多核NMR①:測定しやすい核としにくい核 有機分析化学特論+有機化学4 第8回(2015/06/05) 多核NMR: (核の種類による)検出感度(同じ濃度の時) S = I(I+1)ν03N ※6/27,7/4の1限に 補講@6210号室 [6/19(金)休講] I : 核スピン Q : 核四極子モーメント 線幅因子 (line width factor) I : 核スピン ν0 : 共鳴周波数 N : 核スピン濃度 LW = (2I + 3)Q2 I2(2I – 1) 相対感度(13C核を基準) R’ = I ( I + 1) ν0 × 1 1 ν13C ( + 1) 2 2 よく利用されるI=1/2の核 3 15N 総合相対感度 (天然存在比も考慮して 13C核を基準) R’ = I ( I + 1) 1 1 ( + 1) 2 2 × ν0 ν13C 3 × α0 α13C (0.37%), 19F (100%), 29Si (4.7%), 31P (100%) 77Se (7.58%), 111Cd (12.75%), 119Sn (8.58%) 125Te (6.99%), 195Pt (33.8%), 207Pb (22.6%) よく利用されるI=1/2以外の核 2H (I = 1, 0.015%), 7Li (I = 3/2, 92.6%) 11B (I = 3/2, 81.2%), 14N (I = 1, 99.6%) 17O (I = 5/2, 0.037%) 他の核とのカップリングがよく利用される核 103Rh (I = –1/2, 100%) 107Ag (I = –1/2, 51.82%), 109Ag (I = –1/2, 48.18%) 三共出版「多核種の溶液および固体NMR」 北川 進, 水野 元博, 前川 雅彦 著、竹内敬人・西川 実希 訳 ISBN: 9784782705681 核スピンや感度、それぞれの核の基準物質などのデータが多数掲載 1 多核NMR②:それぞれの核の共鳴周波数と化学シフト 共鳴周波数は核ごとに決まっている 電磁波のエネルギーΔE = h νとすると γ ·B0 ν= 2π 化学シフト幅は核ごとに異なる 1H ~ 15 ppm 13 C ~ 200 ppm 11 B ~ 測定前に行うオートチューニングは この共鳴周波数を調整する作業 それぞれの核における共鳴周波数(1Hを100 MHzとしたとき) http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/reich/nmr/notes-7-multi.pdf 210 ppm 31 P ~ 450 ppm 77 Se ~ 3000 ppm 195 Pt ~ 6700 ppm 59 Co ~ 18000 ppm 通常は高周波数の核を1Hに固定して測定 低周波数側をいろいろ設定することが多い (=19F測定の後はチューニングを1Hに戻す) 共鳴周波数の高い核 = high frequency核 共鳴周波数の低い核 = low frequency核 2 多核NMR各論:2H NMRスペクトル 2 H, 核スピンI = 1, 天然存在比0.015%, 磁気回転比γ = 4.1066 四極子モーメント = 2.8×10–3, 相対総合感度 = 1.45×10–6 例:部分重水素化された化合物8のスペクトル 1H NMR spectrum (C6D6) 2H NMR spectrum (C6D6) 化学シフト基準はSi(CD3)4 = 0 応用例:styrene-d 8のMeReO3を用いた 触媒的ジヒドロキシ化反応速度測定 J. Mol. Cat. B: Enzymatic 2011, 73, 17. Chem. Commun. 2002, 66. 3 多核NMR各論:7Li, 6Li NMRスペクトル 7 Li, 核スピンI = 3/2, 天然存在比92.6%, 磁気回転比γ = 10.396 四極子モーメント = –4×10–2, 相対総合感度 = 1.54×103 化学シフト基準はLiCl/D2O = 0 範囲は約–10~5 ppm 6 Li, 核スピンI = 1, 天然存在比7.4%, 磁気回転比γ = 3.937 四極子モーメント = –8×10–4, 相対総合感度 = 3.58 7Li応用例:Me 3Siアセチレンの脱プロトン化を RI(rapid injection)NMR法で迅速モニター 6Li応用例:(Ph 6Li) 2と(Ph 6Li) 4の 6 O溶媒中低温の Liおよび 平衡をEt2 13C NMRスペクトルで観測 Prof. Hans J. Reich@U Wisconsin J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 3492. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 7201. 4 single togetherresonance just prior to experimental measurements. at "23ppm) ppm duringshowed decomposition at P NMR observed for Heating 3 (d 48.6 a 80 ! experiments were conducted propose that the resonancebetween observed here is one in which AB and C min using suitable for x-ray 195 diffraction studies, whichat a ramp ex-rate of 1 interatomic distance boron and oxygen Pt–31P coupling Hz, higherLiNH than thosein aof on metal c a laboratory constant oven in which theof flask1,726 was attached to stainless are associated new the hybrid phaseligands with 1 : 1 stoichisteel gas lines. ometry. hibited different crystallographic space groups (122.6 pm)Further are in fullHz), agreement with of thebond for )L] complexes (about 1,000–1,600 comparable cis-[(Et The composition of evolved 2 gas was monitored using a quadevidence that the NMR resonancehypothesis is distinct from AB 3P)2Pt(BR 11 rupole mass spectrometer (Dycor Dymaxion) with a flow (10 mL was obtained using a sample which had been mixed for less than and in some casesbut contained co-crystallized solmulation