2015年度 スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業 国費外国人留学生 2

【Provisional translation】
2015年度 スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業
国費外国人留学生 募集要項
2015 Top Global University Project
As part of the Top Global University Project, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (MEXT) will be accepting applications from international
students attending any of the Top Global University Project institutions at graduate and
undergraduate level, for a Japanese government-sponsored scholarship.
1 応募者資格及び条件 Qualifications and conditions
(1)対象:平成 27 年4月1日現在で学部又は大学院正規課程において、学業成績が特に
学業成績が直近の過去1年間で 2.50 以上であり、奨学金支給期間中においてもそれを維持
Eligibility: International students with outstanding academic records who will be enrolled in regular
undergraduate or graduate degree programs as of April 1, 2015.
An applicant must have grade point average* of 2.50 or above in the last year of study, and is expected
to maintain the same academic standards during the course of the scholarship program.
* Grade points should be calculated according to a formula specified by MEXT.
(2)国籍:平成 27 年4月1日現在日本国政府と国交のある国のものを有すること。
Nationality: Applicants must have the nationality of a country with diplomatic relations with the
Japanese government as of April 1, 2015.
(3)年齢:原則として大学院は 1980 年4月2日以降に出生した者。学部は 1990 年4月
Age: Graduate applicants who were born on or after April 2, 1980. Undergraduate applicants who
were born on or after April 2, 1990.
Academic background: Graduate applicants must be a graduate of a Japanese university or have
academic ability equal to or greater than that of a Japanese university graduate. Eligible applicants
other than those who have graduated from Japanese universities are defined as follows:
① 外国において学校教育における 16 年(医学、歯学、獣医学及び6年制学部・学科に基
礎を置く薬学を履修する博士課程への入学については 18 年)の課程を修了した者。
An applicant who has completed or will complete a 16-year school curriculum in a foreign country (or
an 18-year school curriculum if he or she desires to enroll in a doctorate program in the field of
medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, or in a pharmaceutical science programs that require 6 years
of prior undergraduate education);
② 大学院において個別の入学資格審査により、大学を卒業した者と同等以上の学力がある
と認めた者で、22 歳(医学、歯学、獣医学及び6年制学部・学科に基礎を置く薬学を履修
する博士課程への入学については 24 歳)に達した者。
An applicant who is or will be aged 22 or older, who has taken an individual entrance-qualification
examination, and who has been judged by a host graduate school as being equal or greater in academic
ability to a Japanese university graduate (or an applicant aged 24 or older if he or she desires to enroll
in a doctorate program in the field of medicine, dentistry or veterinary science, or in a pharmaceutical
sciences programs that require 6 years of prior undergraduate education).
*Note: Eligible applicants include those who otherwise satisfy or will satisfy qualification
requirements for admission to a Japanese graduate school.
学部については学校教育における 12 年の課程を修了した者、又は高等学校に対応する学校
Undergraduate applicants must have eligibility to enter university in Japan, which usually requires
completion of a 12-year school curriculum or a curriculum equivalent to that of high school.
Health: Applicants must be physically and mentally healthy enough to pursue their studies at a
(6)査証取得:平成 27 年4月1日現在「留学」の査証を必ず取得していること。また、
Acquiring a visa: The applicant must possess a “College Student” (ryugaku) visa by April 1, 2015. If
the selected applicant happens to be residing in Japan with a different visa/resident status before
decisions on selection have been made, he or she must change the status to “College Student.” This
must be done by the last date of the preceding month of the start of the scholarship period (e.g. If
scholarship benefits start in April 2015, then March 31, 2015).
Those who are enrolled in school on a resident status that is not the “College Student” status by the
start of the scholarship period, will not be eligible for the Japanese Government Scholarship. Also,
those who change their status from “College Student” to a different status after entering Japan, will
lose their right to the Japanese Government scholarship immediately.
Applicants in the following categories are ineligible for the Japanese government scholarship. They
must decline the scholarship offer if they are found to fit any one of the following criteria upon their
① 渡日時において、現役軍人又は軍属の資格の者。
An active member of the military or a civilian employed by the military at the time of arrival;
② 標準修了年限での修了が不可能である者。
An applicant who is unable to complete the program/degree within the standard time period (those
who have taken or are taking a leave of absence are excluded).
③ 過去に国費外国人留学生であった者で、その奨学金支給期間終了後3年間を経過してい
A former recipient of a Japanese Government Scholarship in the past is ineligible, unless he or she has
had at least three years since the completion of the previous scholarship. This does not apply to an
applicant, who received the Japanese Government Scholarship for the “Japanese-studies Student”,
“Global 30” or “Top Global University Project” program.
④ 日本政府(文部科学省)以外の機関(自国政府機関を含む。
A recipient of a scholarship or the like, provided by an organization other than the Japanese
government (MEXT) including other national governments. (This excludes funds provided solely for
the purpose of research).
⑤ 本奨学金における他大学との重複申請、日本政府(文部科学省)及び(独)日本学生支
An applicant who has concurrently applied for this scholarship through another university’s
recommendation, or an applicant who has applied for other scholarships for international students by
the Japanese government (MEXT) or the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). (This
includes students who have been already been awarded these scholarships and plan to continue
receiving them.)
