2014 年 12 月号 【お知らせ】 JAC リクルートメント・マレーシアでは、人材紹介業務に専念をするため、現在は派遣業 務及び通訳者派遣は行っておりません。また、JAC はよりスキルや技術の高い方に特 化した人材のご紹介に集中いたします。(特にマレーシア人の)ジュニア人材に関して は、ご紹介をいたしかねる場合もございますので、何卒皆様のご理解をいただきますよう お願いいたします。 JAC リクルートメント・マレーシアでは、社会貢献事業のひとつとして、弊社 を通じて転職、就職された方1名につき1本の植林活動を、ボルネオ島に位 置するマレーシア・サラワク州において熱帯雨林再生や環境保全のために 実施しています。 ※2008 年のプロジェクト開始以降、JAC リクルートメント・マレーシア は 2013 年までに 4,612 本*植林いたしました。 ≪弊社サービスのご紹介≫ ローカルスタッフの紹介 (Local Staff) 日本語堪能なローカルスタッフの紹介 (Japanese Speaking Staff) 日本人スタッフ/管理者の紹介 (Native Japanese Staff) 韓国語及び諸外国語堪能なスタッフの紹介 (Korean Speaker/Korean Native/Other Nationality) JAC RECRUITMENT MALAYSIA <クアラルンプール本社> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK537 Letter Box No.15, 17th Floor, UBN Tower, 10 Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. 電話:03-2715-5525/ファックス:03-2715-5776 桐生/中川/宇田川/宮崎/箱木/沖 [email protected] <ペナン支店> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK2102 1-2-38, I-Avenue, Medan Kampung Relau 1, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. 電話:04-641-0150/ファックス:04-641-0152 猪股 [email protected] <ジョホール支店> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK2138 Suite No.23A.06A, Level 23A, Johor Bahru City Square, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor 電話:07-278-1122/ファックス:07-278-1123 佐々木/タン(Ms) [email protected] MALAYSIA~SINGAPORE~INDONESIA~THAILAND~HONG KONG~CHINA~KOREA~VIETNAM~INDIA~UK~JAPAN ** 日本人登録者 ** ※実際に応募をする求人の職種や職位により給与が異なる可能性がある為、また企業により諸条件が異な る為、希望給与は記載しておりません。 *工場管理/製造関連 REF :JPC1678 60代、男性、大卒(電子工学科)。電気・電子機器メーカーに40年ほど勤務し、カーステレオの外装設計、 生産技術、品質保証、組立・製造などに従事し、海外(アジア)での経験も15年以上あり。2015年1月以 降勤務開始可能。 *R&D/化学製品関連(技術/営業等) REF :JPC1749 30代半ば、男性、大卒(物質化学工学専攻、大学院・薬学研究科は中退)。化学製品(石油系プラスティ ック原材料)メーカーにて3年半、分散剤の設計・合成・物性評価や化合物の合成・分析等に従事した他、 環境分析会社にて環境測定・解析などに1年半ほど従事。英語は中級レベル。マレーシア在住。 *営業/食品関連 REF :JPC1800 20代後半、男性、海外大卒。貿易会社にて米国向け食品輸出業務、外食チェーン店の海外進出アドバイス、 商品輸出サポート等に約7年従事。ビジネスレベルの英語力。面接は随時可能、オファー後より早い段階 での就労開始可能。マレーシア在住。 *営業 REF :JPC1704 30代前半、男性、大卒。制御機器や半導体等の電子電気専門商社にて法人営業に約6年間従事。コミュニ ケーションレベルの英語力。面接は応相談、オファー後より1~1ヵ月半程度で就労開始可能。日本在住。 *営業、経営企画、事業戦略 REF :JPC0418 20代後半、男性、大卒。マレーシアにてインターンシップ経験あり。米系IT会社での個人および法人向け セールスプレゼンター、日系IT通信会社にて市場調査や分析業務、M&A交渉サポート等に従事中。ビジネ スレベルの英語力。面接、就労開始時期は応相談。日本在住。 *営業/マーケティング(KL及び近郊希望) REF :JPC0026 20代半ば、女性、大卒。英国へ約1年間の留学経験あり。外資系高級ブランドの時計・宝飾部門にて販売 およびビジュアルマーチャンダイジングに従事。コミュニケーションレベルの英語力。面接、就労開始は 応相談。日本在住。 *営業事務、カスタマーサービス、 REF : JPC1766 20代後半、女性、マレーシア人との既婚者。ニュージーランドの高校を卒業後、中国上海の大学へ進学、 卒業。シンガポールの不動産関連会社にてカスタマーサービス、営業に2年2ヶ月従事。英語、中国語ビジ ネスレベル。車あり。面接は随時可能、オファー後早い段階での就労開始可能。東マレーシア (Kuching)在住。 *コーディネーター/通訳翻訳(KL及び近郊希望) REF : JPC1531 30代前半、女性、大卒。マレーシア在住。来年1月にマレーシア人と結婚予定有。事務、翻訳、通訳の業 務にて約5年、経理1年の経験あり。英語はビジネスレベル、業務での使用経験あり。中国語は日常会話程 度。面接日程は1月中旬以降。勤務開始は2月明け以降可能。 *経理/総務/秘書(KL及び近郊希望) REF : JPC1680 40代後半、女性、短大卒。マレーシア在住。秘書・経理補佐・総務10年以上、銀行での手形交換・決済業 務・小切手・キャッシュカード発行業務10年の経験あり。英語はビジネスレベル。面接日時および勤務開 始可能時期は応相談。 *カスタマーサービス/事務(KL及び近郊希望) REF : JPC1316 30代前半、女性、大卒。マレーシア在住。半導体製造販売会社での見積書作成・受注・電話メール対応2 年、墓石販売会社での電話営業2年などの経験あり。業務上支障ないレベルの英語力。面接日時および勤 務開始可能時期は応相談。 *コーディネーター/翻訳(KL及び近郊希望) REF : JPC0086 40代前半、女性、高卒。マレーシア在住。翻訳コーディネーター6年(マレーシア)、英語講師7年(日 本・タイ)、旅行会社・ホテルのカスタマーサービス計2年半の経験あり。ビジネスレベルの英語力。面 接日時および勤務開始可能時期は応相談。 日本語堪能者(マレーシア人)半島南部 ADMIN/CUSTOMER SERVICE(JB希望) REF: TN/A7882 マレー系女性、20代後半。マレーシアの大学院(国際関係学)を修了。2年の職務経験あり。電子請求書、 購入注文の発行などの経験あり。日本語、英語、マレー語いずれも可能。日本語能力試験N3レベル合格。 希望給与:RM4,000 ADMIN/CUSTOMER SERVICE(KULAI/SENAI希望) REF: TN/A11047 中華系女性、20代後半。海外の大学(経営)を卒業。5年のカスタマーサービス経験あり。納期管理、船 積み、顧客とやり取りやクレームなどに従事。日本語能力試験N3級合格。日本語、英語、中国語、マレ ー語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM4,000 SALES MANAGER/PRODUCTION MANAGER(JB希望) REF: TN/A10806 中華系男性、40代後半。日本で大学及び大学院(博士課程、電子情報工学)を修了。19年の職務経験あり。 工場全般の管理(品質、生産、LEAN、改善、エンジニアリングなど)と営業に従事。日本語、英語、マ レー語、中国語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM8,500 LEAN MANAGER/PROCESS IMPROVEMENT(PTP/SENAI/SKUDAI希望)REF: TN/A5396 マレー系男性、30代後半。日本の高等専門学校(電気電子工学)を卒業。14年の職務経験あり。LEAN、 改善、TPS、TIJ、TBP、TCS、SIX Sigma(Green Belt)などの知識と経験持ち。日本語、英語、マレー 語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM8,500 PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGER(PASIR GUDANG希望) REF: TN/A10919 マレー系男性、30代後半。日本の大学(商学部)を卒業。15年の生産計画業務経験あり。日本語、英語、 マレー語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM8,000 以上 QA/PROCESS SENIOR ENGINEER(SENAI/TAMPOI/PTP希望) REF: TN/A6348 マレー系男性、30代半ば。