of aandP)triple Detailed analyses of the pbond. -olefin)] much lower thegas.highly comparable cis-[(Et linearity min )than 1 min3 had not yet formed the liquid phase. The B chemicalof the C– of Ar carrier Quantification of NH was carried out 2Pt( by bubbling the gases through 0.1 M HCl solution and backshift ("25 ppm, Fig. 1(B)) was initially the same as the –BH p-alkyne)]group (3,160–3,443 Hz) (3,460–3,663 Hz) andparameters cis-[(Et 164.2(8)8) and bond that t vent molecules. However, structural orbitals (MOs) inter revealed 3P) 2Pt( titrating with standard NaOH solution. The totalmolecular quantity of gas in pure AB. Reaction between AB and alia LiNH took place Published on 30 March 2009. Downloaded on 04/06/2013 17:47 ng materials and initial formation of one uct (32). Phosphorus (31P) NMR data [21.2 per million (ppm), 1JPt-P = 2777 Hz] are ative of a platinum(II) boryl complex fea11 ! "1 C (JBH ¼ 94 Hz). We 2 多核NMR各論: B NMRスペクトル "1 11 3 3 B, 核スピンI = 3/2, 天然存在比80.42%, 磁気回転比 = 8.5847confirmation 化学シフト基準はBF 3 ·OEt2 =in0no way coplanar by way of single-crystal complexes36.γ Structural diffraction2 (see the Supplementary Information,ppm Crystal which distinguishes 四極子モーメント = 4.1×10–2, 相対総合感度X-ray = 7.52×10 範囲は約–120~90 2 evolved was determined in separate experiments without a carrier gas by directing the outlet to a gas burette initially filled with paraffin oil. Correction for temperature expansion in the reaction flask was established with a blank run. Solid state 11B NMR spectra were recorded at 11 T on a Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer without proton decoupling and referenced to BF3$Et2O (0 ppm). Samples were packed in silicon 3 2 2 2 nitride rotors in the Ar glove box and spun at ca. 10 kHz or greater at the magic angle in a Doty probe. Parameters from spectra with anisotropic quadrupolar resonances were obtained using the line shape analysis module of the Bruker TopSpin software. Powder X-ray diffraction utilised a Bruker D8 diffractometer fitted with Co Ka radiation and parallel beam optics. Samples were loaded into a custom atmosphere-protected cell inside the Ar dry box. Rehydrogenation of the material heated to 250 ! C was attempted in a stainless steel pressure vessel. After23 pressurising with hydrogen gas, the vessel was closed and heated to 400 ! C in a tube furnace with a 1/1600 stainless tube leading to a pressure transducer in the laboratory. in this partially-mixed sample when the temperature was raised, zerovalent platinum line with the calcul complexes 1a and 1 the HOMO of be predominantly a fill point above and belo Structure Determination) confirmed the connectivity of 3 as the p-diborene complex [(Et P) Pt(B Dur )] (Figs 4 and 5). Several novel geometrical attributes exist in the structure of 3 (see Table 1). The B–B distance of 3 (1.510(14) Å) is one of the shortest 例:BBr3: 38.5 ppm, BBr3·pyridine: –7.1 ppm such bonds ever observed, and sits between those of the reported 他の核とのカップリングは3配位>4配位 base-stabilized diborenes prepared by Robinson and co-workers (IDip ! B(H)¼B(H) " IDip, IDip ¼ 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphe11 nyl)imidazol-2-ylidene, 1.561(18) Å) and ourselves (IDip ! ホウ素クラスターでは二次元 