2.採用予定数:500 名程度
Expected number of students selected: Approximately 500
3.奨学金支給期間:平成 27 年4月~平成 28 年3月の1年以内
Period of Scholarships: From April 2015 to March 2016 (one year).
4.奨学金等 Scholarship Benefits
(1)奨学金 Scholarships
月額 2,000 円又は 3,000
① 大学院:修士課程・専門職学位課程 144,000 円 博士課程 145,000 円
② 学 部: 117,000 円
144,000 yen/month (for a Master’s or a professional degree program student), or JPY 145,000/month
(for a doctorate student), or JPY 117,000/month (for an undergraduate student)
An additional monthly stipend of 2,000 or 3,000 yen may be provided to students conducting studies
or research in some designated regions.
In principle, the scholarship will be cancelled in the following cases. If a recipient receives the
scholarship even though the following cases apply to him or her, the recipient may be ordered to return
the scholarship money. Please note that the scholarship will not be paid to a recipient who is on a leave
of absence or takes a long absent from his or her university.
① 申請書類に虚偽の記載があることが判明したとき。
If any portion of the recipient’s application documents is found to be falsely stated;
② 文部科学大臣への誓約事項に違反したとき。
If a recipient is in breach of his or her pledge made to the Minister of MEXT (Monbukagakusho);
③ 大学において退学等の懲戒処分を受けたとき、又は除籍となったとき。
If a recipient is subjected to a disciplinary action taken by his or her university, such as expulsion or
removal from the register;
④ 学業成績等不良や停学等により標準修業年限内での修了が不可能であることが確定し
If it is determined that a recipient will not be able to complete his or her course within the standard
course period due to his or her poor academic achievement or suspension;
⑤ 当該大学を退学したとき、又は他の大学に転学したとき。
If a recipient leaves the host university or transfers to another school;
⑥ 入管法別表第一の四に定める「留学」の在留資格が他の在留資格に変更になったとき。
If a recipient’s resident status of “College Student,” as provided for in Paragraph 1-4 of Appendix to
the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, changes to any other status;
⑦ 他の奨学金(使途が研究費として特定されているものを除く。
If a recipient receives another scholarship (except for a scholarship designated for research expenses);
⑧ 大学がスーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業の対象(事業終了も含む。
If the recipient’s host university is no longer a member of the Top Global University Project or when
the project itself is suspended.
Travel Fees: MEXT is not responsible for fees necessary for traveling to and from Japan.
School Fees: The host university will pay for fees for tuition for recipients.
5.推薦手続き及び選考 Recommendation Procedure and Screening
Recommendation: Upon internal screening, university presidents will recommend outstanding
applicants in need of scholarships, to the Minister of MEXT.
Screening: The MEXT Selection Committee will screen applicants recommended by the presidents.
(3)提出書類等(公文書を添付し、①②の正本1部を提出すること)Application Documents:
Application form, Attachment 5 (double-sided)
Research field and research plan, Attachment 6
・在籍証明書(平成 27 年4月1日現在の在籍課程、身分を証明したもの)
Certificate of Enrollment that proves applicant’s program and status from April 1, 2015.
・成績証明書(学業成績係数の算出に必要なもの)Transcript showing academic performance of
the last one year.(Not including the non-regular program)
If academic performance of the last one year includes the program enrolled in at the time of
application and a preceding program, please submit the entire transcript of the preceding
program from enrollment to completion.
If an applicant has a history of transfer during his or her enrolled programs that are subject to
calculation for grade points, please submit the transcript of the first enrolled program.
Please submit an official document that specifies and explains the grading system.
A copy of a document that proves applicant’s nationality (passport, residence card, etc.)
Submission deadline:
Points to keep in mind
Submitted documents will not be returned and changing documents to a new version after submission
is not permitted.
② 上記の申請書がすべて完全にかつ正確に記載されていない場合、又は付属書類が完全に
An application will not be considered, unless all application forms and necessary documents are
completed correctly and all accompanying documents are complete by the submission deadline.
6.結果通知:平成 27 年3月下旬予定。
Notification: Notification of the screening results will be sent in writing to university presidents in
March 2015.
7.その他 Additional Notes
(1) 採用後の手続きは採用候補者の決定を通知する際に併せて通知する。]
Instructions for post-selection procedures will be notified to the selected applicant along with
the selection results.
(2) 平成 27 年9月又は 10 月に入学する者については、別途募集を行う。
There will be a separate call for applications for those who are enrolling in September or
October 2015.
(3) 平成 28 年4月以降の奨学金については、別途募集を行う。
There will be a separate call for applications for scholarships that cover the period after April
(4) 今回の推薦に基づき国費外国人留学生に採用された者は「国内採用」、「進学等に伴
Those selected as Japanese Government Scholarship students through this call for
applications, will not be eligible to apply for domestic selection or for extension of Japanese
Government Scholarship.
(5) 上記のほか申請に関する留意事項及び詳細は、別紙「申請に当たっての留意事項」
Please ask the relevant office of the university for more information.