24.1 4.2 16自己有用感(社会の中で自分は必要 3.5 46.0 33.3 6.2 とされているという意識)が高まった Relatively agree Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report Relatively disagree 24.3 35.0 32.0 29.4 80% 100% 24.6 52.1 33.7 50.4 35.4 47.2 30.8 42.4 27.0 45.6 24.7 44.0 27.9 29.8 41.6 45.7 3.2 20.0 5.2 49.2 29.0 5.0 20.4 4.2 60% 48.2 11宗教に関する寛容性が高まった 3.2 16.3 45.1 25.9 7.4 19.6 40% 23.4 34.9 47.3 27.3 47.2 29.6 45.1 40.8 42.4 45.8 26.3 19.1 20.9 21.4 Strongly disagree 5 2. Improvement in abilities through study abroad Study abroad contributes to improvements not only in language ability and specialized skills, but also in the fundamental skills required in the workplace It goes without saying that study abroad allows students to improve foreign language ability and to obtain specialized knowledge and international knowledge; it also leads to the acquisition of attributes which are important once they enter the world of work, such as “resilience to stress”, “flexibility”, and “leadership”. Those who studied abroad also showed a greater degree of improvement in “teamwork”, which tends to be valued in Japanese society, than did their peers without study abroad experience. Women studying abroad at undergraduate level showed a greater improvement in most abilities than did men, and students on graduate programs improved more than those on undergraduate programs. Q As a result of your study abroad [graduation of Japanese university], which of the following abilities do you consider improved? *Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By skill and ability People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% Ability to deal with other cultures 8異文化に対応する力 41.5 Foreign language3外国語運用能力 competency 41.2 8異文化に対応する力 3.2 22.6 51.5 6.2 0.8 3外国語運用能力 1.9 16.6 51.1 6.7 1.0 5海外の社会・習慣・文化に関する… 2.3 16.3 56.3 7.2 0.7 Communicative ability 4コミュニケーション能力 Flexibility 29.9 Positive attitude/ability to take 7積極性・行動力 action 30.2 Social skills 4コミュニケーション能力 7.5 52.3 10.41.2 36.1 11柔軟性 100% 20% 40% 35.8 80% 0% 20% Knowledge of society/customs/culture of 5留学先の社会・習慣・文化に関す… destination [of foreign countries] 60% People without study abroad experience (1,298) 51.6 26.1 54.6 Basic academic ability/general 2基礎学力・一般教養 education & culture 24.1 56.3 Ability to 10目的を達成する力 attain goals 25.3 54.2 Resilience to 9ストレス耐性 stress 27.0 52.1 9ストレス耐性 9.5 18.6 2.3 Perseverance 15忍耐力 25.9 53.1 15忍耐力 10.9 18.9 2.2 Problem-solving 16問題解決能力 Teamwork 12協調性 Specialized knowledge/skills 1専門知識・技能 Logical thinking 18論理的思考力 Creativity 22.3 19.6 54.4 25.0 19.4 23.5 27.0 52.2 29.3 40.4 39.1 32.6 47.5 31.1 38.1 39.9 45.0 54.2 20.9 8.6 6.9 9.9 12.6 34.9 9.2 32.2 9.3 28.6 51.8 12.7 8.7 12.4 33.4 53.3 12協調性 8.9 23.3 2.7 10.0 34.1 50.2 46.5 18論理的思考力 28.2 3.6 48.9 100% 54.5 16問題解決能力 11.9 19.8 2.4 1専門知識・技能 22.0 4.5 48.5 50.7 42.3 2基礎学力・一般教養 7.2 17.5 2.2 10目的を達成する力 11.6 18.5 2.0 55.6 80% 49.8 13社交性 7.9 17.1 2.2 13社交性 60% 42.1 12.7 11柔軟性 7.5 1.4 7積極性・行動力 6.2 16.3 2.0 55.9 40% 8.3 22.2 5.1 47.4 30.4 9.5 14創造力 18.3 46.7 30.9 4.214創造力 7.0 37.8 43.6 11.6 Critical thinking 17批判的思考力 18.9 45.3 8.3 31.317批判的思考力 4.5 36.1 44.7 10.9 Leadership 6リーダーシップ 11.1 Strongly agree 35.8 Relatively agree 43.9 6リーダーシップ 3.1 22.7 9.2 Relatively disagree 53.1 21.1 Strongly disagree *An item (ability) in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 6 By level and type/field of study Communicative ability 0% 20% 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 40% 50.7 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 40% UG degree abroad学士留学(女性)(198) (women) (198) UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(女性)… (women) (376) 80% 100% 55.9 9.1 20.0 31.9 2.3 44.3 20.2 51.0 0% 20% 40% 60% 35.8 学士留学(女性)(198) 9.1 1.0 43.4 40.9 21.3 47.6 10.1 2.0 52.1 36.7 2.1 16.8 47.0 27.1 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 5.6 12.0 40.7 100% 14.7 3.2 52.5 46.5 単位・その他留学(女性)… 18.9 1.3 47.1 80% 46.3 32.0 42.8 36.4 52.5 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 42.8 14.4 3.6 UG degree in 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) Japan (women) (376) 4.5 22.9 36.4 38.6 32.7 10.4 48.4 単位・その他留学(男性)… 24.1 52.5 16.5 1.6 29.4 UG degree in国内大学卒業(男性)(334) Japan (men) (334) 4.2 60% 9.1 Resilience to stress 学士留学(男性)(218) 49.1 11.5 0.9 38.5 UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(男性)… (men) (381) 30.8 33.0 Positive attitude/ability to take action 5.2 22.2 42.4 文系修士・博士国内… 38.0 6.3 4.8 24.0 46.6 100% 40.2 51.2 理工系修士・博士国内… 43.8 9.7 24.4 3.1 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 42.6 6.0 0.7 21.5 38.1 80% 25.2 5.0 41.7 19.7 1.6 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 45.5 1.8 1.8 18.2 50.9 20% 60% 47.7 44.4 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 40.2 8.5 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士留学(55) abroad (55) Masters/PhD in science & engineering in 理工系修士・博士国内…8.4 Japan (320) Masters/PhD in 文科系修士・博士留学(298) humanities and social science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内…9.1 science in Japan (208) 0% 40% 22.0 単位・その他留学(女性)… 44.4 13.6 0.8 8.2 41.2 UG degree in 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) Japan (women) (376) 6.9 20% 23.1 3.6 学士留学(女性)(198) 38.9 8.1 17.7 53.0 UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(女性)… (women) (376) 0% 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 39.5 15.0 39.8 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) 100% 単位・その他留学(男性)… 53.5 11.3 1.0 12.9 34.1 UG degree in国内大学卒業(男性)(334) Japan (men) (334) 5.7 80% 学士留学(男性)(218) 55.0 6.4 0.9 37.6 UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(男性)… (men) (381) 60% Leadership 18.6 46.5 2.1 11.2 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 34.5 50.9 5.5 3.6 40.0 45.5 14.5 5.5 abroad (55) Masters/PhD in science & engineering in 理工系修士・博士国内…8.4 理工系修士・博士国内… 14.4 37.5 12.2 41.9 40.9 33.8 10.9 Japan (320) Masters/PhD in文科系修士・博士留学(298) humanities and social 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 40.3 14.1 1.3 36.2 48.3 47.0 12.1 0.7 science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内…6.3 文系修士・博士国内… 12.0 47.6 34.1 15.9 44.7 27.4 12.0 science in Japan (208) Flexibility 0% UG degree abroad (men) (218) 学士留学(男性)(218) 20% 40% 48.0 0% 20% 40% 60% 38.1 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 4.5 38.0 12.9 学士留学(女性)(198) 46.0 4.0 2.0 49.5 38.9 Strongly agree Relatively agree Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report Relatively disagree 11.5 0.9 1.8 42.8 13.8 44.9 11.1 1.5 54.5 45.2 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 41.8 7.3 1.8 45.5 45.5 abroad (55) Masters/PhD in science & engineering in 理工系修士・博士国内…8.8 理工系修士・博士国内… 16.9 48.4 54.4 29.7 7.2 Japan (320) Masters/PhD in文科系修士・博士留学(298) humanities and social 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 41.6 37.6 51.3 10.4 0.7 science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内… 文系修士・博士国内…10.1 15.9 48.6 32.7 6.7 50.5 science in Japan (208) 100% 21.0 42.4 7.7 50.3 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 34.0 7.7 80% 56.4 単位・その他留学(女性)… 24.5 54.8 10.1 1.3 33.8 UG degree in 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) Japan (women) (376) 8.0 100% 単位・その他留学(男性)… 20.7 16.5 1.0 56.4 46.1 UG degree abroad学士留学(女性)(198) (women) (198) UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(女性)… (women) (376) 80% 学士留学(男性)(218) 50.0 8.7 0.9 40.4 UG credit-bearing/other study abroad 単位・その他留学(男性)… 26.0 (men) (381) UG degree in国内大学卒業(男性)(334) Japan (men) (334) 3.0 60% Perseverance 18.9 38.3 41.8 2.1 8.8 12.7 3.6 28.1 44.6 6.6 12.8 1.0 27.9 7.7 Strongly disagree 7 3. Current income and position after study abroad, frequency of foreign language usage at work Even an undergraduate degree or credits studied abroad lead to a notably higher annual income Men who obtained an undergraduate degree from an overseas university have an average annual income of over 6 million yen. Women, too, earn around 1 million yen more (4.39 million yen) than their peers without an overseas degree. Even men who studied overseas for credits earn 6.11 million yen, and so these results can be said to show that study abroad experiences are related to career success. Those who obtained a Masters degree or a PhD abroad, in both the sciences and the humanities and social science, have an average annual income of over 7 million yen. However, it should be noted that those who obtain Masters and PhDs tend to be older than those who obtain undergraduate degrees (refer to page 3, Demographic and Attribute Data). Q What is your current annual income? By level and type/field of study Average annual income (unit: 10,000 yen) 0% 20% UG degree abroad (men) (218) 学士留学(男性)(218) 7.8 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) abroad (men) (381) 9.2 UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 3.5 7.4 理工系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 3.7 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) 7.4 18.1 16.8 15.1 611.3 (6.11m) 0.6 10.2 5.4 0.6 575.7 (5.75m) 1.0 4.0 16.7 15.4 3.7 2 - 4 million yen 10 - 15 million yen 24.9 4 - 6 million yen 15 - 20 million yen 10.6 722.2 (7.22m) 577.6 (5.77m) 6.0 5.7 805.7 (8.05m) 1.1 43.4 439.1 (4.39m) 7.5 13.2 18.6 15.4 1.5 4.5 0.5 7.7 2.9 0.3 345.5 (3.45m) 0.5 1.2 330.7 (3.30m) 3.9 21.4 0.3 1.9 7.4 24.1 30.2 26.8 文系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 4.2 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) 0 - 2 million yen 8 - 10 million yen 21.3 54.6 24.1 1.3 5.5 1.6 7.6 23.7 35.4 14.8 645.0 (6.45m) 14.7 20.3 35.9 18.7 100% 2.3 2.8 6.0 15.1 23.1 34.6 31.4 UG degree国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 80% 20.2 25.5 19.2 21.7 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) abroad (women) (376) 60% 26.1 19.7 24.8 UG degree abroad (women) (198) 学士留学(女性)(198) Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(54) engineering abroad (55) 40% 10.1 5.8 514.6 (5.14m) 6 - 8 million yen Over 20 million yen *PPP for GDP: US$1 = JPY106 (OECD 2015) 1 million yen = US$9,433 Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 8 Q What is your current position? 0% 20% UG degree abroad (men) (211) 学士留学(男性)(211) UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(370) abroad (men) (370) 40% 19.4 30.0 10.4 24.0 73.8 18.6 6.8 12.4 47.3 41.3 67.1 4.4 7.3 30.9 6.6 19.4 8.5 7.2 43.0 15.5 17.4 14.5 28.7 17.4 0.3 21.6 74.0 14.3 41.1 9.3 20.7 23.6 44.5 6.1 0.3 30.6 48.1 19.4 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 science in Japan (207) 大学院修了(207) 5.1 4.6 60.1 7.3 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(293) social science abroad (293) 7.1 9.0 63.0 UG degree国内大学卒業(女性)(343) in Japan (women) (343) 4.4 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 in Japan (319) 大学院修了(319) 100% 49.2 30.0 8.2 80% 39.3 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(323) 3.7 8.7 abroad (women) (323) Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 60% 25.1 11.1 UG degree in Japan (men) (327) 