日本の高等専門学校(電気工学)を卒業。日系企業で約6年間品質業務に、5年 間はプロセスエンジニアとして従事。英語、日本語、マレー語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM6,000(応相談) ASST ENGINEERING MANAGER(PASIR GUDANG希望) REF: TN/A10988 マレー系男性、30代前半。日本の大学(機械工学)を卒業。9年のエンジニア経験あり。R&D、設備保全 管理、3Dモデリングなどに経験と知識あり。英語、日本語、マレー語いずれも可能。 希望給与:RM5,500 ENGINEER(PTP/SKUDAI希望) REF: TN/A10967 中国系男性、20代半ば。日本の専門学校(工学)を卒業。整備工として2年の経験があり、塗装、電子制 御などの知識と経験あり。日本語能力試験2級合格。 希望給与:RM3,000 HR / ACCOUNTS / ADMIN CANDIDATES HR MANAGER (TEBRAU/PLENTONG) REF: JS/E12370 Mid 40s with Degree in Sociology. 23 years of experience in HR with 10 years in managerial level. Familiar with non-union manufacturing environment, MIDA & MITI. Experience with 500-3,000 manpower. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Immediately availability. Expected Salary: RM8,000 ~ 10,000 HR MANAGER (SENAI/PASIR GUDANG/ULU TIRAM) REF: JS/E3773 Late 30s with Master and Degree in HRM. 18 years of experience in HR. Experience in overall HR and administration, hands on monthly payroll, liaise with KDN/MITI/MIDI and licenses application. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM6,800 (Negotiable) HR CUM ADMINISTRATOR (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E12341 Mid 20s with Degree in HRM. 4 years of experience in personnel administration, liaise with different business units in overseas. Speaks English & Bahasa. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,600 (Negotiable) HR EXECUTIVE (TAMPOI/GELANG PATAH/PASIR GUDANG) REF: JS/E9996 Late 20s with Degree in HRM. 4 years of working experience with 2.5 years in HR. Experience in HRDF training and claims, handle foreign workers renewal and recruitment. Speaks English, Bahasa. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM3,100 (Negotiable) PROJECT MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT (JB) REF: JS/E12337 Late 40s with CPA & Degree in Economics. 14 years of experience in accounting & finance. Experience in 12 months forecast & budget, project projection, developing costing system. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available by end of December 2014. Expected Salary: RM15,000 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS MANAGER (JB) REF: JS/E12191 Mid 30s with MBA & ACCA, qualified Accountant. 13.5 years experience in Accounts with 3.5 years in audit. Familiar with product costing. Responsible for overall finance function, monthly closing, capital expenditure, cash flow management. contract negotiation with union & customer, providing administration and payroll support. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM11,000 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS MANAGER (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E8985 Mid 30s with Degree in Accounting & Finance. More than 10 years of experience in Accounts & Finance with MNC companies and SME. Experience in full set of Accounts, reports & analysis, accounts/payroll software. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM8,800 (Negotiable) ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (JB/PASIR GUDANG) REF: JS/E12417 Mid 30s with ACCA part 1. 13 years of experience in Accounting. Experience in basic full set of accounts in various industry. Experience in Citrix-Expro, UBS & Acctrack21. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,500 ADMINISTRATOR - SECRUITY (NUSAJAYA/ JB) REF: SO/E12443 Early 40s with Diploma in Police Studies & Security Management from Polytechnic Singapore.22 years working experience as Auxiliary Police Inspector (Senior Inspector) at Singapore. Experience in managing and monitoring Valuables Management Services, Law Enforcement and Security Operations. Speaks English, BM, Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 ADMINISTRATOR (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/ E12480 Late 20s with Certificate in Computer Science. Currently pursing Degree in Business Admin. 7 years working experience with 5 years experience in HR & Admin. Good experience to handle general administration work such as recruitment, expenses claims, Employment Act & Labour Law, monthly payroll. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,000 PURCHASING / PRODUCTION PLANNING / SUPPLY CHAIN PURCHASER / HR/ ADMIN (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E12491 Mid 20s, currently pursuing Degree in HRM. 8 years of experience in administration, HR training and purchasing. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 (Negotiable) PURCHASING EXECUTIVE (MASAI/ JB) REF: SO/ E12394 Early ‘30s with Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. 7 years of experience in Purchasing in palm oil industry. Familiar with examines & analyses departmental purchase requisitions for completeness and accuracy of information. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,000 PLANNER (KULAI JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/E12067 Late 30s with Degree in Management. 6 years working experience with 3 years in material planning in manufacturing industry. Familiar with sufficient material to cover production requirement, scheduling and preparing material report for management review & commit to customer, inventory control. Speaks English, Bahasa Malay, Tamil. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3, 800 WAREHOUSE/SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER (JB/PASIR GUDANG) REF: JS/E12378 Mid 40s with Degree in Development Studies, member of MIM. 22 years of working experience in shipping, planning & operation. 15 years in managerial level. Speaks English & Bahasa. Available with 1-2months notice. Expected Salary: RM10,000 ~ 12,000 (Negotiable) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER (PASIR GUDANG/TEBRAU/TAMPOI) REF: JS/E10374 Mid 30s with Advanced Diploma in Business Admin. 18 years of experience in supply chain. Familiar with purchasing, shipping, warehouse, planning & custom application. Speaks English, Bahasa. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM9,500 (Negotiable) WAREHOUSE ASST MANAGER (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E6793 Early 40s with Diploma in IT from local college. 14 years of experience in warehousing, logistics, production in manufacturing industry. Experience in SAP, BAAN. Speaks English and Bahasa. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 ~ 6,000 WAREHOUSE /LOGISTIC ASST MANAGER (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E2168 Mid 30s with Degree in International Business, 10 years of working experience, specialized in Logistic and warehouse management. Experience in SAP. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,700 (Negotiable) LEGAL ADVISOR (JB) REF: YG/E12416 Late 20s with Degree in Laws from overseas university. 9 years experience with 6 years as legal advisor with corporate companies. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) ENGINEERING / SCIENCE CANDIDATES OPERATION MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E6180 Mid 40s with Degree in Economics from local university. More than 20 years experience in production and manufacturing with 10 years experience in food industry. Experience in overall factory operation, production planning and control, quality control and plant maintenance. Experience in HACCP, ISO, GMP, HALAL & LMW license. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM11,000 PRODUCTION/OPERATION MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12339 Mid 40s with Degree in Mechanical Engineering. 20 years experience in paint and coating industry. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM9,000 (Negotiable) PRODUCTION ASST MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12444 Mid 30s with Degree in Food Technology from local university. Total 10 years experience with 5 years in production/QC in food industry 3 years as farm manager. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM5,000 MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER (JB) REF: YG/E12366 Late 20s with Degree in Mechanical Engineering from local university. 3.5 years experience in design, new product development, project management, prepare BOM, prepare prototype, testing, FA inspection. Experience in Autodesk Vault, Inventor, 3D modelling. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) DESIGN ENGINEER (JB) REF: YG/E12387 Early 30s with Degree in Industrial Engineering from oversea university. 7 years experience in manufacturing with 6 years in R&D in mechanical. Experience in Solidworks, AutoCAD. