JCCI and Paul Hastings LLP Present: ~ 雇用法ランチョンセミナー * Luncheon Seminar ~ Whistleblowing(内部告発)と その報復行為を理解する Whistleblowing and Retaliation Claims About: Please join Paul Hastings LLP and JCCI for a special legal lunch seminar designed to increase your understanding of whistleblowing and retaliation claims. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the number of employees who report corporate activity they believe to be dishonest or illegal has increased steadily. So, too, has the number of federal, state and local laws that incentivize whistleblowers with financial awards and protect them from retaliation. Employees have long been protected under a variety of employment laws, but the opportunities to become a “whistleblower” have broadened as have the penalties for retaliation. (Note: This seminar will be conducted in English.) 昨今 “Whistleblowing” (内部告発)という言葉をよく耳にしますが、実際問題、Whistleblowingとその報復行為に 関するケースが年々増えてきています。企業側にとっては頭の痛い課題ですが、今回ポール・ヘイスティング法律 事務所のベテラン弁護士3名が、Whistleblowingとその報復行為に関して、実際のケースをもとに企業側の立場に 立って、解り易く解説いたします。実際にケースが起こった場合の取り扱い処置、また注意点など、経営者、人 事、法務・コンプライアンス担当の皆様には、必修のセミナーです。Q&Aの時間も設けておりますので、是非ご 活用下さい。当日は日本クラブの陵岡シェフによる、松花風ランチをご用意しております。(このセミナーは全て 英語で行われます。) < Presenters > Stephen Sonnenberg is Chair of the New York Employment Law Department of Paul Hastings. He represents management in class and collective actions, wrongful discharge, retaliation, discrimination, and harassment litigation. He counsels clients based in the United States and Asia on a wide variety of U.S. employment matters. Mike Spafford is a partner in the White Collar Defense practice at Paul Hastings and is based in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. He represents companies, committees, and individuals in connection with government Investigations, enforcement proceedings, and other federal, state, and local government enforcement entities involving alleged fraud, collusion and manipulation, and other financial, tax, accounting and trading issues, including alleged violations of securities, commodities, tax, antitrust, and other criminal statutes. Raechel Adams is a Supervisory Trial Attorney in the New York District Office of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where she has worked as a Trial Attorney since 1999. She has litigated employment discrimination cases, including on behalf of EEOC in its enforcement of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Equal Pay Act. · · · · < Discussion Topics> Recent developments in securities and employment laws protecting whistleblowers Perspectives from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on retaliation in the workplace Best practices when responding to whistleblowers and government investigations Mistakes to avoid during internal investigations of complaints and Strategies to avoid litigation Lunch Seminar: Understanding Whistleblowing and Retaliation Claims Date & Time: Tuesday, October 20, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Location: Nippon Club (145 West 57th Street, New York) 5F Sakura Room *Fees: $60 (Member) $80 (Non-Member) * Includes Japanese-style Lunch Company: Tel: Name: Number Attending: ________ Fax: List Additional Attendees Below: Title: E-mail: Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc. 145 W. 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ・(212) 246-8001 ・[email protected]
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