0.6 国内大学卒業(男性)(327) UG degree abroad (women) (183) 学士留学(女性)(183) Percentage (%) in Management roles* Executive/board member class Managerial class including heads of departments/sections, managers, professors etc. General staff class including assistant professors, etc. * The percentage in management roles is the total proportion of those in the “executive/board Part-time/contract staff member class” and in the “managerial class” Other Q How often do you use the language(s) other than Japanese in which you are competent [the foreign language in which you are most competent] in your current job? * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad. 0% 20% UG degree abroad (men) (211) 学士留学(男性)(211) 39.3 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(370) abroad (men) (370) UG degree国内大学卒業(男性)(334) in Japan (men) (327) 17.3 8.0 0.9 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 29.7 5.8 2.0 18.0 19.2 18.5 20.8 20.2 23.2 32.2 10.9 26.6 18.8 25.1 Fairly often 10.9 16.4 51.1 59.7 Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 24.1 76.1 61.8 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 5.3 9.7 science in Japan (207) 大学院修了(208) 100% 23.7 28.9 21.9 16.0 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(293) social science abroad (293) 80% 74.6 25.4 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 3.8 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (319) Often 19.0 37.2 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(323) abroad (women) (323) 60% 16.5 UG degree abroad (women) (183) 学士留学(女性)(183) UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (343) 40% 11.3 10.2 59.9 Sometimes Never 9 4. Career impact of study abroad Study abroad experiences are helpful to career planning The differential impact on careers is not great when looking at the entire spectrum of study abroad, but it is large for the undergraduate and postgraduate categories. Around 80% of those who obtained an undergraduate degree abroad and 70% of those who studied for credits responded that their study abroad experiences helped their career planning, rising to 90% of those who obtained a postgraduate degree. On the other hand, the undergraduate experiences of those who did not study abroad had a relatively small impact on their careers. These results show that study abroad experiences are felt by graduates to have a major ongoing impact. Over 60% of those who obtained an undergraduate degree abroad use the knowledge and skills gained in their work. Study abroad experiences are put to use at work, and underpin future career progression. Q To what extent do you consider that your study abroad [Japanese university] experiences influenced your career? * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By item People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% People without study abroad experience (1,298) 100% 0% 20% 1キャリア設計の上で助けに なった 33.0 1キャリア設計の上で助けに 7.3 36.7 23.0 11.3 なった 2現在の仕事に就く上で助け になった 30.1 2現在の仕事に就く上で助け 15.7 32.3 21.8 になった Helpful in planning my career Helpful in gaining my current job 3現在の年収を高めるのに役 Helpful in obtaining a higher current salary 立った I use knowledge and skills gained 4現在の仕事において留学で while studying abroad [at Japanese 学んだ知識やスキルを… universities] in my current job Strongly agree 20.7 23.0 5起業しようという意欲が高 35.4 32.7 まった(営利・非営利)… 6NPOや社会活動をしようと 31.9 37.0 いう意欲が高まった Relatively agree 33.1 24.3 4現在の仕事において留学で 17.5 34.3 24.1 10.7 学んだ知識やスキルを… 24.1 5起業しようという意欲が高 I gained motivation to start a venture (both for-profit and not-for-profit) 11.2 まった(営利・非営利)… 6NPOや社会活動をしようと I gained motivation to work with an 8.0 NPO/in social action いう意欲が高まった 23.3 9.6 60% 35.4 16.8 3現在の年収を高めるのに役 24.1 38.5 6.6 立った 14.1 40% 80% 38.0 15.3 32.3 17.8 44.0 30.7 100% 25.1 36.7 21.9 35.9 52.2 37.4 52.6 2.2 8.7 1.3 Relatively disagree Strongly disagree A survey of the hiring of those with study abroad experience and global skills (by total number of employees) Survey period: March 17, 2014 – June 27, 2014 Survey respondents: 423 HR managers at companies in Japan which were clients of DISCO Inc. Q: How important is competency in foreign languages (languages other than Japanese) to your company’s operations? unit: percentage (%) Overall Very important Quite important Cannot say Not very important Hardly important at all Total Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 8.9 33.7 20.0 19.2 18.3 100.0 299 staff or fewer 7.3 37.5 21.4 15.6 18.2 100.0 300 - 999 staff 1000 staff or more 10.8 9.2 27.7 35.5 17.6 21.1 21.6 23.7 22.3 10.5 100.0 100.0 10 By level and type/field of study Helpful in planning my career 0% 20% 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 40% 80% 0% 100% 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) abroad (women) (376) 60% 38.0 28.7 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) 17.8 41.6 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 34.5 16.4 3.6 45.5 33.0 18.3 41.3 0% 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 20% 18.8 28.9 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 15.0 abroad (men) (381) 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 40% 60% 80% 100% 21.7 22.2 21.9 12.5 26.2 9.1 5.0 34.1 20% 40% 31.2 28.8 60% 15.4 80% 39.4 19.7 100% 22.0 7.3 40.7 24.6 学士留学(女性)(198) 34.8 21.2 24.4 15.2 44.3 31.3 18.9 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 48.7 30.3 16.8 4.3 理工系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 9.1 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) 