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER (JB) REF: YG/E4653 Early 30s with Degree in Electrical Engineering from local university. Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering from local polytechnic. 7 years experience in mechanical & electrical design in heavy industry. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER (JB) REF: YG/E9318 Mid 20s with Degree in Mechanical Engineering from local university. 2 years experience in oil & gas field in piping and pressure vessel design. Experience in AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Solidedge. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) ELECTRICAL DESIGN ENGINEER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12237 Late 20s with Degree in Electrical Engineering from local university. 3.5 years experience in electrical: transformer design, DC charger system design, testing and maintenance. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM3,000 PRODUCTION/PROCESS SNR ENGINEER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12176 Degree in Chemical Engineering from local university. Steam Engineer Grade 2 (grade 1 in progress). 6 years experience in chemical manufacturing plant in process, production, manufacturing. Experience in ISO 9001, HACCP. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM6,800 PROCESS SNR ENGINEER/ ASST MANAGER (SENAI/JB) REF: KF/E12419 Mid 40s with Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering from oversea polytechnic. More than 18 years of experience in electronics products manufacturing industry. Computer literate. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM5,800 (Negotiable) MOULD MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (PONTIAN/ NUSAJAYA) REF: KF/E7321 Mid 40s with Diploma in Electronic Engineering from local institute. More than 22 years of experience in Mould Maintenance. Computer literate. Possesses own transport. Available after 3 months notice. Expected salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) ENGINEER/ SENIOR SUPERVISOR (KULAI/ SENAI/ SKUDAI) REF: KF/E12473 Late 30s, SPM certificate holder. More than 16 years of Production & Project experience in Plastic Injection Moulding. Possesses own transport. Available immediately. Expected salary: RM4,800 (Negotiable) ELECTRICAL/ TECHNICAL ENGINEER (NUSAJAYA) REF: KF/E12446 Mid 20s with Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from local university. More than 3 years of working experience as Service Engineer & Project Engineer. Possesses own transport. Available after 1 month notice. Expected salary: RM4,800 (Negotiable) MECHATRONIC ENGINEER (JB) REF: KF/E12469 Late 20s with Degree in Robotic & Mechatronics Engineering. Possesses working experience as Production Engineer. Computer literate, experience in AutoCAD & Solidwork. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available after 1 month notice. Expected salary: RM3,700 (Negotiable) PROCESS ENGINEER (PASIR GUDANG) REF: YG/E12432 Mid 20s with Degree in Chemical Engineering from local university. 3 years experience as process engineer in chemical recovery industry. Part of the team member in setting up new company. Experience in process development and improvement. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 PROCESS ENGINEER (PASIR GUDANG) REF: YG/E12422 Early 20s with Degree in Chemical Engineering from overseas university. 1 year experience in palm oil manufacturing industry. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM3,000 PROCESS ENGINEER (PASIR GUDANG) REF: YG/E12330 Mid 20s with Degree in Chemical Engineering from local university. 2 years experience in food manufacturing in production and process. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM 3,000 (Negotiable) MAINTENANCE MANAGER (SENAI/NUSAJAYA/TEBRAU/TAMPOI) REF: YG/E7083 Mid 40s with Degree in Mechanical Engineering from local university. 20 years experience in maintenance and engineering in manufacturing industry including food & personal care products. Well experience in overall maintenance of the plant. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM12,000 MAINTENANCE MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E3022 Early 40s with Diploma in Mechatronics from local institute. 