「 INPEX Way 」環境変化へのしなやかな対応力強化 – 過去からの学び

「INPEX Way」環境変化へのしなやかな対応力強化
– 過去からの学び
Learning from the past to be more resilient
佐野 正治 Masaharu Sano
国際石油開発帝石株式会社 取締役副社長執行役員 技術本部長 HSE担当
Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President of Technical Headquarters,
in charge of HSE of the Company, INPEX Corporation
る向きもあるが、それ以外にプロジェクト仕様のInflationを含む Capital Disciplineの欠如もあったのではな
(INPEX Wayについて:独自の活動を展開)
当社は2013年に技術ロードマップを打ち出し、特に5つの課題につき取り組んでいる。 これらは「大水深の
開発」「Unconventional(tight reservoir)の評価から開発」「回収率向上の実践」「LNGの操業」「能動的
ど、もともと日本企業として根付くLean Cultureを根底として、Standardization & Simplificationを強く意識
した技術戦略をINPEX Wayとして推進していくことが、より歴史に学んだ姿であると確信している。
I have experienced four times at the downward trend of oil price in the last 30 years, that is
1986, 1998, 2009 and today. When our industry faced such downward in the past, I recall that
we simply took measures of deferring the project and curbing to hire the manpower, like just
waiting for the storm to pass.
However, at the upward trend of oil price, especially 2003 onward, we are required to analyze
the facts of the number of development project increased explosively, which led to cost blowup,
say production cost per 1 barrel increases three times. Some say that development project had
become more complicated due to exploring frontier area, though we also could say that we lack
the idea of Capital Discipline taking project’s nature into consideration.
Facing today’s business environment under low oil price, Lean Transformation – maximize
optimization while minimize waste - is necessary for the company to become resilient
organization. Keeping Lean Transformation in our mind, INPEX’s technology strategy should be
concrete means for adapting toward the changes of business environment and increasing
We at INPEX established Technology Roadmap in 2013, focusing on five technical themes as
practical subject, such as Deepwater Development, Unconventional (tight reservoir)
Development, EOR-IOR, LNG Supply Chain and New Exploration Concept.
We at INPEX, for instance, have been applying Total Productive Maintenance activity at our
domestic gas production site as one measurement of the Standardization and Simplification,
where underlays characteristic of Japanese Lean culture. Therefore, in the process of
strengthening five technical themes upon our Technology Roadmap, it is important for us to
proceed our technology strategy taking into consideration of the idea of Standardization and
Simplification, which we call this a “INPEX Way.”