Company Overview February 2016 0 0 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Contents 1. Company Overview P.2 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy P.7 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets P.17 4. Shareholder Return P.26 5. Outlook for FY2016 P.30 6. Appendix P.36 1 (1) Financial Results for FY2015 P.37 (2) Supplementary information P.60 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 1 1. Company Overview All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 2 1. Company Overview Business OverviewFor the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 AGC Group (Net sales 1,326.3 billion yen, Operating profit 71.2 billion yen) Glass Electronics Sales 692.9 bn yen (52%) OP 13.0 bn yen Sales 288.6 bn yen (22%) OP 29.0 bn yen Flat Glass Sales 338.1 bn yen -Float flat glass -Figured glass -Polished wired glass -Low-E glass -Decorative glass -Fabricated glass for architectural use (Heat Insulating/shielding glass, Disaster-resistant/Security glass, Fire-resistant glass, etc.) Display Sales 224.0 bn yen Chemicals Ceramics/Other Sales 318.5 bn yen (24%) OP 30.5 bn yen Sales 68.2 bn yen (2%) OP ▲1.6 bn yen Fluorochemicals & specialty chemicals Sales 122.5 bn yen -LCD glass substrates -Specialty glass for display applications -Display related materials -Glass for solar power system -Fabricated glass for industrial use -Ceramic products -Logistics and financial services, etc. -Fluorinated resins -Water and oil repellents -Gases -Solvents -Pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates and active ingredients -Iodine-related products Electronic Materials Automotive Glass Sales 355.6 bn yen -Tempered glass -Laminated glass Sales 64.6 bn yen -Semiconductor process materials -Optoelectronics materials -Lighting glass products -Laboratory glass, etc. Chlor-alkali & urethane Sales 202.5 bn yen -Raw materials for vinyl chloride polymer -Caustic soda -Urethane ※Sales composition is calculated without inter-segment sales/transfers. ※Sales and operating income by segment are before eliminations; therefore, the total amounts of sales and operating income for geographic areas do not agree with total sales and operating income of the AGC Group. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 3 1. Company Overview Global Operation Results of FY2015 Net sales:1,326.3 billion yen OP:71.2 billion yen Group Employees: 50,900 The Americas Europe Japan / Asia Sales: 154.8 bn yen (11%) OP: ▲4.5 bn yen Employees:4,100 Sales: 301.8 bn yen (22%) OP: ▲1.8 bn yen Employees:16,200 Sales:916.3 bn yen (67%) OP: 98 bn yen Employees:30,600 -Flat Glass -Automotive Glass -Electronic Materials -Chemicals -Flat Glass -Automotive Glass -Chemicals -Flat Glass -Automotive Glass -Display Glass -Electronic Materials -Chemicals -Ceramics ※Sales composition is calculated without inter-segment sales/transfers. ※Sales and operating income by region are before eliminations and cross regional expenses, therefore, the total amounts of sales and operating income for business segments do not agree with total sales and operating income of the AGC Group. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 4 1. Company Overview Market Position in Global ※FY2015 company estimates Flat Glass No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.4 No.4 : : Automotive Glass 当社 Group AGCAGC Group サンゴバン + セントラル硝子 Saint-Gobain + Central Glass Saint-Gobain + Central Glass 日本板硝子グループ Nippon Sheet Glass Group Nippon Sheet Glass Group Guardian ガーディアン 65% No.1 No.1 No.1 AGC Group Saint-Gobain + Central Glass Nippon Sheet Glass Group 65% : Guardian *Exclude China Glass Substrate for TFT-LCD No.1 Corning No.2 AGC Group No.3 Nippon Electric Glass : All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 5 1. Company Overview Changes in the Financial Results (100 million yen) J-GAAP 18,000 IFRS 3,000 2,500 12,000 2,000 9,000 1,500 6,000 1,000 3,000 500 0 FY2016 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 11,482 12,889 12,147 11,900 11,900 13,200 13,483 13,263 14,000 Operating profit 867 2,292 1,657 929 1,018 799 621 712 750 Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 200 1,232 953 438 484 161 159 429 250 7.5% 17.8% 13.6% 7.8% 8.6% 6.1% 4.6% 5.4% 5.4% ¥16 ¥26 ¥26 ¥26 ¥26 ¥18 ¥18 ¥18 ¥18 Net sales Operating profit margin Dividend per share 0 Forecast All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. [OP , Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent] [Net sales] 15,000 6 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 7 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy The AGC Group’s “Vision 2025” By 2025, the AGC Group’s Core Businesses will serve as solid sources of earnings, and Strategic Businesses will become growth drivers and lead further earnings growth. In 2025, the AGC Group will continue being a highly profitable, leading global material and solution provider. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 8 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Toward realization of the “Vision 2025” (1) Basic concept for the “Vision 2025” Strengths Core strategies “Vision 2025” Core businesses Strategic businesses Establishing long-term, stable sources of earnings through the portfolio management Establishing highly profitable businesses through expansion of high value-added businesses ・Architectural glass ・Automotive glass (existing) ・Essential chemicals ・Performance chemicals ・Display glass ・Ceramics Wide-ranging customer base ・Mobility ・Electronics ・Life science Varieties of material technologies in the field of glass, electronics, chemicals and ceramics Production technology development capability and operational excellence All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 9 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Toward realization of the “Vision 2025” (2) Milestones toward 2025 Present 2017 2025 2020 OP: JPY 100 billion or more ROE: 5% or more (aiming at 8% in 2017 onward) Approx. 