26.0 35.4 31.6 24.7 17.7 15.7 27.7 42.0 21.8 27.7 5.6 30.9 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 32.7 20.0 理工系修士・博士国内 40.9 19.1 大学院修了(320) 30.9 33.6 40.0 15.3 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 26.2 28.9 11.4 文系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 10.6 25.0 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) Strongly agree 12.7 5.5 5.1 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 16.4 engineering abroad (55) Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) 0% 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 45.8 26.3 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 11.4 21.3 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 39.4 27.9 abroad (women) (376) UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 37.5 21.6 学士留学(男性)(218) 36.2 16.1 3.3 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) 36.4 I use knowledge and skills gained while studying abroad [at Japanese university] in my current job 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 29.9 36.0 19.2 24.6 22.9 59.7 文系修士・博士国内 29.3 11.1 大学院修了(208) Helpful in obtaining a higher current salary 38.3 28.1 60.4 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 32.2 5.7 1.7 14.1 11.6 22.3 16.0 45.5 理工系修士・博士国内 29.4 11.3 大学院修了(320) 20.1 29.8 UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 6.4 30.3 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 44.4 18.9 10.1 28.7 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 23.9 13.6 44.4 29.5 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 37.0 29.0 4.5 100% 17.4 8.7 38.8 34.1 学士留学(女性)(198) 34.8 15.7 4.0 80% 34.9 23.6 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 44.3 19.8 7.8 45.5 40% 39.0 28.9 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 41.2 23.6 6.3 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 4.5 31.4 UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 20% 学士留学(男性)(218) 32.6 15.6 3.7 48.2 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) abroad (men) (381) 60% Helpful in gaining my current job Relatively agree 文系修士・博士国内 40.4 24.0 大学院修了(208) Relatively disagree 36.4 37.2 52.0 18.8 39.9 18.2 5.5 30.6 16.9 32.2 12.8 3.0 26.0 15.4 Strongly disagree * The first title of each chart is the question for those with study abroad experience, and the second for those without (where there is no such distinction, both groups were asked the same question). Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 11 Around 60% felt that their study abroad experiences were valued As seen on the last page, a high proportion felt that study abroad helped their careers, but around 60% felt that these experiences were valued during the recruiting process. This is higher than the proportion for those with Japanese undergraduate or graduate degrees, but it can be interpreted that the effects of study abroad as manifested in qualities, motivation, and attitude are valued more highly than language abilities or study abroad in itself. Q To what extent do you consider that the following aspects of your study abroad [Japanese university] experiences were valued by recruiters? * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By item People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 1自分の留学経歴が評価 My study abroad experience was valued された The language skills I gained 2留学で身につけた語学 through study abroad were 力が評価された valued The specialized knowledge 3留学で学んだ知識やス and skills I gained through キルが評価された study abroad were valued 20% 20.1 21.3 40% 36.0 34.7 60% People without study abroad experience (1,298) 80% 28.0 26.9 0% 100% 15.9 36.7 7外国語運用能力が評価 My foreign language competencies were valued 5.9 された 43.3 34.7 29.7 19.7 Strongly agree 35.9 27.4 100% 16.9 36.7 49.6 19.1 39.1 32.5 6対外的なコミュニケー My experience of external ション経験が評価され communications was valued Relatively disagree 48.2 21.9 26.8 3.1 10外国人とのコミュニ My experience of communicating with 5.7 ケーション経験が評価 foreigners was valued された .5 17.1 Relatively agree 80% 1.2 17.0 17.2 60% れた The specialized knowledge 2学んだ専門的な知識や and skills I gained were 9.2 スキルが評価された valued 18.5 40% 1大学大学院の卒業(修 My undergraduate or graduate degree was valued 9.6 了)そのものが評価さ per se た 4外国人とのコミュニ My experience of communicating with ケーション経験が評価 foreigners was valued された 20% 51.0 42.8 Strongly disagree A survey of the hiring of those with study abroad experience and global skills (by total number of employees) Q: How important is “possessing international experience” in your recruitment process? Overall Very important Quite important Cannot say Not very important Hardly important at all Total 4.5 23.2 28.9 18.9 24.6 100.0 299 staff or fewer 4.6 23.2 27.3 18.6 26.3 100.0 unit: percentage (%) 300 - 999 staff 1000 staff or more 4.7 3.9 23.5 22.4 27.5 35.5 17.4 22.4 26.8 15.8 100.0 100.0 Q: “Overseas study experience” (irrespective of type/field) needs to be of what length to be valued by your company? unit: percentage (%) 1 year or longer 6 months or longer 3 months or longer 1 month or longer Even study for under 1 month is valued Overseas study is not valued Total Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report Overall 37.9 18.1 3.6 3.1 5.1 32.1 100.0 299 staff or fewer 38.5 16.7 2.1 2.6 5.7 34.4 100.0 300 - 999 staff 1000 staff or more 36.3 39.5 18.5 21.1 4.8 5.3 3.4 3.9 5.5 2.6 31.5 27.6 100.0 100.0 12 By level and type/field of study My study abroad experience was valued / My undergraduate or graduate degree was valued per se 0% 