17 years experience in maintenance and facilities in manufacturing industry with 4 years in food industry. Experience in overall plant maintenance and waste treatment. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM7,500 (Negotiable) MAINTENANCE ENGINEER (JB) REF: YG/E5153 Late 30s with Advanced Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from local college. More than 15 years experience in manufacturing plant maintenance in injection moulding and other industry. Experience as a team lead in mechanical & electrical maintenance, facilities & utilities. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (TEBRAU/ PASIR GUDANG) REF: KF/E11836 Early 30s with professional certificate SKM Level 1&2. Total 11 years of working experience. Speaks BM & English. Possesses own transport. Computer literate. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,200 (Negotiable) TOOLING/ MAINTENANCE ENGINEER (GELANG PATAH) REF: KF/E12421 Late 30s with Diploma in Mechatronic Engineering from local polytechnic. More than 12 years of working experience in injection molding industry. Speaks BM & average English. Computer literate. Possesses own transport. Available after 1 month notice. Expected salary: RM4,000 BOILERMAN (NUSAJAYA) REF: YG/E10297 23 years experience in machine repairs & maintenance which 9 years as boilerman Grade 1. Experience in waste water treatment also. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) E&I SUPERVISOR (JB) REF: YG/E7767 Early 30s with Professional Certificate in Control Valve & Auxiliary Instrument, Certificate in Electrical Engineering from local polytechnic. Chargeman A0. 10 years experience in Electrical & Instrumentation projects. Experience in construction & commissioning. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM7,500 (Negotiable) PROJECT ENGINEER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12169 Early 30s with Degree in Electronics Engineering from local university. 5 years experience in M&E site project. Experience in power plant, boiler installation, building maintenance. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM3,500 PROJECT/M&E ENGINEER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12457 Early 30s with Degree in Mechanical Engineering from local university. Studied in Germany for 3 years in Diploma in Mechatronics. 3 years experience with 2 years as M&E Engineer in infrastructure construction projects. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 weeks notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 PROJECT /CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12464 Mid 40s with Degree in Civil Engineering from local university. 20 years experience in civil and building construction. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM11,000 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (PASIR GUDANG/JB) REF: YG/E12090 Late 40s with Master Degree in Engineering from overseas university. More than 20 years experience in Quality System especially in chemical manufacturing industry. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM10,000 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12313 Early 40s with Degree in Physics from local university. 17 years experience in quality in electronic manufacturing industry. Experience in ISO 9001, 14000, TS16949, 172025. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM9,500 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12351 Early 30s with Degree in Chemistry from local university. 10 years experience in quality field in various industry. Experience in product quality, vendor quality, ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, TS16949 quality management system, LEAN, Internal Lead Auditor. Speaks English, BM and Tamil. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM8,000 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (SENAI/NUSAJAYA/TEBRAU/JB) REF: YG/E12092 Late 40s with Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from local college. Nearly 20 years experience in manufacturing in moulding, assembly, metal stamping industry. Experience as QMR, EMR, Internal Audit, ISO 9001, 14001, TS16949. