2015/9/25 遊牧知としての馬乳酒 名古屋大学・篠田雅人 内モンゴル大 現代の儀式に用いられる馬乳酒 モンゴル相撲の勝者に与えられる 勝ち馬の尻にかけられる 遊牧民はある寅の日を選び、年初めの馬乳を絞り、親類・友 人・近所の人に特別な料理をふるまい、この日を祝う。 2015/9 遊牧知 Traditional herders’ knowledge モンゴルの食生活に関する遊牧知 モンゴルの遊牧知:寒冷・乾燥フロンティアという アネクメーネ近傍に暮らし続ける知恵 遊牧知の中でも特に重要な点: いかに水・食料を得て、→馬乳酒製造に関する遊牧知 →冬営地の立地選択に関する遊牧知 寒さをしのぎ、 草原を荒廃させない 遊牧知研究:科研費基盤B(2011-2014、代表:森永由紀) 馬乳酒研究:科研費基盤B(2015-2018、代表:森永由紀) (Batoyun et al.,2015) 1 2015/9/25 背景:馬乳酒研究 • Airag is a mildly alcoholic, sour‐tasting drink that is made from fresh mare (female horse) milk. • It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, D and E, ethyl alcohol, lactic acid, and carbonic acid (Abdel‐Salam et al. 2010). One liter of airag can supply daily vitamin C requirement (Konagaya 2005). • Some herders drink airag instead of eating meals during summer (Ishii and Samejima 1999). Mongolian man can drink 4‐10 liters of airag a day. It is identified that 4 liter of airag (1600 kcal) is enough for daily food intake (Konagaya 2005). • Mare's milk has similar to that of human milk, suitable for infants (Malacarne et al. 2002). 問題提起:馬乳酒研究 意義:馬乳酒研究 • • • • • 環境:小さい環境負荷 防災:ゾド対策 資源:微生物の多様性の保全 経済:地方振興 伝統:優れた効能をもつ文化遺産の保護 伝統的馬乳酒製法の普及により遊牧社会の 健全な発展に寄与することが期待できる Q1 誰が馬乳酒を作るのか? Q1 誰が馬乳酒を作るのか? →地域性に関するモンゴル全国アンケート Q2 名産地での馬乳酒の製造法の記録と検証 Q3 なぜMogod/Saihanの馬乳酒はおいしいのか? Q4 誰が馬乳酒を作るのか? ユーラシア大陸篇 Q5 馬乳酒で地方経済の振興はできるのか? 2 2015/9/25 Method: Activity level of airag production Result: Regionality of airag production • Questionnaire survey with 10 questions. • Collecting information from 2045 herders in all 329 counties of Mongolia. • Activity level of airag production is defined asking “Do herders in your county make airag?” almost none do a few herders do Inactive regions some herders do most herders do Active regions A distinct regional difference in airag production Horse density (head/km2) Mare percentage Result: Airag producing season & labor Airag production Horse density No production 1.5a Low level 2.1a Medium level 2.3a High level 3.6c Airag level Mare (%) 19.7a 27.0b 31.9c 36.6c 馬乳酒造りの盛んな地 域では、夏のあいだ莫 大な労働を製造に注ぐ 3 2015/9/25 Result: Container Result: Quality & quantity of airag • The taste of airag is known to differ depending on region (even at household level) and season. 100 80 What are the important factors for quality and quantity of airag? (%) 60 40 20 Others Enamel-ware Aluminum-ware Anduu Arhad Iron-ware Beton-ware Wooden bucket Huhuur Plastic 0 Traditional containers are replaced with plastic. Discussion: Factors limiting airag production lack of skill lack of skill lack of labor (cow milk products) lack of water cold lack of grass lack of skill lack of labor (farmer) lack of skill lack of water lack of grass hot few horses goat & sheep milk Discussion: Airag and Ethnic group no tradition lack of skill fast horses lack of skill lack of grass lack of water Regionality of airag production can be explained by eco-climatological conditions along with additional factors such as culture and ethnicity. 