20% 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 40% 80% 100% 0% 学士留学(男性)(218) 23.0 10.6 40.1 26.3 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) abroad (men) (381) 60% The specialized knowledge and skills I gained through study abroad were valued / The specialized knowledge and skills I gained were valued 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 3.9 33.8 40% 80% 15.7 32.3 22.5 46.4 28.7 100% 26.7 10.6 35.7 16.3 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 17.4 44.9 60% 38.2 24.4 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 29.1 12.9 37.8 20.2 20% 2.4 UG degree abroad (women) (198) 学士留学(女性)(198) 17.7 9.6 35.4 学士留学(女性)(198) 37.4 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) abroad (women) (376) 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 27.7 14.6 38.6 14.9 19.1 UG degree国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 9.3 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 18.2 10.9 40.0 30.9 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 14.7 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 10.1 31.3 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) 38.0 The language skills I gained through study abroad were valued / My foreign language competencies were valued 0% 20% 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) abroad (men) (381) 40% 29.5 39.2 学士留学(男性)(218) 20.3 11.1 40.0 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 23.6 12.7 23.6 45.9 80% 39.6 16.0 41.5 21.2 13.4 29.4 41.3 13.1 52.4 31.3 38.4 25.0 100% 32.2 19.2 11.1 27.7 42.3 15.2 54.3 21.8 理工系修士・博士国内 45.3 8.1 大学院修了(320) 41.8 20.0 16.4 44.1 47.8 1.3 40.3 文系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 6.3 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) 39.4 2.9 Strongly agree 60% 0.5 理工系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 7.5 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) 40% 25.8 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 54.0 2.9 41.0 0.3 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 20% 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 35.1 27.7 14.9 22.3 UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 4.8 0% 33.8 学士留学(女性)(198) 17.2 9.1 39.9 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) abroad (women) (376) 100% 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 49.7 5.7 0.6 44.6 0.6 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) 80% 23.1 25.5 My experience of communicating with foreigners was valued 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 40.9 27.6 14.4 17.1 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 5.1 60% 13.4 5.4 41.6 35.6 15.9 13.8 30.9 41.6 39.6 文系修士・博士国内 20.7 大学院修了(208) 21.8 7.3 45.5 25.5 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 11.7 6.0 39.6 42.6 19.9 47.1 理工系修士・博士国内 26.6 14.1 13.8 大学院修了(320) 44.7 16.8 34.3 34.0 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 17.0 37.0 6.4 26.6 36.7 24.7 12.1 31.8 31.3 Relatively agree 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 38.9 16.1 4.7 34.2 文系修士・博士国内 51.4 7.2 大学院修了(208) 1.0 Relatively disagree 42.6 40.9 17.8 5.4 51.0 Strongly disagree * The first title of each chart is the question for those with study abroad experience, and the second for those without (where there is no such distinction, both groups were asked the same question). Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 13 5. Proactivity towards classes and extracurricular activities Striving to succeed in a new culture and environment while studying abroad leads to a sense of personal growth There is a remarkable difference between the degree of proactivity towards classes and extracurricular activities shown during study abroad and during the university careers of those who remained in Japan. Study at an overseas university requires not only the use of an unfamiliar foreign language, but also a positive attitude towards classes and assignments. Continued perseverance in such an environment leads to improved abilities and the nurturing of values (see “1. Changes in perceptions and values through study abroad” and “2. Improvement in abilities through study abroad”). Graduates of Japanese universities with no study abroad experience exhibit a passive overall attitude towards classes, revealing a striking contrast to those with study abroad experience. Q This question refers to your class‐related activities during your study abroad [at Japanese university]. Please respond to each of the items below. * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By item ■Class‐related activities People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 20% I worked proactively on 4宿題に積極的に取り組んだ assignments 38.8 40% 60% 80% People without study abroad experience (1,298) 100% 0% 45.5 13.5 8.6 4宿題に積極的に取り組んだ 20% 40% 33.4 60% 38.7 80% 100% 39.1 2.2 3クラスメートと積極的に交 I interacted proactively with classmates 流した 29.2 3クラスメートと積極的に交 50.3 18.2 8.9 流した 40.1 35.9 28.7 2.4 I5授業内のプレゼンテーショ worked proactively on in-class presentations ンに積極的に取り組んだ 25.8 5授業内のプレゼンテーショ 47.6 23.3 7.0 ン(発表や準備)に積極的に 取り組んだ 26.3 47.4 27.0 6.9 2先生と積極的に交流した 25.3 41.9 15.2 3.3 I interacted proactively with 2先生と積極的に交流した professors 22.4 39.2 19.3 3.1 I spoke up proactively in class 1授業で積極的に発言した 16.9 40.0 37.3 2.6 12.3 1授業で積極的に発言した 46.0 24.8 5.8 Strongly agree Relatively agree Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report Relatively disagree Strongly disagree 14 Those who studied abroad were also