w585 x d460 x h670mm w450 x d260 x h440mm w305 x d305 x h430mm w450 x d310 x h430mm w1000 x d340 x h400mm w1000 x d340 x h800mm w624 x d482 x h720mm w383 x d290 x h422mm w396 x d397 x h440mm w550 x d530 x h332mm w1599 x d370 x h259mm w900 x d600 x h450mm (double) w900 x d900 x h700mm (triple) w900 x d1200 x h600mm (quad) w600 x d540 x h700mm w424 x d506 x h807mm w500 x d500 x h460mm w600 x d600 x h395mm w1200 x d1170 x h740mm w350 x d350 x h1720mm A NEW STANDARD IN JAPANESE FURNITURE MAKING. KARIMOKU FURNITURE INC. Karimoku, manufacturer of wood furniture for 70 years, teamed with Creative The history of Karimoku, Japan's leading manufacturer of wooden furniture, Director Teruhiro Yanagihara in 2009 to launch KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD. started as a small woodworking shop in Kariya, Aichi Prefecture in 1940 by Born out of a collaboration of up- and-coming international design talents, Shohei Kato took over a timber company that already existed in Edo Period. this collection features innovative, versatile objects that blend into your indi- Wood processing, surface treatment and colouring technologies had been vidual living environment to find a place in your daily life. accumulated through the subcontracting of various wooden parts in the by mid-1900's: yarn spinning machines that supported Japan's postwar reconThe products of KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD are essentially made of the solid struction in the 40's; sewing machine tables, piano parts and TV stands with Japanese hardwoods maple, chestnut and oak. In an attempt to preserve and wooden legs in the 50's; and the company's long sought after original furni- revitalize Japanese forests and resume a balance with the local industry, the hardwood used is gained from low-diameter trees that have previously remained significantly underused, ending up mostly as wood chips for paper pulp. Karimoku’s tradition derives from a deep understanding of craftsmanship, bound together with innovative technologies to build furniture that meets the highest requirements of quality and sustainability. The items of KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD are made to last and become invaluable to their owners. ture for the domestic market in the early 60's. Since then, Karimoku has focused on the pursuit of its original concept of "high-tech and high-touch" products by establishing bases in timber production areas. Karimoku has a large and reliable supply of materials and large-scale advanced facilities that display craftmen's techniques to the greatest possible extend. Furthermore, the company also put in place a nationwide system for wholesale and after-sale product care services. Thus, Karimoku has developed a unique and unparalleled system spanning the procurement of materials, production and sales within one company. Karimoku also aims to contribute to improving people's lives by meeting challenges presented by environmental issues. This is evidenced in Karimoku's over 30-year history in the reforming and utilization of "parawood", a product derived from rubber trees after its use in latex production. The Karimoku Group includes 4 material factories, 5 manufacturing companies with 7 factories, Showroom Address Phone Website Email Facebook Opening Hour Rm 1403, Wah Yiu Industrial Centre, 30-32 Au Pui Wan Street. Shatin, N.T. +852 23696008 http://www.outofstock.com.hk [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/outofstockhk Mon-Sat: 12:00~18:00 