TOKYO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NO NUTS POLICY Because of the significant number of students who suffer life threatening consequences if exposed to nuts, everyone entering the school grounds and buildings are asked not to bring nuts, or foods that contain nuts or traces of nuts. This includes the following ….. Peanuts and tree nuts like….Almond, Artificial Nut, Beech Nut, Brazil Nut, Butternut, Cashew, Chestnut, Chinquapin, Coconut, Filbert, Ginkgo Nut, Hazelnut, Hickory Nut, Litchi/lichee/lychee Nut, Macadamia Nut, Pecan Nut, Pine Nut, Pistachio, Shea Nut, Walnut アーモンド、人工ナッツ、ブナ・ナッツ、ブラジルナッツ、バターナッツ、 カシュー、クリ、チンカピングリ、ココナッツ、ハシバミ、銀杏、ヘーゼル ナッツ、ヒッコリーの実、レイシ/ライチ、マカダミアナッツ、ピーカンナッ ツ、松の実、ピスタチオ、シアバターの実、クルミ The following products contain nuts and/or peanuts: Marzipan/almond Paste, Natural Nut extract, Nut butters, Nut meal, Nut meat, Nut paste, Nut pieces, Pesto, Praline, Beer Nuts, Peanut/Nut Oils, Ground Nuts, Mixed Nuts, Monkey Nuts, Peanut Butter, Peanut Flour, Peanut Protein Hydrolysate マジパン/アーモンド・ペースト、ナチュラルなナッツ、木の実のバター、ナ ッツ食材、ナッツ・ペースト、プラリネ、ビアナッツ、ピーナッツ/落花生油、 落花生、ピーナッツバター Tree nuts are sometimes found in: Black Walnut Hull extract, Natural Nut extract, Nut distillates/Alcohol extracts クログルミ・ナチュラルなナッツ、アルコール Peanuts are sometimes found in: African, Asian and Mexican dishes, Baked goods, Candy, Chili, Egg rolls, Enchilada sauce, satay sauce, curry, Mole sauce, Nougat アフリカ、アジア、メキシコ料理、焼き菓子、キャンディー、チリ、エッグ ロール、エンチラーダ・ソース、サテイ・ソース、カレー、モレソース、ヌ ガーに含まれる Children allergic to nuts can suffer life threatening reactions if they eat nuts, touch the hands of someone who has just eaten nuts or food containing nuts, or the table where someone has eaten nuts, or even touching a door knob used by someone with traces of nuts on their hands. Because we all care about the safety of every child, we are all committed to complying with this policy to protect those at risk. RESPONSES or RESPONSIBILITIES Despite this policy and community wide commitment and caring, we are aware that accidental exposure may still occur. No guarantee of a consistently and totally nut free school environment can be given to parents of allergic children. Consequently we will take the following steps: All parents will make every effort to pack and send safe foods by checking labels and lists of ingredients. Parents will identify a range of safe nut free snacks and foods their children like, and restrict their school day diet to these foods. When unsure about the contents of foods, they will not send it along…’if in doubt, leave it out’ Parents of highly allergic children will inform the school of the specific allergens and recommended emergency plan, and provide at least two epipens for use in emergencies Teachers will check lunch boxes at snack and lunch eating times and remove nuts and foods suspected of containing nuts. This food will be sealed in plastic bags and sent home with a reminder. Teachers will continue to ensure desks are wiped down after eating and children wash hands before and after eating. Teachers, staff and nurses will remain aware of highly allergic children and remain regularly trained in emergency responses to severe reactions like anaphylactic reactions and respond immediately Teachers and staff will also not bring foods containing nuts to eat or use for classroom activities, science experiments or projects. Children will continue to never share food with their classmates. They will know which classmates are severely allergic to nuts and take care to protect them and be ready to call for help if they see their friend having an allergic reaction. Sharing sunscreen or makeup should also be avoided as these could contain traces of nuts. Organizers of special events involving food will make every effort to ensure people attending or contributing will not provide food containing nuts or cook with products containing traces of nuts. Parents of allergic children will provide clearly labeled nut free foods for sale to their own children at Bake Sales etc. All parents will avoid providing birthday treats containing nuts and will check with parents of allergic children. Parents can avoid foods altogether when celebrating birthdays at school by donating a board game or book to the class, inscribed with the birthday boy or girl’s name.
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