Clarendon House, 2 Church Street Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda P: +1.212.720.7050 Open Position Acknowledgement Agreement PAMM口座オープンポジション同意書 I _______________________, the undersigned customer, hereby acknowledge that I have been thoroughly advised by ______________________, my account manager or system provider, that I will be unable to either liquidate positions in my account or add equity to my account while there are open positions in my account. I further understand and acknowledge that my account is being traded on either on a limited power of attorney or under a letter of direction and that my account is being traded as part of a percent allocation methodology (PAMM) whereby the allocation of profit and/or loss in my account is derived from the ratio that the equity in my account bears to the total equity in the master PAMM account. I understand and acknowledge that I will only be able to withdraw equity from or add equity to my account if and when the master PAMM account is flat I further acknowledge that should an account in the PAMM be removed from the PAMM account for any reason, my percentage of the trade will be adjusted to reflect the new equity/pl ratio. 私_________はPAMM口座(Percentage allocation methodology)の提供者___________に説明を受け、 下記の条件について承諾します。 • PAMM口座内にオープンポジション(約定されていない取引)がある際の入出金は一切できないことに同意します。 • 預けた資金は限定委任状(LPOA) もしくは委託状で承諾および署名した通り取引代理人によってPAMM口座内で運用さ れることに同意します。 • また損益計算は口座全体の合計金額に対する出資額の比率をもとに算出される事に同意します。 • 最後に資金運用を委託しているPAMM口座内の取引が全て約定済み(口座がフラット)の時にだけ入出金が可能であ る事に同意します。 FXDD Customer FXDDのお客様 Date 日付 Please sign, scan and send a copy to [email protected] ご署名後書類をFAX (03-4520-9574)、または[email protected] までメールに添付の上ご提出ください。 10/14/2015 | dOpen Position Acknowledgement Agreement | Page 1 of 1
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