単後 韓 .力頼 L 。/ _ 2 0 カ . 中 呼 駒 呼 the/f― In exercise of the powers mnferced w k Ie T rea.d with ktlco 11 of tte Lolwre High court (Establistwtent of Benches) Rrzles, 1981, the Hon'ble chief Justie ha,s been pteased to order thnt Hon'ble ilr. Justlce sada4olt All Khan shstt utork at Rawalpindi Benchfor one week cammencingZ9.OT.2O14. 「0 母 象 確 働 β払 Copy fotward.ed 〓 2 3 4: Tte Awuntant The Aduoqte for tnformatton to:- . Cteneral hmja.b, (pag Rott-X), Lahore. General, htnjab, Lalwrc. 曳 盗 The Addt. Aduocate &neral, htnjab, Lalwre, Bahawalpur, Multan, and Rawatpindi Benctr:s. tu D&SI/ Staff Offirer ta Hon'ble Chief Justde, Lqtwre High Caurt, Lalwre. The Additional Registrars/ Detrrutg Registrars, Lalwre HUh Caurt, Lalwre and its allied Benclr;s The S:taff Olfter to learned Registrar, Latwre Htgh CouG Lalwre. T'he hesidents, HUh Cutrt Bar Associations, Lalwre, Bahawalpt4 Multan an d. Rawatpin d.i. AII Priuate Seqetaries to Hon'ble Judges, AII Gazctted. and Assisfant Registrar (Pubtic Sters Relations/ htblications), Lalwre HUh Court, La.hore. TtE Superintutd.ent Cout. hinting, .&ess Punjab, La?nre. Offi@ reard. ― ■ ― op rerco強 ― 的 切 脚 磁 rO「 「。 .哲γ _確 .=触だと Deed, r^ralhotetne /,F o7 ' 2074. In exercise of'tlte pouers anfened bg R(fie 7 read. with Flrile 11 of the Lalwre High Court (Establi,sfunent af Bencles) Rules, 1981, the Hon'bte Chief &tstige hss been pleased to ord,er that Ean ble Mr. ,rusucc sha/zrd franneed Dalr shall work at the Prhtcipal Seat on 11.O7.2O14. ― 「O & ― nc @pg foruad.ed ior l4fonnntton to:' . . I 2 ュ 4. 0. The Aeantntant &ttcral, The,Aduocate &neral, htnjab, (Pag Roll-X)' Lahore' hnja'b, La?wre' , 抑 I'tzlwre' Genera'L htniab, Aduaate TllE Addt. Benehes Bahautalprtr, Mttltan" ard Rausalpin'di The D&SI/ Stajf Offirer to Hon'bl'e Chief 'htsttcr-' Lalwre Htgh Court, Lalwre' Lolwre The Additional Registrars/ DePftg Registrars' Hrgh Court, Latwre and' its atlied Benches' HUh flhe Stajf Offirer ta learned Regi"strar' Lalwre Courl, LatwreLahore' The Presid'ents, Hrgh Court Bar Associnttons' Aattaut atptr, Mttttan and Rautalpittd'i' Gazetted Atl hiuate secretari.es to Han'bte Judges, Att (Public Registra'r As-s1stgnt ,rrd O!firers tiitotiorrst htblieatian's], Latwre High Court' Lalwre' hmjab' fhe Supenntertdent Gofi' Printzrtg' Press 多. 1'111),rそ ,こ ,['く q控 を中ωだ。 逗 笙 乾 挽 左 摯協芝 駒 驚 』確 逸 室 :o7_2014. In exercise af *e pauers eonfened. bg RuIe 7 read with Rttlc r I of ttte Latwre High court (Estabrisfunent of Benches) rtures, 1981, ttw Hon'bte chief ,htstire'rns beert pteased, to ord.er fint Hon'ble Mr. Jttstre ffarvnwwd Amcer Bl*ttt shall utork at Multan Benehfor one ueek ummenefug I4.OZ.ZOI4. 「0&コ 陶佐 韓 L CCPJJし れ 配 鹿 rar taro― cactt tゎr_ ■ t t t A 宰 阿理 t a n t 韓 れ P 比砲しあ F P a y ぷ b “あ軌 あ 中 2.砕 Aapoca中 砕 呼 raられ 確 々,娩 あ 陥 把, 予 揚歓路滋艦撥曳か ,││た 。 統 擁“ “' T 尊 Ⅲ あ ャあ 能 Fa q旅 沼確coヵ.
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