
単位数 配当年
2単位 1・2
学 藤
田 結 子
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
What is sociology? This course introduces basic sociological concepts and perspectives, using
concrete examples from everyday life. Students will look at various social phenomena and learn
to question “common sense” in our social worlds. The goal is to acquire basic academic knowledge
on sociology and develop reading/writing skills in English.
Course Contents(授業内容)
Introduction to Sociology
Public Space and Subway Sociology: Civil Inattention
Method1: Participant Observation
Family: Changing Marriage Patterns in Japan
Presentation and Discussion
Gender: Two Career or Single Career Family?
Presentation and Discussion
Ethnicity: Japan as a Multi-Ethnic Nation
Presentation and Discussion
10 Method 2: Interviewing
11 Media and Communication
12 Presentation and Discussion
13 Subculture
14 Presentation and Discussion
15 Review
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
This course is recommended for students with advanced English language skills (TOEFL - more than
520 on PBT, 70 on iBT/ TOEIC - more than 650). If you do not have the advanced English proficiency,
it may be difficult for you to understand assigned readings and discuss the topic with other students
in classes.
Readings will be assigned during classes.
Readings will be assigned during classes.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Grading will be based on participation, a short paper, and a final presentation.
Students are required to give a presentation in front of class.
単位数 配当年
2単位 1.2
学 藤
田 結 子
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
This course will address issues on globalization of media and culture. It explores how global
flows of media and popular culture have been changing, and how these flows affect our consciousness
and interpersonal relations.
Students are expected to acquire basic academic knowledge on globalization and culture and
develop reading/writing skills in English.
Course Contents(授業内容)
1:Introduction: What is Globalization?
2:Group Work and Exercise
3:Cultural Imperialism
4:Americanization and Localization: Dallas
5:Global flows from Japan: Tokyo Love Story
6:Presentation and Discussion 1
7:Japan’s “Soft Power”: Pokemon
8: Presentation and Discussion 2
9:Japan’s “Soft Power”: Subcultures
10: Presentation and Discussion 3
11:Images of Japan
12:Presentation and Discussion 4
13:Stereotype of "gaijin"
14: Presentation and Discussion 5
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
This course is recommended for students with advanced English language skills (TOEFL - more than
520 on PBT, 70 on iBT/ TOEIC - more than 650). If you do not have the advanced English proficiency,
it may be difficult for you to understand assigned readings and discuss the topics with other
students in classes.
Readings will be assigned during classes.
Readings will be assigned during classes.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Grading will be based on participation, a short paper, and a final presentation.
Students are required to give a presentation in front of class.
経営学部科目:Global Issues A
単位数 配当年
2単位 1~4
学 キアナン・パトリック・ジェイムズ
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
English has become the language of global communication. Studying English at university should
therefore involve some exploration of prominent issues in the global community. Global Issues A aims
to develop students' English ability while introducing issues in the world today and encouraging further
exploration. Since such issues are also viewed in variety of ways, the course also seeks to promote
critical thinking skills to explore these issues using English. The main course materials will be
readings introducing the issues which will be used to promote reading skills as well as introduce
content. The readings will be assigned during the previous class and should be prepared in advance.
Video materials will also be used to promote listening and give a multi-media view of the issues. Besides
reading and listening, students will be required to keep a reflective journal in English which will
be used as a source for small in-group discussions. Learning how to discuss topics effectively will
also be a goal for this course.
