Goto's "Go To The Mountains!" 美 ヶ 原 Utsukushi-ga-hara 美ヶ原は、王ヶ頭 (2,034m) を最高峰と した、茶臼山 (2,006m)、牛伏山 (1,990m)、 物見石山 (1,984m) などのピークを有する 平坦な台地一体の総称。 もともとは牧場として開かれた土地を観 Event Calendar Date Aug. 22 Fri 芝オクトーバーフェスト * to * ドイツ風ビアガーデン 31 Sun Shiba Oktoberfest* *German-style beer garden Sep. 光地としても開発し、現在は、頂上付近に は未舗装路ではあるが、車道も通っていて、 多くの観光客で賑わう。 12 Fri 赤坂氷川祭 to 15 Mon "Akasaka Hikawa-sai" Place 芝公園(港区) 都営三田線「芝公園」駅 Shiba-kōen park Shiba-kōen station on Toei Mita Line 赤坂氷川神社 港区・六本木 Akasaka Hikawa-jinja Shrine Hikawa-jinja Shrine annual festival in Roppongi 12 Fri 日比谷オクトーバーフェスト * 日比谷公園・噴水広場 * ドイツ風ビアガーデン JR 有楽町駅 to 23 Tue Hibiya Oktoberfest* Hibiya-koen park *German-style beer garden 19 Thu 日枝神社中秋管絃祭 17:30 開演 3,000 円 Yūrakucho station on JR Yamanote Line 日枝神社(港区) Gagaku , traditional imperial Tameike-sannō station on Tokyo Metro Ginza court music, concert 17:30 Start Ticket: 3,000 yen / Namboku line 20 Sat 根津神社例大祭 根津神社 (文京区) 東京メトロ千代田線「根津」駅 21 Sun "Nezu-jinja Reitai-sai" Nezu-jinja shrine Nezu-jinja shrine yearly festival Nezu station on Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line 24 Tue 愛宕神社 例大祭 愛宕神社(港区) 東京メトロ日比谷線「神谷町」駅 "Atago-jinja Rei-tai sai" Atago-jinja shrine Atago-jinja shrine yearly festival Kamiya-cho station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line 27 Sat 品川宿場まつり 品川宿 28 Sun "Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri" ゲストハウス周辺 Shinagawa post-town festival ->See Article Soo's Kanji Pickup 長野県の中央部に位置し、JR 松本駅から 路線バスが季節限定で美ヶ原高原美術館ま で運行されている。 ※登山用品のご用命は品川駅高輪口徒歩5分 mont-bell まで to the top. There is a big hotel near the highest point as well as 6-meter tall local landmark Ushibuse Pagoda. the tower of about 6 meter above the ground. It's so convenient you forget that you're at an altitude of over 2000 meters! The highland is located in the center of Nagano prefecture, a few hours bus ride from Matsumoto station to the Utsukushi-gahara Kogen art museum. The bus runs during peak season. Our share House is now available from 47,000 yen/mon Gami's Murmuring ひげマネージャーの今月のつぶやき 馬 刺 し Basashi (raw horse sashimi) 時々ゲストから「日本人は馬を生で食べ るんだってね」と言われるときがある。馬 肉を食べる国は多いが、生で食べるのは珍 しいらしい。 Reading : tsuki, gatsu, getsu 居酒屋で馬刺しをオーダーしてみるとお Meaning: the moon, a month ろしショウガとニンニクと共に運ばれてく る。獣肉特有の、臭み消しとも言われている。 牛肉に比べカロリーが低く、ビタミンやミ Example: tsuki mi 施設もあり、自分が、標高 2000m を超え る山の上にいることを忘れてしまうほど整 備されている。 ネラルが豊富な馬肉。熊本県が有名だが、 ku gatsu 月見 = moon viewing 9月 = September The Japanese used to believe that a rabbit was living and making a rice cake on the moon because the light and shade on the moon surface made it look like a rabbit pounding on a rice cake with a mallet. 東京で食べることも十分可能で、近年は回 転ずしの変わり種としても見かける。外国 人旅行客にとって最初の馬刺しとなること も多い。 沖縄には山羊刺しもあって、こちらはもっ と強烈である。その時の話はまた。 品川宿場まつり Shinagawa Shukuba Festival Sometimes we hear guests say, "I heard Japanese people eat horse sashimi." Although many countries eat horse meat, not many seem consume it raw. If you order "basashi" at an izakaya (Japanese bar restaurant) it will be served with shaved ginger and garlic, which tone down the meat's unique smell. Low fat, low calorie, and packed with high levels of vitamins and minerals, horse meat is Date 10:00 - 20:00 Sat. 27th and Sun. 28th Introduction Shinagawa was the first post-town on the Tokaido main road from Edo (Tokyo) to Kyoto during the Edo period*. Shinagawa Shukuba Festival was begun with the goal of transmitting the cultural heritage and traditions of the region to younger generations. It is held on the last Saturday and Sunday of September every year. It is carried out at about 2 km long stretch of KyuTokaido street around the Kita-shinagawa, Shinbamba and Aomono-yokocho shopping districts. This year is the 24th anniversary of the festival. farmland, but it is also equipped for tourism. The highland is well developed and the road, though unpaved, takes you 東京メトロ銀座線・ 南北線「溜池山王」駅 "Hie-jinja Chū-shū Kangengaku-sai" Hie-jinja shrine 月 シンボルの高さ約 6 mの塔(美しの塔) や最高峰の王ヶ頭頂上近くには大きな宿泊 The Utsukushigahara highland is a beautiful plateau with several peaks, including Ogatou Mountain(2,034m), Chausu Mountain(2,006m), Ushibuse Mountain(1,990m), Monomiishi Moutain(1,984m), and more. The highland has a long history as This months Special "Local Autumn Festival" by Staff Shiho 開催日時 2014 年 9 月 27 日 ( 土 )・28 日 ( 日 )10:00 20:00 おまつりの概要 江戸時代、日本橋から京都をつなぐ東海道五十三 次最初の宿場町として栄えた品川。