米国へ時計を発送する際のご注意 米国へ発送されます時計につきまして米国輸入通関をスムーズに行うためコマーシャル インボイス(税関提出用の送り状)上に以下の点を明記のうえ作成くださいますようお願い 申し上げます。 ● 時計の種類 例: 腕時計、ストップウォッチ等 ● 部品それぞれの申告価格 1 MOVEMENT (時計の内部) 2 CASE (時計の外部) 3 BAND 4 BATTERY もし、不明確な場合は、およそ 1 時計の 46%の価格 2 時計の 30%の価格 3 時計の 20%の価格 4 時計の 4%の価格 未完成品の場合は、その旨を明記してください。 例: CASE ONLY、NO BATTERY 等 ● MOVEMENT の原産国 ● CASE の材質 例: PLASTIC, 18K GOLD, GOLD PLATED, STAINLES STEEL 等 ● BAND の材質 例: BASE METAL BRACELET, LEATHER STRAP, PLASTIC STRAP, TEXTILE STRAP 等 ただしワシントン条約(絶滅のおそれのある野生動物)に該当する動物革を使用の場合は、 ClTES(原本)が必要となります。 ● 軸受宝石の数。該当しない場合には”NO JEWELS IN THE MOVEMENT”と明記して ください。 上記必要事項をコマーシャルインボイスに明記して頂くようお願いいたします。なお、 ご不明な点がございましたら弊社カスタマーサービス部 (フリーダイヤル 0120-003200) までお問い合わせください U.S. WATCH WORKSHEET FOR NEW WATCHES ケースの材質 1. What is the material of the CASE? __________________________________________________ ケース裏側の材質 2. What is the BACK OF THE CASE* made from: _______________________________________ 3. How is the watch POWERED? BATTERY ________ AUTO ________ MANUAL ________ 電池式の場合は製造業者名を記入 If battery operated, list manufacturer name ____________________________________________ 4. What type of DISPLAY? MECHANICAL ________ OPTOELECTRONIC ________ 時計の内部に宝石類が何個入っているか 時計の内部に軸受宝石が何個入っているか 5. How many JEWELS in movement? _________________________________________________ バンド部分の材質 6. What is the STRAP/BRACELET** made of? _________________________________________ 7. Please list the value breakout: a. Movement _______________________________ b. Case ____________________________________ c. Strap/Bracelet ____________________________ d. Battery __________________________________ MOVEMENTの原産国 8. What is the country or origin of the MOVEMENT? ____________________________________ MOVEMENTの製造業者名 Manufacturer Name _____________________________________________________________ 担当者名 SOURCE NAME: _________________________________________________________________ 会社名 COMPANY NAME: _______________________________________________________________ 日付 DATE: __________________________________________________________________________ 送り状番号 AWB#: ___________________________________________________________________ • *For cases of metal, the type of metal MUST be listed (i.e., stainless steel, sterling silver, etc.) • ** For strap/bracelet of leather, the type of leather MUST be stated, so it can be determined if Fish/Wildlife clearance is needed (i.e., cow leather, pig leather, etc.) Revised 04-2009 U.S. WATCH WORKSHEET FOR NEW WATCHES 1. What is the material of the CASE? __________________________________________________ 2. What is the BACK OF THE CASE* made from: _______________________________________ 3. How is the watch POWERED? BATTERY ________ AUTO ________ MANUAL ________ If battery operated, list manufacturer name ____________________________________________ 4. What type of DISPLAY? MECHANICAL ________ OPTOELECTRONIC ________ 5. How many JEWELS in movement? _________________________________________________ 6. What is the STRAP/BRACELET** made of? _________________________________________ 7. Please list the value breakout: a. Movement _______________________________ b. Case ____________________________________ c. Strap/Bracelet ____________________________ d. Battery __________________________________ 8. What is the country or origin of the MOVEMENT? ____________________________________ Manufacturer Name _____________________________________________________________ SOURCE NAME: _________________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME: _______________________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________________________________________________ AWB#: ___________________________________________________________________ • *For cases of metal, the type of metal MUST be listed (i.e., stainless steel, sterling silver, etc.) • ** For strap/bracelet of leather, the type of leather MUST be stated, so it can be determined if Fish/Wildlife clearance is needed (i.e., cow leather, pig leather, etc.) Revised 04-2009
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