more proactive towards extracurricular activities Since interacting with those from other cultures is also particularly emphasized when studying abroad, many study abroad participants were motivated to communicate with those in their accommodation or homestay and to participate in university events. On the other hand, graduates of Japanese universities with no study abroad experience were proactive towards their part-time jobs, but showed a little engagement with other extracurricular activities. Q This question refers to extracurricular activities during study abroad [at Japanese university]. Please respond to each of the items below. * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By item ■Extracurricular activities People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 20% I interacted proactively with 1学生宿舎や寮で積極的に交 other students流した at my student 14.3 accommodation/dormitory 40% 60% 36.5 80% 21.0 People without study abroad experience (1,298) 0% 100% 25.3 20% 40% 60% I interacted proactively with 11学生宿舎や寮で積極的に交 other students at my 5.6 18.9 21.0 流した student accommodation/ dormitory 80% 100% 52.5 2.0 3.0 I13アルバイトで積極的に活動 worked proactively at my 15.8 した job part-time 3アルバイト/インターン I worked proactively at my シップ/アシスタントシップ part-time job/internship/ 11.3 21.2 14.3 で積極的に活動した assistantship 33.2 24.7 12.8 13.5 48.1 5.0 I14インターンシップで積極的 worked proactively at my 4.716.7 に活動した internship 52.1 24.7 1.8 I4クラブ活動に積極的に参加 took part proactively in した club activities 18.4 17.7 7.7 48.2 15クラブ・サークル活動に積 I took part proactively in 13.1 16.3 20.6 極的に参加した club/group activities 8.0 I5学内の行事(学生自治会、 took part proactively in 学内のイベント)などで積極 university activities (student 10.6 的に活動した union, university events etc.) 35.1 26.5 7.7 20.2 18学内の行事(学生自治会、 I took part proactively in 学内のイベント)などで積極 university activities (student 14.0 的に活動した union, university events etc.) 30.3 18.7 31.2 24.7 28.0 3.0 I6ボランティア活動に積極的 took part proactively in に参加した volunteering 17.6 19.6 13.0 43.2 19ボランティア活動に積極的 I took part proactively in 6.1 19.9 に参加した volunteering 6.7 Strongly agree 31.6 41.1 1.4 Relatively agree Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report Relatively disagree Strongly disagree 15 6. Satisfaction with life and work The degree to which those with and without study abroad experience are satisfied with work does not vary As seen on previous pages, even though there is a difference between the careers of those with study abroad experience and those without, no significant difference was observed between their levels of satisfaction with work and income. Nor is there any gap between those who studied abroad for an undergraduate degree, for credits, or for a postgraduate degree. However, those with study abroad experience had a higher level of satisfaction with life than those without. It can be inferred that study abroad encourages interaction and friendship with people who have diverse values, and interest in and engagement with social issues, bringing an improved quality of life. Q How satisfied are you with each of the following items? By item People with study abroad experience (4,489) 0% 1あなたは、現在の仕事 Are you satisfied with your current job? に満足している 20% 80% 100% 0% 20% 1あなたは、現在の仕事 7.2 12.5 26.5 に満足している 2あなたは、現在の収入 3.9 24.4 36.2 に満足している 32.8 3大学・大学院の経験に 20.3 4.8 満足している 48.4 26.5 40% 60% 80% 13.8 35.4 43.7 26.0 41.9 28.2 100% 13.5 50.7 27.1 8.7 12.4 50.8 29.0 7.8 4あなたは、仕事以外の 4あなたは、仕事以外の Are you satisfied with your プライベートな生活に満 life outside work? 足している 19.1 5あなたは、交友関係に Are you satisfied with your friendships? 満足している 18.2 6あなたは、人生に満足 している 15.8 Are you satisfied with life? 60% 47.4 13.6 2あなたは、現在の収入 Are you satisfied with your 6.6 current income? に満足している Are you satisfied with your 3あなたは、自分の留学 study abroad [Japanese 経験に満足している university] experience? 40% People without study abroad experience (1,298) プライベートな生活に満 5.6 24.0 51.4 足している Strongly agree 5あなたは、交友関係に 8.3 22.5 4.0 満足している 55.2 53.1 6あなたは、人生に満足 7.2 6.6 24.6 している Relatively agree Relatively disagree 51.8 49.2 32.3 34.1 7.6 9.6 Strongly disagree * An item in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 16 By level and type/field of study Are you satisfied with your current job? 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Are you satisfied with your current income? 100% 0% 20% UG degree abroad (men) (218) 学士留学(男性)(218) 14.7 44.5 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 13.9 abroad (men) (381) 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 7.9 50.9 22.8 12.3 UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 4.5 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 36.2 11.7 43.9 45.5 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 25.5 9.1 20.0 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 8.1 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 7.2 science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) Are you satisfied with your study abroad [Japanese university] experience? 