JCCI and Orrick, Herrington, & Sutcliffe LLP Present: ~ 企業が知っておきたい知的財産権の全て ~ Everything You Need to Know About U.S. Intellectual Property Law About: Please join Orrick and the JCCI for an hour-long session regarding United States intellectual property law. The session will focus on patent law, but cover trademark, copyright and trade secret law as well— focusing on these issues as they relate to Japanese companies. Alex Chachkes, a partner in Orrick’s New York office and Co-Head of Orrick’s Patent Practice Group, will lead the discussion. Mr. Chachkes has represented Japanese companies, including Nikkei Stock Index 300 companies, in important IP-related matters. ビジネスが国境を越え益々多様化する中、「知的財産権」が企業訴訟の的になっています。知的財産権という言葉の中 には、著作権、コピーライト、特許、商標、実用新案権、営業秘密等あらゆるものが含まれています。また国によって もその理解や法律がまちまちなため、ビジネスがグローバル化するにつれて、訴訟が絶えない分野です。この知的財産 権において経験豊富なOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 法律事務所は、これまで多くの著名な日本企業のアドヴァイスをし て来ました。このセミナーでは同法律事務所のパートナーAlex Chachkes氏が、コンピューター関連テクノロジー、ワイ ヤレス・ディバイス、ビデオゲーム、化学・薬品関連、DNAテクノロジー等、今まで手掛けてきた実践ケースをもと に分かりやすく解説いたします。(このセミナーは英語で行われます。) Alex Chachkes, a partner in the New York office, is the Co-Head of the Patent Practice Group and a member of the Supreme Court and Appellate Litigation Group. Mr. Chachkes focuses on the litigation of complex intellectual property actions, primarily patent actions. Mr. Chachkes' cases have involved technologies such as microprocessors, wireless devices, computer peripherals, video games, pharmaceuticals, recombinant DNA technology, chemicals and protein science. Mr. Chachkes has tried numerous cases before the United States district courts and the International Trade Commission. Mr. Chachkes received his law degree from Columbia University and degrees in Chemical Engineering and Philosophy from M.I.T. Date & Time: Wednesday, September 24, 10:00 - 11:00 am (Breakfast will be served) Location: Nippon Club (145 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019) Fees: JCCI / NC members: $20 / Non-members: $30 * This talk will be conducted in English. IP Law Seminar・September 24, 10:00 - 11:00 am Name: Title: Company: Tel: E-mail: Number Attending: ________ Fax: List Additional Attendees Below: Name: Title: E-mail: Name: Title: E-mail: Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc. 145 W. 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ・(212) 246-8001 ・ [email protected]
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