1. 公 募 人 員 助教 2. 所 大学院理工学研究科 物質工学系学域 属 1 名(任期付き) (工学部応用化学科) ※山口大学では,平成 28 年 4 月に理系大学院を再編し,創成科学研究科を設置する構想があり, 現在,文部科学省へ設置計画申請中です。その為,所属等の名称は変更となる可能性があります。 3. 担当研究分野 広い意味での結晶工学(例えば無機化学、セラミックス、固体化学、化学工学、 材料工学、結晶学、鉱物学など) 4. 担当教育分野 学部 工学部応用化学科 大学院 理工学研究科 物質化学系専攻 5. 担 当 科 目 結晶工学等に関連する講義、演習、及び実験(共通教育(教養教育)を含む) 6. 任 任期5年. 1 回に限り再任可。 期 7. 応 募 資 格 博士の学位を有する、または取得見込みで、学部生及び大学院生の教育・研究 指導に意欲的な方。国際的な研究活動にも積極的な方 8. 待 遇 給与等雇用条件は、本学の規定による。 9. 着 任 予 定 日 採用決定後できるだけ早い時期(平成 28 年 4 月1日予定) 10. 応 募 締 切 平成 27 年 11 月 16 日(月)(必着) 11. 提 出 書 類 (1) 履歴書 (写真を貼付し、連絡先(住所、電話番号、E メールアドレス)を明記のこと) (2) 研究業績 (原著論文、総説、著書、国際会議論文、特許、外部研究費取得状況、その他 に分けて記載すること) (3) 論文別刷 5 編以内(コピー可) (4) 現在までの研究概要(1,500 字程度) (5) 今後の研究と教育に関する抱負(2,000 字程度) (6) その他参考となる資料(学会活動、教育経験、受賞など) (7) 応募者の業績について照会可能な方2名の氏名と連絡先 (所属・職名・勤務先住所・電話/FAX 番号・電子メールアドレスなど) 12. 選 考 方 法 提出書類による書類選考および面接、セミナー 13. 問い合わせ先及び書類送付先 【書類送付先及び研究分野等に関する問い合わせ先】 〒755-8611 宇部市常盤台 2 丁目 16−1 山口大学工学部応用化学科 学科長 小松隆一 e-mail: [email protected], tel ;0836-85-9630, fax; 0836-85-9201 *封筒に「結晶工学系助教応募書類在中」と朱書のうえ、 「簡易書留」で郵送して ください。なお、応募書類は返却致しません。 *書類審査を通過した方には、セミナー及び面接による最終選考を行います。 面接に伴う旅費等は本人負担となります。 付記 ※ 応募書類に含まれる個人情報は,国立大学法人山口大学の定めに従い,本人事 選考にのみ使用し,他の目的には一切使用しません。 ※ 山口大学は男女共同参画を推進しており,「男女共同参画社会基本法」の趣旨 に則り,業績(研究業績,教育業績,社会的貢献業績)及び人物の評価におい て同等と認められた場合は女性を採用します。 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN CRYSTAL ENGINEERING Information for Application 1. Affiliation: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University 2. Departments: Applied Chemistry (Undergraduate) and Materials chemistry, (Graduate School) 3. Background: Yamaguchi University is inviting applications for an assistant professor position in crystal engineering. The appointee is expected to begin her/his academic and educational activities at Yamaguchi University on 1st April 2016. 4. Contract term: Five years (up to one reappointment) 5. Number of positions: 1 6. Research field: Crystal engineering and related fields such as inorganic chemistry, ceramics, solid chemistry, chemical engineering, material engineering, crystallography, mineralogy. 7.Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) and be highly competent in conducting research in areas related to crystal engineering. They must have the ability to take responsibility for education and research in the field of crystal engineering for both undergraduate and graduate courses. Applicants must also be enthusiastic about education and research in their field. 8. Educational activities: The appointee will be expected to give lectures, conduct out experiments, and prepare problems sets and teaching materials related to crystal engineering for undergraduate and graduate courses. 9. Submission deadline: Applications must be received no later than 16th November 2015. 10. Applicants must submit the following items: (1) A CV and recent photograph. (2) A list of their research activities and accomplishments in reverse chronological order, in the following categories: (a) Peer-reviewed international journal publications, (b) Peer-reviewed international conference papers, (c) Peer-reviewed domestic journal and conference publications, (d) Others awards, publications, etc. (such as patents and research grants). (3) Hard copies of up to five of their most significant publications. (4) A summary of their main research activities to date (up to 1,500 words). (5) Plans for their research and educational activities during the term of contract (up to 2,000 words for each). (6) A list of contributions to and activities in academic societies, such as editorships of international journals, membership on conference program committees, educational activities, and awards. (7) Two letters of support from referees or the names of two referees with contact information (mailing address, e-mail, telephone number, and fax number). Applications may be sent by post or e-mail, and must be sent together with all relevant documents. Applications may be sent by registered mail to Professor Ryuichi Komatsu Head of Department Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering Yamaguchi University 2-16-1, Tokiwadai, Ube 755-8611, Japan Tel: +81-836-85-9630, Fax: +81-836-85-9201, E-mail: [email protected] Envelopes should be have “Application for Assistant Professor Position (crystal engineering)” in red ink. Submitted materials will not be returned. For further information, please contact Professor Ryuichi Komatsu 11. Selection process: The search committee will evaluate the candidates' expertise, research activities, and teaching skills. Candidates who pass the document examination will be asked to give a talk on their research and attend an interview at Yamaguchi University. During that visit, the search committee will ask the applicant to present his or her research activities together with a five-year research plan. This can be done in Japanese or English. Invited candidates must cover the full travel expenses to attend the presentation. The search committee may contact referees to ask for detailed information about the candidates. The evaluation procedure will be strictly impartial, but the evaluation of each applicant will not be released, even after the appointment is made. 12. Japanese language proficiency is welcomed but not required. However, by the end of the first 30 months of the appointment period, it is expected that Japanese language proficiency sufficient to carry out ordinary university activities will have been achieved.
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