B NMRが有用 B(Br)¼B(Br) " IDip, 1.546(6) Å), and the B–B distance in the 11 B NMRで 固体 triply bonded diboryne IDip ! B;B " IDip (1.449(3) Å)37. Also, Results and the B–B distance ofdiscussion 3 is identical to that calculated for the free 水素吸蔵合金の Initial mixing diborene PhB¼BPh (1.520 Å) within experimental error (discorUpon mixing, the two solid components combined in an 反応を追跡 dant with the significant lengthening observed for p-alkyne apparently exothermic bond reaction, forming a liquid phase. Conclusions Our computational a thought possible, tha can be emptied of el with boron atoms) a a new form of p-bac Depending on the ambient temperature, the mixing time needed a metal donates elect to form the liquid varied from a few minutes to about half an Fig. 1 Solid-state NMR706. Spectra of 1 : 1 LiNH : AB samples. Energy Sci. 2009,B 2, hour. The air-sensitivity of the materials and speedEnviron. of reaction Spectrum (A) was measured at room temperature from a sample mixed which strengthens no prevented us from measuring the reaction enthalpy in a calountil the formation of a liquid phase. Spectra (B) to (E) were measured [(Et3P)(Br Durfor rimeter. The liquid began evolving hydrogen slowly at room 2B2mixed 2)]<1 min and held at 60 C for 0 min, 15 min, 30 from a sample 11 B核を含む化合物 Given its out-of-plan min, and 60 min respectively. temperature, eventually transforming into an amorphous solid. 特殊な環境の + for this | interaction. This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 2, 706–710 707 Dur Energy Environ. Sci., 2009, Pt(PEt ) 11 2 ! 3 3 Pentane, r.t. + Et3P 2Br2B2Dur2 B Methods Computational details. T Br Br Pt B 1. X-ray molecular structure of trans-[(Cy3P)2BrPt(BO)] (2) (left) and p-MOs of the model complex (at the OLYP/TZP level38 38,44 structure of trans-[(Cy -[(Me3P)2BrPt(BO)] (2′) (right). The bond lengths and angles of 2 are not fully reliable because of Fig. 2. Molecular , as ba analysis3P) (EDA) 2(PhS)Pt(BO) PEt3 Dur (at are the B3LYP/TZP levela4 represented isorder indicated by the white ellipsoids. Thermal ellipsoids are represented at the 50% probability (3) 2 CH2Cl2.2Thermal ellipsoids δ 39 δB 47 zeroth-order relativistic ap B 12.5 the 50% probability δlevel. Hydrogen atoms, solven Hydrogen atoms and ellipsoids of the carbon atoms of 2 are omitted forB clarity. Pt the core electrons were Science 2012, 336, 1420. Science 2006, 314, 113. Science 2011, 333, 610. molecules and ellipsoids of theorders cyclohexyl carbon between boron ato Dur Mes Mes determined according to H me 2. Preparation of transatoms are omitted for clarity. Selected Bond lengths N N 2 B the s and p interactions b Et P P)2(PhS)Pt(BO)] (3). (pm) and3 angles (°): B–O 121.0(3), Pt–B 198.3(3) Pt Mg Mg techniques based on the E Benzene, r.t. Et3P B were performed87.75(8) by constr Pt–S 241.06(6); Pt–B–O 177.3(2), B–Pt–P1 N N reference axis to zero. Us Dur 171.3(2), Pt–S–C 111.33(8) 3 B–Pt–S Mes Mes B–Pt–P2 86.80(8), the interaction between th δB 17 δB 130deviations areinto Estimated standard given incomponents, parenthesesE three ∙ http://u-of-o-nmr-facility.blogspot.jp/2008/04/11-b-cosy.htmlFigure 4 | Synthetic results presented herein. Oxidative addition of Scienceto2010, Nat. 2013, Br2B2Dur2 to platinum form 328, 2 and345. the reduction ofChem. 