Day, Time # ID 18 3394 2014/10/7(火) 昼 2014/10/7(火) 夜 2014/10/7(火) 夜 2014/10/8(水) 夜 2014/10/8(水) 夜 21 3157 30 3405 Time/Room* Organizers 主催:国立農業科学院(韓国), 農村振 伝統的農業と生物多様性 Hall G, Room 1 - Marie 興庁(韓国), 国連大学高等研究所、 Under the theme of “Traditional Agricultural Systems and Biological Diversity,” discussions at the Khan Women’s Caucus 共催:石川県、国連食糧農業機関 workshop will focus on how the conservation of traditional agricultural systems can play a major role in Room activating the conservation of biodiversity and contribute to the COP12 goal and theme of "Biological diversity for sustainable development." In particular, emphasis will be placed on the contribution of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) to the conservation of biological diversity. Moreover, best practices and experiences of local governments in Korea and Japan designated as GIAHS sites will be shared. The event will be attended by speakers from Korea’s National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), United Nations University (UNU), and Food and Agriculture Organization 国連生物多様性の10年市民ネット 18:15 - 19:45 愛知ターゲット6&7の達成に向けて : ステークホルダーの協働によるグリーン経済構築の試み Hall B, Room 2 - ILCs ワーク (変更後の企画書参照) meeting room 18:15 - 19:45 韓国CBD市民ネットワーク/ コウノトリ 環境大学(韓国), YESANコウノトリ公 園 43 3197 WWFインターナショナル・ジャパン・中 国、韓国海洋科学技術院, 遼寧省, 国 Hall B, Room 3 JUSCANZ Meeting room 連開発計画/地球環境ファシリティ 黄 海巨大海洋生態系プロジェクト Hall F, Room 3 - IGOs Meeting Room 18:15 - 19:45 韓国・日本てのコウノトリ再導入に関するフォーラム Present the process of reintroducing oriental stork in Korea and Japan; Discuss the future directions of bilateral cooperation between Korea and Japan. 黄海エコリージョン – 黄海の生物多様性のための戦略的協働 The event links to the Aichi CBD Target 11. The YSESP on-the-ground activities were implemented in Muan Tidal Flat Wetland Protection Area, Korea and Yalu River Estuary Coastal Wetland Natural Reserve, China. Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) and Community Based Management (CBM) approach were applied respectively in Yalu and Muan as a management option for the YSE biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use. The methodology, achievement and lessons of the YSESP 51 3406 韓国CBD市民ネットワーク / 韓国湿 韓国・日本の湿地の生物多様性の現状 18:15 - 19:45 Hall D, Room 3 - African 地NGOネットワーク、ラムサールネット Korea Wetland NGO Network and Japan Ramsar Network host annual forum which presents the status of wetland biodiversity and relevant issues occurring in both countries. Group, G77 and China ワークジャパン Meeting Room ラムサールネットワークジャパン 66 3287 18:15 - 19:45 沖縄(日本)およびチェジュ(韓国)での軍事基地建設による島嶼生態系への脅威 Hall D, Room 2 GRULAC Meeting Room 2014/10/9(木) 夜 67 3288 2014/10/9(木) 夜 Theme 13:15 - 14:45 18:15 - 19:45 Hall F, Room 3 - IGOs Meeting Room 環境省(日本) The theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity 2014 was "Island Biodiversity". Islands and their surrounding sea has often unique ecosystem connected to rivers and forests. They are rich in biodiversity, endemic and endangered species/subspecies. However, in islands and their coastal area, many kinds of development projects such as ports, sea dikes, and others are carried out and natural environments are largely changed and biodiversity also reduced. In Okinawa Island of Japan, the Japanese government promotes a plan to landfill the shallow water of coral reefs and sea-grass beds in Henoko and Oura Bay, to build a new military airbase for the United States Marine Corps. This area is rich in biodiversity and an important feeding habitat of dugong, which is one of the most endangered mammals in Japan. In Takae of Higashi Village not far from Henoko, trees in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest is partially cut down for the construction of six military helipads and connecting roads for the USMC The forest called Yambaru is a very important habitat for many endemic species アジア太平洋生物多様性観測ネットワークおよびその生物多様性条約およびIPBESへの貢献 Since 2009, Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network, a regional network of GEO BON, has been developed to gather and share information of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In this event, the achievements of this network, including the success of Korean BON and the application of the GEO BON framework, will be introduced. The contribution of AP BON for achieving Aichi Targets and ti IPBES t ill l b di d 1 Day, Time # ID 74 3393 2014/10/9(木) 夜 2014/10/10(金 ) 昼 2014/10/10(金 ) 昼 Organizers Theme ECO-HORIZON大学(韓国), 