Anastasia Sarah Takeshi みんなのよく食べている茨城の食べ物 ナスチャ

Anastasia Sarah Takeshi
ナスチャ: 米、レタス、白菜、生しいたけ、ネギ
サラ: くり、レタス、白菜、れんこん、ほしいも
タケシ: 米、かんしょ、白菜、レタス、しらす
On this trip, I was able to make soba for the first time. I had previously tried soba in
May of this year, when I visited Daigo-machi. There I was able to eat tsukekenchin style
soba while watching Fukuroda Falls. It was a wonderful experience and afterwards, I
fell in love with soba. Being able to make soba was a very fun experience. Due to having
a small kitchen, I cannot cook often, as I usually do at home with my family. After making
soba with the group and eating it together, I felt happy, for two reasons- one being that
it reminded me of cooking at home with family and friends. The second is the history
involved with soba. Soba is very old, and as I learned this lecture, dates back to the year
918. Studying here in Japan has been a great experience in that I get to experience
Japan’s old history that I am studying in America. To me, soba feels like I am connecting
with history long passed. Soba is not only a delicious food, but an interesting one.
В России гречку едят с теплым молоком и маслом,
добавляя в нее сахар. Этой кашей часто кормят детей,
чтобы они росли здоровые и сильные. Из гречки
обычно не делают ни лапши ни теста, а просто варят,
после чего могут еще и немного обжарить на сковороде,
все зависит от блюда.(ロシアのそばを使った代表料理で