2 to form 3. 5, 115. http://u-of-o-nmr-facility.blogspot.jp/2008/04/1-h-11-b-hmqc.html 16 APRIL 2010 r.t. ¼ room temperature. VOL 328 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org 5 corresponds to the classica distributions of the fragm fragment densities). The s 多核NMR各論:15N NMRスペクトル 15 N, 核スピンI = –1/2, 天然存在比0.37%, 磁気回転比γ = –2.716 四極子モーメント = なし, 相対総合感度 = 2.19×10–2 化学シフト基準はCH3NO2 = 0 範囲は約–600~600 ppm 最近の応用例:窒素分子錯体の同定 Cl P N Mo Cl + N2 + Na!Hg 1H-15N HSQC THF (6 equiv) (1 atm) P Cl room temp. 12 h t P = P Bu2 31P{1H} N N N P N P N Mo N N Mo N P Nα Nβ N NP P = PiPr2 δN –29.0 2J yield Hz, terminal Nα) (dt, 1JNN&63% PN = 6.1&2.4 δN –16.5 (d, 1JNN = 6.1 Hz, terminal Nβ) δN 8.5 1H), (s, bridging N) NMR (THF-d8): " 94.6 (s). 1H NMR (THF-d ): " 7.07 (t, J = 7.3 Hz, ArH, 8 Nat. Chem. 2011, 3, 120. 6.93 (d, J = 7.3 Hz, ArH, 2H), 3.37 (br, CH2PtBu2, 4H), 1.28 (pseudo t, CH2PtBu2, 36H). IR (KBr, cm!1): 1936 (#NN). Raman (THF, cm!1): 1890 (#NN). 6 多核NMR各論:19F 19 N, only i.tu. application but also the systemic delivery of the enzyme/ prodrug system. Intratumoural production of 5-FU following i.v. injection of TAPET-CD and i.p. injection of 5-FC (300 mg/kg) was measured in vivo in the HCT116 colon tumour (Figure 3A). The 5FC concentration in the tumours following i.p. injection was comparable to the i.tu. administration (3-4 mM). A clear conversion of 5-FC to 5-FU was seen with this systemic application of TAPET-CD/5-FC, although the 5-FU signals were less than3with the i.tu. delivery route (compare Figure 1 and Figure 3A). Because of the reduced 5-FU signal, the conversion quality was further analysed and confirmed with in vitro high resolution 19F MRS (8.4 Tesla) of extract preparations from these tumours. Intratumoural concentrations of 5-FU were about 0.570.2 mM (n ¼ 6) for the i.tu. and 0.1570.07 mM (n ¼ 7) for the systemically TAPET-CD plus 5-FC treated tumours respectively. A representative example of this analysis (Figure 3B) illustrates the efficacy of the TAPET-CD/5-FC conversion to 5-FU in this i.v./i.p. administration modality. Within the total in vivo experimental time, no metabolic activity was observed in the tumours, ie, the concentrations of the catabolites and anabolites of 5-FU were below the detection threshold of the in vivo 19F MRS. Using the much more sensitive in vitro MRS on tumour extracts, we observed a small catabolite signal around !17 p.p.m. (i.tu. 0.170.1 mM (n ¼ 4), i.p. 0.02570.025 mM (n ¼ 5)) and in some cases also a very small anabolite signal between 3.5 and 5.5 p.p.m. (B0.015 mM) (an example is shown in Figure 4). Those tumours, which were not further investigated with in vitro MRS, were analysed for bacterial colonization. Levels of 5 # 10872 # 108 cfu per gram tissue were found. http://www.cerij.or.jp/ 二次元19F NMR: 化学シフト基準はCFCl = 0 範囲は約–300~900 ppm 5 2 tumours, also extracts with in vitro 19F MRS detected in the tumo catabolite signals of a !17.3 p.p.m. and a-flu observed in the liver e to 5-FU that was obser 5-FC application was catabolite levels in th (0.0570.04 mM (n ¼ (0.0970.02 mM (n ¼ 6 5-FU 3 2 1 0 -1 Chemical shift (ppm) 3 Figure 5 In vitro F M 16 decoupling) of the pe liver of a mouse (Figure injected i.tu. with 5-FC o vivo evaluation (ie, about a mouse treated i.v. with snap-frozen immediately 5-FC administration). 