九州大 海は生物多様性および持続的な生活とつながっている People who have, for many generations, depended on ocean systems-that is, "Sea people"-tend to Hall D, Room 3 - African 学(海民ネットワーク), チェジュ大学 Group, G77 and China (アジア太平洋海洋文化センター) perceive the world on a wider range of spatial/temporal scales than those who settled on a fixed area Meeting Room of land. The so-called "people of the sea" living in the coastal areas of the Asia-Pacific region share traditional methods of fishing, navigation, home construction, and other customs that have spread throughout places they came to live in while traveling and migrating across the sea. However, things have changed due to modernization and economic growth, and changes in lifestyle and ecosystem, together with dwindling fisheries and other factors, have led to deterioration in fisheries and fishing villages where the population is declining and aging: No country in the regions is free from these issues. If these trends continue, we will lose valuable cultural experiences; communities in the region will begin to fall apart; we will no longer be able to live in harmony with the marine ecosystem. The aim of this workshop is to track down the paths of the people of the sea changes in the nature and 78 3265 国際自然保護連合 (IUCN) アジア地 愛知ターゲット11に向けて – IUCN/UNEP-WCMCの地球規模生物多様性評価の結果およびアジアでの進捗 13:15 - 14:45 Hall G, Room 2 - Youth 域オフィス、国連環境計画-世界保全 This event will profile the work of IUCN and its partners to help move toward Aichi Target 11. モニタリングセンター (UNEPMeeting Room Preliminary results from the Protected Planet-Asia report - the first regional report of its kind - will be WCMC) 、環境省(日本), IUCN世界 presented. Prepared by UNEP-WCMC and IUCN, the report includes the latest information on protected 保護区委員会、国立社会環境総合セ area coverage, management, and governance in 24 countries in Asia, and relates this information to ンター progress in achieving Aichi Target 11. This side event will also profile the evidence for what make protected areas effective, on land and sea, in conserving biodiversity, compiled by the IUCN Joint Task of the World Commission on Protected Areas and the Species Survival Commission. Despite all countries using protected areas as the fundamental tool for conserving nature, there are still questions and arguments about whether or not protected areas are effective in conserving biodiversity We 84 3407 13:15 - 14:45 韓国CBD市民ネットワーク / 国連生 日韓市民公開フォーラム 放射能:生物多様性への新しい脅威 物多様性の10年市民ネットワーク Hall B, Room 3 Co-sponsored by Korea and Japan, the civil society open forum deals with the issue of ‘Biological 18:15 - 19:45 JUSCANZ Meeting room 85 3141 18:15 - 19:45 Hall B, Room 2 - ILCs meeting room 2014/10/10(金 ) 夜 107 3371 2014/10/13(月 ) 昼 Time/Room* 13:15 - 14:45 Hall G, Room 2 - Youth Meeting Room Diversity and Radiation.’ It would be a good opportunity to discuss the current and potential impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and seek for multilateral countermeasures 日本自然保護協会、海洋生物多様性 沿岸環境のTHE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING COASTAL ENVIRONMENT GRADIENTS ~HOW ネットワーク日本, 水辺に遊ぶ会, 海 CAN WE ATTAIN MARINE AICHI TARGETS ~ The Japanese NGOs in marine fields(Marine and Coastal Biodiversity network-Japan, Nakatsu 民ネットワーク, 表浜ネットワーク Waterfront Conservation Association, Kaimin Network, NPO Omotehama network, and Nature Conservation Society of Japan) would like to hold a side event for information exchange of status of coastal areas of Japan and other countries. Each NGO would give a presentation on case studies of activities of protecting tidal flat, beach and coral reefs. We, from the point of view of a citizens and scientists, also would like to do evaluation of conservation status of each regions and countries, checking if the current status meet the requirement of Aichi targets. Especially focusing on target 10 企業と生物多様性イニシアティブ 都市における生物多様性および生態系の回復への企業の貢献:日本の事例紹介 Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB) has been eagerly working in every aspect of business operations to reduce impacts by business to biodiversity and ecosystem. Furthermore, its member companies are now trying to recover once-lost biodiversity and ecosystems within cities and factories by preparing biodiversity enhancing guidelines and certification system. We would like to share such i f J 2 Day, Time # ID 114 3214 Time/Room* 18:15 - 19:45 Organizers サラヤ株式会社 Hall B, Room 1 - NGOs meeting room 2014/10/13(月 ) 夜 132 3378 2014/10/14(火 ) 昼 13:15 - 14:45 Hall F, Room 1 Business Meeting Room 149 3111 13:15 - 14:45 東アジア植物保全ネットワーク (韓国 国立植物園、森林総合研究所(日 本)、他) 東京都 Hall C, Room 1 - CEE Meeting Room 2014/10/15(水 ) 昼 150 3113 13:15 - 14:45 Hall F, Room 2 - LMMC Meeting Room 2014/10/15(水 ) 昼 愛知県 Theme ボルネオゾウ保護区の実現 In October 2013, The Borneo Elephant Sanctuary held its inaugural opening in Sabah Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It was built through the efforts and collaboration among several companies, the Asahiyama Zoo in Japan, BCT, and BCT Japan. Each party has played different roles and the project to realize the opening of the sanctuary. This symposium event aims to inform the audience how this project has been realized by building bridges between different parties, especially the business sector and NPOs. It also aims to share our future vision and the various tasks that are needed to be done in order to protect and maintain the mega biodiversity in Sabah, Borneo. The Borneo Conservation Trust was founded in 2006 in Sabah Malaysia. It was established through collaboration between the business sector and the Sabah Wildlife Department to expand wildlife conservation along the Kinabatangan River. At that time, palm plantations had expanded through much of the rainforest, endangering the habitat This has a great affect on the local wildlife including orangutans and Borneo elephants Later STRENGTHENING REGIONAL BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES IN EAST ASIA FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GSPC 2020 Conserving biodiversity and guaranteeing its sustainable use in the East Asian region require the creation and operation of an institutional network that can perform collaborative research and conservation activities. Therefore, 8 institutions from 5 countries of Korea, China(Taiwan), Japan, Russia and Mongolia need to build the Biodiversity Conservation Network as a base in East Asia URBAN CITIES; HOW TO CONSERVE AND CREATE BIODIVERSITY IN URBAN METROPOLISES ICLEI&TOKYO METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT The demand for land in large urban metropolises is exponentially increasing as more people move to urban areas, creating new challenges for biodiversity conservation, which is inextricably linked to human well-being. The way cities develop influences natural ecosystems and the distribution of ecosystem services, the free benefits that nature provides, among different groups in society. Green areas have shown to provide a variety of important ecosystem goods and services that improve citizens with a better quality of life. What are cities already doing for biodiversity and how can their full potential be unlocked? By drawing from a series of cities’ experiences and best practices, Urban Cities; How to Conserve and Create Biodiversity in urban metropolises will explore the local and urban dimensions of nature conservation, reflecting on the importance of cities as implementing agents of the Convention and proposing new ways forward. 2 Draft Program 1.Brief introduction: •ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center: The Local Action for Biodiversity Program and the Urban Biosphere Initiative TOWARD ACHIEVING AICHI BIODIVERSITY TARGETS BY 2020 ~ CONTRIBUTION OF SUBNATIONAL GOVERNMENTS The Aichi Biodiversity Targets are 20 ambitious goals that make up part of the CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the parties in Nagoya, Aichi prefecture in 2010. The targets provide a framework for action for all stakeholders, including sub-national and local governments, to protect biodiversity and enhance its benefits for people. Alongside National Governments, Sub-National and Local Governments play a critical role in conserving biodiversity and ecosystems. Subnational governments therefore have an important role to play towards reaching the Aichi Targets globally, through the implementation of plans and policies, and through providing guidance and mechanisms to link cities within regions, and protect biodiversity strategically. This event, called for by Mr.Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi prefecture will show case the experiences of leading sub-national governments around the world and discuss how they could strengthen their activities together with 3
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