0% 20% UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) abroad (men) (381) UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) abroad (women) (376) 学士留学(男性)(218) 45.4 12.8 4.1 24.2 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 52.4 19.1 4.3 理工系修士・博士留学(55) 40.0 9.1 3.6 58.4 0% 20% 21.6 50.5 Relatively agree 33.9 40% 16.8 29.8 60% 80% 53.2 23.9 7.9 38.6 57.1 19.7 30.9 23.7 4.3 33.5 40.0 52.2 26.2 23.6 9.3 5.5 29.4 10.3 51.0 46.6 11.1 23.2 5.1 52.4 49.7 100% 18.8 11.5 54.9 45.5 文系修士・博士国内 9.1 20.7 7.2 大学院修了(208) Relatively disagree 23.8 39.4 16.5 理工系修士・博士国内 8.1 18.8 7.8 大学院修了(320) 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 41.3 16.1 1.7 40.9 18.2 Are you satisfied with life? 7.4 45.2 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) 31.6 9.3 47.3 26.3 33.1 38.3 学士留学(女性)(198) 14.6 41.4 13.6 4.5 40.4 理工系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 15.0 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) Strongly agree 100% 21.8 36.4 37.8 4.8 49.1 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 34.4 10.8 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 文系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in humanities and social science in Japan (208) 大学院修了(208) 80% 31.3 40.7 27.3 単位・その他留学(男性)(381) 13.4 49.1 23.1 6.0 21.8 UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 13.8 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学(298) social science abroad (298) 60% 37.6 5.7 UG degree国内大学卒業(男性)(334) in Japan (men) (334) 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) 40% 26.6 37.9 文系修士・博士国内 5.3 25.5 34.1 12.0 大学院修了(208) 46.6 22.0 46.8 2.1 18.2 100% 30.3 46.7 24.7 文科系修士・博士留学(298) 11.1 51.7 18.8 8.4 80% 29.7 29.8 理工系修士・博士国内 5.3 33.4 14.1 大学院修了(320) 44.4 21.1 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 40.4 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 7.7 46.3 24.7 13.8 UG degree 国内大学卒業(女性)(376) in Japan (women) (376) 8.2 60% 33.0 学士留学(女性)(198) 5.1 25.8 28.8 16.2 38.9 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)(376) 15.2 abroad (women) (376) Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学(55) engineering abroad (55) 学士留学(男性)(218) 4.6 32.1 23.4 17.4 国内大学卒業(男性)(334) 3.0 23.7 37.4 17.1 41.0 UG degree abroad (women) (198) 16.2 学士留学(女性)(198) 40% 17.8 5.0 35.6 8.7 Strongly disagree * An item in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 17 7. Changes in behavior as a result of study abroad Those who studied abroad in high school are proactive towards activities which contribute to society It can be seen that people who studied abroad in high school are significantly proactive towards community activities and exchange activities. Many of these people experienced homestays for comparatively long periods while studying at an overseas high school, and had many opportunities for sustained interaction with their host families and members of the local community. The influence of these experiences may be manifested in their subsequent awareness and behaviors. Q To what degree do you consider that your involvement with the following types of activity has increased as a result of study abroad [graduation of Japanese university]? * Questions in square brackets were those for respondents without study abroad experience. By level and type/field of study Arts and cultural development/ educational support activities Activities which contribute to the local community 0% 20% 高校留学(143) High school study abroad (143) 17.5 40% 39.2 60% 80% 高校留学() 0% 20% 16.8 40% 33.6 60% 80% Local environmental activities 0% 20% 高校留学() 15.4 40% 60% 80% 41.3 学士留学(男性)(218) UG degree abroad (men) (218) 9.2 19.3 学士留学(男性)() 7.3 14.7 学士留学(男性)() 13.8 23.9 単位・その他留学(男 単位・その他留学(男 単位・その他留学(男 UG credit-bearing/other study 7.6 28.1 7.6 12.3 37.3 abroad (men) 性)(381) (381) 性)() 性)() 国内大学卒業(男性) 国内大学卒業(男性) UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 6.6 14.4 36.5 国内大学卒業(男性) () 17.1 0.3 1.2 2.1 学士留学(女性)(198) UG degree abroad (women) (198) 9.6 23.7 学士留学(女性)() 21.7 学士留学(女性)() 10.6 32.3 5.1 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女 単位・その他留学(女 単位・その他留学(女 8.5 19.4 8.2 31.9 8.0 31.6 abroad (women) (376) 性)() 性)() 性)(376) 国内大学卒業(女性) 国内大学卒業(女性) 国内大学卒業(女性) UG degree in Japan (women) (376) 11.7 17.3 16.8 () () (376) 1.3 1.9 1.3 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学 理工系修士・博士留学 理工系修士・博士留学 14.5 36.4 7.3 32.7 engineering abroad (55) () () (55) 3.6 3.6 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 理工系修士・博士国内 理工系修士・博士国内 6.6 17.5 11.6 in Japan 大学院修了(320) (320) 大学院修了() 大学院修了() 1.9 1.6 1.6 文科系修士・博士留学 Masters/PhD in文科系修士・博士留学 humanities and 10.1 文科系修士・博士留学 7.4 28.6 12.1 35.0 40.4 () () (297) social science abroad (298) 文系修士・博士国内 文系修士・博士国内 文系修士・博士国内 Masters/PhD in humanities and social 12.5 13.5 13.5 大学院修了() 大学院修了() 大学院修了(208) science in Japan (208) 1.9 2.9 4.8 () (334) I frequently participate I sometimes participate * Choices of response included not only “I frequently participate ” and “I sometimes participate”, but also “I seldom participate” and “I never participate”; however, the graphs show only the positive responses. Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 18 By level and type/field of study Support activities for people with diverse values and cultural backgrounds 0% High school study abroad高校留学() (143) 20% 16.1 40% UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)() 10.0 abroad (men) (381) 0% 80% 24.7 38.8 8.4 1.2 学士留学(女性)() 11.6 35.4 14.9 34.3 8.5 1.9 理工系修士・博士留学() 12.7 40.0 国内大学卒業(女性)() 1.1 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学() engineering abroad (55) 5.5 Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 6.3 in Japan (320) 大学院修了() 27.3 理工系修士・博士国内 大学院修了() 8.8 0.9 0.6 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学() 15.2 social science abroad (298) 33.0 文科系修士・博士留学() 文系修士・博士国内 大学院修了() 15.4 1.9 22.6 0% 20% 40% 41.3 27.3 18.3 15.2 16.8 24.7 4.8 Masters/PhD in science & 理工系修士・博士留学() 14.5 engineering abroad (55) Masters/PhD in science & engineering 