八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number 一品料理 a la carte dish 値段 a price 写真 a photograph お造りの盛り合わせ(一人盛り) 1 Otsukuri no Moriawase (Hitori mori) ¥1,296 Sashimi assortment (1serving) お造りの盛り合わせ(二人盛り) 2 Otsukuri no Moriawase (Ni-nin mori) ¥1,998 写真は2人盛りの一例です The photo is an image of 2 servings Sashimi assortment (2servings) 濃厚くずし豆冨 3 Noukou kuzushi Tofu ¥432 Homemade soft tofu もずく酢 4 Mozuku-su ¥432 Vinegared mozuku (seaweed) 枝豆 5 Eda mame ¥410 Green soybean するめ烏賊の生七味漬け 6 Surume ika no Nama shichimi zuke ¥486 Squid sasoned with blend of seven delicious spices つぶ貝の有馬山椒煮 7 Tubugai no Arima Sansho-ni ¥572 Boiled whelk seasoned with chinese pepper 漬け物盛り合わせ 8 Tsukemono Moriawase ¥410 Japanese pickles assrotment ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number 一品料理 a la carte dish 値段 a price 写真 a photograph 山盛り味噌キャベツ 9 Yamamori Miso Cabbage ¥518 A lot of cabbage leaves with five kind of dipping miso sauce たっぷり野菜と豚肉のうまみ鍋 10 Tappuriyasai to Butaniku no Umaminabe ¥1,026 Japanese stew of pork and various kinds of vegetables (spicy miso taste,salty taste,fish sauce taste) 揚げ出し豆冨 11 Agedashi Tofu ¥432 Deep-fried Tofu with simple bonito-flavored sauce ポテトフライ 12 Potato fry ¥410 Fried potate 鶏の唐揚げ 13 Tori no Kara-age ¥626 Fried Chiken じゃが芋チーズ磯辺揚げ 14 Jagaimo cheese isobeage ¥626 Fried mashed potates with cheese wrapped in toasted laver そばコロッケ 15 Soba Croquette ¥518 Potato Croquette with cooked buckwheat's seeds かにクリームコロッケ 16 Kani cream Croquette ¥626 Crab cream croquette ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number 一品料理 a la carte dish 値段 a price 写真 a photograph 厚揚げ焼き 17 Atsuage yaki ¥518 Grilled deep-fried tofu with a lot of grated white radish 出し巻き玉子 18 Dashimaki Tamago ¥734 Japanese rolled eggs 生麩の味噌田楽 19 Namafu no Misodengaku ¥518 Skewered grilled wheat starch 丹波しめじとベーコンのマスカルポーネグラタン 20 Tanba Shimeji to bacon no Mascarpone gratin ¥734 Mascarpone gratin with bacon and brown beech mushrooms 能登産豚とキャベツの炒めそば 21 Noto san buta to cabbage no Itame soba ¥745 Stir-fried noodles with pork and cabbege 烏賊いしる干し焼き 22 Ika Ishiruboshi Yaki ¥518 Broiled squid marinated in fish sauce beforehand つぼ鯛焼き 23 Tubodai Yaki ¥810 Grilled Japanese boarfish 銀だらの味噌漬け焼き 24 Gindara no Misozuke-yaki ¥842 Grilled sablefish seasoned with miso ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number 一品料理 a la carte dish 値段 a price 写真 a photograph 豚バラ串 25 Butabara Kushi ¥518 Grilled pork on skewers やきとり串 26 Yakitori Kushi ¥518 Grilled chicken on skewers 鶏つくね串 27 Tori Tsukune Kushi ¥518 Skewered chiken ball grilled with sweetened sauce 鶏皮煮 28 Torikawani ¥518 Chicken skins simmered in broth. とろとろ豚の角煮 29 Torotoro Buta no Kakuni ¥626 Soft Pork Cube simmered in a soy sauce-based soup 湯葉で包んだシュウマイ 30 Yuba de tutunda Shu-mai ¥734 Steamed dumplings rapped in soy milk skin 海老チリソース 31 Ebi chili sauce ¥1,026 Stir-fried shrimp in chili sauce 奥能登いしる鍋 32 Okunoto ishiru nabe ¥842 Local seafood stew,“Okunoto” coocked in fish sauce based stock ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number 一品料理 a la carte dish 値段 a price 写真 a photograph 加賀治部煮 33 Kaga Jibu-ni ¥950 Duck Meat Stwe 加賀蓮根はす蒸し 34 Kaga renkon Hasu mushi ¥918 Steamed minced Kaga lotus in a thick starchy source 大根と水菜のサラダ 35 Daikon to Mizuna no salad ¥410 Japanese radish and potherb mustard (mizuna) salad 12品目野菜のバーニャカウダ 36 12 hin moku Yasai no bagna càuda ¥820 12 differernt kinds of vegetables with bagna càuda カルパッチョ 37 Carpaccio ¥950 Carpaccio 15品目の野菜サラダ 38 15 hin moku no Yasai salad ¥820 15 differernt kinds of vegetables ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number お食事 meals 値段 a price 写真 a photograph せいろそば 39 Seiro soba ¥572 Cold soba noodles (eaten after being dipped in a thick sauce) おろしそば 40 Oroshi soba ¥572 Cold Soba noodles served in cold bonito-dashi soup with grated radish 温かいそば 41 Atatakai soba ¥572 Hot soba noodles 梅おにぎり 42 Ume Onigiri ¥194 Rice ball (Onigiri) with pickied ume しらすの焼きおにぎり 43 Shirasu no Yakionigiri ¥216 Grilled rice ball with dried young sardines きのこ雑炊 44 Kinoko zousui ¥540 Porridge rice with mushrooms and egg お茶漬け Ocyazuke 45 Bowl of rice with green tea poured, with various kinds of topping like pickled ume, dried kelp and so on ¥540 焼き魚定食 46 Yakizakana teisyoku ¥1,080 Set menu of grilled fish(rice,miso soup,pickled vegetable) ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number お食事 meals 値段 a price 写真 a photograph お造り定食 47 Otsukuri teisyoku ¥1,620 Set menu of sliced flesh fish(rice,miso soup,pickled vegetable) ごはん 48 Gohan ¥194 Rice 味噌汁 49 Miso shiru ¥194 Miso shoup 和の膳 50 Wa no Zen ¥388 Rice and miso soup set ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example. 八兆屋メニュー HACCHOUYA menu ※値段は全て税込みです。 The price includes the consumption tax. 番号 number デザート dessert 値段 a price 写真 a photograph そば茶プリン 51 Sobacha pudding ¥410 Soba tea pudding フルーツと豆乳の柔らか杏仁豆冨 52 Furuite to Tounyu no yawaraka annintouhu ¥486 Soft soy milk-almond pudding with pieces of various fruits 抹茶アイス・白玉ぜんざい入り 53 Matcha Ice Shiratama zennzai iri ¥518 Rice flour dumplings with Green-tea Ice cream 和風パフェ 54 Wafu pafait ¥518 Japanese-style pafait ティラミス 55 Tiramisu ¥518 Tiramisu ※写真は全て一例です。 All the photographs are an example.
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