20% Over 30% Over 40% OP from Strategic Businesses “OP from Strategic Businesses will double from 2015” All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 10 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Toward realization of the “Vision 2025” (3) Basic policy to achieve our goals under the “Vision 2025” 1 Always look from market perspective, respond to customers’ needs, and continue building trust with them 2 Achieve sustainable growth in both Core and Strategic Businesses by boldly pursuing strategic M&A opportunities along with the organic growth approach 3 Take advantage of high growth in Asia by leveraging regional operations and strategic actions in the geographical area covering from Southeast Asia through the Middle East 4 Concentrate the Group’s management resources into the business fields that have high earnings/growth potential and achieve the business structure with improved asset efficiency. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 11 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Set strategic investment budget and accelerate growth by M&A JPY 1 trillion in investments and R&D for the next 5 years. In addition, allocate JPY 300 billion mainly for M&A in both Core and Strategic Businesses Strategic investment budget JPY 300 billion R&D JPY 1 trillion Investm ent 2016~2020 Investment/R&D + “Strategic investment budget” → JPY 1.3 trillion for the next 5 years All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 12 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Core Businesses : Long-term, stable sources of earnings Business Architectural glass Basic strategy ・Select and concentrate on high growth countries & countries that the Group has a competitive advantage ・Innovative business models to enhance the asset efficiency Automotive glass ・Respond to needs for more advanced functions and performance amid the expansion of the Eco-friendly vehicles and automated driving systems ・Further global expansion by M&A etc. Display glass ・Optimize the allocation of production bases to respond to the demand shift in the LCD glass market ・Cultivate markets for new display applications Chemicals Ceramics ・Further strengthen the business foundation of Chlor-Alkali business in Southeast Asia ・Take advantage of the global demand increase in high performance materials for the growth of the fluorochemicals business ・Deliver new value propositions with a mix of materials, engineering & services ・Establish business bases in Southeast Asia and expand the global sales All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 13 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Strategic Businesses : Highly profitable businesses with growth potential(1) The AGC Group’s targets for Strategic Businesses: “Mobility”, “Electronics”, “Life science” 【Changes in the macroscopic environment】 Evolution of transportation infrastructure Everything can be connected Anyone can be connected anytime Mobility Integration of automobiles and ICT Innovation of transportation ecosystem Aging society Increase of global population Greater safety, security, comfort Life science Electronics Diversification of input/output devices Bipolarization of needs for advanced medicals and low cost medicals Greater speed of communication/Greater density for data storage Food shortage/Greater awareness for food safety All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 14 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Strategic Businesses : Highly profitable businesses with growth potential (2) Capitalizing on its business foundation, unique materials and solutions in each domain, the AGC Group will capture new business opportunities arising from structural changes in markets. 【AGC’s materials and solutions】 Mobility Electronics High-quality and reliable pharmaceutical/ag rochemical intermediate Evolution of input devices Advancing automotive ICT New ecosystem in mobility Innovation in transportation infrastructure Life science Innovation in output devices Supplying advanced medicinal technology Big data society Development of advanced medical technology All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 15 2. “Vision 2025” and growth strategy Take advantage of high growth in Asia Take advantage of high growth in Asia by leveraging regional operations and strategic action in the geographical area covering from Southeast Asia through the Middle East Middle East (West Asia) Asahi India Glass (India) South Asia AGC Flat Glass Thailand (Thailand) Southeast Asia JV with Obeikan (Saudi Arabia) Asahimas Chemical (Indonesia) Phu My Plastics and Chemicals (Vietnam) Asahimas Flat Glass (Indonesia) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 16 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 17 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Management target for 2017 Management Policy Target for 2017 The AGC Group adds a “plus” by: • Providing safety, security and comfort to society; • Creating new value and functions for customers and business partners and building trust with them; • Enhancing job satisfaction among employees; and • Increasing the Group’s corporate value for investors. Sales ¥ 1,600 bn. Operating income more than ¥ 100 bn. ROE 5% or above D/E 0.5 or less All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 18 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets To enhance the Group’s corporate value