5-FC 4 4 Ch 5-FU 5 ×20 19 It is obviously important to evaluate normal tissue in parallel with tumour tissue, as both ultimately determine the therapeutic window of treatment. Besides the perchloric acid extracts of 5-FC 2 B A In vitro 19F MRS of liver PCA extracts of mice treated with TAPET-CD/5-FC A 3 5-FC 最近の応用例:ネズミの腫瘍に F-cytosineを注射、そのままF-uracilを検出 B 4 Figure 4 In vitro 19F WALTZ-16 decoupling) shown in Figure 2, snaplarge conversion of 5-FC between in vivo 19F M (B4 p.p.m.) and cataboli NMRスペクトル 核スピンI = 1/2, 天然存在比100%, 磁気回転比γ = 25.1815 四極子モーメント = なし, 相対総合感度 = 4.73×103 使用例:含フッ素ポリマーの構造解析 5 -2 DISCUSSION 10 http://www.toray-research.co.jp/new_bunseki/index.html 5 0 −5 −10 −15 Chemical shift (ppm) −20 −25 Figure 3 (A) In vivo 19F MRS spectrum obtained after 2 weeks (20 min/ Brit. J.¼Cancer 89, 1796. spectrum; TR ¼ 0.75 s; NS 1536) of a 2004, mouse treated with an i.v. injection of the TAPET-CD system (day 0) followed with an i.p. 5-FC injection (300 mg/kg). Spectrum obtained 2.5 h after 5-FC inoculation. (B) In vitro 19F MRS spectra of the perchloric acid extract of the whole tumour from the 7 In the present 19F MR detection of the dyna human HCT116 colo cytosine deaminase(TAPET-CD). The resu to 5-FU within 30 m measurement time e 多核NMR各論:29Si NMRスペクトル 29 Si, 核スピンI = –1/2, 天然存在比4.7%, 磁気回転比γ = –5.3190 四極子モーメント = なし, 相対総合感度 = 4.95×10 化学シフト基準はSiMe = 0 範囲は約–200~100 ppm 使用例:固体29Si NMRによる Al,Si含有ゼオライトの分析 最近の例:特殊な環境の Si核を含む化合物 Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on Jun compound with a Si"C double bond (10). The reaction of 2,2,3,3-tetrabromo-1,1,4,4-tetrakis[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]As for triple bonds, Power and co-workers 1,4-diisopropyltetrasilane with four equivalents of potassium graphite (KC8) in recently prepared alkyne analogs of the tetrahydrofuran produces 1,1,4,4-tetrakis[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]-1,4-diisoheavier group 14 elements: germanium, tin, propyl-2-tetrasilyne, a stable compound with a silicon-silicon triple bond, which and lead (11–13). However, despite bearing can be isolated as emerald green crystals stable up to 100°C in the absence of nominal triple bonds, these compounds acair. The Si!Si triple-bond length (and its estimated standard deviation) is tually exhibited a highly 4 pronounced non2.0622(9) angstroms, which shows half the magnitude of the bond shortening bonding electron density character at the –1 of alkynes compared with that of alkenes. Unlike alkynes, the substituents at central atoms, resulting in a decrease in the the Si!Si group are not arranged in a linear fashion, but are trans-bent with bond order on descending group 14 (14, a bond angle of 137.44(4)°. 