教員の公募(教授) 東京工業大学 大学院社会理工学

東京工業大学 大学院社会理工学研究科 経営工学専攻
技術構造分析講座 科学社会連関分野 教授
1.公募人員 教授1名
2.所属 大学院社会理工学研究科 経営工学専攻
3.専門分野 科学概論(科学史、科学技術社会(STS)論を含む)
4.職務内容 学部の全学科目の教育(科学概論など),経営工学専攻の教育および研究
5.着任時期 平成26年8月以降
6.任期 なし(本学の定年は65歳)
7.応募資格 博士の学位を有すること.
○履歴書(e-mail address を記入.受賞歴を含む)
○研究と教育に関する業績の説明 (A4サイズ2頁以内)
○照会可能者 2 名の氏名と連絡先(外国人を含んでもよい)
9.応募締切 平成26年5月1日(木)必着
10.応募書類送付先及び問い合わせ先 〒152-8552 目黒区大岡山2-12-1,W9-56
東京工業大学 大学院社会理工学研究科 経営工学専攻
専攻長 中島秀人
電話 : 03-5734-2245 (専攻事務室)
e-mail:[email protected]
封筒に「東京工業大学 大学院社会理工学研究科 経営工学専攻 技術構造分析講座 教授応
募書類は返却しない.論文,著作については,電子化が容易に可能なものは,CD もしくは
DVD 化して紙媒体とともに同封することが望ましい.
Call for Application: Faculty Position Professor
History and Social Studies of Science, Division of History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of
1. Position: Professor
2. Department: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
3. Research field: Science studies including history of science, science and technology
studies (STS)
4. Teaching obligation: science studies and related subjects for undergraduate students,
and other advanced subjects for graduate students of the Department
5. Starting date: August 2014 or later
6. Rank: full-time (tenured). The retirement age of the institute is sixty five.
7. Qualification: Ph. D. or doctoral degree is required.
The Tokyo Institute of Technology encourages applications of women and foreigners.
8. Application materials:
(1) Curriculum vitae with email and postal addresses, education, professional career,
activity in academic societies, and prizes or awards. Specify refereed (peer-reviewed) or
non-refereed papers.
(2) Offprints or copies of no more than five significant articles and books
(3) Summary of past research and teaching activities (A4 two pages)
(4) Future plan of research and teaching (A4 two pages)
(5) Names of two referees with their email addresses
9. Deadline for the application: 1 May 2014
10. Mailing address for the application and inquiries:
Hideto Nakajima, Head of the Department
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
W9-56, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5734-2245 (Secretary)
Email: [email protected]
11. Notice: Applicants must write “Application documents for faculty position” in red on
the front page of the envelope. Applicants should send the application documents by
post mail or express shipping service. We do not accept the applications by email or
internet file attachment. The application materials except books will not be returned.
When you post offprints or articles or copies of books, it is preferable to enclose them as
digital data on a CD or on a DVD disc together with paper printed versions, if you can
easily digitize them.