(外国人登録証明書から在留カードへの切り替え期限) (PDF:140.3KB)

Attention Please!
Time limit for the exchange of Alien Registration Card
to Zairyu Card is until July 8, 2015
As is known to all, the exchange period of alien registration card, that a foreign national has a
valid status of residence at the date of effectiveness of the New Residency Management System Act,
for the new residence card (Zairyu Card ) is 3 years from the effectiveness of the Act, i.e. until July 8,
2015 (平成27年7月8日).
Please take note that, even if the next
confirmation date for the stay in this country
written in your alien registration card come later
than the exchange deadline stipulated by the law
(July 8, 2015), you must exchange it to the
residence card (Zairyu Card) before the limit. Do
not forget to exchange the alien registration
certificate of people under age of 16 also.
Information relating to the subject (Pamphlet of the Ministry of Justice):
する必要があるのでご注意ください。16 歳未満の方の外国人登録証明書の切り替えも忘れないよう注意してください。