高校 1 年生 大陸 虹けい さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校

Focus! 2015
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 10 月 17 日 発行 vol.1
アメリカに渡り、人生初の経験を重ねていく留学生たち。最初の 1 か月はあっという間に過ぎたようです。新学期も始まりま
高校 1 年生 大陸 虹けい さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
It has already been one month since I arrived in America. It feels
like it has gone by so fast. Ever since my 1st year in junior high school, I
have wanted to study abroad in America. Every day has been a fun
experience, I have already done so many new things. I have been
nervous because everything is so new but I have made lots of new
friends. The best thing so far is my amazing host family. They make
me feel like I am a part of their family. Also I have 2 adorable little brothers. One is 5 years old, and the
other is 9 years old. They are so cute that I almost feel like I can’t handle it.
September 1st was my first day of school. I was nervous and I really wanted to make new friends, but I was
anxious about talking to them. However I tried to talk to them anyway, and eventually I made lots of
I have been surprised by the difference between school in Japan and school in America. Here I am a senior
and in Japan I am in high school 1st grade. I have classes with a whole bunch of different students and I was
surprised that some of the younger students could be in my classes. The biggest difference is that in America,
I only have school on Monday to Thursday but in Japan I have school Monday to Saturday. Furthermore in
America, you can get your car license at 16 and a lot of my friends can drive to school. I am so jealous of them
because I want my license too. It has been an awesome month to start my life in America. I will continue
working hard to make sure I am a positive representative for Josai, Japan.
高校 1 年生 A さん 【アメリカ・Blanchet Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
I have already started my life in America for a month. I went to church and a party. My host mother
sometimes has parties. It was too busy. So I think this month was over all too soon.
September 1st is Joanna, my host sister’s birthday. She turned 15 this year, so my host mother held her
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
birthday party on August 29th. We were busy at night before party
because we decorated a room. That day, many of her friends came to
my house in the morning. In the afternoon, about 10 people went in
and out of there. We played a lot of games, ate sweets, and had
hamburgers for lunch. They were made by Peter, who is my host father.
One of the games that we played was Apples to Apples. This game uses
a lot of vocabulary, so it was difficult for me when I played for the first
time. After that, we put on balloons into paint and we played darts. It is difficult for me too, but it was very
fun. Collin and Summer played darts well. At night, we sat around a fire on the balcony to get warm, and ate
and baked marshmallows. It was so yummy.
September 27th, I went to a band concert for Christian with Joanna and her friend. I have been to classical
concerts, but I have never been to a band concert. So, I was looking forward to it. Hawk Nelson performed
before that day’s main performer, NEWS BOYS. I know some of their songs. So I was singing during the
concert. Now, Hawk Nelson is my favorite band. That day was so fun for me. And I’m basking in the
afterglow of the concert. I want to go there again.
教会に行ったりパーティーに行ったり Lies(ホストマザー)
がパーティーを開いたり、この1ヵ月はあっという間でした。9月1日は Joanna(ホストシスター)の 15 歳の誕
生日だったので、誕生日パーティーがありました。たくさんゲームをしたり、お菓子や Peter(ホストファザー)
Joanna と彼女の友達と一緒にクリスチャンのバンドコンサートに行きました。私はクラシックコンサートに
メインの NEWSBOYS の前に Hawk Nelson というバンドがパフォーマンスをしました。今、Hawk Nelson は私のお
高校 1 年生 杉田 美波さん
【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
Since I came here to study, my life haschanged very much. It’s about
my friends in school, people who live together and speaking another
language. Many things have changed for me, so I feel nervous. But
everyone supports me. This is what I wanted to do. I have wanted to
study abroad since
I was 14 years old, so I chose Josai high school.
Now I’m here, my dream to study abroad has come true! I am so happy.
It had my birthday this month. I surprised when I got up. Because there was a of “Happy Birthday.” I
became 16. It is “Sweet 16” in America. It is an important year for girls. My and my host sister’s birthdays
are near, so host my family held our birthday partys. Relatives came to visit us. Actually I just came here a
few days ago. But everyone gave me presents. I think I’m very lucky because my host family is so kind.