4 2015/9/25 馬乳酒の質をきめる要素は何か? Airag pH Temperature Alcohol % Elements (Prof.Ishii’s lab) taste color Skills Starter Container Mixing time Adjustment of temperature Rate of milk and yeast Livelihood Interview, video Culture Interview, video 自然環境 技術 • 発酵 イースト 乳とイーストの割合 容器 攪拌(時間・時刻・方法) • 馬群の飼養 Q2 名産地での馬乳酒の製造法の記録と検証 • • • • • • 天候 植生 土壌 ミネラル 水(表層水・地下水) ウマ ⇒ Q2 ⇒ Q3 Recoding skills Study site Mogod Horse:50 (Mare:11) Sheep:80 Goat:61 Cattle:10 Milking mares 3 hourly stirring Saihan Mogod Drinking raw mare milk Children also help Mogod is famous for airag, where a herder’ family was selected for this research. 5 2015/9/25 Result: Airag production Airag measurements pH, temperature & alcohol in Huhuur & Plastic Total: 5139 litre Fermenting temperature Huhuur (Cow’s skin container) Plastic 25 June to 20 Sept. 2013 How airag ferments? Dunk analysis What kind of grasses are eaten by horse, cow and sheep and goat? 発酵過程 (乳酸+アルコール発酵) 乳酸菌 • • イースト菌(酵母菌) 糖類から乳酸を生成する細菌類 乳酸の生成によりpHを低下させて 腐敗菌の増殖を抑え、食品に風味 を与える • 糖分を分解してアルコールを生 成する 撹 拌 空気供給・発酵活発化 9/25/2015 6 2015/9/25 Weight measurement Tracking routes with GPS Baby & mother horses Vegetation survey points 2015/9/25 7 2015/9/25 Q3 なぜMogod/Saihanの馬乳酒はお いしいのか? ⇒名産地の自然環境の特徴は何か Vegetation survey Coverage, height & aboveground biomass of each species at different distances from milking of four directions. 9/25/2015 Meteorological observations Result: Yeast comes from outside Air temperature Air pressure Relative humidity Wind speed direction Wind direction Solar radiation Snow depth Precipitation Hotonto, Arhangai 8 2015/9/25 イーストをホトントから持ってきて、 アイラグをモゴッド/サイハンで造ると美味しい Q4 誰が馬乳酒を作るのか? ユーラシア大陸篇 春はホトントで早く暖かくなり、草が生え仔馬が早く育つ ⇒ホトントでアイラグ作りが早め(5月)に始まる 夏はモゴッドで雨が多く、草が盛んに生える。涼しくて 過ごしやすく、発酵にも適温 ⇒モゴッドで豊富な草を食べながらおいしいアイ ラグが作られる 冬はホトントで寒くて雪が多いので、モゴッドの方が過ご しやすい 馬乳酒はなんと呼ばれているか? Wikipediaより Kumis is also transliterated kumiss, kumiz, koumiss, kymys, kymyz, kumisz, kymyz, or qymyz (Kazakh: қымыз, [qəmə́z]; Turkish: kımız; Tatar: кымыз; Kyrgyz: кымыз, [qɯmɯ́ z]; Bashkir: ҡымыҙ qımıź [qɯmɯð]; Yakut: ымыс; kymys; Tuvan: хымыс; Uzbek: qimiz, [qɨmɨz]). The Russian word (Russian: кумыс, [kʊmɨs]) comes from the Turkic word qımız. The word kumis derives from the Syro‐Aramaic khamets ("sour, fermented"), which is the same word as the Hebrew khametz חָ מֵ ץ ")leavened"), evidently spread to Central Asia during the period of strong Nestorian‐Aramaic cultural influence in the 8th and 9th centuries. Kurmann derives the word from the name of the Kumyks, one of many Turkic peoples, although this appears to be a purely speculative claim. In Mongolia, the drink is called airag (Mongolian: айраг [ˈai ̯rəɡ]) or,in some areas, tsegee. William of Rubruck in his travels calls the drink cosmos and describes its preparation among the Tatars 馬乳酒を作る地域 遊牧民 元遊牧民 馬乳酒の痕跡 非遊牧民酪農家 9 2015/9/25 Kumys in Russia (Ulaan Ude) THE ASTANA TIMES April 17, 2014 Kazakhstan • Kumis has been widely known since ancient times. Avicenna (Ibn Sina), the 11th century great philosopher and physician praised its therapeutic effects a thousand years ago. • Today, the beverage is enjoying a new wave of interest across Europe and it is being brewed in Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Mongolia and Yakutia in Siberia. Kumys in Germany: Zollman kumys farm Milking: 3 times/day by machine Started in 1959 from 3 horses Exporting kumys to European countries 10 2015/9/25 モンゴル:理想的な牧畜と馬乳酒 11
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