英語版DVDソフト在庫処分セール経済学分野 有効期限:2014/12/29(月)午後三時まで。 期間中でも、完売・販売終了となることがあります。2014/11/27 BVL商品番号 制作年 分数 標準価格 (本体価格) 割引価格 (本体価格) The dire prediction by controversial economist Thomas Malthus that the world's expanding population would swiftly outrun its food supply has not come to fruition-yet. In this program, demographer Paul Demeny, of the Population Council; Walter Reid, of the World Resources Institute; and Max Singer, co-founder of the Hudson Institute, join Ben Wattenberg, of the American Enterprise Institute, in debating issues such as the powerful influence of technology in refuting Malthus' theory, population projections for the 21st century, and the very real economic and physical aspects of resource depletion. (27 minutes) 1998 27 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 The Price of Wealth The dawning of the 21st century was a milestone in the longest and strongest economic expansion in America's history. But as the nation's fortunes rose, the emphasis on wealth-building left many feeling psychologically overdrawn. Did consumerism fill that feeling of emptiness? And did an increasing GNP really make Americans any happier? This program explores the hidden emotional costs associated with living during a boom time-a time of absorption with externals that generally leads to a diminished focus on the interior life. (29 minutes) 2000 29 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 The Great Divide During the recent period of high employment and low inflation, the economic fortunes of the U.S. could hardly have been better. But as the rich got richer, the gap between rich and poor grew all the larger. Today's concerns over recession notwithstanding, has the gulf between the haves and the have-nots finally widened to the point of moral indefensibility? Have the nation's obligations to citizens of lower socioeconomic levels been forgotten amid the excitement of getting and spending? This program examines the moral and ethical questions that accompany national prosperity. (29 minutes) 2000 29 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 Bootstrap Capitalism In this program, public television's Paul Solman and Dr. Mohammed Yunus, founder of Bangladesh's Grameen Bank, discuss the merits of micro-lending. In the U.S., banks disqualify would-be entrepreneurs with no collateral as bad risks. But Yunus emphatically disagrees. He believes economies are reinvigorated by investing in those whose ambition outweighs their ready capital. For over 20 years, 98 percent of Grameen Bank's clients have developed meaningful, thriving businesses. In the U.S., Good Faith, a venture capital lender to start-ups with no collateral, agrees with Yunus. It sends small-business loan applicants, many of them minorities, to its "business boot camp" to learn the basics of money management. Then it places them in a borrowing group of other grass-roots businesspeople, where they help approve loans. By investing time as well as money in its clients, Good Faith is helping American bootstrap capitalists achieve lasting success. (15 minutes) 1994 15 ¥16,000 ¥11,200 Computer Worms and Viruses Computer bugs are no mere prank. A disruption of global communications networks by today's sophisticated worms and viruses is costing companies billions and can do lasting damage to the world's economic health. This NewsHour program begins by defining these binary invaders and then examines the escalating security challenges of keeping networks free of infection. Members of the Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University and other white hats discuss proactive ways to detect and then block electronic intruders through single-user protocols and enterprise-wide defenses. (10 minutes) 2003 10 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 邦題:副題:主題/製品は輸入盤英語版DVDソフト 原題順の並び 内容説明 BVL9109 マルサスの「人口論」は正しかったか? 1798年出版「人 口論」の予測二百年後の検証。マルサスの想像を超え たテクノロジーの進歩と、想定外と言える先進国におけ る出生率の低下により、時代は新しい人口論を語ると きが来た。三人の民間シンクタンク専門家とともに、マル サスの人口論の正しさと不正確さを論じる。放送:1998 年 6月18日 The Life and Times of Thomas Malthus Was Malthus Right? Population and Resources in the 21st Century BVL10691 「岐路にたつアメリカ 新世紀展望」21世紀米国経済展 望二巻組の第1巻:不安の社会的費用 好景気と幸 福感 史上最高値の株式 国民総所得の上昇 喪失 と空虚の感情 BVL10692 「岐路にたつアメリカ 新世紀展望」21世紀米国経済展 望二巻組の第2巻:拡大する所得格差 貧富 好景 気と倫理・道義上の問題 低所得者層の増大と固定 化 社会経済学の課題 BVL8615 ポール・ソルマン記者の経済スペシャル:小額ローン ム ハマド・ユヌス グラミン銀行 アメリカ マイノリティビジネ ス 無担保 ジム・レーラNewsHour 米PBS BVL33538 米PBS NewsHour:コンピューターウィルスにご用心 カーネギーメロン大学の専門チームメンバーが指南 する対処法 個人向けと法人向けのアドバイス 啓 発用 輸入発売元:株式会社 グローバル・リンケージ 電話:03-5777-0668 ファクス:03-5777-0669 本体価格は税別です。消費税額を別途申し受けます。
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