Hotel Reservation Form - Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia

Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia
Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia
Hotel Reservation Form
SCIEA 7th Annual Meeting
in Kaisei-machi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
May 9 & 10, 2015
Please choose the hotel from below and check ☒ in the box.
(Hotel information is available at our homepage)
☐ Hotel Kaisei (ホテル開成)
☐ Hotel Tozan Comfort Taiyuzan (ホテルとざんコンフォート大雄山)
*Please write your name both in Chinese character (if applicable) and in English
Name (English)
Gender (性別)
姓名 (漢字)
☐ Male
☐ Female
Arrival Date (到着日)
Title: ☐Prof. ☐Dr. ☐Mr. ☐Ms.
Departure Date (帰国日)
Number of days you wish to stay(宿泊 Nationality (国籍)
Type of Room
☐ Single
☐ Smoking
Others (他)
☐ Twin
☐ Non-Smoking
*Partner Name (For Twin Room)
*姓名(同室者) (漢字:For Twin Room)