平成 27 年度 入学者選抜試験問題 英 100 点 50 分 語 実施日時:平成 27 年 1 月 22 日(木) 10:15~11:05 ∗下記の〈注意事項〉をよく読み、監督者の指示を待ちなさい。 〈注意事項〉 ― 開始前 ― 1.監督者の〈開始〉の指示があるまで、この問題冊子の中を開けない。 2.解答用紙には、解答欄のほかに下記の2つの記入欄がある。その説明と 解答用紙の「注意事項」を読み、2項目の全てに記入またはマークする。 ・受験番号欄 上段に受験番号を記入し、下欄にマークする。 ・氏名欄 氏名・フリガナを記入する。 3.解答用紙に汚れがある場合には、挙手で監督者に知らせる。 4.この表紙の受験番号欄に受験番号を記入する。 ― 開始後 ― 1.問題は4ページから 12 ページまでの各ページに印刷されており、第1 問~第3問の3題で構成されている。 開始後確認してページの落丁、乱丁、印刷不鮮明等がある場合は、挙手 で監督者に知らせる。 2.解答は全て解答用紙の所定の欄へのマークによって行う。たとえば、 3 と表示のある問いに対して2と解答する場合は、次の〈例〉の ように解答番号 3 の解答欄②をマークする。 〈例〉 解答 番号 3 解 答 欄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 ① ● ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ○ E E 3.マークする際はHBの鉛筆でマーク欄を適切にマークすること。 4.質問等がある場合は、挙手で監督者に知らせる。 5.試験開始後30分間および試験終了5分前は退出できない。 受験番号 (問題は次のページから始まる) -3- 第1問 次の英文を読んで、後の問い(問1~問8)に答えなさい。 (本文中の斜字体は原文通り。なお本文中の*印の語は(注)を参照すること) What is the purpose of life? Does this question make sense? Not everything can be said to have a purpose. 0ne could not (a)properly ask, for example, what is the purpose of the sky, of *magnetism, or of *dandelions. A piece of equipment can be said to have a purpose, and an action may be done for a purpose. But life is not an action or a piece of equipment. Again, such things as magnetism and dandelions can be put to a purpose; but does it make sense to speak of putting life to a purpose? We may say of some people that their lives are (b)devoted to a purpose, and this would mean that their activities are largely directed to a ( 1 ) purpose. But when it is asked what is the purpose of life, this usually means something more general, and goes beyond any activities within a person’s life. What is (c)sought is a purpose that can be *ascribed to life as such― something outside human life, for the sake of which it exists and is carried on. A purpose of this transcendent kind is offered by religion. But leaving aside the religious approach for the moment, it is not clear what can be meant by asking for the purpose of life. But why should a need for such a purpose be felt? Purpose plays an (d)ambiguous role in our lives. Human life is full of purpose: man is a purposive animal. Purpose is also an important ingredient in a happy, ‘meaningful’ life, and we complain if someone’s life (our own or another’s) is lacking in purpose. Yet, as we shall see, purpose cannot, so to speak, fulfil the expectations that it raises. In certain ways we must be left unsatisfied; and (P)[①is ②why ③may ④ we ⑤that]want to push the quest for purpose beyond its normal scope, reaching out towards something beyond life which would allay our dissatisfaction. Man is a purposive animal; a life ( 2 ) purpose would not be a human life at all. Most of our activities, important and trivial, are *infused with purpose. We buy food in order to eat, put clothes on in order to be warm, sow in order to reap, and so on. There is a purpose in human language. I use words to let you know that p, to find out whether q, or for various other ( 3 ). Again, human actions are identified by their purpose. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Going to the lecture.’ In one sense, what l am doing can be described in physical terms. But (i)this would be only a partial description. What is needed for a full description is a reference to my purpose in performing these movements, i.e. to attend the lecture. We can also ascribe purpose to animals and even plants. The *blackbird builds -4- a nest in order to rear its young, and the purpose of bright flowers is to attract insects which will *pollinate them. But (ii)these phenomena can be described in a mechanical way or by reference to instinct. The blackbird does not justify its behaviour as a (e)means to an end; it simply performs these actions ( 4 ), and then other activities (rearing the young, etc.) become possible. Such behaviour (as nest-building) will also be carried on, instinctively, in circumstances in which (X)it will be useless. In the human case, by contrast, we can distinguish between instinctive and purposive behaviour in terms of justification and responsibility. An example of instinctive behaviour is when we fall over and instinctively put our hands out before striking the ground. This is useful behaviour and it serves a purpose. But we (Q)[①not ②responsible ③are ④it ⑤ for] as in the case of actions that we choose to do. My purpose in sowing seeds, for example, is one that I would state in justifying this action, in explaining why l have chosen to do this rather than something else or nothing at all. This aspect of human life depends on the ability to represent to ourselves alternative purposes and courses of action; and (Y)this we do by means of language. In this sense we live, unlike other animals, in the future as well as in the present. 0ther animals have an instinct (or ‘drive’) to do something, and they do it. The action has consequences (which may be beneficial), but these are not present to the animal. Human beings, by contrast, have the ( future, so to speak, into the present, by means of language. (注) magnetism :磁気 dandelions :たんぽぽ ascribe~to- :~を-に帰する infuse :注ぎ込む blackbird :クロウタドリ pollinate :授粉する -5- 5 ) to bring the 問1 下線部(a)~(e)の意味として最も適切なものを、次の①~④の中から一つず つ選びなさい。 (a) properly wrongly ① (b) devoted delayed ① (c) sought asked ① (d) ② ② ② clear ② significance ① 問2 ③ lately ④ frequently dictated ③ destroyed ④ dedicated fought ③ endured ④ taught vague ③ straight ④ definite measure ③ sense ④ reference 3 4 means rightly 2 ambiguous ① (e) 1 5 ② 空所(1)~(5)に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次の①~④の中から一 つずつ選びなさい。 (1) 6 ① useless ② empty ③ vicious ④ single (2) 7 ① without ② with ③ on ④ to (3) 8 ① lives ② languages ③ words ④ purposes (4) 9 ① suddenly ② intentionally ③ automatically ④ purposely -6- (5) 10 ① capacity ② life ③ action ④ behaviour 問3 下線部(X)(Y)の内容として最も適当なものを、次の①~④の中から一つずつ 選びなさい。 (X) it 11 ① responsibility ② behaviour ③ justification ④ human life (Y) this 12 ① To distinguish between instinctive and purposive behaviour ② To choose do something ③ To behave instinctively ④ To represent to ourselves alternative purposes and courses of action 問4 下線部(P)[①is ②why ③may ④we ⑤that]の[ ]内の語を並びかえて正 しい英文にするとき、4番目にくる語を、①~⑤の中から一つ選びなさい。 13 ① 問5 is ② why ③ may ④ we ⑤ that ]内の語を並びか 下線部(Q)[①not ②responsible ③are ④it ⑤for]の[ えて正しい英文にするとき、4番目にくる語を、①~⑤の中から一つ選びなさい。 14 ① not ② responsible ③ -7- are ④ it ⑤ for 問6 下線部(i) this would be only a partial description で、なぜ「部分的な記述 に過ぎない」のか。最も適切なものを次の①~④の中から一つ選びなさい。 15 ① 物理学の言葉で記述されていないから ② 本能への言及がないから ③ 目的への言及がないから ④ 目的に言及しているから 問7 下線部(ii)these phenomena はどのような現象だと思われますか。最も適切 なものを次の①~④の中から一つ選びなさい。 ① 食料を買うこと ② 衣服を着ること ③ 種をまくこと ④ クロウタドリが巣を作ること 問8 16 本文の内容に合うように、(1)~(3)の英文の空所を補うのに最も適当 なものを、次の①~④の中から一つ選びなさい。 (1) Human actions are identified by ( ① their purpose ② their instinct ③ their behaviour ④ their language (2) Purpose is ( ). ). 17 18 ① an unnecessary element in a significant human life ② a troublesome element in a significant human life ③ an fantastic element in a significant human life ④ an essential element in a significant human life -8- (3)Putting our hands out before striking the ground when we fall over is( ). 19 ① intentional behaviour ② instinctive behaviour ③ responsible behaviour ④ purposeful behaviour -9- 第2問 次の英文を読んで(1)~(5)の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次 の①~④の中から一つずつ選びなさい。 (本文中の斜字体は原文通り。なお本文中 の*印の語は(注)を参照すること) Charles and Mable are talking about the Japanese art Charles: l went to the Modern Art Museum last weekend. A friend of mine went along. He's quite interested in modern art. He told me a lot about it. Mable: Oh, you went to the Modern Art Society’s exhibition, didn't you? Charles: Yes. I was pleased with the paintings, but disappointed in the sculpture.(1) Mable: I find modern art quite boring. My friends are bored by it, too. Charles: (2) Mable: I'm interested in folk art. l saw a charming exhibition at one of the department stores last week. Charles: Most Americans seem to be charmed by folk art. Almost all my friends find it quite exciting. この問題は、著作権の関係により掲載ができません。 Mable: Yes. I'm especially interested in the folk art of the Tohoku Region. I went there last spring. (3) Charles: No, I haven't. Why? Mable: Well, Yamagata is famous for its straw products. I found some fascinating *ironware, too. You’re interested in such things, aren't you? Charles: (4) Japanese kettles are the most charming iron products I’ve ever seen. I'd like to find out more about them. Mable: The straw products are interesting, too. Have you ever seen a mino? Charles: (5). What's a mino? Mable: lt’s a kind of raincoat made of grass or straw. Farmers wear them. (注) ironware :金物 - 10 - (1) 20 ① It was very exciting. ② It was very expensive. ③ It wasn't very interesting. ④ It wasn’t so expensive. (2) 21 ① What kind of art do you like? ② Why do you find modern art quite boring? ③ Do you like modern art? ④ Do you like Japanese art? (3) 22 ① Do you have the folk art of the Tohoku Region? ② Do you like the folk art of the Tohoku Region? ③ Are you interested in the folk art of the Tohoku Region? ④ Have you ever been to Yamagata Prefecture? (4) 23 ① No, I am not. ② Yes, I am. ③ Yes, I am not. ④ No, I am (5) 24 ① I don’t know ② I have seen it before ③ I don’t like it ④ My mother wears it - 11 - 第3問 次の英文(問1~問 10)の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次の①~④ の中から一つずつ選びなさい。 問1 ① 問2 ① 問3 ① 問4 ① 問5 ① 問6 ① 問7 I was reminded of ② She went to Rome, which my grandfather. 25 ② from ③ ② where ③ as ② It is quite natural for ② She was seen come 30 ② His stupid answer ③ 28 ④ that ④ to ④ much in ④ on came ④ to coming ④ of ④ old ④ another when rather his father is. less 29 at studying. 27 more He is no more handsome ④ she saw a lot of remains. 26 Most children prefer playing than to ③ than her to get angry. of ③ out of the room. to come 31 ③ everybody. ① surprised ② was surprised ③ surprise ④ has been surprised 問8 ① 問9 ① 問 10 ① Her advanced age prevents her to How long ② 33 for 32 ③ getting a job. from have you been looking for it? ② much ③ many I don’t like this one. Could you show me other ② one another ③ 34 ? each other 問題はここで終わり - 12 -
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