Pacific Islands Side Event!

Pacific Islands Side Event!
Building Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change
in the Pacific for Sustainable Development
Monday 16 March 2015, 9:45am – 12pm
@ B104 Kawauchi-Kita Campus, Tohoku University
Learn more about the first regional strategy to fully integrate disaster risk
management and climate change into a single overarching framework.
© U. Wragg
© S.Endou
© S.Chape
気 候 変 動と災 害 に強 い 大 洋 州 の 持 続 可 能 な 開 発
日時:2015年3月16日(月)、午前9:45時~12:00時 会場:東北大学川内北キャンパス B104
© U. Wragg
© S.Endou
© S.Chape