To develop a critical awareness of global issues
To be able to discuss global issues in English
To become familiar with and practice a range of reading skills
To acquire key vocabulary associated with global issues
Course Contents(授業内容)
Week 1 Course introduction
Week 2 The World's Game pp. 8-14
Week 3 What makes an Olympic champion? pp. 15-22
Week 4 Skin deep: What is beauty? pp. 24-30
Week 5 Skin deep: The body's canvas pp. 32-38
Week 6 Animals in danger: Dangerous Journey pp. 39-46
Week 7 Animals: Tracking the snow leopard pp. 47-56
Week 8 Violent Earth: Sacred mountains pp. 57-64
Week 9 Violent earth: Earthquake zones pp. 65-72
Week 10 Island and beaches: The perfect beach pp. 73-80
Week 11 Island explorations: Land of fire and ice pp. 81-88
Week 12 Success and failure: The nature of risk pp. 90-96
Week 13 Success and failure: The rewards of failure pp. 97-102
Week 14 Savage mountains 103-104
Week 15 Review and final test
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
〈Registration Requirements〉
This course is open to students in all years in the School of Business Administration and also to
students from other schools in Meiji University. The course is a general elective course which is taught
in English and so suitable for English track students. Because in-class discussion is an important
part of this course, there is a strict attendance policy. More than 3 absences will result in failure.
For this course, you will need a copy of the textbook and English-Japanese and Japanese-English
dictionaries (paper or electronic).
〈Course Preparations〉
Outside class, you will need to write a journal as a Word file to be submitted at the end of the
course. You will also be expected to prepare for class by doing readings in advance and reviewing the
previous week's work for a short quiz.
Douglas N. (2015) Reading Explorer 3 Second Edition. Boston: Heinle (Cengage Learning)
Please consult Oh-o! Meiji weekly for links to additional sources
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Credit will be awarded to students with over 60% overall. Evaluation will be made up of the
following: weekly quiz (10%); participation (20%); journal (20%); final test (50%)
More than 3 absences will result in a fail (3 late=1 absence).
This class will be taught in English. The key to success in this class is to prepare for each class
and be active in class. Ask if you do not understand! If you do this you will be able to improve your
English reading and discussion, learn about important issues in the world today and make friends with
your classmates!
経営学部科目:Global Issues B
単位数 配当年
2単位 1~4
学 キアナン・パトリック・ジェイムズ
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
Global Issues B builds on the approach and issues considered in Global Issues A. It aims to broaden
your understanding of issues through readings that explore different aspects of the issues considered
in Global English A. As with Global Issues A, Global Issues B aims to develop students' English ability
while exploring issues in the world today and seeks to promote critical thinking skills to explore
these issues using English. The main course materials will be readings introducing the issues which
will be used to teach reading skills. Video materials will also be used to promote listening and give
a multi-media view of the issues. Besides reading and listening, students will be required to keep
a reflective journal in English which will be used as a source for small in-group discussions. Becoming
skilled at discussing these topics effectively will also be a goal for this course.
To develop a critical awareness of global issues
To be able to discuss global issues in English
To become familiar with and practice a range of reading skills
To acquire key vocabulary associated with global issues
Course Contents(授業内容)
Week 1 Course introduction
Week 2 Global Addictions: Caffeine the world's favorite drug pp. 105-111
Week 3 Global addictions: Powering the future pp. 112-120
Week 4 Epic Engineering: China's Grand Canal pp. 121-129
Week 5 Epic Engineering: Peru's Highway of Dreams pp. 130-138
Week 6 Far out: Defying gravity pp. 139-146
Week 7 Far Out: The ultimate trip pp. 147-156
Week 8 All in the mind: What's on your mind? pp. 157-163
Week 9 All in the mind: Inside animal minds pp. 164-172
Week 10 Art and Life: The power of color pp. 173-180
Week 11 Art and life: Van Gogh's world pp. 181-190
Week 12 Medical challenges: A cure for cancer pp. 191-197
Week 13 Medical Challenges: Deadly contact pp. 198-204
Week 14 Paraguay Shamen pp. 205-206
Week 15 Review and final test
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
〈Registration requirements〉
This course is aimed at first year students but open to second and even third and fourth year students
who are interested. Because in-class discussion is an important part of this course, there is a strict
attendance policy. More than 3 absences will result in failure. For this course, you will need a copy
of the textbook and English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries (paper or electronic).
〈Course Preparation〉
You will be expected to prepare for class by doing readings in advance, writing in your journal and
reviewing the previous week's work.