The AGC Group aims to increase both sales and asset efficiency. Enhance the Group’s corporate value Task 1 By increasing the Group’s sales Task 2 By increasing the Group’s asset efficiency All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 19 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Task 1: Increase the Group’s sales Based on a market-centered perspective, we will make full use of our diverse resources and opportunities, which are one of the strengths of the AGC Group. New New products, technologies, services New products, technologies, services New markets, applications Approach 3 Approach 2 Existing Products, technologies, services 【Different approaches to increase sales】 AGC’s current position Approach 1 New markets, applications Existing Markets, applications By fully utilizing the available assets, we will Increase both: ・Sales ・Asset efficiency New All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 20 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Task 2: To increase the Group’s asset efficiency We clarified the policy and strategy for asset allocation within each business portfolio that has been created based on the profitability and growth potential of each business. Growth Glass Electronics Cash generator Strength-building area -Automotive glass -Architectural glass -Architectural glass (Fast growing countries) (Developed countries) -Electronic materials -Glass for chemical strengthening -Ultra thin glass -LCD glass Chemicals -Chlor-Alkali (Outside Japan) -Fluorochemicals -Life science -Specialty glass -Chlor-Alkali (Japan) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 21 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Strategic direction by business Strategic direction Glass [Architectural glass] -Increase asset efficiency & improve earnings -Continue with strength building and structural reform -Stop doing all on our own and use joint venture & outsourcing opportunities FY2017 Target ROS 5% Or more [Automotive glass] -Solidify the No.1 position in the market through the growth of high performance products and geographical expansion of its business bases Electronics [LCD glass] -Reduce costs and keep the profitability level -Shift the production capacity to growing China [Electronic materials] -Concentrate the management resources in areas with growth potential ROS 10% or more [Applied glass materials] -”thin, light and strong glass” in various markets (in Electronics, building , automotive and solar applications) Chemicals [Chlor-Alkali (Outside Japan)] -Capture business opportunities in the growing Southeast Asian market [Fluorochemicals] -Grow with globally increasing demand for high-performance materials ROS 10% or more [Life science] -Focus on the expanding pharmaceutical & agrochemical market All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 22 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Growth drivers in 2016 and 2017 (1) Growth investments in the past few years will start to bear fruit. Automotive glass (Poland) 2015.4Q Acquisition of NordGlass Architectural glass (Saudi Arabia) Coating glass plant S.O.P. in 2016.2Q Architectural glass (Thailand) Increase Low-E production capacity by 50% in 2016.1Q Display (China) Relocate LCD glass facility from Japan to China in 2016.4Q Chemicals (Vietnam) Increase PVC capacity by 50% in 2016.1Q Chemicals (Indonesia) Double PVC capacity in 2016.1Q S.O.P.: Start Operation Automotive glass (Mexico) New plant S.O.P in 2015.4Q With these growth investments, sales in FY2017 will increase ¥130 bn. from FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 23 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Growth drivers in 2016 and 2017 (2) Growth from new businesses and new products. [Environmental friendly refrigerant] [Optical components] [Cover glass for Automotive interior] [Fluorinated resin] [Low-E glass] [Life science] [UV cut glass] All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 24 3. Progress towards FY2017 management targets Way to achieve FY2017 management targets The AGC Group will move on with the management plan and achieve the management target of operating profit exceeding ¥100 bn. [Operating profit outlook] 1,000 (Unit: ¥100 mil.) 712 621 620 2014 result ’15 Initial forecast ’15 results 750 ’16 forecast - Growth of existing business - Proceeds from growth investments +100 to 150 - Structural reform - Cost reduction +100 to 150 ’17 Target All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 25 4. Shareholder Return All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 26 4. Shareholder Return Revision of the shareholder return policy Background of the revision Enhance the Group’s corporate value Set the AGC Group’s long term strategy Set the “Basic Policy for Corporate Governance” Improve the ROE Revise the shareholder return policy Current - Stable dividend - Target dividend payout : 30% (as a rough guide) New - Maintain the current dividend amount per share - Consolidated total shareholder return ratio: 50% or more (as a rough guide) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 27 4. Shareholder Return New shareholder return policy New policy Aiming at the consolidated total shareholders return of 50% or more including the annual dividend payment per share maintained at the current levels or more and the purchase of treasury stock , the AGC Group strives to proactively return profits to shareholders while giving comprehensive consideration to the Group’s consolidated business results and future investment plans, among others. Dividend Maintain the current level of the annual dividend payment per share (18 yen) or more + Share buyback Consolidated Total