15). In light of these results, isolation of the www.nature.com/scientificreports silicon analog of alkynes has been a comwww.nature.com/scientificreports Hydrocarbons containing C"C double pelling goal. Although the theoretical analed the synthesis of the stable distannene bonds (alkenes) and C!C triple bonds ysis predicted the experimental accessibil[(Me 3 Si) 2 CH] 2 Sn"Sn[CH(SiMe 3 ) 2 ] 2 , where Me is methyl, which has a Sn"Sn29 ity of disilynes with a silicon-silicon triple (alkynes) form an abundant and structurally diverse class of organic compounds. However, the ability of heavier congeners of carbon (where element E is Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb) to form double bond of the type http://www.ube-ind.co.jp/usal/ #E"E$ and triple bond of the type -E!Edocuments/o224_145.htm was for a long time doubted (1–4). The first attempts to generate such species were unSi 90 successful, resulting in the formation of Fig. 1. Schematic representations of molecular orbital diagrams of CBD. δ (A) Square-shaped triplet. (B) polymeric substances. This led to the often- Rectangular-shaped Science 2004, 305, 1755. Reaction 1. singlet from covalent second-order Jahn-Teller (J-T) distortion. (C) Rhombic-shaped cited “double-bond rule”: Those elements singlet from polar second-order J-T distortion. Fig. 1. Molecular strucwww.nature.com/scientificreports with a principal quantum number equal to ture of 1,1,4,4-tetor greater than three are not capable of rakis[bis(trimethylforming multiple bonds because of the consilyl)methyl]-1, 4-disiderable Pauli repulsion between the elecisopropyl-2-tetrasilyne (2) (30% probability trons of the inner shells (5–7). Such a ellipsoids for Si and viewpoint prevailed despite the accumulaC). Selected bond tion of a vast amount of experimental data lengths (Å): Si1–Si1’ " supporting the existence of multiply bond2.0622(9), Si1–Si2 " ed species as reactive intermediates (1–4). 2.3698(6), Si2–C1 " This conflict was resolved nearly 30 years 1.9119(15), Si2–C8 " 1.9120(15), and Si2– ago, when Lappert and Davidson report- Fig. 2. Theoret puckered D2d s tetrasilatetrahed energy minima ture with two S rhombic C2h s point structures the valence is have been isol isotropically bu butyl) or dend (where Me is m (30, 31). A sq diene has also b transition metal that bulky 1,1 s-hydrindacenmight have the C15 " 1.9180(16). nar tetrasilacyclo Selected bond angles Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Pure observations of (°): Si1’–Si1–Si2 " and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, 137.44(4), Si1–Si2–C1 frameworks com Ibaraki 305– 8571, Japan. " 108.97(5), Si1–Si2– bonds (34, 35). C8 " 108.38(5), Si1–Si2–C15 " 106.47(5), C1–Si2–C8 " 106.83(6), C8–Si2–C15 " 114.77(7), and *To whom correspondence should be addressed. EWe now rep C1–Si2–C15 " 111.30(7). Estimated mail: [email protected] Si standard deviations are in parentheses. zation of the s (1), stabilized by Science 2011, 331, 1306. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 305 17 SEPTEMBER 2004 1755 1,1,7,7-tetraethyl 4-yl (EMind) g 1 has a planar r pyramidal and silicon atoms. C groups on the si 29 rhombic four-m Sci.andRep. 2, 564. Figure 3 | 29Si single pulse (SP) Si-1H2012, cross polarization (CP) magic angle sample spinning (MAS) spectra of non-aminosilanised diamagnetic which is in con silica nanoparticles. (a); condensed/polymerised APTS (b); silica nanoparticles aminosilanised in water (c) and silica nanoparticles aminosilanised via TPRE (d). C2h structure th (SiH)4. 