その伝統と文化 遺産を若い世代に伝え地域の発展と活性をめざす事 を目的として始まったのがこの「しながわ宿場まつ り」です。 毎年 9 月の最終土曜日、日曜日に北品川の「本 通り商店街」 「品川宿場通り商店街」 「青物横丁商店 街」までの約 2Km で実施されます。1990 年から 始まり、今年が 24 回目の開催となります。 タイムスリップをした様な昔風の慣れない装いで 街を闊歩する人たち、賑やかさと楽しさを感じる祭 りです。見どころはやはり「おいらん道中」 のパレー ド、商店街では餅つきや猿回しなどもあり、懐かし い雰囲気です。聖蹟公園では酒と物産展を開催して おり、日本各地の味が楽しめます。終わった後に品 川神社に参拝することもお薦め。 「北番場参道通り」 を見下ろす事が出来ます。 9 月 27 日 ( 土 ) おいらん道中 6:15 - 東海道八ツ山口 品川橋 9 月 28 日 ( 日 ) 江戸風俗行列 & 交通安全パレード 12:00 - 東海道八ツ山口スタート 火渡り荒行・野点 13:30 - 品川寺 森重流砲術鉄砲隊演武 12:30/15:30 荏原神社鎮守橋 まぐろ解体ショー 12:00 - 鉄火丼予約券配布(新馬場商店街牧野前) 14:00 - マグロ解体ショー※鉄火丼 250 円 * The Edo period spanned from from 1603 to 1867, during which the Edo military government ruled. This period is probably the most well-known abroad as what is considered "Traditional Japan". This is when samurai with top knot hair styles and swords ruled the country and everyone wore kimono. TV dramas set in this period are called jidai-geki . Contents On September 27th, the "Oiran* Dochu parade will start at 16:15 near the guest house at Yatsuyama-guchi, near our guest house. The nostalgic atmosphere of this parade makes it one of the highlights of the event. * Oiran were traditional courtesans in the Edo period. The Oiran were considered a type of prostitute, yūjo , "women of pleasure". However, they are distinguished from ordinary yūjo in that they were entertainers, and many became celebrities outside the pleasure districts. Their art and fashions often set trends and, because of this, cultural aspects of Oiran traditions continue to be preserved to this day. On 28th, a parade showcasing traditional clothing, such as kimono and samurai warrior costumes from the Edo period will start at noon near the guest house at Yatsuyama-guchi. Started in 1990, the festival allows you to be swept up in the joy and liveliness of the town's history through people strolling through the city in traditional dress, monkeys performing "saru-mawashi", and pounding boiled rice cakes (mochi-tsuki). You can also enjoy the taste of Japan with local products and liquor for sale in Kita-shinagawa's Seiseki-koen park. We also recommend visiting Shinagawa-jinja shrine for prayer and photo opportunities. Festival Schedule Saturday, 27th Oiran Dochu *parade of people wearing traditional courtesan kimono 16:15 - Yatsuyama-guchi to Shinagawa-bashi bridge along Kyu-tokaido street Sunday, 28th Traditional Clothing Parade *kimono, samurai costumes of Edo Period excellent for your health. Though famous 12:15 - Yatsuyama-guchi to Shinagawa-bashi bridge along Kyu-tokaido street in Kumamoto prefecture, it is easier than Esoteric Buddhism Fire-Walking Asceticism Demonstration ever to find opportunities to try basashi in Tokyo. In recent years, some Kaitenzushi 13:30 - Honsen-ji Temple Traditional Matchlock Gun Demonstration 12:30 - Chinjyu-bashi bridge of Ebara-jinja Shrine (round sushi or train sushi) restaurants Tuna Filleting Demonstration have even begun offering basashi-sushi. 12:00 - Ticket distribution for Tuna rice bowl at Japanese restaurant "Makino" in Shinbamba shopping district. 250 yen. 14:00 - Demonstration If you like it, try Yagi-sashi (goat sashimi) from Okinawa next!!
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