shareholders return = 50% or more Buyback the share by utilizing retained earnings and proceeds from unwinding of cross shareholdings All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 28 4. Shareholder Return Changes in Dividend (yen/share) 26 13 18 18 18 18 9 9 9 9 9 9 '14 '15 '16e 5 13 '12 13 '13 Interim Year end All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 29 5. Outlook for FY2016 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 30 4. Outlook for FY2016 FY2016 Forecast (1) Net sales 1,400.0 billion yen (up 73.7 billion yen YoY) Operating profit 75.0 billion yen (up 3.8 billion yen YoY) Profit for the year 25.0 billion yen (down 17.9 billion yen YoY) attributable for the owners of the parent, Net sales is forecast to increase thanks to increased shipments of glass and chemicals. Operating profit is forecast to increase thanks to increased shipments despite the impact of price decline in certain products. Profit for the year attributable for the owners of the parent is forecast to decrease because the AGC Group posted “Income from revision of the defined benefit plan” for FY2015. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 31 4. Outlook for FY2016 FY2016 Forecast (2) FY2015 FY2016 Forecast Change Change% 13,263 (6,586) 14,000 (6,800) +737 (+214) +5.6% (+3.3%) Operating profit 712 (342) 750 (300) +38 (-42) +5.4% (-12.3%) Profit before tax 845 450 -395 -46.8% Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 429 250 -179 -41.7% 18 18 Operating profit margin 5.4% 5.4% ROE 3.9% 2.3% JPY/USD 121.05 120.0 JPY/EUR 134.31 130.0 $/BBL(Dubai) 50.9 45.0 Net sales Dividend (yen/share) Forex (Average) Crude oil * ()shows First-half * ROE of FY2016 Forecast is calculated by using the Total equity attributable to owners of the parent as of Dec.31, 2015. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 32 4. Outlook for FY2016 Business Outlook for FY2016 (1) 〔Glass〕 Architectural Glass Japan/Asia Americas Europe :Shipments are expected to remain strong. :Shipments are expected to remain strong. :Shipments are expected to remain strong as a whole, although there are concerns that shipments might continue to be sluggish in Eastern Europe. Automotive Glass Shipments are expected to increase driven by strong auto production. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 33 4. Outlook for FY2016 Business Outlook for FY2016 (2) 〔Electronics〕 Shipments of LCD glass substrates are expected to increase on a full-year basis, although shipments of LCD glass substrates are likely to decrease during the first half of the fiscal year from the previous year due to customers’ production adjustment. The price decline of LCD glass substrates is expected to be continuously moderate. Shipments of specialty glass for display applications are expected to remain strong. The business for automotive display applications will be posted in the Electronics segment from FY2016 Shipments of electronic materials are expected to remain strong. 〔Chemicals〕 Shipments of chlor-alkali products in Asia are expected to increase thanks to the production start of new plants in Indonesia. The biopharmaceutical contract business will be posted in the Chemicals segment from FY2016 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 34 4. Outlook for FY2016 CAPEX / Depreciation / R&D (100 million yen) CAPEX Depreciation 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,182 1,000 446 1,500 1,251 700 1,400 1,372 483 423 R&D 1,374 600 500 483 448 400 389 425 1,000 300 294 500 430 301 0 FY2014 Glass 500 527 FY2015 FY2016 Forecast Electronics 0 Chemicals 659 647 207 220 FY2014 FY2015 200 100 FY2016 Forecast 0 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 Forecast Ceramics / Other All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 35 6. Appendix All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 36 (1) Financial Results for FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 37 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Highlights of the Financial Results (1) Net sales 1,326.3 billion yen (down 22.0 billion yen YoY) Operating profit 71.2 billion yen (up 9.0 billion yen YoY) Profit for the year 42.9 billion yen (up 27.0 billion yen YoY) attributable to owners of the parent 00, In spite of the weak yen and other positive aspects, net sales kept at the same level year on year due to lower sales in the display business OP up thanks to the effect of structural reforms of the architectural glass business and decline of raw materials and fuel prices Profit for the period attributed to owners of the parent up due to the posting of “Income from revision of the defined benefit corporate pension plan” All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 38 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Highlights of the Financial Results (2) [Operating profit of Fiscal Year] (100 million yen) 712 621 FY2014 OP up 15 % on YOY FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 39 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Highlights of the Financial Results (3) 【Operating Profit in each business segment】 FY2014 FY2015 Glass 0% Glass 18% Chemicals 39% 621 Electronic (100 million yen) s 61% Chemicals 42% 712 (100 million yen) Electronics 40% Becoming a well-balanced profit structure All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 40 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Summary of the Financial Results (100 million yen) FY2014 FY2015 Change Change % 13,483 13,263 -220 -1.6% Operating profit 621 712 +90 +14.6% Profit before tax 412 845 +434 +105.3% Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 159 429 +270 +169.6% 18 18 Operating profit margin 4.6% 5.4% ROE 