使用例:ビーズ表面に形成した シロキサンの状態分析 δ –52, –50, 300, 308 8 Published on 17 February 2010. Downloaded by CHUO-KENKYUJO LIB o 31 P, 多核NMR各論:31P NMRスペクトル 核スピンI = 1/2, 天然存在比100%, 磁気回転比γ = 10.8394 四極子モーメント = なし, 相対総合感度 = 1.44×102 利用例: View Article Online Ph (a) 1 + xantphos (1 eq), 80 °C, 15 min, in C6D6, under H2/CO (1/1, 0.1 MPa) Ph Ph Ph O Ph P Ru P CO CO 10 δP 38.8 化学シフト基準は85%H3PO4 = 0 範囲は約–400~600 ppm 10 P Ru P View Article Online Ph Ph O Ph CO CO δP 22.2 Published on 17 February 2010. Downloaded by CHUO-KENKYUJO LIB on 05/06/2013 07:30:18. Published on 17 February 2010. Downloaded by CHUO-KENKYUJO LIB on 05/06/2013 07:30:18. (b) 1 + xantphos (1 eq), 120 °C, 15 min, in DMA, under H2/CO (1/1, 0.1 MPa) View Article Online (c) Rh(acac)(CO)2 + xantphos (1 eq) + 1 (2.5 eq), 120 °C, 15 min, in DMA, under H2/CO (1/1, 0.1 MPa) Ph2P H P PPh2 O Rh CO P 1J 7 CO δP 19.2 = 122 Hz RhP δP 17.7 free xantphos asymmetric transformation (DYKAT) mechanism as a source of asymmetric induction during formation of Fig. 1 Stereoselective condensation of ribonucleoside H-phosphonates (1) with nucleosides. CO ribonucleoside H-phosphonate diesters O of type CO5. (A) Reaction in the presence of a nucleophilic catalyst (pyridine); (B) direct esterification of the two unidentified doublets Rh required to record the first 31P NMR spectrum) formation of formation of the DP diastereomery of the H-phosphonate mixed anhydride δ2; (C) transesterification of Paryl group, nucleoside H-phosphonate 4. P 0.7, J = 148 Hz O P δP 8.1, J = 135 Hz diester was favoured (Fig. 1). The diastereoselectivity of H-phosphonate diester, accompanied by the products of 12 = 4-nitrophenyl this reaction under non-optimized conditions, expressed as a decomposition of theAr condensing agent, i.e. hydrochlorides diastereomeric excess (de) of the DP product, was estimated to of amines, pivalic acid and/or pivalic anhydride. Despite the (e) Rh(acac)(CO)2 + xantphos (1 eq), 120 °C, 15 min, in DMA, under CO (0.1 MPa) p-nitrophenyl and p-chlorophenyl esters (hereinafter apparent simplicity, the reaction is a multi-step process be ca. 70%referred for all nucleoside 3 0 -H-phosphonates, with an involving reactive species whose structure was only deduced exception for a cytidine derivative (B = CytBz, de ca. to as dmtUPHPhNO2 (4a) and dmtUPHPhCl (4b), respectively) 39,41 indirectly. The reaction sequence starts with an attack of 40%). The fraction of each diastereomer could be convewith MeOH and EtOH, were chosen as the most suitable to nucleoside 3 0 -H-phosphonate anion at the carbonyl carbon niently assigned by integration of their 31P NMR signals. This study the kinetics of transesterification. technique was also applied to analysis of the reaction mixtures, of PvCl, followed by an attack of the 5 0 -OH group of Fig. 5 shows changes in diastereomeric ratio ofthe alkyluridine since signals of the substrates, the intermediates and the nucleoside at the chiral phosphorus atom of an activated (f) Rh(acac)(CO)2 + xantphos (1 eq), 80 °C, 15 min, in C6D6, under H2/CO (1/1, 0.1 MPa) 3 0 -H-phosphonate of type 5 formed during transesterification products could be identified according to their chemical shifts