第5回日韓粉体技術シンポジウムの事前予告 粉砕分科会、分級ふるい分け分科会、混合・成形分科会合同分科会 ∼ICRA アジア地区シンポジウムとの併催∼ 主催:一般社団法人 日本粉体工業技術協会 粉砕分科会 コーディネータ:齋藤文良(東北大学)、副コーディネータ:大木達也(産総研) 代表幹事:三代秀久(㈱アーステクニカ)、 副代表幹事:伊藤均(㈱セイシン企業)、海老原尚(東京アトマイザー製造㈱) 分級ふるい分け分科会 コーディネータ:吉田英人(広島大学) 、副コーディネータ:桜井博(産総研) 代表幹事:秋山聡(日清エンジニアリング㈱)、副代表幹事:谷川英昭(関西金網㈱) 混合・成形分科会 コーディネータ:遠藤茂寿(TASC)、副コーディネータ:鈴木道隆(兵庫県立大) 代表幹事:藤井淳(㈱栗本鐵工所)副代表幹事:菅原一博(菅原精機㈱) 共催:ICRA(国際粉砕研究機構)アジア地区 ………………………………………・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・…・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 会員各位 拝啓 貴社ますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。平素は当分科会活動にご理解とご協力を賜り 厚く御礼申し上げます。 さて、一般社団法人 日本粉体工業技術協会の粉砕、分級ふるい分けおよび混合・成形分科会では、3分科会 の合同で「第5回日韓粉体技術シンポジウム」および粉体関連企業見学会を韓国で開催する予定です。 当シンポジウムは、ICRA アジア地区ワークショップと併催され、日本と韓国における粉砕、分級、混合、 成形などの粉体に関する研究や技術に関し、両国の研究者及び企業による発表と交流の場となっています。 シンポジウムは講演形式の発表で、日本語の発表は韓国語に、韓国語の発表は日本語に逐語訳する体制をと り、理解して頂き易いようにします。言語の壁を取り除いて最新の粉体技術を理解する場所とし、また商談 の端緒としての、真の国際交流の一助になることを期待し企画しております。奮ってご参加下さいますよう ご案内申し上げます。 敬具 記 開催日:2015 年 9 月 14 日(月)∼15 日(火) 開催場所:韓国 国立ソウル大学 Global Education Center for Engineers House, Seoul Natl. University 住所:1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea 151-742 TEL. 82-2-880-4447 FAX. 82-2-887-8658 内容: 1 日目(9 月 14 日) [第 5 回日韓粉体技術シンポジウム] 1 依頼講演(日韓の通訳付き)と ICRA ワークショップポスター発表(英語)の聴講。 2 日目(9 月 15 日) [下記 2 グループに分かれて行動] A)第 1 グループ=粉体関連企業見学(ソウル市近郊)調整中 B)第 2 グループ=ICRA アジア地区ワークショップ 参加費:4∼5 万円(仁川国際空港に集合解散) 募集人員:30 名程度 正式募集:合同分科会の参加の申込開始は 5 月頃を予定しています。 ただし、 ICRA アジア地区シンポジウムの一般発表 (口頭、 ポスター) の応募は、 別紙案内(First Circular) の通り受け付けており、申込締切は 2015 年 4 月 30 日(アブストラクト提出)です。 問合先:日清エンジニアリング(株)秋山 聡 (E-mail:[email protected]) 以上 2 First Circular Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Powder Technology and ICRA Asian Chapter Workshop September 14 - 15, 2015 Global Education Center for Engineers House, Seoul Natl. University, Seoul, Korea The 5th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Powder Technology and ICRA Asian chapter workshop will be held at the Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, from 14 to 15th of September 2015. The symposium is organized as two-day event. On the first day, the Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Powder Technology will be held. On the second day, the ICRA (International Comminution Research Association) workshop will be held. The ICRA is worldwide association comprising professionals and companies interested in research and development in comminution and classification. The ICRA has six regional chapters; North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia. As this workshop is organized by the ICRA Asian Chapter, we expect participations from China, India, Japan, Taiwan and Korea, promoting international integration among a variety of expertise in particle technology. Program Schedule Sept. 13, 2015 (Sunday) Sept. 14, 2015 (Monday) 16:00-18:00 18:00-20:00 09:00-18:00 K-J Symposium 09:00-12:00 18:00-20:00 Banquet Language: Korea/Japanese (Interpreters will be provided) 12:00-14:00 Registration Welcome Reception Topics: 1. Fundamentals 2. Modeling and Simulation 3. Grinding/Classification 4. Mixing/Kneading 5. Particle Synthesis and Handling 6. Particle-fluid Interaction 7. Aerosols 8. Applications Sept. 15, 2015 (Tuesday) ICRA Asian Chapter Workshop Closing Ceremony Language: English We would like to invite all people who wish to present papers at the symposium. Please submit an Abstract not exceeding 300 words in English, by the end of April 2015 via email to: Dr. Kwon, Jihoe (Symposium Secretariat) Seoul National University Phone: +82-02-880-1895 Fax: +82-02-871-8938 Email: [email protected] Important dates: Abstract: by April 30, 2015 Full Paper: by July 30, 2015 (Presentation file in PPT form will be accepted) Registration Fee 