1.4% 3.9% JPY/USD 105.85 121.05 JPY/EUR 140.42 134.31 $/BBL(Dubai) 96.5 50.9 Net sales Dividend (yen/share) Forex (Average) Crude oil All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 41 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss (100 million yen) 4Q Full-year FY2014 FY2015 Change FY2014 FY2015 Change 3,541 3,367 -174* 13,483 13,263 -220* 197 202 +5 621 712 +90 -59 -58 -181 148 138 143 440 859 6 -1 -29 -14 144 143 412 845 56 126 207 382 88 17 -71 205 463 +258 attributable to owners of the parent 75 2 -73 159 429 +270 attributable to noncontrolling interests 13 15 46 34 Net sales Operating profit Other income/expenses Business profit Finance income/costs Profit before tax Income tax expenses Profit for the year +5 -2 +419 +434 * Foreign exchange fluctuation resulted in -3.6 billion yen in Net sales in 4Q, and +35.0 billion yen in Net sales in full-year. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 42 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Variance Analysis on OP(4Q.FY2015 vs. 4Q.FY2014) ¥ 0.5 bn up from same period last year (100 million yen) 197 202 +5 +87 Cost Reduction /Others -22 Sales Volume/Quantity, Product Mix Purchase Price Fuels/Raw Materials Selling Price -66 4Q.FY2014 4Q.FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 43 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Variance Analysis on OP(4Q.FY2014 vs. 3Q.FY2014) ¥ 3.4 bn up from last quarter (100 million yen) +19 202 +31 168 Purchase Price -12 Fuels/Raw Materials Selling Price Cost Reduction Sales /Others Volume/Quantity, Product Mix 3Q.FY2015 -4 4Q.FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 44 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Variance Analysis on OP(FY2015 vs. FY2014) ¥ 9.0 bn up from last year (100 million yen) 712 +115 +0 621 +175 Sales Volume/Quantity, Product Mix Cost Reduction /Others Purchase Price Fuels/Raw Materials Selling Price -199 FY2014 FY2015 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 45 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (100 million yen) FY2014 FY2015 Change 697 1,048 +352 2,395 2,354 -41 11,283 10,440 -843 6,399 6,071 -328 20,773 19,913 -861* Interest-bearing debt 4,993 4,687 -305 Other liabilities 3,976 3,588 -388 8,968 8,275 -694 11,131 10,942 -190 674 696 +22 Equity 11,805 11,638 -167 Total liabilities and equity 20,773 19,913 -861* 0.42 0.40 Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Property, plant and equipment, Goodwill and Intangible assets Other assets Total assets Liabilities Total equity attributable to owners of the parent Non-controlling interests D/E ratio All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 46 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow FY2014 FY2015 412 845 1,372 1,374 36 110 -461 -457 Cash flows from operating activities 1,358 1,872 Cash flows from investing activities -1,088 -1,160 270 712 Changes in interest-bearing debt -789 -151 Dividends paid -162 -208 4 5 -947 -354 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 46 -6 Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -630 352 Profit before tax Depreciation and amortization expense Increase(decrease) in working capital Others Free cash flow Others Cash flows from financing activities (100 million yen) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 47 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) CAPEX, Depreciation and R&D (100 million yen) FY2014 FY2015 CAPEX 1,182 1,251 Glass 419 423 Electronics 457 294 Chemicals 301 527 5 8 1,372 1,374 Glass 483 483 Electronics 659 647 Chemicals 207 220 Ceramics/Other 25 25 Elimination -2 -1 * The figures are different from the Ceramics/Other Depreciation R&D 448 389 results for the previous fiscal year disclosed previously because CAPEX and Depreciation for 2014 have been adjusted to reflect the reorganization. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 48 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Glass Segment (1) 4Q FY2014 Net sales FY2015 1,775 (100 million yen) Full-year FY2014 Change 1,781 +6 FY2015 6,863 6,929 Performance trend Sales Change 2,000 +66 1,800 851 Operating profit 2 53 -2 +51 130 100 911 879 884 882 1,600 +133 OP Automotive Glass Flat Glass O.P. 80 1,400 Sub total Breakdown of sales 4Q 1,781 Japan & Asia 799 America s 307 Europe 710 Elimination -35 Glass 1,200 4Q 53 1,000 800 Full-year 60 924 6,929 3,006 1,272 2,824 -174 879 345 108 443 -24 400 3,381 1,227 480 1,789 -115 200 0 879 850 843 809 40 33 600 24 20 20 Flat glass Full-year 911 457 200 269 -15 3,556 1,783 793 1,036 -57 4Q -9 -3 -0 -2 -4 Full-year -7 -4 -0 -2 -2 4Q Automotive glass Full-year Adjustment inside segment 2 0 4Q.14 1Q.15 2Q.15 3Q.15 4Q.15 * The figures are different from the results for the previous fiscal year disclosed previously because net sales and operating profit for 2014 have been adjusted to reflect the reorganization. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 49 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Glass Segment (2) 【YoY comparison for full-year】 [Architectural Glass] ●Japan/Asia : Shipments decreased due to a backlash against last-minute ● Americas ●Europe demand before the consumption tax increase in Japan. : Shipments remained strong. : Shipments remained strong in Western and Central Europe. In Eastern Europe shipments declined due to its sluggish demand. [Automotive Glass] ● Sales increased thanks to recovery of auto production in Western Europe and robust demand in North America as well as the weak yen, although auto production decreased in Japan, some Asian countries and Eastern Europe. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 50 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Electronics Segment (1) 4Q FY2014 Net sales Operating profit Full-year FY2015 811 687 Change -123 FY2014 3,197 (100 million yen) FY2015 Change 2,886 -311 Performance trend Sales Display 900 200 O.P. 103 36 -67 370 290 -80 800 700 199 161 151 600 612 150 164 170 579 576 567 500 Breakdown of sales 518 103 4Q Display 518 400 87 100 89 78 300 Full-year Electronic Materials OP Electronic Materials 2,240 50 200 36 4Q 170 100 Full-year 646 0 0 4Q.14 1Q.15 2Q.15 3Q.15 4Q.15 * The figures are different from the results for the previous fiscal year disclosed previously because net sales and operating profit for 2014 have been adjusted to reflect the reorganization. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 51 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Electronics Segment (2) 【YoY comparison for full-year】 [Display] Shipments of LCD glass substrates increased, but a decline in the sales prices affected the operating results. Shipments of specialty glass for display applications increased. Sales declined due to the end of PDP-related product shipments. [Electronic Materials] Shipments of electronic materials had been favorable until the middle of this fiscal year, but shipments of some products declined year on year in and after the fourth quarter. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 52 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Chemicals Segment (1) 4Q FY2014 Full-year FY2015 Change FY2014 (100 million yen) FY2015 Change Performance trend * excluding Elimination Net sales Operating profit 875 84 820 110 -55 +25 3,172 241 3,185 305 +12 Fluorochemicals & Speciaity Chemicals Chlor-alkali & Urethane Sales +64 1000 OP 120 O.P. 110 900 100 800 700 Fluorochemicals & Specialty Chemicals 84 600 4Q Full-year 4Q Full-year 518 2,025 327 1,255 60 60 400 300 40 563 502 496 510 518 200 20 100 0 4Q -25 Full-year -95 Elimination 80 68 67 500 327 306 318 304 Breakdown of sales Chlor-alkali & Urethane 337 0 4Q.14 1Q.15 2Q.15 3Q.15 4Q.15 * The figures are different from the results for the previous fiscal year disclosed previously because net sales and operating profit for 2014 have been adjusted to reflect the reorganization. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 53 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Chemicals Segment (2) 【YoY comparison for full-year】 〔Chlor-alkali & Urethane〕 Shipments remained strong. 〔Fluorochemicals & Specialty Chemicals〕 Shipments declined in some products. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 54 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) YoY Performance Comparison by Business Segment 4Q Full-year (100 million yen) FY2014 FY2015 Change FY2014 FY2015 Change Net sales 3,541 3,367 -174 13,483 13,263 -220 Glass 1,775 1,781 +6 6,863 6,929 +66 Electronics 811 687 -123 3,197 2,886 -311 Chemicals 875 820 -55 3,172 3,185 +12 Ceramics/Other 206 204 -2 808 681 -127 -125 -125 -0 -557 -418 +139 197 202 +5 621 712 +90 2 53 +51 -2 130 +133 Electronics 103 36 -67 370 290 -80 Chemicals 84 110 +25 241 305 +64 Ceramics/Other 7 3 -4 11 -16 -26 Elimination 0 -1 -1 2 1 -1 Elimination Operating profit Glass All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 55 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Quarterly Performance Comparison by Business Segment (100 million yen) 3Q. FY2015 4Q. FY2015 Change Change % Net sales 3,310 3,367 +57 +1.7% Glass 1,730 1,781 +51 +3.0% Electronics 731 687 -44 -6.0% Chemicals 791 820 +29 +3.6% Ceramics/Other 153 204 +51 +33.7% Elimination -95 -125 -31 - 168 202 +34 +20.1% Glass 24 53 +29 +120.9% Electronics 78 36 -41 -53.2% Chemicals 68 110 +41 +60.2% Ceramics/Other -4 3 +7 - 1 -1 -2 - Operating profit Elimination All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 56 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) YoY Performance Comparison by Geographic Segment 4Q Full-year (100 million yen) FY2014 FY2015 Change FY2014 FY2015 Change 3,541 3,367 -174 13,483 13,263 -220 2,488 2,350 -138 9,398 9,163 -235 Americas 383 371 -12 1,399 1,548 +149 Europe 782 755 -27 3,130 3,018 -112 -112 -109 +3 -445 -467 -22 Operating profit 197 202 +5 621 712 +90 Japan & Asia 292 258 -34 1,036 980 -56 Americas -8 14 +22 -49 45 +94 Europe -1 3 +4 -38 -18 +19 Elimination -1 -1 +1 3 -5 -8 -84 -72 +12 -331 -290 +41 Net sales Japan & Asia Elimination Cross-regional common expenses All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 57 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) Quarterly Performance Comparison by Geographic Segment (100 million yen) 3Q. FY2015 4Q. FY2015 Change Change % 3,310 3,367 +57 +1.7% 2,275 2,350 +75 +3.3% Americas 401 371 -30 -7.6% Europe 738 755 +16 +2.2% -105 -109 -4 - Operating profit 168 202 +34 +20.1% Japan & Asia 235 258 +23 +9.6% Americas 13 14 +0 +1.3% Europe -8 3 +11 - Elimination -1 -1 -0 - -73 -72 +1 - Net sales Japan & Asia Elimination Cross-regional common expenses All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 58 5. Appendix (Financial Results for FY2015) The Impact of FOREX and Change in the Scope of Consolidation (Compared with FY2014) (100 million yen) Net sales Consolidated total* Glass Electronics Chemicals FY2015 13,263 6,929 2,886 3,185 Change vs. FY2014 -220 +66 -311 +12 Change like-for-like vs.FY2014 -663 -115 -355 -194 Impact of FOREX +350 +140 +44 +157 +92 +42 - +49 Impact of Change in the Scope of Consolidation * The sum of the segment amounts may not equal the amount of consolidated total, because it includes the amount of Other Segment and elimination. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 59 (2) Supplementary information All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 60 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Financial index IFRS J-GAAP 07/12 *1 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 12/12 13/12 14/12 15/12 % 7.5% 4.7% 2.7% 15.8% 11.8% 5.0% 5.8% 1.6% 1.4% 3.9% Return on assets % 9.3% 7.8% 4.8% 12.9% 9.6% 5.2% 5.6% 4.0% 3.0% 3.5% Equity ratio % 45% 40% 42% 46% 48% 50% 47% 51% 54% 55% Debt/Equity ratio times 0.52 0.77 0.74 0.60 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.50 0.42 0.40 CF from Operating Activities/Interestbearing debt times 0.46 0.34 0.30 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.40 Yen 59.35 33.53 17.12 105.52 81.90 37.88 41.90 13.97 13.77 37.12 100 million yen 2,555 2,199 1,873 3,084 2,594 1,928 2,000 1,866 1,859 2,284 Return on equity *2 Earnings per share *3 EBITDA *1 【J-GAAP】 Return on equity = Net Income / (Shareholders' Equity (average) + Accumulated other comprehensive income (average)) 【 I F R S 】 Return on equity = Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent / Total equity attributable to owners of the parent (average) *2 Return on assets = Operating profit / Total assets (average) *3 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization(EBITDA) = Profit before tax + Depreciation + Interest expenses Exchange rates JPY / USD JPY / EUR FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 105.85 119.09 121.36 122.23 121.50 121.05 At quarter end 120.55 120.17 122.45 119.96 120.61 120.61 Average 140.42 134.18 134.16 135.98 132.95 134.31 At quarter end 146.54 130.32 137.23 134.97 131.77 131.77 Average 120.0*4 130.0*4 *4 Assumption for FY2016 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 61 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Group Vision "Look Beyond" AGC, an everyday essential part of our world Our Mission Our Shared Values Our Spirit -AGC’s unique materials and solutions make people’s lives better around the world every day Innovation & Operational Excellence Diversity Environment Integrity “Never take the easy way out, but confront difficulties” All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 62 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Corporate Governance ※as of January 1, 2016 Conduct a corporate governance clearly separate oversight and management functions Voluntary established two committees, namely Nominating Com. and Compensation Com. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 63 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Consolidated Performance Trend(J-GAAP) 億円(100million yen) FY2008 売上高 営業利益 Net sales Operating income 営業外損益 金融収支 持分法損益 その他 経常利益 Non-operating income (losses) Interest & dividend Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates Others Ordinary income 特別損益 税引前利益 Extraordinary gains and losses Income before tax 法人税等 少数株主損益 当期純利益 Income taxes Minority interest in earnings (losses) of consolidated subsidiaries Net income 売上高営業利益率 Operating profit margin ROE Return on equity FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 14,443 11,482 12,889 12,147 11.900 1,540 867 2,292 1,657 929 -443 -72 5 -56 -24 -24 11 -15 -63 -16 -6 -5 22 15 13 -364 66 -22 11 -60 1,098 872 2,268 1,667 866 -397 701 249 60 -467 405 198 7 -346 1,922 632 58 -234 1,434 432 48 -177 690 212 40 392 200 1,232 953 438 10.7% 7.5% 17.8% 13.6% 7.8% 4.7% 2.7% 15.8% 11.8% 5.0% 為替レート FOREX JPY/USD 102.8 93.7 87.3 79.8 79.8 (期中平均) (Average) JPY/EUR 152.1 130.6 115.1 111.1 102.6 93.6 61.7 78.1 106.2 109.1 原油(期中平均) $/バレル (Dubai) Crude Oil $/BBL (Average) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 64 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Consolidated Performance Trend(IFRS) 億円(100million yen) FY2012 売上高 営業利益 Net sales Operating profit その他収支 事業利益 Other income (expenses) Business profit 金融収支 税引前利益 Finance income (costs) Profit before tax 法人税等 当期純利益 親会社の所有者に帰属する 当期純利益 非支配持分に帰属する 当期純利益 Income tax expenses FY2014 FY2015 11,900 13,200 13,483 1,018 799 621 13,263 712 -227 FY2013 -341 -181 790 458 440 -40 750 225 -15 444 254 -29 412 207 +148 860 -14 845 382 Profit for the year 525 190 205 463 Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 484 161 159 429 Profit for the year attributable to non-controlling interests 41 29 46 34 売上高営業利益率 Operating profit margin 8.6% 6.1% 4.6% 5.4% ROE Return on equity 5.8% 1.6% 1.4% 3.9% 為替レート FOREX JPY/USD 79.8 97.7 105.9 121.1 (期中平均) (Average) JPY/EUR 102.6 129.7 140.4 134.3 Crude Oil $/BBL 109.1 105.5 96.5 50.9 原油(期中平均) $/バレル (Dubai) (Average) All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 65 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Performance by Business Segment(J-GAAP) 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 ガラス Glass 7,413 5,250 5,588 5,544 5,646 電子 Electronics 3,727 3,693 4,474 3,865 3,441 化学品 Chemicals 3,031 2,337 2,601 2,486 2,573 セラミックス・その他 Ceramics/Other 966 689 773 839 870 消去 Elimination -694 -487 -547 -588 -630 14,443 11,482 12,889 12,147 11,900 全社計 Consolidated Total 営業利益 Operating income FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 187 -350 183 99 -40 Electronics 1,266 1,269 1,899 1,335 813 化学品 Chemicals 39 -77 178 181 145 セラミックス・その他 Ceramics/Other 50 20 32 40 15 消去 Elimination -1 5 0 3 -4 1,540 867 2,292 1,657 929 ガラス Glass 電子 全社計 Consolidated Total All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 66 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Performance by Business Segment(IFRS) 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 ガラス Glass 5,646 6,673 6,863 6,929 電子 Electronics 3,441 3,460 3,197 2,886 Chemicals 2,573 2,907 3,172 3,185 870 786 808 681 -630 -625 -602 -418 11,900 13,200 13,483 13,263 化学品 セラミックス・その 他 消去 Ceramics/Other Elimination 全社計 Consolidated total 営業利益 Operating profit FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 -7 -131 -2 130 Electronics 844 741 362 290 化学品 セラミックス・その 他 消去 Chemicals 168 177 241 305 Ceramics/Others 17 12 11 -16 Elimination -5 -1 2 1 全社計 Consolidated total 1,018 799 621 712 ガラス Glass 電子 * Results for 4Q.of2013 are unaudited. