英語版DVDソフト在庫処分セール歴史・西洋史分野 有効期限:2014/12/29(月)午後三時まで。期間中でも、完売・販売終了となることがあります。2014/11/27 BVL商品番号 邦題:副題:主題/製品は輸入盤英語版DVDソフト BVL9109 マルサスの「人口論」は正しかったか? 1798年出版「人 口論」の予測二百年後の検証。マルサスの想像を超え たテクノロジーの進歩と、想定外と言える先進国における 出生率の低下により、時代は新しい人口論を語るとき が来た。三人の民間シンクタンク専門家とともに、マルサ スの人口論の正しさと不正確さを論じる。放送:1998年 6月18日 The Life and Times of Thomas Malthus BVL5165 アイルランドの守護聖人 聖パトリック 三月の祝日 聖 パトリックデー ボストン カリフォルニア ニューファウンドラ ンド キリスト教 カソリックの列聖 キャノナイゼーション BVL8204 BVL41275 BVL38732 医学と医術の発達 イスラム史 エーゲ海 地中海 中 世におけるイスラム医術の西欧キリスト教社会への影響 東西ヨーロッパ交流史 チャールズ・ウェスレー 讃美歌 英国国教会 メソジス ト派 天には栄え 1788年死去までの五十年間に九千 曲もの賛美歌を作曲した、その聖職者としての生活と作 品成立のエピソード。 イスラエルの中東戦略:パレスチナ2004-2007 シャロン 首相の入植地撤退計画発表 ヨルダン川西岸 ガザ地 区 2005年 撤退 ハマス ペレス ナタニエフ 主要政 治家へのインタビュー 撤退計画の影響 本編111分プ ラス特典映像49分、合計160分の充実! 制作年 分数 標準価格 (本体価格) 割引価格 (本体価格) Was Malthus Right? Population and Resources in the 21st Century The dire prediction by controversial economist Thomas Malthus that the world's expanding population would swiftly outrun its food supply has not come to fruition-yet. In this program, demographer Paul Demeny, of the Population Council; Walter Reid, of the World Resources Institute; and Max Singer, co-founder of the Hudson Institute, join Ben Wattenberg, of the American Enterprise Institute, in debating issues such as the powerful influence of technology in refuting Malthus' theory, population projections for the 21st century, and the very real economic and physical aspects of resource depletion. (27 minutes) 1998 27 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 St. Patrick: The Living Legend Everyone knows that Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and that he banished snakes from the land. But there is more to this man and the curious ways in which he is celebrated on March 17. This documentary-filmed in Boston, California, Newfoundland, and, of course, throughout Ireland-explores the origins of Saint Patrick's Day and how the tradition grew of celebrating him with parades and as a celebration of being Irish. (52 minutes) 1994 52 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 The Bridge: How Islam Saved Western Medicine While it is true that the Greeks invented philosophy, mathematics, and science, it is equally true that after the fall of the Roman Empire, throughout the Dark Ages, much knowledge was preserved by Islamic cultures who later passed it back to the West. This program uses footage shot in the Aegean, Middle East, Iran, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany to explore the process by which medical knowledge was passed on. Throughout the program, the brilliant medieval world of Islam is revealed. Monuments, historical sites and personalities, libraries and universities woven into scenes of everyday Islamic life paint a colorful, vivid picture of the period. This revealing documentary reinforces our debt to the Islamic world and clarifies history. (50 minutes) 1996 50 ¥34,000 ¥23,800 For a Thousand Tongues to Sing! The Life and Hymns of Charles Wesley Between 1738 and 1788, Charles Wesley wrote more than 9,000 hymns and sacred poems, work which earned him the title "The Sweet Bard of Methodism." This program recounts Wesley's life and life's work, with special attention to his better-known songs, such as "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing." Scholars of music and theology speak about Wesley's childhood, education, and missionary work; explore the roots of his passion for hymn-writing; and demonstrate how Wesley's impressive body of work consistently embraced astute references to Scripture, poetic language, and personal experience. (55 minutes) 2007 55 ¥34,000 ¥23,800 Disengagement: Israel's Unilateral Withdrawal Educator's Edition Israel’s national unity was severely tested with the 2005 evacuation of settlers from the Gaza Strip and West Bank. This program tells the story of that watershed event through multiple perspectives and opinions. Opening with a historical overview of Israel’s settlement policy, the program features compelling scenes from antidisengagement demonstrations, the Gush Katif evacuation, Hamas rallies, Knesset sessions, and Palestinian Authority meetings. Interviews with key political players— including Israeli President Shimon Peres, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and a number of Palestinian leaders—highlight the impact of Israel’s unilateral move on the power structures that have dominated the conflict. Bonus material (DVD only) features extended interview footage. (Portions in other languages with English subtitles, 1 hour 50 minutes + 49 minutes of bonus material) 2007 160 ¥40,000 ¥28,000 原題 内容説明 輸入発売元:株式会社 グローバル・リンケージ 電話:03-5777-0668 ファクス:03-5777-0669 本体価格は税別です。消費税額を別途申し受けます。
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