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM8,000 (Negotiable) QA ASSISTANT MANAGER (JB) REF: KF/E8419 Late 20s with Degree in Food Science in local university. More than 5 years of experience in food industry - QA Executive & Food Technologist. Possess knowledge in ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, HALAL and KOSHER. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available after 1 month notice. Expected salary: RM6,800 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (SENAI/NUSAJAYA/TEBRAU/JB) REF: YG/E8135 Degree in Mechanical Engineering from local university. 18 years experience in quality in plastic / rubber manufacturing industry. Lead auditor in ISO 9001, 14001, 18001. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) QA EXECUTIVE (TEBRAU/ PASIR GUDANG) REF: KF/E12363 Mid 30s with Degree in Material Engineering from local university. More than 12 years of QA experience in steel products manufacturing company. Speaks English & BM. Computer literate. Possesses own transport. Available after 2 months notice. Expected salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) QA EXECUTIVE (JB) REF: KF/E12317 Early 30s with Degree in Chemical Engineering from local university. With more than 4 years of QA experience in food & hygiene products manufacturing company. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Computer literate. Available after 1 month notice. Expected salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) QC EXECUTIVE/ CHEMIST (JB) REF: KF/E12262 Mid 30s with Degree in Science & Technology from local university. More than 11 years of experience in paint industry - QC Chemist & Technical Service Support. Speaks English and BM. Possesses own transport. Available immediately Expected salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) CHEMIST (JB) REF: YG/E8982 Early 30s with Degree in Chemistry from local university. 11 years experience in chemistry (manufacturing) industry. Specialised in quality control, formulation, ISO, FDA, meet production target, plant process, research. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 CHEMIST (JB) REF: YG/E2314 Mid 30s with Master Degree in Molecular Biology. 9 years experience in chemical manufacturing industry. Experience in QC, QMR, new product development, lab analysis. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM4,500 CHEMIST/ QA EXECUTIVE (JB) REF: KF/E12487 Mid 20s with Degree in Science. With more than 2 years of experience as Chemist in waste water treatment industry. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Available after 2 months notice. Computer literate. Possess own transport. Expected salary: RM3,800 (Negotiable) CHEMIST (JB) REF: YG/E12481 Late 20s with PhD in Biotechnology from local university. Bachelor Degree in Biology from local university. 1 year experience in research in waste water industry. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM 3,500 R&D/ QA EXECUTIVE (PASIR GUDANG) REF: KF/E12487 Mid 20s Degree in Bioprocess Engineering from local university. 1 year of R&D Executive experience in healthcare products manufacturing industry. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Computer literate. Possess own transport. Available after 3 months notice. Expected salary: RM3,200 (Negotiable) FOOD TECHNOLOGIST ASSIST MANAGER (PASIR GUDANG) REF: KF/E12331 Early 30s with Master in Food Science from local university. With more than 7 years of experience in food industry. Speaks good English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available after 3 months. Expected salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) CHEMIST (PASIR GUDANG/JB) REF: YG/E8617 Early 30s with Degree in Chemistry from local university. 7 years experience in chemical field with 5 years in coating and paint manufacturing. Experience in formulation, quality system, process improvement and colour matching. Speaks English and BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) FOOD QA EXECUTIVE (TEBRAU/JB) REF: KF/E12392 Late 20s with Degree in Biotechnology from local private university. More than 4 years of experience as QA Executive in food industry. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available after 3 months notice Expected salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) SENIOR CHEMIST (PASIR GUDANG) REF: KF/E12227 Late 20s with Degree in Chemistry from local university. More than 4 years of experience as Chemist in Flour Mill & 2 years as Research Assistant. Speaks English & BM. Computer literate. Possesses own transport. Available after 2 months notice. Expected: RM3,500 (Negotiable) ESTATE MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12431 Diploma in Planting Industry Management from local university. 15 years experience in palm oil estate management with various top plantations. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM12,000 SAFETY OFFICER (PASIR GUDANG/JB) REF: YG/E12284 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from local college. Green Book application in progress. 7 years experience in safety & health in oil & gas and manufacturing industry. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available in 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) SAFETY OFFICER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12171 Early 30s NIOSH certificate in Safety & Health. About 3 years experience in safety & health in construction and engineering field. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM3,500 (Negotiable) SAFETY OFFICER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12386 Mid 20s with Diploma in Electronics Engineering from local polytechnic. NIOSH Certificate in Safety & Health. 3.5 years experience in manufacturing industry with 9 months in safety & health and 3 years in QA and maintenance. Experience in ISO 4001, OSHAS 18001. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,000 (Negotiable) IT CANDIDATES IT MANAGER (SENAI/SKUDAI/TAMPOI/TEBRAU/JB) REF: YG/E9545 Late 30s with Diploma in IT from local college. 14 years experience in IT in manufacturing and trading industry. Specialised in managing day to day IT dept operations and handling projects. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM8,000 (Negotiable) IT ASST MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E10306 Early 30s with Master Degree in Computer Science from local university. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from local university. 10 years experience in IT. Experience in project management for ERP system, server admin and system development. Possesses own transport. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E2337 Early 30s with Diploma in IT. 10 years experience in software development and design. Well experience in leading a team of programmers for projects. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) IT ASST MANAGER (JOHOR) REF: YG/E12268 Early 40s with Diploma in Computer Science from local college. MCDBA, MCSE, CCNA, CompTIA Network certified. 18 years experience in IT with manufacturing industry. Experience in overall IT management in the company. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM6,800 (Negotiable) IT EXECUTIVE (NUSAJAYA/SENAI/TAMPOI/TEBRAU) REF: YG/E12202 Mid 30s with Degree in IT from local university. 12 years experience in IT in supply chain industry. Experience in IT infrastructure, networking, application, end user support. Speaks English, BM & Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 IT EXECUTIVE (NUSAJAYA/SENAI/TEBRAU/TAMPOI) REF: YG/E5839 Degree in Computer Science from overseas university. Around 10 years experience in IT in manufacturing and IT solution company. Experience in infrastructure, server, database admin, networking, hardware / software support and troubleshooting. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM4,700 (Negotiable) IT EXECUTIVE (NUSAJAYA/SENAI/TEBRAU/TAMPOI) REF: YG/E12183 Late 30s with Degree in IT from oversea university. More than 10 years experience in IT in manufacturing industry. Experience in infrastructure, networking, server admin and user support. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 week notice. Expected salary: RM4,600 (Negotiable) IT EXECUTIVE (JB/TEBRAU/TAMPOI/SKUDAI) REF: YG/E6501 Early 30s with Degree in Computer Science from overseas university. 