1) First day only: 150,000 won (student: 100,000 won) includes welcome reception, first day lunch, banquet and proceedings 2) Second day only: 100,000 won (student: 100,000 won) includes first day banquet, second day lunch and proceedings 3) First and second day: 200,000 won (Student: 150,000 won) Organized by Seoul National University, Korea (SNU) and The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN (APPIE) Sponsored by SNU, APPIE, SPTJ and ICRA Asian Chapter Symposium Chairmen Prof. Heechan Cho (Seoul National University, Korea) Prof. Emeritus Fumio Saito (Tohoku University, Japan) Organizing Committee Prof. Jaeryeong Lee (Kangwon National University, Korea) Dr. Shigehisa Endoh (TASC, Japan) Prof. Hideto Yoshida (Hiroshima University, Japan) Symposium Secretariat: Dr. Jihoe Kwon (Seoul National University, Korea) Mr. Susumu Gunji (Nihon Coke & Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan) Mr. Kazumi Ozawa (Nisshin Engineering INC, Japan) 2015 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Powder Technology and ICRA Asian Chapter Workshop REGISTRATION FORM Name:................................................................................................................................................. Title/Profession: .............................................................................................................................. Affiliation: ....................................................................................................................................... Mailing address: ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... Tel. ....................................................................... Fax: ................................................................... E-mail: ................................... ……… Are you submitting a paper? Yes/No ________ in K-J Symposium/ICRA/both _______________ Registration Fee: Please select registration fee. Registration Category Korean Participants Japanese Participants Other Countries K-J Symposium only 150,000 Won 15,000 Yen $ 150.0 ICRA Workshop only 100,000 Won 10,000 Yen $ 100.0 Both 200,000 Won 20,000 Yen $ 200.0 50,000 Won 5,000 Yen $ 50.0 ____________ Won _____________Yen Accompanying Person Total $ _____________ Payment Method: All payments will be collected on-site. : Cash : Credit Card Registration Desk (Seoul National University) Tel: +82-2-880-1985 / Fax: +82-2-871-8938 / Email: [email protected] HOTEL RESERVATION FORM A block of rooms will be reserved in advance at the SNU Hoam Faculty House, which is located at the rear gate of the Seoul National University. Discounted room rate will be available for participants of the symposium. Please send this form by email ([email protected]) or fax to (+82-2-871-8938) before June 30, 2015. Arrival Date: Name: _________________________ Departure Date: _________________________ First Name _______________________Last Name _______________________________ Share with _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ Postal Code: Telephone: __________________________ ____________________________ Room preferences: State/Province __________________________ Country: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________ ______ Double (One double bed, $90.0) ______ Twin (Two Single beds, $90) ______ Triple (One Double and One Single, $110) ______ Deluxe (Double or Twin, $120) (Bed types are based on availability and are not guaranteed. All rates are subject to change in line with exchange rate.) Special requests (will be accommodated if possible) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Hotel stay payment on the checking out, credit cards accepted.
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