
1.次の英文は,ドングリ銀行("Donguri Bank")についてのさくらのスピーチです。英文を読んであとの問
Do you know "Donguri Bank"? In this bank, we cannot deposit money. We have to deposit Donguri. Do
you know how it works?
"Donguri Bank" was made at a "Woody Festival" in Kagawa on October 3, 1992. The purpose of this
festival is to teach people how we have lived with the forests. For example, we use trees from the forests to
build our houses. The forests also keep water underground and we use the water. We cannot live without
the forests. However, we have cut down too many trees so we need to grow new trees to keep the forests.
The bank was started to solve this problem.
First, we go to the forests and get Donguri, then take the Donguri to the bank. At the bank, we save one
small Donguri as 1D(D means Donguri ), and one large Donguri as 10D in the bankbook. Donguri is a seed
of new trees. After we deposit Donguri, people in "Donguri Bank" take care of the seeds and grow new
young Donguri trees. After six months, we come back and can exchange 100D for a new young Donguri tree.
We can plant it in the forests with the bank people or grow it at home or plant it in the park in our cities.
A Donguri tree at home or in the park is not a big forest but we can help to grow the forests with this
system even if we live in the city.
"Donguri Bank" is a good system to grow the forests with many people. However there is one rule.
"Donguri Bank" opens from the first Sunday of October to the first Friday of December. It is a good season
to get many Donguri, but we can deposit only 300 large Donguri or 3000 small Donguri at one time.
Donguri is a seed of new trees but it is also food for the animals living in the forests. We need to leave
Donguri for the animals.
Now there are about 40 "Donguri Bank" in Japan. In 2010, more than 20,000 people deposited in the
bank, and about 41,500 new Donguri trees were planted in the forests.
I learned that one person can do only small things, but if more people start to do the same things
together, people can do big things. Why don't you join "Donguri Bank"?
deposit 預ける woody 木の underground 地面の下に cut down 切る grow 育てる save 貯める
bankbook 通帳 seed 種 exchange ~ for … ~を … と交換する plant 植える system 体制
even if たとえ~だとしても
問1 本文の内容に合うものには○,異なるものには×と答えなさい。
a. We can save money in "Donguri Bank".
b. "Donguri Bank" was started more than 20 years ago.
c. If we deposit 150 large Donguri and 200 small Donguri, we can get 1700D.
d. People living in the city cannot join the "Donguri Bank".
e. 40 "Donguri Bank" are in Kagawa now.
3.次の英文は,里沙(Risa),匠(Takumi),和也(Kazuya)がスミス先生(Ms. Smith)と教室で話をしてい
Ms. Smith
: Did you watch TV last night? There will be the Olympic in Tokyo in 2020.
: Yes, I did! It is so exciting!
: I watched it, too. It is good for the Japanese to invite a lot of people from all over the world.
: Why do you think so?
: Because it is a good chance for us to be able to learn other languages and cultures from
foreign people. And we can also show them many Japanese famous places, traditional
buildings and so on.
Ms. Smith : I see, but I heard we have many problems, too.
: Yes. People say, "Tokyo is a small city. If many people come from other countries, there will
not be enough trains and buses for them to move around."
: I didn't know about the problem. How did you know about it?
: I read about it in the last week's newspaper.
: I think that's a big problem. How can we solve it?
: I don't know. When we had the Olympic fifty years ago, there weren't so many people visiting
Japan. We didn't have such a problem. We need to think how to solve it together.
: Well, I know another problem. It is the problem of money to build facilities. You know we had
a big earthquake in Tohoku three years ago. After the earthquake, we have to buy trees and
other materials to make buildings at a high price.
Ms. Smith : That's right.
: I guess it will be very difficult to hold the Olympic.
Ms. Smith : Don't worry. We should work together. It is important for all Japanese people to remember
that we have to help each other to make the Olympic wonderful. If we can do that, it will be
the greatest Olympic in the history!
: OK. Thank you very much, Ms. Smith. I'm really looking forward to the year 2020!
Olympic オリンピック chance 機会 and so on など
materials 材料 each other お互いに
問1 なぜ和也(Kazuya)は外国人が日本にやってくることがいいことであると言っているのですか。2つ,
問2 匠(Takumi)はどのようにオリンピック開催の問題点を知ったのですか。またその問題点は何ですか。
問3 和也(Kazuya)が挙げているオリンピック開催の問題点を次のようにまとめる時,(
問2 本文の内容について,次の質問に英語(3語以上)で答えなさい。尚,数字を使ってもかまいません。
a. Did "Donguri Bank" start in Kagawa?
b. How many young trees can we get with 500D?
c. How long does "Donguri Bank" open?
問4 スミス先生(Ms. Smith)が大切であると言っていることは何ですか。日本語で答えなさい。
問3 "Woody Festival"の目的は何ですか。日本語で答えなさい。
問5 次の質問に対するあなたの答えを,30語程度の英語で書きなさい。ただし符号( , . ? !) などは語数
What sports do you like? Please write about it.
問4 "Donguri Bank"が始まった理由は何ですか。日本語で具体的に答えなさい。
問5 "Donguri Bank"に一度に預けることができるドングリの数はいくつですか。また,その理由は何です
問6 さくらが学んだことは何ですか。日本語で答えなさい。
a. 誰が先週,あなたと一緒に映画を見に行ったのですか。
) to the movie with you last week?
b. ゆみは何をするべきか分からなかった。Yumi didn’t know (
c. 私は父と釣りに行くことが好きです。 I like (
) with my father.
d. もし興味があるなら,参加しませんか。If you’re interested, (
) joining us?
a. 彼らはあなたに彼らの宿題をチェックしてほしいです。
( to / homework / check / want / their / you / they ).
( interesting / there / that book / anything / in / is )?
問1 今から対話をします。その内容に注意して聞き,後の設問の答えとして最も適当と思われるものを,
c. マイクは日本の文化についてもっと学ぶために,図書館へ行きました。
Mike went to the library ( about / Japanese / more / to / learn / culture ).
d. これまでに英語で手紙を読んだことがありますか。
( a letter / English / have / ever / in / you / read )?
問2 これから聞く英文は Taro が自分の生活について話している英文です。内容に注意して聞きなさい。