5 years experience in IT with 3 years with manufacturing industry. Experience in server admin, networking, hardware, software support, end user support. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM4,000 IT EXECUTIVE/PROGRAMMER (JB) REF: YG/E12376 Early 30s with Degree in Computer Science from local university. 10 years experience in IT with 8 years in programming and system development. Experience in PHP, ASP.Net, Oracle, JDE. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 (Negotiable) IT EXECUTIVE (JB) REF: YG/E12263 Late 20s with Degree in Computer Science from local university. 5 years experience in IT in manufacturing industry. Experience in networking, server admin, end user support and troubleshooting. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 (Negotiable) SALES / MARKETING CANDIDATES SALES MANAGER (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/E12140 Early 40s with Diploma in Hotel & Catering. 21 years working experience in Sales & Operation Manager with 4 years in FMCG industry. Possesses own transport. Speaks English, BM, Mandarin. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 SALES MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12365 Diploma in Business Studies. 20 years experience in printing and label industry in sales & marketing. Experience in South East Asia region. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin, Possesses own transport. Available with 3 months notice. Expected Salary: RM11,000 (Negotiable) BRANCH MANAGER (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: JS/E5733 Mid 30s with Degree in Marketing. 13 years of working experience in customer communication with 4 years experience in sales. Speaks English, Bahasa & Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month noice. Expected salary: RM 8,500 (nego) SALES MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E2231 Mid 30s, currently pursing Degree in Business Studies. Total 13 years of sales & marketing experience with 7 years experience in forwarding, shipping, logistics industry. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 2 months notice. Expected Salary: RM8,300 (Negotiable) SALES MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12364 Early 40s with Degree in Marketing. 15 years experience in sales & marketing with 10 years in general insurance industry in overall branch sales and business development. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Immediately available. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) SALES ASST MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12439 Mid 30s with Degree in Chemistry from overseas university. 6 years experience in sales and marketing in chemical services. Experience in overall sales and business development of southern region. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) BRANCH MANAGER (JB) REF: YG/E12373 Mid 30s with Diploma in IT from local college. 14 years experience in shipping industry. Experience in forwarding, shipping, custom clearance, warehousing, logistics. Speaks English, BM. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/E12484 Early 30s with Degree in Business and Marketing Management. 10 years working experience in Sales & Marketing Industry. Experience in transportation, logistics, courier services, food supplement, property software and advertising industry. Speaks English, Bahasa Malay, Mandarin. Possesses own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,500 SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/E8097 Late 30s with Diploma in Marketing. 14 years experience in Sales & Marketing mainly in automotive parts industry. Experience in overall Sales in the company. Speaks English, BM and Mandarin. Possesses own transport. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4, 000 SENIOR SALES & MARKETING EXECUTIVE (JOHOR BAHRU) REF: SO/ E12218 Early 40s with incomplete Diploma in IT. 20 years working experience with more than 10 years’ in sales and marketing – security products and services, industrial adhesives, ESD products to semiconductor & manufacturing factory. Speaks well in English, Bahasa Malay, Mandarin. Possess own vehicle. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary : RM4,000
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