Douglas, N. (2015) Reading Explorer 3 Second Edition. Boston: Heinle (Cengage Learning)
Please consult Oh-o! Meiji weekly for links to additional materials.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Credit will be awarded to students with over 60 % overall. Evaluation: weekly quiz (10 % );
participation (20%); journal (20%); final test (50%).
More than 3 absences will result in a fail (3 late=1 absence).
This class will be taught in English. The key to success in this class is to prepare for each class
and be active in class. Ask if you do not understand! If you do this you will be able to improve your
English reading and discussion, learn about important issues in the world today and make friends with
your classmates!
単位数 配当年
2単位 1~4
学 田
中 洋 美
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
This course serves as an introduction to the study of gender from a sociological perspective. The
course focuses on gender as a major organizing principle of societies, from the individual level through
groups and organizations, social institutions of families, work, school, and so forth, to macro-social
structures. We will learn basic concepts and approaches of the sociology of gender and examine the
ways that gender is socially constructed and the ways in which gender influences social life and social
organization. Class materials are in English, but we will address key issues that are relevant to
Japanese society and, where possible, discuss these issues with respect to similarities and differences
between Japanese and other societies.
Course Contents(授業内容)
Session 1 Introduction
Session 2 What is gender?
Session 3 Sex roles
Session 4 Gender socialization
Session 5 The gendered bodies
Session 6 Work and gender (1): Sexual segregation and inequality in the labor market
Session 7 Work and gender (2): Equal employment policies
Session 8 Mid-semester wrap-up
Session 9 Media and gender (1): Introduction to gender analysis of media
Session 10 Media and gender (2): Gender analyses of media text
Session 11 Media and gender (3): Gender aalyses of media audience
Session 12 Attempt at liberation (1): Historical development
Session 13 Attempt at liberation (2): Theory and praxis
Sessoin 14 The current state of gender studies
Session 15 Wrap-up
The course plan is prone to change, e.g. depending on the class size.
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
*Students are advised to take notes during class, because the exam is based on the topics and the
discussions in the class.
*This class targets students at least in the second year. First-year students may participate, but
it depends on their pre-knowledge of social science and English skills.
To be notified in class.
To be notified in class.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Grades will be made on the basis of a final report (50%) and participation and achievements in in-class
activities (50%). [u]Regular attendance is required.[/u]
Any changes to the course and other notifications as well as course materials will be posted on the
website (Oh-o! Meiji). Students are required to check these notices regularly.
単位数 配当年
2単位 1・2
学 小
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
This course provides an understanding of the dynamics of intercultural adjustment and the support
necessary for a successful study abroad experience. The focus is on both incoming students and their
recipient organization to ensure smooth adjustment for both sides. The course is intended for students
who are expecting to study abroad in the near future, students who have just begun their study abroad
experience in Japan, and students who have recently returned home from studying abroad.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand what is necessary to prepare for study abroad and what support is appropriate or necessary
for recipient organizations to provide.
Explain the theory of intercultural adjustment and identify specific cultural differences between
different cultural settings.
Assess the effects of study abroad.
Course Contents(授業内容)
1st class: Orientation
I Personal preparation for study abroad and institutional support systems for receiving international
2nd class: How much of a culturally diverse person are you?
3rd class: How much preparation and support should be provided by recipient organizations?
4th class: Pre-study on Culture General and/or Specific
5th class: Post arrival orientation: Campus and Social life
6th class: Post arrival orientation: Campus and Social life 2
7th class: Student Presentation I(Issues, Reasons, and Solutions regarding daily conflicts)
II Adjustment theory and case studies
8th class: Cross-Cultural Adjustment
9th class: Intercultural Sensitivity
10th class: Intercultural Communication
11th class: Nonverbal Communication
III Significance and Effects of Study Abroad
12th class: What can be gained from study abroad? Proving study abroad as a useful tool.