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 67 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Performance by Geographic Segment(J-GAAP) 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales 日本 Japan 8,108 6,586 アジア Asia 4,191 4,180 アメリカ Americas 1,281 ヨーロッパ Europe 3,553 消去 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 10,037 9,230 9,111 765 861 810 836 2,361 2,330 2,432 2,290 Elimination -2,690 -2,409 -338 -326 -337 全社計 Consolidated Total 14,443 11,482 12,889 12,147 11,900 営業利益 Operating Income FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 日本 Japan 777 275 アジア Asia 569 783 アメリカ Americas -44 ヨーロッパ Europe 消去 Elimination 地域共通費用 全社計 * * 2,511 1,891 1,339 -125 -45 -19 -37 257 -65 68 82 -54 -20 -2 6 13 -3 Cross-regional common expenses - - -248 -311 -316 Consolidated Total 1,540 867 2,292 1,657 929 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 68 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Performance by Geographic Segment(IFRS) 億円(100million yen) 売上高 Sales 日本・アジア Japan & Asia アメリカ Americas ヨーロッパ Europe 消去 Elimination 全社計 Consolidated total 営業利益 Operating profit FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 9,111 9,569 9,398 9,163 836 1,118 1,399 1,548 2,290 2,914 3,130 3,018 -337 -400 -445 -467 11,900 13,200 13,483 13,263 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 1,407 1,327 1,036 980 Americas -45 -103 -49 45 ヨーロッパ Europe -41 -106 -38 -18 消去 Elimination -4 -7 3 -5 地域共通費用 Cross-regional common expenses -300 -312 -331 -290 1,018 799 621 712 日本・アジア Japan & Asia アメリカ 全社計 Consolidated total All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 69 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows(J-GAAP) 億円(100million yen) FY2008 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (a) Cash flows from operating activities (a) 減価償却費・固定資産減損・連調償却 Income before income taxes & minority interest Depreciation/Amortization/ Impairment 運転資金増減 Increase (decrease) in working capital その他 Others 税金等調整前純利益 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (b) 固定資産取得 Purchase of property, plant & equipment その他 Others Free cash flow (a)+(b) 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from financing activities 借入金増減 Increase (decrease) in bank loans, bonds & CP 支払配当 Dividends paid その他 Others 現金等に係る換算差額 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash & cash equivalents 現金等の増加額 Changes in cash & cash equivalents FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 2,053 1,807 2,857 1,522 1,702 701 405 1,922 1,434 690 1,492 1,565 1,238 1,124 1,255 283 -1 -332 -278 59 -423 -162 29 -757 -302 -2,605 -1,156 -1,246 -1,236 -1,574 Cash flows from investing activities (b) フリー・キャッシュ・フロー (a)+(b) FY2009 -2,542 -1,333 -1,142 -1,395 -1,560 -63 177 -104 159 -14 651 1,610 -301 -1,008 286 -608 128 -53 -553 736 1,092 -47 -727 -196 274 -257 -234 -234 -315 -301 -99 -21 -48 -97 -27 -103 80 11 361 -33 569 -30 -352 88 163 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 70 5. Appendix (Supplementary information) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows(IFRS) 億円(100million yen) FY2012 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (a) Cash flows from operating activities (a) 税引前利益 Income before income taxes & minority interest 減価償却費及び償却費 Depreciation and amortization expenses 運転資金増減 Increase (decrease) in working capital その他 Others 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (b) Cash flows from investing activities (b) 固定資産取得 Purchase of property, plant & equipment and intangible assets その他 Others フリー・キャッシュ・フロー (a)+(b) Free cash flow (a)+(b) 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from financing activities 有利子負債の増減 Increase (decrease) in interest-bearing debt 支払配当 Dividends paid その他 Others 現金等に係る換算差額 現金等の増加額 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash & cash equivalents Net increase (decrease) n cash & cash equivalents FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 1,702 1,674 1,358 1,872 750 444 412 845 1,179 1,358 1,372 1,374 62 70 36 110 -289 -198 -461 -457 -1,586 -1,460 -1,088 -1,160 -1,560 -1,485 -1,140 -1,265 -27 25 52 105 115 -41 214 -336 270 -947 712 -354 274 17 -789 -151 -301 -300 -162 -208 -14 -53 4 5 88 163 110 -12 46 -630 -6 352 All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 71 Disclaimer This material is solely for information purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation. Although this material (including the financial projections) has been prepared using information we currently believe reliable, Asahi Glass does not take responsibility for any errors and omissions pertaining to the inherent risks and uncertainties of the material presented. We ask that you exercise your own judgment in assessing this material. Asahi Glass is not responsible for any losses that may arise from investment decisions based on the forecasts and other numerical targets contained herein. Copyright Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. No duplication or distribution without prior consent of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C)旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 72 Shin-Marunouchi Bldg., 1-5-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8405 Japan Contact : Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Corporate Planning Division E-mail : [email protected] T E L : +81-(0)3-3218-5096 F A X : +81-(0)3-3201-5390 73
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