Japanese Psychological Review ,**3, Vol. /,, No. +, ῎ῌ ῍ ῏῍ ῌῌ ῌῌ ! Development of perceptual organization in infants : Perception of objects and faces Yumiko OTSUKA Tokyo Women’s Medical University While classical studies have suggested that perception in young infants should be characterized as local without the ability to perceive global pattern, there is accumulating evidence showing that infants have ability to integrate local elements and features to perceive a global whole, indicating that young infant’s perception is global rather than local. Here, I will review recent evidences regarding perceptual organization in infants including sensitivity to gestalt laws, perception of illusory contours, perception of occluded objects, and perception of faces. Further I will discuss recent findings showing global precedence effect in young infants in relation to findings from studies on perceptual development in children. Key words : perception, vision, perceptual organization, development, infants ῒ῍῍ΐ῎"# "# "$%&# # Fqr K~0 4/# ῌῌ ῐ ῎ ῑ ῏ oq|36NwAMA\P Milewski +῍ΐῑῐ, T# U) ῎ Thc ῍ΐ῏ῌ '()* Fantz +῍ΐ῏ῒ, -./0 wu|;ix=>O>3G 1234/"563789:;< 6H;# hc;ja> =>/?@# AB"CDEF3G6H /4MG6NwZw./4M4O I3JKLM;=>/NOP 44 +Bushnell, ῍ΐῑΐ ; Milewski, ῍ΐῑῐ,P QRST# U>OVW; 3 L-# fUU) ῎ ¡ XHITYZ[>OB\M]^ ATz{$w¢£w ¤3XHLMT >/AOP NB# >z{$w¥3¦H _`abcde34OQRST I;§\W# ¨$w 3"HLM +Salapatek & Kessen, ῍ΐῐῐ,# fUgT TNwAM]^>/AOP 44w;# _ hcijklmn4# opqr 'RS# fU=^ij|~d TsMtu 3vwALM;x=>OP L HTwZ# |2©ª«¬Z 3 Salapatek and Kessen +῍ΐΐῐ, yEDT# f "HI3^/W +Farroni et al., ῎ῌῌῌ,# U;oz{$w|}4/~dH AZ®¯M°4O " 3 LM3xHM=>OP O# U) ῎ ? ^/A±I;x²=>/A +Cassia et al., " 3xHM4/ a ῎ῌῌ῎,P ³´T# ῎ µ¶CDEF"·¸¹ ;>/AP L>T# AToCDE $º"·῍ῌ=>O»¼"· ½ ῎ῌ ½
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