School life begin, I received my first lesson in American school. First time, it was so difficult for me, because
I have to change classrooms every time. Also I have only 5 minutes break time, and I cannot understand
contents of class, because it’s all English. But when I visited the teacher at the end of the class, everyone
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
talked to me kindly. One month has passed since I
came to study abroad. I got used to life in America. I
want to try more things. And I want to learn more about American culture. I’m going to study very hard.
今月は私の誕生日がありました。朝起きたら「Happy Birthday」と書かれてある幕がかかっていて驚きました。
私は 16 歳になったのですが、アメリカでは「sweet 16」と言って女の子にとって大事な年だそうです。そして
高校 2 年生 船橋 陸くん 【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
One month has passed since August 28th the day I left Japan. The
flight took almost 9 hours. We met our host families at the airport, and
they warmly welcomed us. School started from September 3rd. School has
5 periods and each class is 1 hour and 22 minutes. We have 3 days off a
week. The first week of the school, I thought that classes were easy for
me, because I did not know that it was just an orientation. These days
we are having tests as we have in Japan. These tests are really hard for
me. Especially English tests are difficult, I cannot understand even if I ask my friend. Subjects like physics
or social studies are not that difficult because American students learn the same things that we do. The style
of classes is different from Japan. Most classes tend to have a discussion and presentation. My first
presentation was about my ideal school, and I could say only few words so I want to try to say more than that
next time.
I am in the soccer club now. To do sports here people have to finish some paperwork and also have to go the
hospital. But I finished all of that really smoothly and join team quickly because my host mother is a teacher
at the high school. Now I can even play in games. A few days ago we had a home game. I played and had lots of
I want to try my best to have more experiences and not only have fun but also want to get better grades and
improve my English. In October there is Halloween. I heard that Halloween is one of the important events
like Christmas. I have not celebrated it before so I am really excited for it.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
合にも出させてもらっています。先日、初めて公式グラウンドでゲームをプレイしました。結果は 1-0 で負け
高校 2 年生 上田 茉尋さん 【オーストラリア・All Saints’ College(本校姉妹校)】
「ASC 留学への感謝と新たな体験をする喜び」
Half a year has passed since I came to Perth. I am surprised now
because I cannot believe six months already passed. I feel that the days
passed more quickly than I imagined at first. I think that’s because I
have spent fulfilling days. I have been getting used to life here and
talking with people in English. Recently, I feel that my friends talk to
me not as an exchange student, but as just a friend. Of course I
sometimes cannot understand contents of classes without my friends’ help. However my teachers and
friends teach me very clearly every time. So I think I am really lucky to have them!! I realized that the
reason I haven’t gotten discouraged until now is because they have always supported me. I feel happy
because I could come to ASC as an exchange student. I appreciate everyone.
The other day, I participated in House Choir Competition. Murdoch sang “Somebody to Love”. We
practiced much more than the other teams because our song is very difficult. I enjoyed practicing every time
because my friend who wasthe same part as me told me how to sing. On the performance day, I was a little
nervous but I thought if we can do the best, we can win. We sang fifth of six teams. I heard cheers before the
performance because Murdoch had the most members. We did the best we could and then when the results
were announced, Murdoch came in second. I felt a bit sad because I wanted to come first but I enjoyed
everything so it was good. The atmosphere was a different compared to Josai’s choir competition. ASC’s had
not only singing but also moving, and some students tried to make us laugh. I think that it was really good
to participate in this competition. This experience was a great memory for me.
達が分かりやすく色々教えてくれます。ASC に留学できたことを改めて嬉しく思いますし、心から皆さんに感謝
先日、合唱コンクールに参加しました。私たち Murdoch チームは「Somebody to love」という歌を歌いました。
結果発表の時になりました。Murdoch は2位という結果でした。少し悔しかったですが、合唱に関する全てのこ
違っていて、ASC での合唱スタイルは歌うだけではなく、リズムに合わせて体を動かしたり、何人かの生徒がふ
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26