H-phosphonic moiety. Apart from H-phosphonic pivalic of dmtUPHPhNO2 (4a) with alcohols ofanddifferent steric Additionally, for most ribonucleoside coupling constants. mixed anhydride, formation of several other intermediates is 3 0 -H-phosphonates, possible. For instance, it is generally believed that in this hindrance. For promptly-reacting primary alcohols, a stepwise the signal located at the lower field reaction pyridine acts not only as base but also as a nucleocorresponded to the D diastereomer, while the signal at P decrease of DP-5 fraction due to progressive accumulation of philic catalyst,43 giving rise to extremely reactive pyridinium higher field corresponded to the LP diastereomer. This rule the LP isomer of the product is clearly seen. Those changes of31thumb held for the vast majority of compounds in this class; derivatives of H-phosphonates. These intermediates may (g) Rh(acac)(CO)2 + xantphos (1 eq), 120 °C, 15 min, in DMA, under Ar (0.1 MPa) coincided disappearance of thehowever, P NMR signal O CO O CO withO a rapid CO it should be noted that the relative positions (higher rapidly equilibrate before reacting with an alcohol or nucleoRh P Rh Rh 31 of the diastereomer e.g. in theoffirst vs. field) the signals could somefor solvents to of form an H-phosphonate 2, lower Fig. 4 be Pinverted NMR in traces the time side course transesterification of diester. Substitution at the O minor P O P O of P dmtUPHPhNO (e.g.This in toluene) and for some sequences uridine of nucleobases (e.g. phosphorus centre in these reactions is usually considered minuteP of its the11'reaction with EtOH (Fig. 4). suggested P p-nitrophenyl H-phosphonate 4a with EtOH (5 equiv.). Note 11 11 for G inUthe to be an SN2(P) linkage). such correlation must process, although addition–elimination the immediate consumption of Lbe of the reaction. that the DP isomer of dmtU early Therefore, P-4a in the first minute PHEt (5b) was formedPH PPM treated with care and as a provisional guide only.42 (implying a possibility of pseudorotation) or SN1(P) (via34, metaphosphites) In a typical condensation, a triethylammonium salt of the 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 New J. Chem. 2010, 854. 44 mechanisms cannot be excluded in ! c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2010 858 |ofNew J. Chem., 2010, 34, 854–869 This journal is 0 Figure S1. The 31P NMR spectra of admixtures Rh(acac)(CO) , xantphos, and 1. 2 nucleoside 3 -H-phosphonate of type 1 and a nucleoside the sterically demanding environment of protected ribonucleoside Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 4488. derivatives. In pyridine none of these species could be (both appropriately protected) are dissolved in pyridine and S5 detected; however, it was possible to generate uridine 3 0 -Hca. 3 equiv. of pivaloyl chloride (PvCl) as a condensing agent is added. This causes a rapid (less than 1 min, the time phosphonic–pivalic mixed anhydride 2 quantitatively using 10. Downloaded by CHUO-KENKYUJO LIB on 05/06/2013 07:30:18. (d) Rh(acac)(CO)2 + xantphos (1 eq), 120 °C, 15 min, in under H2/CO (1/1,kinetic 0.1 MPa) Fig. 3 DMA, The dynamic 9
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