理工系修士・博士国内 in Japan (320) 大学院修了() 80% 0% 20% 高校留学() 40% 単位・その他留学(男性)() 41.7 15.2 60% 80% 39.2 28.0 15.1 32.1 43.6 国内大学卒業(男性)() 36.9 15.0 1.8 学士留学(女性)() 17.2 単位・その他留学(女性)() 40.2 14.6 UG degree in Japan (women) (376) 国内大学卒業(女性)() Exchange activities with people active in diverse fields 学士留学(男性)() 31.2 国内大学卒業(男性)() UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 18.3 3.0 13.6 UG degree abroad 学士留学(女性)() (women) (198) 60% 39.4 2.9 Exchange activities with people of diverse ages/generations UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)() abroad (women) (376) 22.9 11.0 27.1 単位・その他留学(女性)() UG degree in Japan (women) (376) 国内大学卒業(女性)() 3.5 UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(男性)() abroad (men) (381) 80% 国内大学卒業(男性)() UG credit-bearing/other study 単位・その他留学(女性)() 11.2 abroad (women) (376) UG degree abroad学士留学(男性)() (men) (218) 60% 45.5 14.2 単位・その他留学(男性)() 29.7 1.5 学士留学(女性)() 5.1 UG degree abroad (women) (198) High school study abroad高校留学() (143) 40% 19.6 学士留学(男性)() 国内大学卒業(男性)() 6.3 UG degree in Japan (men) (334) 20% 高校留学() 36.4 9.6 16.1 UG degree abroad学士留学(男性)() (men) (218) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 science in Japan 大学院修了() (208) 60% Exchange activities with people with diverse values and cultural backgrounds 35.9 14.4 国内大学卒業(女性)() 14.9 2.7 36.4 理工系修士・博士留学() 12.7 23.4 理工系修士・博士国内 大学院修了() 3.8 Masters/PhD in humanities and 文科系修士・博士留学() 21.5 social science abroad (298) Masters/PhD in humanities and social 文系修士・博士国内 6.3 25.5 science in Japan大学院修了() (208) I frequently participate 32.3 40.0 18.4 2.8 文科系修士・博士留学() 37.0 文系修士・博士国内 大学院修了() 21.9 40.7 26.4 4.3 I sometimes participate * Choices of response included not only “I frequently participate ” and “I sometimes participate”, but also “I seldom participate” and “I never participate”; however, the graphs show only the positive responses.. Study Abroad Impact Research: Summary Report 19 JSPS-funded Research Project “International Comparative Research into Global Personnel Development and Long-term Impact of Study Abroad” Project members Shingo Ashizawa, Toyo University (Faculty of Regional Development Studies) Isao Nitta, Meiji University (School of Political Science and Economics) Kazuo Kuroda, Waseda University (Faculty of International Research and Education) Akira Kobayashi, Meiji University (School of Global Japanese Studies) Yuki Watabe, Hitotsubashi University (Graduate School of Commerce and Management) Yuichi Kondo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (College of Asia Pacific Studies) Masahiro Yokota, Meiji University (School of Global Japanese Studies) Hiroshi Ota, Hitotsubashi University (Center for Global Education) Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Nagoya University (Graduate School of International Development) Yuto Kitamura, the University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Education) Hiroko Akiba, Hitotsubashi University (Graduate School of Commerce and Management) Yukiko Shimmi, Hitotsubashi University (Graduate School of Law) Miki Horie, Ritsumeikan University (Ritsumeikan International) Research partner organizations Motoi Kawamura, Yell Value, Inc. Takayasu Omura, Japan Association for Promotion of Internationalization (JAPI) Raku Hayakawa, Anzas International Co., Ltd. Madoka Tatsuno, Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT) Even after this research project ends, the results of this survey will continue to be put to use by the Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education ( on the two websites below. About the Global JINZAI 5000 Project This project aims to boost participation in study abroad and exchange activities by Japanese people; to support study abroad by the young generation; and to share the value of study abroad universally, across generations, as well as to construct an online community to support study abroad by the young generation, with the goal of contributing to global personnel development. Global JINZAI 5000 Project Disseminating the Impact of Study Abroad Retrospective Research on 5000 Study Abroad Participants Global JINZAI 5000 Project website Contact email [email protected] About Ryugaku no “Ryugaku no” is an online community which not only features profiles of and interviews with people who have studied abroad, but also has communicative functions allowing young people who hope to study abroad to ask them questions and get advice. Currently, Meiji University, Toyo University, Hitotsubashi University, and Tohoku University are collaborating on this project, and have incorporated it into their courses. Those who have studied abroad can use the site primarily in order to support the next generation of students and to network with others who have overseas study experience. Current students can read interviews about study abroad experiences, search for those who have studied abroad according to their current career or study abroad experiences, ask questions about things which concern them, or apply for an interview. Ryugaku no Susume website: Enquiries about this survey Masahiro Yokota, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University Email: [email protected] TEL / FAX: +81-3-5343-8262 Enquiries about data Motoi Kawamura, Yell Value, Inc. Email: [email protected] Global JINZAI 5000 Project The results of this survey are also available on the above website, along with project outcomes. GJ5000 Search
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