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Diabetes, Lipids, and Atherosclerosis Seminar
Henry N. Ginsberg, M.D.
Irving Professor of Medicine
Director of Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Columbia University, NY, USA
"How autophagy protects the liver from
steatosis when apoB synthesis and VLDL
secretion are inhibited"
9 月 11 日(木)
センター 金沢大学附属病院 4 階
Henry N. Ginsberg, MD is the Principal Investigator of one of
the first 12 NIH–funded Clinical Translational Science
Awards (CTSA). In addition to the CTSA grant, Dr. Ginsberg
is a principal investigator on two R01 research grants from
the NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. He was
also the co-principal investigator at Columbia on the
ACCORD Trial and was the lead author on the ACCORD Lipid
study published in the NEJM.
His research interests have focused on the regulation of
plasma cholesterol and triglyceride blood levels, particularly
the metabolism of apolipoprotein B (apoB)–containing
lipoproteins in cells, mice, and humans. Much of his present work focuses on the
interaction between insulin resistance, increased secretion of very low-density
lipoproteins (VLDL) by the liver, and hepatic steatosis.
Publications: Circ Res Feb 2014; Curr Opin Lipidol Dec 2013; Nat Med Aug 2013;
Diabetes Care Feb 2013; Diabetes Care May 2012; ATVB Feb 2012; JCI May 2012; J
Lipid Res Sep 2011; Circulation May 2011; N Engl J Med Mar 2011; N Engl J Med Apr
2010; Diabetes Apr 2010; Cell Metab Feb 2008; JCI Jan 2008; JBC Dec 2006; J Clin
Endocrinol Metab Feb 2006; Gastroenterology Apr 2006; Cell Metab Sep 2006
主催/金沢大学 脳・肝インターフェースメディシン研究センター 後援/金沢大学十全医学会
医学類メディカルリサーチトレーニング(MRT)プログラム/専攻共通 Up-to-Date セミナー
問い合わせ先:脳・肝インターフェースメディシン研究センター 太田嗣人
076-265-2863/[email protected]