日本語教室シラバス Japanese Language Course Syllabus General Courses Class 1 (Tue, Wed & Thu) 9:15-10:15 Summary Class 1 is for beginners with no or little previous knowledge of Japanese. Students will learn the basic grammar, expressions and writing system of Japanese. Participation in “Oral Communication 1” and “Kanji 300” is recommended for more practice in speaking, reading and writing. Textbook Basic Japanese for Students: Hakase vol.1 ¥ 2,000 (April & May), Hakase vol.2(¥ 2,500)(June & July) Three A Network Class 2 (Tue, Wed & Fri) 9:15-10:15 Summary This class is for those who have studied 50-100 hours of Japanese and can read and write hiragana without difficulty. By the end of this course, students should have an understanding of basic Japanese grammar. Participation in “Oral Communication 2” and “Kanji 300” is recommended for more practice in speaking, reading and writing. Textbook Daichi 2: Main Text 日本語初級 (2) 大地 メインテキスト ¥2,940 Three A Network Daichi 2: Translation of the Main Text and grammar notes: English or Chinese or Korean Version, 日本語初級 (2) 大地―文型説明と翻訳 <英語版> or<中国語版> or<韓国語版> ¥ 2,100 Three A Network Class 3 (Mon, Wed &Fri) 10:30-11:30 Summary This class is designed as a preparation for intermediate courses (JLPT N4 level). Students must have studied Japanese for 100-150 hours and hold an understanding of basic Japanese grammar. In this class, students will be using basic grammar tools to focus on listening, speaking and writing on various topics, while expanding their vocabulary. Participation in “Oral Communication 3” is recommended for more practice in speaking. Textbook ジェイ・ブリッジ J.Bridge to Intermediate Japanese ¥ 2,940 凡人社 Class 4 (Mon) 13:00-14:30 Summary テキストを使い、日本語の新しい表現を勉強したり、語彙を増やしたりします。 日本語の表現力をのばすことを目標にしています。 Textbook トピックによる日本語総合演習 中級後期 スリーエーネットワーク ¥1500 Specialized Courses Kanji 300 (Tue) 10:30-12:00 Summary Participants practice reading and writing Kanji using a calligraphy brush. They will become acquainted with the Kanji system and the components of each character. By the end of the course, students will be able to recognize about 2250 kanji, which covers the JLPT level N4. Textbook To be announced. Kanji2 &Vocabulary Building (Wed) 13:00-14:30 Summary This class is for those who have studied about 300 Kanji. Participants practice reading and writing Kanji, while expanding their vocabulary. By the end of the course, students will be able to recognize about 500 Kanji, which covers the JLPT level N3. Textbook Learning Kanji through Stories Ⅱ301-500 (English, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish version or English, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese version) Kuroshio Shuppan ¥1890 Oral Communication 1 (Beginners) (Mon) 9:15-10:15 Summary Participants learn practical Japanese useful for daily conversation. This class is recommended for beginning or Class 1 level students. Textbook Nihongo Fun & Easy, Ask Publishing Company, ¥1900 Oral Communication 2 (Elementary)(Thu) 10:30-12:00 Summary Making use of their grammatical knowledge, participants develop effective communication skills in everyday life. Being able to read and write Hiragana without difficulty is a prerequisite. T class is recommended for Class 2 or equivalent level students. Textbook To be distributed in the class. Oral Communication 3 (Lower Intermediate) (Tue) 10:30-11:30 Summary This class is designed for students of class 3 or equivalent level. The objectives are to acquire intermediate level vocabulary and expressions, increase oral proficiency, and become proficient enough to present a coherent speech on specific topics. Textbook To be distributed in the class. Oral Communication 4 (Upper Intermediate) (Wed) 13:00-14:30 Summary 自然な日本語を聞いたり、ニュースを読んだりして、vocabulary を増やします。 ディスカッションもします。(全 10 回) Textbook To be distributed in the class. Oral Communication 5 (Advanced )(Thu) 13:00-14:30 Summary 話題のトピックを取り上げ、資料を読んだり、映像を見たりして、自分の考えを的確に表現で ようになることを目指します。日本人の学生の参加も予定しています。(全 10 回) Textbook To be distributed in the class. Academic Japanese (Tue) 13:00-14:30 Summary 日本語で論文を書いたり、発表したりしたい人のためのクラスです。要約や引用の仕 方、学術論文の書き方、プレゼンテーション等を実践的に学びます。 Textbook To be distributed in the class. Business Japanese 1 Summary (Tue) 13:00-14:30 Business Japanese 1 and 2 are designed for students who are interested in working for Japanese institutes or companies in the future. In Business Japanese 1, participants learn basic manners and useful expressions, and develop effective communication skills on the job by watching DVD and taking part in role-playing. Textbook To be distributed in the class. Business Japanese 2 Summary (Wed) 10:30-12:00 以下のような活動をしながらビジネスで使われる日本語を勉強します。 ・ビジネスメールの読み書き(全 10 回) ・日本の企業文化に関する文章を読み、問題点を探し、解決方法について ディスカッションをする(全 10 回) Textbook To be distributed in the class. 日本語能力試験 N2-N3対策講座 (Fri) 13:00-14:30 Summary 日本語能力試験 N2、N3 で出される表現や語彙、読解問題などを勉強します。 N2 受験希望者と N3 受験希望者を分けて授業を行う予定です。 Textbook To be distributed in the class.
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