13th class: Effects and Outcomes of study abroad
14th class: Student Presentation II(Expected outcome of Study Abroad vs. Reality)
15th class: Conclusion
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
This course is not for those who are coming to simply listen to other students talk or argue. You
are expected to participate in the discussions by sharing your own feelings and experiences with the
In class, positive participation among students is anticipated and will be highly evaluated. In order
to fully engage in the class and contribute to the class community, students must complete reading
assignments prior to class and interact fully in group discussions. Please keep in mind that English
is not the mother tongue for everyone attending and therefore as a member of an international community,
students are expected to maintain an attitude of tolerance and respect.
Maximizing Study Abroad, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, Office of
International Programs, University of Minnesota
Additional handouts will be distributed during the course.
References: To be announced in class
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Grading will be based on the following: 30% for class contribution, 20% for 2 short papers, and
50% for the term exam. Those who are absent for more than 4 classes won't be evaluated or graded.
As a general rule, I prefer to answer questions as they arise during class so that everyone can learn
from each other. You can use my office hours for further questions. Both short papers are to be submitted
on line, through Oh-o Meiji by the designated time of submission. The system won't accept late
単位数 配当年
2単位 1・2
学 小
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
This course provides an understanding of the dynamics of intercultural adjustment and the support
necessary for a successful study abroad experience. The focus is on both incoming students and their
recipient organization to ensure smooth adjustment for both sides. The course is intended for students
who are expecting to study abroad in the near future, students who have just begun their study abroad
experience in Japan, and students who have recently returned home from studying abroad.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand what is necessary to prepare for study abroad and what support is appropriate or necessary
for recipient organizations to provide.
Explain the theory of intercultural adjustment and identify specific cultural differences between
different cultural settings.
Assess the effects of study abroad.
Course Contents(授業内容)
1st class: Orientation
I Personal preparation for study abroad and institutional support systems for receiving international
2nd class: How much of a culturally diverse person are you?
3rd class: How much preparation and support should be provided by recipient organizations?
4th class: Pre-study on Culture General and/or Specific
5th class: Post arrival orientation: Campus and Social life
6th class: Post arrival orientation: Campus and Social life 2
7th class: Student Presentation I(Issues, Reasons, and Solutions regarding daily conflicts)
II Adjustment theory and case studies
8th class: Cross-Cultural Adjustment
9th class: Intercultural Sensitivity
10th class: Intercultural Communication
11th class: Nonverbal Communication
III Significance and Effects of Study Abroad
12th class: What can be gained from study abroad? Proving study abroad as a useful tool.
13th class: Effects and Outcomes of study abroad
14th class: Student Presentation II(Expected outcome of Study Abroad vs. Reality)
15th class: Conclusion
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
This course is not for those who are coming to simply listen to other students talk or argue. You
are expected to participate in the discussions by sharing your own feelings and experiences with the
In class, positive participation among students is anticipated and will be highly evaluated. In order
to fully engage in the class and contribute to the class community, students must complete reading
assignments prior to class and interact fully in group discussions. Please keep in mind that English
is not the mother tongue for everyone attending and therefore as a member of an international community,
students are expected to maintain an attitude of tolerance and respect.
Maximizing Study Abroad, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, Office of
International Programs, University of Minnesota
Additional handouts will be distributed during the course.
References: To be announced in class
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Grading will be based on the following: 30% for class contribution, 20% for 2 short papers, and
50% for the term exam. Those who are absent for more than 4 classes won't be evaluated or graded.
As a general rule, I prefer to answer questions as they arise during class so that everyone can learn
from each other. You can use my office hours for further questions. Both short papers are to be submitted
on line, through Oh-o Meiji by the designated time of submission. The system won't accept late
単位数 配当年
2単位 1・2
学 鈴
木 賢 志
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
This class discusses four major classic studies of Japan by non-Japanese authors, in order to develop
your understanding of Japanese culture and social systems. The first half of the class is lecture,
followed by in-class discussion *in English* in the second half.