Sun, Public Holiday: 14:00~18:00 k chair sleeping sofa dining chair K チェア スリー ピ ング ソ ファ ア ー ム レ ス ダ イ ニ ング チェア w 6 45 w 13 30 d70 0 d70 0 h 70 0 h 70 0 sh 370 sh 370 (one seater) w2 0 3 0 d 770 h730 s h 365 (two seater) w 490 d 560 h 780 s h 430 w 520 d 580 h 780 s h 430 (armless) cafe chair (mini) カ フェ チェア d6 0 0 h720 s h 380 h4 3 0 s h2 3 0 w4 5 5 d4 2 5 armle ss dining chair II w3 9 0 w 510 lobby chair d 78 0 d 520 h 740 Care Instructions ス タッ キ ング ス ツ ー ル s h 425 w470 d 415 h445 Wood For regular care, please wipe the surface lightly with a soft dust cloth. If the surface shows dirt, simply soak a dust cloth in a diluted cleaning solution (one part mild detergent to 300 or 400 parts of lukewarm water), and squeeze hard to remove excess moisture. After wiping with damp cloth, repeat with a soft dry one. (Special note: Please do not use a chemically treated dust cloth that might be abrasive and take off the veneer.) sh435 frame chair ロ ビ ー チェア w 75 0 stacking sto ol ア ー ム レ ス ダ イ ニ ング チェア I I カ フェ チェア h 73 0 (one seater) sh 3 8 0 w6 9 0 d78 0 h770 (one seater) s h 410 w 1800 d 780 h 770 s h 410 Synthetic leather Please use the same basic care as for wood surfaces. (three seater) Moquette and fabric Basic care is same as for synthetic leather, but brushing with a soft brush or regular vacuuming to remove dust is also required. Please wipe the moquette fabric in the direction of the nap w 12 40 d78 0 h 73 0 sh 3 9 0 (two seater) オット マ ン d chair カ フェ チェア w 174 0 d78 0 h 73 0 sh 3 9 0 Caution Colors may fade if placed in direct sunlight and near air conditioning outlets. Use in humid conditions may cause mold to form. ottoman (three seater) w6 2 0 d6 0 0 w 450 h6 9 5 d 450 h 350 Catalog Contents s h 405 š 3OHDVHEHIRUHZDUQHGWKDWZRRGSURGXFWVRIWKHVDPHGHVLJQPD\GLijHUVOLJKWO\LQJUDLQDQGFRORU tone due to differences in natural wood materials. š $FWXDOSURGXFWFRORUDQGTXDOLW\IHHOLQJPD\YDU\IURPDGYHUWLVHGSURGXFWVVKRZQLQWKHFDWDORJ due to printing convenience. š 3URGXFWVFKDQJHVLPSURYHPHQWVDQGFDQFHOODWLRQVPD\EHPDGHDWDQ\WLPHLQWKHIXWXUH without prior notice. š 6L]HVDUHH[SUHVVHGLQPLOOLPHWHUV low table cafe table side table side b o ard side b o ard small cup b o ard cor ner b o ard tv b o ard ロ ー テ ーブ ル カ フェ テ ー ブ ル サ イド テ ー ブ ル サ イド ボ ード サ イド ボ ード ( 小 ) カ ップ ボ ード コ ー ナ ー ボ ード T V ボ ード w9 00 d 5 97 h380 w700 d600 h600 w5 9 5 d400 h4 8 0 w18 0 0 d450 h800 w 1204 d 450 h 800 w 890 d 450 h 1100 w 840 d 840 h 400 w12 0 0 d380 h400 d table living table living table low b o ard writing che st glass top cabinet de sk magazine rack mir ror mir ror D テ ーブ ル テ ーブ ル ( 小 ) テ ーブ ル ( 大 ) ロ ー ボ ード ラ イ ティング チェスト ガ ラ ストップ キャ ビ ネ ット デ ス ク( 組 み 立 て 式 ) マ ガ ジ ン ラック メ ー キャップ ミラ ー ス タ ンド ミラ ー w 790 w 690 w 900 w3 0 0 w6 0 0 w 10 00 d8 0 0 h 6 2 0 -6 6 0 w900 d430 h480 w119 0 dining table d800 h 70 0 h4 8 0 w15 0 0 w 1300 d800 h700 w1500 d800 h70 0 d400 h450 d 400 h 1082 d 400 h 1800 d 550 h 675 w 489 d 256 h 436 shelf che st cabinet op en top cabinet cushion half cushion シェ ル フ チェスト キャ ビ ネ ット オ ー プ ントップ キャ ビ ネ ット クッション ハ ー フクッション w 690 w 400 w 500 w70 0 ダ イ ニ ング テ ー ブ ル w8 00 d567 d300 h1100 w 310 d 550 h 675 w 690 d 400 h 870 d 400 h 1800 d 400 d 30 0 d32 h300 d30 h 15 0 0 Yesterday and tomorrow are always reflected in today's world. Thus,"Karimoku 60+" furniture series draws inspiration from timeless,borderless good design for classic styling that is ever fresh,from past,to present,to future. See the Karimoku brand of imagination.Ever new.
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