
公益財団法人 岡本国際奨学交流財団 私費外国人留学生奨学助成
月額 80,000円 2015年4月~2016年3月までの12ヶ月間
財団に直接申請して下さい。 受付期間:2015年1月5日(月)~1月30日(金)17:00必着
Announcement of Application Conditions
for “Okamoto Scholarship”
Private Foundation Scholarship in 2015
・Applicants must live in Chiba Prefecture.
・Applicants will be enrolled as a Master’s or Doctoral students, or Undergraduate students in 4th
year in April 2015.
・Applicants cannot receive the scholarship if he/her receives “Honors Scholarship for Privately
financed International Students(Gakushu-shoreihi).
・Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship, in the case that his/her spouse:
- is a Monbukagakusho Scholarship student.
- is receiving scholarship from home country.
- has a full-time job in Japan.
・Applicants must attend the monthly meeting organized by the Foundation.
・Applicants must have the Japanese language ability.
(2)Amount and Start of Scholarship
¥80,000/month from April 2015 to March 2016
(3)How to get this Application form
Application forms are available at the web-site of the Foundation, at;
All the documents are filled out in Japanese.
(4)How to Apply
Applicants must submit the Application to the Foundation directly.
Deadline for Application is January 5th(Mon.) – January 30th(Fri.), 2015.