Course Contents(授業内容)
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture (1)
Lecture 3
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture (2)
Lecture 4
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture (3)
Lecture 5
Japan as Number One (1)
Lecture 6
Japan as Number One (2)
Lecture 7
Japan as Number One (3)
Lecture 8
The geography of thought (1)
Lecture 9
The geography of thought (2)
Lecture 10 The geography of thought (3)
Lecture 11 The Enigma of Japanese Power (1)
Lecture 12 The Enigma of Japanese Power (2)
Lecture 13 The Enigma of Japanese Power (3)
Lecture 14 The Enigma of Japanese Power (4)
Lecture 15 Conclusion
*The topics are preliminary and subject to change.
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese culture/Ruth Benedict
Japan as number one: lessons for America/Ezra F. Vogel
The geography of thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently ... and Why / Richard E, Nisbett
The enigma of Japanese power: people and politics in a stateless nation/Karel van Wolferen
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Assessment is made by the achievement of the final exam and by the degree of active participation,
including in-class comment paper.
単位数 配当年
2単位 1~4
学 矢ヶ﨑
淳 子
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
We are now aware of the existence and importance of cultural differences among various cultures around
the world.
There are, however, similarities among cultures as well, which would suggest the
universality of human nature to a certain extent.
The goal of this course is to provide students with deeper understanding of culture of their own and
those of others by examining human behavior shown in movies and novels. We will examine and discuss
what we find as cultural differences and universalities stemmed from the human nature in the materials
used in class. All classes will be conducted entirely in English
As a basis for comparison with our own culture, American culture will be used, which is considered
to be quite unique among cultures around the world.
Course Contents(授業内容)
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Family relation – married couple – Japanese version
Week 3: Family relation – married couple – US remake version
Week 4: Family relation – parent – child – Japanese version
Week 5: Family relation – parent – child – US version
Week 6: Family relation – father – child (1)
Week 7: Family relation – father – child (2)
Week 8: Family relation – dominance
Week 9: Loyalty – a human and a dog – Japanese version
Week 10: Loyalty – a human and a dog – US remake version
Week 11: Beyond cultural boundaryes
Week 12 ~ Week 15: Presentation by students about the topic they chose and researched
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
Regular attendance are active participateon in class discussion are expected. Credits for students
who are absent more than four times will not be guaranteed.
The contents and schedule are subject to change.
There are no textbooks. Handouts will be provided if necessary.
They will be suggested in class if necessary.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Attendance and participation: 30%, Presentation and reaction papers: 70%
単位数 配当年
2単位 1~4
学 矢ヶ﨑
淳 子
Course Summary and Objectives(授業の概要・到達目標)
We are now aware of the existence and importance of cultural differences among various cultures around
the world.
There are, however, similarities among cultures as well, which would suggest the
universality of human nature to a certain extent.
The goal of this course is to provide students with deeper understanding of culture of their own and
those of others by examining human behavior shown in movies and novels. We will examine and discuss
what we find as cultural differences and universalities stemmed from the human nature in the materials
used in class. All classes will be conducted entirely in English
As a basis for comparison with our own culture, American culture will be used, which is considered
to be quite unique among cultures around the world.
Course Contents(授業内容)
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Ethnicity – African Americans (1)
Week 3: Ethnicity – African Americans (2)
Week 4: Ethnicity – African Americans (3)
Week 5: Ethnicity – Jewish Americans (1)
Week 6: Ethnicity – Jewish Americans (1)
Week 7: Ethnicity – identity
Week 8: Ethnicity – Japanese Americans (1)
Week 9: Ethnicity – Japanese Americans (2)
Week 10: Culture in Education (1)
Week 11: Culture in Education (2)
Week 12 ~ Week 15: Presentation by students about the topics they chose and researched
Prerequisites and registration requirements(履修上の注意・準備学習)
Regular attendance are active participateon in class discussion are expected. Credits for students
who are absent more than four times will not be guaranteed.
The contents and schedule are subject to change.
There are no textbooks. Handouts will be provided if necessary.
They will be suggested in class if necessary.
Grading and Evaluation(成績評価の方法)
Attendance and participation: 30%, Presentation and reaction papers: 70%